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Amazing Aloe Vera

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A. Among the thousands of known healing plants, there is one in particular that stands above the rest because of its wide ranging and incredible characteristics. Across the world it is known by many different names including Heaven`s Blessing, Medicine Plant, Healing Plant, Wand of Heaven, Wonder Plant and even Silent Healer. Most people, hovewer, know it best by its Latin name, Aloe Vera, which simply means `The True Aloe`.

B. So what exactly is Aloe Vera? Officially it is recognised by botanists as a “succulent” belonging to the lily family of flowering plants, which also includes onions and garlic. However, aloe is itself classified as a sub-species which includes around 300 plants. A small minority of the Aloe family are poisonous but the majority are completely non-toxic. Four specifically identified Aloes are known to contain medicinal benefits. Of these four plants one, Aloe Barbadensis Miller, is especially blessed with medicinal properties.

С. Over the centuries the Aloe has spread its way across the world finding root wherever there is a warm, arid environment. Aloe does not grow well in temperate latitudes and is rarely found in cold or wet regions. These plants prefer hot, dry, desert-like conditions. The Aloe`s greatest enemy is frost.

D. The ancient Egyptians knew about Aloe`s amazing healing powers. The Romans and ancient Greeks also viewed Aloe as a “miracle plant”. Records show that Alexander the Great used the extraordinary healing powers of Aloe Vera to help heal the battle wounds of his army. Records from ancient China, India and Babylon also describe the healing properties of this extraordinary plant.

E. It was not until the 1850s that modern science showed any interest in the plant`s properties and potential medicinal uses. Since then, scientists and physicians have continued to study Aloe in great depth..As a result, new applications for its curative properties are still being discovered. The medical and beauty industries today view Aloe Vera as a truly organic and natural product that simply helps improve wellbeing. As a result, Aloe Vera is an essential ingredient to many shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants, skin care products, slimming supplements, fitness foods, cosmetics and drinks. Many people claim that using Aloe Vera significantly improves their overall health, vitality and fitness. In particular, Aloe Vera helps relieve digestive problems and skin disorders naturally where other manufactured drugs often fail.

F. But take care to read the label of health products carefully if you want to gain the true benefits of Aloe Vera for yourself! Many products use Aloe as a way to promote their health-giving goodness. But quite a few of these use quantities of Aloe that are too small to make any difference to the user. Aloe-based products that you can rely on are certified by the “International Aloe Science Council”. This organisation`s seal of approval on a label means you are buying the real thing.

G. So where do the amazing medicinal properties of Aloe Vera come from? The answer lies inside the fleshy leaves where the plant secrets and stores a mixture of gel and sap. The outer skin of the leaves has little value. But the gel inside contains some 75 natural ingredients that provide almost all the essential nutrients and minerals required by a healthy human body. The Aloe sap also has incredible restorative effects on human skin. Aloe sap protects skin against sun burn (because it helps block out ultraviolet light), many toxins and, by providing a non-toxic balm, helps promote rapid new cell growth in the skin to aid recovery from cuts, burns and abrasions.

H. Despite these inner powers, the Aloe plant actually looks like nothing special. The Aloe grows wild in desert regions where it matures over four years to reach a height of around half a metre. But as a plant grows it develops its marvellous inner gel to give humankind one of the most powerful natural remedies found anywhere on the planet. No wonder that pharmaceutical companies today join the healers of the ancient world in truly recognising Aloe Vera as the “True” Aloe indeed.


Завдання до тексту “Amazing Aloe Vera”

61. Виберіть заголовок, який відповідає змісту абзаца Ж:

а) Plant`s appearance b) Aloe Vera`s medicinal effect c) From the history of the plant

d) Aloe as a sub-species e) Why do we join the healers of the ancient world

62. Виберіть речення, яке відповідає змісту текста:

а) Many ancient cultures describe Aloe`s amazing curative properties

b) Leaves are the part of the plant which can be used in medicine

c) This plant is found throughout Europe and Siberia

d) As a result, new applications for its curative properties are still being discovered.

e) During the latest period it has decreased in number

63. Виберіть речення, яке не відповідає змісту текста:

а) Four specially identified Aloe`s are known to contain medical benefits

b) The outer skin of the leaves has little value

c) The leaves of the plant are 5-12 cm long, and grow in pairs

d) These plants prefer hot, dry, desert-like conditions

e) Despite these inner powers, the Aloe plant looks like nothing special

64. Виберіть правильну відповідь на запитання:

What conditions do these plants prefer?

а) full sun b) a little shade c) a good strong loam rich in humus

d) hot, dry, desert-like conditions e) a neutral or alkaline soil

65. Виберіть правильну відповідь на запитання:

What do natural ingredients of the gel inside provide?

а) polyunsaturated fatty acids b) all the essential nutrients and minerals c) iron and potassium

d) important inorganic compounds e) food additives

66. Виберіть правильну відповідь на запитання:

How does Aloe sap act?

а) It is a powerful agent in preventing infectious diseases b) it is useful in all respiratory infections

c) it releives pain and promotes sleep d) it is an excellent nerve tonic

e) it protects skin against sunburn, many toxins, helps promote rapid new cells growth in the skin, etc.

67. Виберіть відповідне знaчення до підкресленого слова:

It was notuntil 1850-s that modern science showed any interest in the plant`s properties and potential medicinal uses.

а) concerned with doing things and real situations, rather than ideas or studying

b) very strong and having a lot of force c) liked by a lot of people

d) making you happy and satisfied e) having the possibility of becoming useful or very good in the future.

68. Виберіть відповідне значення до підкресленого слова:

Four specially identified Aloes are known to contain medicinal benefits

а) developments in a particular way b) money that companies earn by selling medical preparations

c) activities or ways of doing things d) good things about it that will make your life better in some way

e) forms of medical preparations

69. Виберіть відповідне значення до підкресленого слова:

Officially it is recognized by botanists as a “ succulent” belonging to the lily family of flowering plants which also includes onions and garlic.

а) juice-producing plant b) healing plant c) poisonous plant

d) excellent source of vitamin C e) rich in protective oil

70. Виберіть відповідне значення до підкресленого слова:

As a result, Aloe Vera is an essential ingredient to many shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants, skin care products, slimming supplements, fitness foods, cosmetics and drinks.

а) additives for gaining weight b) food additives c) essential additives

d) additives for losing weight e) substances providing fullness

71. Виберіть правильний варіант:

Since then, scientists and physicians have continued to study Aloe....

а) thoroughly b) in great depth c) a great while d) under microscope e) scientifically

72. Виберіть правильний варіант:

Аncient people considered Aloe as a “... “.

а) wonder plant b) garden weed c) family plant d) soothing remedy e) miracle plant

73. Виберіть правильний варіант:

The answer lies inside the... where the plant secrets and stores a mixture of gel and sap.

а) red fruits b) little stickers c) fleshy leaves d) green skin e) white seeds

74. The Aloe... in desert regions where it matures over four years to reach a height of around half a metre.

а) opens between April and October b) grows wild c) grows a flush

d) produces no flush e) grows as high as

75.Aloe sap... skin against sun burn (because it helps block out ultraviolet light).

а) pervades b) protects c) points d) ploughs e) plugs


Дата добавления: 2015-08-18; просмотров: 78 | Нарушение авторских прав

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