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VIII. Explain the meaning of the following idioms and proverbs and use them in the sentences or situations of your own.

Читайте также:
  1. Answer the following questions
  2. Answer the following questions
  3. Answer the following questions.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. B) Look at the sentences taken from the calendar. Fill in the gaps with the words above and answer the questions that follow.
  6. Chap. xxviii. Of the Composition and Harmony of the humane soul.
  7. Chap. xxxviii. Of the Images of Saturn.

1. to be the very picture of one’s (father…)

2. to be a character.

3. Marriages are made in heaven.

4. to be in apple-pie order.

5. to be well to do.

6. to be on (off) the air.

7. to be light (difficult) reading.

8. to be a best-seller (a best-selling author).

9. to be off one's travels.

10. the world is a small place.


ДІЄСЛОВО“to have”. (The verb“to have”)
Present Indefinite
повні форми короткі форми запитальні форми заперечні повні форми заперечні короткі форми альтернативні заперечні короткі форми
full forms short forms interrogative forms negative full forms negative short forms alternative negative short forms
I have I’ve Have I? I have not I haven’t I’ve not
you have you’ve Have you? you have not you haven’t you’ve not
he has he’s Has he? he has not he hasn’t he’s not
she has she’s Has she? she has not she hasn’t she’s not
it has it’s Has it? it has not it hasn’t it’s not
we have we’ve Have we? we have not we haven’t we’ve not
they have they’ve Have they? they have not they haven’t they’ve not
* Короткі форми ‘ve,’sне вживаються, коли to have виступає в ролі повнозначного дієслова e.g. I have a shower every morning.
Past Indefinite
повні форми короткі заперечні форми питальні форми заперечні повні форми
full forms negative short forms interrogative forms negative full forms
I had I hadn’t Had I? I had not
you had you hadn’t Had you? you had not
he had he hadn’t Had he? he had not
she had she hadn’t Had she? she had not
it had it hadn’t Had it? it had not
we had we hadn’t Had we? we had not
they had they hadn’t Had they? they had not
Future Indefinite  
повні форми короткі форми запитальні форми заперечні повні форми  
full forms short forms interrogative forms negative full forms  
I shall/will have I’ll have Shall/will I have? I shall/will not have  
we shall/will have we’ll have Shall/will we have? we shall/will not have  
he will have he’ll have Will he have? he will not have  
she will have she’ll have Will she have? she will not have  
it will have it’ll have Will it have? it will not have  
you will have you’ll have Will you have? you will not have  
they will have they’ll have Will they have? they will not have  



Функції дієслова to have
І. Як повнозначне дієслово to have вживається зі значеннями:
мати, володіти
I have a good library. У мене є хороша бібліотека.
Не had a lot of friends. Він мав багато друзів.
We shall soon have a new flat. Незабаром у нас буде нова квартира.
Has he got a good dictionary? Чи є у нього хороший словник?
II. Як допоміжне дієслово to have вживається для утворення всіх часів групи Perfect.
I have seen the new building of our university. Я бачив нове приміщення нашого університету.
I had finished this work by six о'clock. Я закінчила цю роботу до шостої години.
III. Як модальне дієслово to have вживається в сполученні з інфінітивом та часткою to для вираження необхідності виконати дію в силу певних обставин.
1 have to get up early on Mondays. Мені доводиться (мені потрібно) вставати рано по понеділках.
They had to go there. їм довелось (їм треба було, вони повинні були) піти туди.
He will have to do it. Йому доведеться (йому потрібно буде, він повинен буде) зробити це.
IV. У сполученні з деякими іменниками дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення мати, володіти і стає єдиним поняттям з іменником, означаючи тільки дію.
to have breakfast снідати
to have dinner обідати  
to have supper вечеряти
to have a party влаштувати вечірку
to have a rest відпочивати
to have a talk поговорити
to have а chat (with someone) погомоніти
to have а walk погуляти
to have a good/nice time добре провести час
to have a look (at something) подивитись
to have a swim поплавати
to have a wash помитися
to have a bath прийняти ванну
to have a shower прийняти душ
to have а cigarette запалити цигарку
to have a baby народити дитину
to have a try спробувати

Дата добавления: 2015-08-18; просмотров: 94 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Займенник | VI. Complete the dialogue using personal pronouns. | VI. Complete the following dialogue. | V. Fill in the missing replies or questions | VI. . Complete the dialogue. Use indefinite pronouns. | IX. Translate into English. | IV. Choose the correct alternative. | Go in, fall off, run away etc. | Got got look looked rode sat turned went | Оrdinal numerals |
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IX. Correct the mistakes.| Прийменники часу

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