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Модуль 5

Читайте также:
  1. до модульної контрольної роботи №1
  2. Змістовий модуль 3
  3. Змістовий практичний модуль
  4. Мастер-класс Оригами модульное: Радужный лебедь Бумага
  5. МОДУЛЬ 1
  6. МОДУЛЬ 1

5.1. Прочитайте следующие слова: academy [q'kxdqmI]; amplifier ['xmplIfaIq]; announcement [q'naVnsmqnt]; apparatus ["xpq'reItqs]; award [q'wO:d]; California ["kxlI'fO:nIq]; certain ['sWtn]; chemically ['kemIk(q)lI]; circuit ['sWkIt]; Colorado ["kPlq'rQ:dqV]; component [kqm'pqVnqnt]; Dallas ['dxlqs]; decade ['dekeId]; develop [dI'velqp]; device [dI'vaIs]; era ['Iqrq]; frequency ['fri:kwqnsI]; Göttingen ['gWtINqn]; heterostructure ["het(q)rq(V)'strAktSq]; Kilby ['kIlbI]; laboratory [lq'bPrqtrI/ 'lxbrq"tLrI AmE ]; laser ['leIzq]; microchip ['maIkrqV"tSIp]; miniaturize ['mInItSqraIz]; Nobel [nqV'bel]; Princeton ['prInstqn]; requirement [rI'kwaIqmqnt]; Santa Barbara ["sxntq'bQ:b(q)rq]; St. Petersburg [s(q)n(t)'pi:tqzbWg]; superior [s(j)u:- 'pIqrIq]; Swedish ['swi:dIS]; Texas ['teksqs].

5.2. Обратите внимание на то, что в однокорневых словах уда-рение может падать на разные слоги: apply [q'plaI]– applied [q'plaId] – applicable [q'plIkqb(q)l] –" appli ' cation; associate [q'sqVsIeIt/ q'sqVSIeIt] – association [q"sqVsI'eIS(q)n/ q"sqVSI'eIS(q)n] – associative [q'sqVSIqtIv/ q'sqVsIqtIv]; 'charactercharacterize ['kxrIktqraIz] –" characte ' ristic; calculate ['kxlkjVleIt] – "calcu'lation; 'dem-onstratede'monstrative – " demon'stration; e ' lectrice'lectricallye " lect ' ricity; e ' lectrone " lec ' tronic; fibre ['faIbq]– fibration [faI'breIS(q)n]; modify ['mPdIfaI] – modification ["mPdIfI'keIS(q)n]; science ['saIqns] – scientist ['saIqntIst]– scientific ["saIqn'tIfIk]; technology [tek'nPlqdZI]– techno ' logicaltechnical ['teknIk(q)l]– technique [tek'ni:k]; theory ['TIqrI]– theorist ['TIqrIst] – theo ' retical [TIq'retIk(q)l]– theoretician ["TIqrq'tIS(q)n]; transfer n. ['trxnsfW]– transferred v. [trxns'fWd].

5.3. имеются следующие особенности при чтении дат с указа-нием года. 1) После даты слово year не употребляется, однако ино-гда можно встретить обратный порядок слов: the year 2000 (= the year two thousand). Цифры, обозначающие год, делятся на две группы: 1960 (= nineteen sixty); 1905 (= nineteen oh five / nineteen hundred and five); 1900 (= nineteen hundred). 2) Если действие со-вершается в какое-либо десятилетие, употребляется модель “ in the + четыре либо две цифры, обозначающие начало данного десятиле-тия” + s: in the 1590s, in the 60s. 3) Если нужно указать на границы или пределы, то между цифрами (и не только в датах) ставится ли-бо предлог to, либо дефис (от… до…). 4) Избегайте ошибок при чтении дат с указанием дня и месяца: “He was born (on) 6 June / June 6th, 1949” (читается: “on the sixth of june / on June the sixth nineteen forty nine // on June sixth” AmE).Отыщите в тексте 5 даты, соот-ветствующие разным приведенным вариантам чтения, а также со-четания, соответствующие значению “от… до…”, и прочитайте их.

5.4. Обратите внимание на отсутствие определенного артикля перед названиями фирм, компаний, корпораций и т. д., в отличие от названий институтов, университетов, академий (кроме тех случаев, когда название начинается с имени города). отыщите в первом–третьем и последнем абзацах текста 5 такие названия с артиклем и без артикля. в первом и третьем абзацах текста 5 отыщите два названия, которые начинаются с фамилии человека, в чью честь названо данное учреждение (“имени кого-либо”), обратите внимание на артикль.

5.5. Проанализируйте в первом и третьем абзацах текста 5 по-рядок слов и знаки препинания при указании на расположение города, университета и т. д.

5.6. Прочитайте предложение с № 11; обратите внимание на то, что обычно сочетание “made (out) of sth” употребляется, когда в предмете все еще можно распознать, из какого вещества он сделан, а сочетание “made from sth” – когда первоначальный материал полностью изменился.

5.7. Повторите грамматические темы “Причастие I” и “Инфи-нитив”, прочитайте и проанализируйте текст 5, обратив особое внимание на № 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 17, 20–23, 25, 29, 32.

Text 5. the 2000 Nobel Prize for Physics

Three scientists whose pioneering 1 work laid the foundations for the modern era of silicon microchips 2, computers, and information technology won the 2000 Nobel Prize for Physics. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded half of the prize jointly to Herbert Kroemer of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), and Zhores Alferov (Zhores Ivanovich Alfyorov) of the A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg. The other half went to Jack S. Kilby of Texas Instruments Inc., Dallas, Texas.

“Two simple but fundamental requirements are put on a modern information system,” stated the Swedish Academy in its award announcement. “It must be fast, so that large volumes of information can be transferred in a short time. The user’s apparatus 3 must be small so that there is room 4 for it in offices, homes, briefcases or pockets.” Kroemer, Alferov, and Kilby invented the technology to meet 5 those requirements, the Academy asserted.

Kroemer was born Aug. 25, 1928, in Weimar, Ger., and received a Ph.D. in theoretical physics in 1952 from the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Ger. His early employment included stints 6 at RCA Laboratories, Princeton, N.J. (1954–57), and Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif. (1959–66), where he did much of his prizewinning work. In 1968 Kroemer became professor of electrical engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder 7, and he moved to UCSB in 1976. Alferov was born March 15, 1930, in Vitebsk in the Soviet republic of Belorussia (now Belarus). He received a doctorate 8 in physics and mathematics (DSc) in 1970 from the A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, with which he had been associated since 1953. Alferov became director of the institute in 1987.

Kroemer and Alferov were cited 9 for their work in the 1950s and ’60s to develop fast optoelectronic and microelectronic components made from semiconductor heterostructures. Most 10 computer chips and other semiconductor components are made from 11 one kind of material, such as silicon, that has been chemically modified, or doped, to change

its electronic characteristics. As the term suggests, heterostructure semiconductors are made of layers of different materials, such as gallium arsenide and aluminum gallium arsenide.

In 1957, while working 12 at RCA, Kroemer carried out theoretical calculations showing 13 that a heterostructure transistor would 14 be superior to 15 a conventional transistor, especially for certain high-frequency uses and other applications. Scientists later showed that he was correct – heterostructure transistors can operate at frequencies 100 times higher than the best conventional transistors, and they also work better as amplifiers. Alferov’s research team 16 in the Soviet Union applied Kroemer’s theory, developing 17 the first practical heterostructure electronic device in 1966 and then pioneering electronic components made from heterostructures. One of them was the first heterostructure laser, which both 18 Kroemer and Alferov had proposed independently in 1963. This invention led to a technological breakthrough by the end 19 of the decade 20 – heterostructure solid-state lasers that could operate continuously at room temperature. These lasers made fibre-optic communication possible.

The Nobel citation emphasized the many uses of heterostructure devices in everyday life. Laser diodes in compact disc audio and video players and CD-ROM computer drives, for instance, relied on semiconductor heterostructures. Heterostructure devices also were used in communications satellites, cellular telephone communications, bar code readers 21, and light-emitting diodes used in auto brake lights, control-panel indicators, and other products.

Kilby was born Nov. 8, 1923, in Jefferson City, Mo. In 1950, while working as a circuit designer, he earned a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison 22. In 1958 he joined Texas Instruments, where he remained until 1970, when he took a leave of absence to pursue independent research 23. From 1978 to 1984 he was distinguished professor of electrical engineering at Texas A&M University at College Station.

Kilby received his half of the physics prize for his role in inventing the integrated circuit, or microchip. A microchip is a tiny sliver of semiconductor, typically silicon, that contains thousands or millions of microscopic transistors, resistors, and other electronic components. All are designed to work in an integrated fashion as amplifiers, computer processors and memories, and other components that underpin 24 the microelec-tronics revolution.

When Kilby began his prizewinning work, the conventional transistor already was the limiting factor in computer advances. Transistors, invented in 1947, were in many ways superior to vacuum tubes, but thousands had to be soldered together *25 with resistors, capacitors, and other discrete components on printed circuit boards 26. By the early 1950s 27 scientists were discussing 28 a solution to this complexity –manufacturing all the circuit components as a single package.

As a new employee at Texas Instruments in 1958, Kilby had earned no vacation 29 and spent the summer working almost alone in the laboratory. During that period he demonstrated that it was possible to fabricate all the different components of a circuit from silicon. The next year Kilby filed a patent for his idea of miniaturized electronic circuits. As the Swedish Academy pointed out, another young engineer, Robert Noyce, then of Fairchild Semiconductor Corp.,*30 also had demonstrated the practical possibility of an integrated circuit at about the same time. Kilby, however, was first with a patent application. Kilby later coinvented *31 the pocket calculator, the first common 32 use of an integrated circuit 33.

5.8. Выделите в каждом абзаце или группе абзацев предложе-ния с главной мыслью, письменно сформулируйте вопросы к этим предложениям так, чтобы в сумме они составили план текста 5.

5.9. парная работа. Сравните свои вопросы с вопросами своего собеседника в аудитории, выберите лучшие варианты и задайте их друг другу, проверяя ответы по тексту.

5.10. на основе информации из текста 5 и Интернета расска-жите о работах физиков Крёмера, Алфёрова и Килби.


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