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Занятие VII.

Читайте также:
  1. Вовлечение в занятие проституцией (ст. 240 УК).
  2. Е занятие
  3. Е занятие
  4. Е занятие
  5. Е занятие
  6. Е занятие
  7. Е занятие

Задание I.

Исправьте грамматические ошибки в следующих предложениях.

1. London situated upon both banks of the River Thames.

2. It is the most large city in Britain.

3. There are a wide range of light industry in Greater London.

4. The City extend over an area of about 2,6 sq.km. in the heart of London.

5. The West End can be call the centre of London.

6. Here are the historical palaces as well the famous parks. Hyde Park with it’s Speaker’s Corner is also here.

7. Among other parks there are Kensington Gardens, St. James’s Park.

8. There are about 40 theatres, several concert halls, many museums include the British Museum, and the best art galleries.

9. Visitors who come chiefly for enjoyment are like to pass most of their time in the West End.

10. Formerly un attractive in appearance, the East End now changes because of the introduction of new industries and expensive housing.


Задание II.

Задайте все типы вопросов к предложению:

The name ‘West End’ came to be associated with wealth, luxury, and goods of high quality.


Задание III.

Переведите предложения на русский язык. Проверьте, насколько успешно вы усвоили новые слова и выражения темы «Лондон».

From the earliest times the prosperity of London depended upon its water-born trade, and now London is one of the largest ports of the world. Historical and geographical circumstances have made London one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centres.

Everybody has heard of the two main districts of London - the East End and the West End. There are not merely geographical names. The West End consists of the fashionable houses of the rich, of art galleries, many famous museums, theatres, palaces and parks. The East End was and still is a district full of different industries.

The City, which is the banking and commercial centre of the country and Whitehall - the political centre of England - are situated in the West End.

The names of the streets and districts of London are often connected with the history of the city and the country. Let’s take for example such names as Trafalgar Square, Soho, Charing Cross, Piccadilly, etc.

Piccadilly is a fashionable shopping centre. Its famous fountain with a statue of Eros, the Greek god of love, attracts tourists and young people.

There are many parks in London. Hyde Park is a place where Londoners like to rest and where crowds of people may be seen on the «Speaker’s Corner» listening to Hyde Park Speakers. Here, on a Sunday morning, you’ll find a number of odd-loking people, each standing on a box or small platform that he has brought with him, and each making a long speech about something he believes to be important. Small crowds gather and argue and ask questions and then drift away to the next speaker.

The most famous older buildings in London include Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London.


Задание IV.

Назовите следующие места Лондона:

1) главная королевская резиденция в Лондоне;

2) Лондонская резиденция премьер-министра;

3) здание английского парламента;

4) исторический центр Лондона; один из крупнейших финансовых и коммерческих центров мира;

5) известные парки Лондона;

6) место в Гайд-Парке, где по воскресеньям с импровизированной трибуны выступают ораторы;

7) один из крупнейших музеев мира;

8) улица в Лондоне, на которой находятся некоторые важнейшие министерства и др. правительственные учреждения;

9) улица, на которой находятся редакции большинства крупнейших газет;

10) улица, где находятся приемные ведущих частных врачей-консультантов;

11) место проведения «церемонии ключей»;

12) район в Лондоне, где находятся рестораны с различными национальнымми кухнями;

13) место коронации британских монархов;

14) район лондона, который ассоциируется с богатством, комфортом и товарами высокого качества;

15) район в центральной части Лондона, где находятся Британский музей и Лондонский университет.


Задание V.

1. Составьте план пересказа темы «Лондон».

2. Выпишите ключевые слова и цифры к пунктам плана.

3. Расскажите о Лондоне.


Задание VI.

Quiz «What do you know about Great Britain?»


1. When it is 12 o’clock in Moscow, in London it is.... a) 6 o’clock; b) 7 o’clock; c) 8 o’clock; d) 9 o’clock.

2. The first invaders who came to Great Britain were a) the Anglo-Saxons; b) the Romans; c) the Vikings.

3. Who presides over the House of Commons? a) Lord Mayor; b) Lord Chancellor; c) Prime Minister; d) Speaker.

4. Which animal can look at the Queen? a) a dog; b) a cat; c) a lion; d) a tiger.

5. What is Benjamin Britten? a) an architect; b) a composer; c) a writer; d) a politician.

6. Who is the head of the State in Britain? a) Mayor; b) Prime Minister; c) Queen; d) Speaker.

7. A double-decker is.... a) a train; b) a small plane; c) a hotel room for two people; d) a bus.

8. The Crown Jewels are in a) Buckingham Palace; b) the Tower of London; c) Westminster Palace; d) the British Museum.

9. The size of the house in Britain is determined by the number of.... a) sitting rooms; b) kitchens; c) bedrooms; d) floors.

10. Margaret Thatcher was a) Queen of Britain; b) British Prime Minister; c) leader of the Labour party; d) a film star.

11. The telephone number to call for emergeney services in Britain is.... a) 03; b) 09; c) 911; d) 999.

12. Where is Ben Nevis situated? a) in Scotland; b) in Wales; c) in England; d) in Northern Ireland.

13. Piccadilly Circus is.... a) a district; b) a square; c) a street; d) a museum.

14. The Poet’s Corner is in.... a) Hyde Park; b) Regent Park; c) Westminster Palace; d) Westminster Abbey.

15. What’s tartan? a) a dish; b) a pattern of the kilt; c) a bird; d) a dance.

16. A brunch is.... a) breakfast; b) late breakfast; c) dinner; d) a tea party.

17. St. George is the patron of.... a) Wales; b) England; c) Ireland; d) Scotland.

18. Smog is.... a) a man’s suit; b) a heavy rain; c) a thick fog; d) a man’s hat.

19. Yeomen Warders guard.... a) the Tower; b) Buckingham Palace; c) Houses of Parliament; d) Trafalgar Square.

20. The English men say: «Love me - love my...». a) familly; b) house; c) cat; d) dog.



1. The Romans first invaded Britain in.... a) the 5th century AD; b) the 5th century BC; c) the 1st century BC; d) the 1st century AD.

2. Who is the head of the government in the UK? a) Prime Minister; b) Queen; c) Speaker; d) Chancellor.

3. What’s the name of the Queen’s eldest son? a) Philip; b) Andrew; c) Charles; d) Edward.

4. Who presides over the House of Lords? a) Prime Minister; b) Lord Chancellor; c) Lord Protactor; d) the Speaker.

5. What was J. Constable? a) a musician; b) a politician; c) a poet; d) a painter.

6. What’s the name of the London underground? a) Metro; b) Tube; c) Subway; d) Underground.

7. Where is Glasgow situated? a) in Scotland; b) in Wales; c) in England; d) in Northern Ireland.

8. In Britain people’s weight is measured in.... a) tons; b) kilos; c) stones and pounds; d) pints.

9. England consists of.... a) districts; b) counties; c) states; d) regions.

10. Cockney is... a) a bird; b) a dish; c) an accent; d) a town.

11. The English colonization of the American continent began in the.... a) 15 century; b) 16th; c) 17th; d) 18th.

12. The London Royal Opera House is called.... a) Covent Garden; b) the National Theatre; c) «Old Vic» Theatre; d) the Barbican.

13. What’s the name of the British flag? a) Star-Spangled Banner; b) Stripes and Stars; c) Union Jack; d) John Bull.

14. The seat of the English Parliament is.... a) Buckingham Palace; b) Westminster Palace; c) the Tower; d) Whitehall.

15. St. Patrick is the Patron of.... a) Wales; b) Ireland; c) England; d) Scotland.

16. What is the symbol of the Speaker’s authority? a) the mace; b) the woolsack; c) the ribbon; d) the bell.

17. What is standing in the middle of Piccadilly? a) the Statue of Eros; b) the Statue of Pan; c) the Statue of Crom well; d) the Marble Arch.

18. The Whispering Galerry is situated in.... a) Westminster Abbey; b) St. Paul’s Cathedral; c) Tower; d) Hyde Park.

19. The Ceremony of Changing the Guard takes place at.... a) Trafalgar Square; b) Charing Cross; c) Piccadilly Circus; d) Buckingham Palace.

20. The English men say: «My home is my...». a) fortress; b) country; c) castle; d) place.



Задание VIII.

Игра «Кто знает лучше?»

1. Подготовьте интересные факты по истории географии, политической системе Великобритании, а также узнайте как можно больше о ее обычаях, традициях и известных людях.

2. Каждая команда в порядке очередности сообщает какой-либо факт. Побеждает команда, которая подготовила наибольшее количество интересных фактов и сумела сообщить о них на английском языке.



Ключ к заданию VI.


I.   II.  
1. d; 11. d; 1. c; 11. c;
2. b; 12. a; 2. a; 12. a;
3. d; 13. c; 3. c; 13. c;
4. b; 14. d; 4. b; 14. b;
5. b; 15. b; 5. d; 15. b;
6. c; 16. b; 6. b; 16. a;
7. d; 17. b; 7. a; 17. a;
8. b; 18. c; 8. c; 18. b;
9. c; 19. a; 9. b; 19. d;
10. b; 20. d. 10. c; 20. c.





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