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What will there be in my flat

Читайте также:
  1. Howdy There Partner Let the Screaming Begin
  2. There are three class of levers
  3. Turn there dialogues into less formal ones.

Every young man wants to live independently. And I’m not an exception. Of course, the time will come, when I will be alone in my flat. I wait for this moment and imagine, that my new flat will be at least three roomed. There will be a study, a bed-room, a dining-room. Of course, there will be a kitchen and a bathroom. The dining-room will be a big comfortable room with a big table in the centre. There will be also several armchairs, and a big TV set in it. In this room, I shall receive guests. I shall also put a piano in one of the corners of the room and shall start taking a piano lesson course. I like this musical instrument very much.

The bedroom will become my favourite one because it is a room of rest where everybody can spend several hours without noise and fuss. There I shall put my PC that helps me very much.

Another room – the study will be the place where I shall do all my work. There will be a large table full of papers and several shelves. I am going to gather a big collection of books, so they will not stay empty.

That’s how I imagine my future flat. I hope that these dreams will become true.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

  1. Do you prefer to live independently or with your parents?
  2. Are you a city lover or a country lover?
  3. What kind of house would you like to live in?
  4. What conveniences must be in your flat?
  5. How many rooms will there be in your flat/house?
  6. What rooms will there be in it?

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences using the active vocabulary and the information from the text.

1. I'm fond of our new flat because.... 2. It's very convenient to.... 3. There are nine storeys in the house, that's why it.... 4. The room looks very small because.... 5. The best place for the TV set is.... 6. There are all modern conveniences in the flat, such.. 7. Our flat is not very large, there are.... 8. Let's place the sofa....

Exercise 4. Choosing the words from the list below furnish your study, bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room.

A sideboard, a cupboard, a piano, a bed, a night table, a dressing-table, a sofa, a bookcase, a wardrobe, a small table, a TV set, a tape recorder, a writing desk, shelves for household things, stools, chairs, armchairs, a refrigerator (fridge), a kitchen table, books-shelves, a carpet, some pictures, a vase with flowers, a computer.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and post verbal adverbs wherever necessary.

1. My sister is married. She has a family... her own. 2. They all live... her husband's parents. 3. They live... Sadovaya street. 4. Their house is... a five-storey building. 5. Their flat is... the third floor. 6. There are all modern conveniences... the flat. 7. There is not much furniture... the living room. 8. A square table is... the middle... the room. 9. There are six chairs... the table. 10.... the right-hand corner there is a small table... a TV set... it. 11.... it there is a piano, … the opposite wall there is a sideboard where we keep dishes and glassware. 12. There is a beautiful carpet... the floor. 13.... the walls there are some pictures and my grandmother's portrait. 14. My friends have moved... a new flat. 15. Now they live rather far... the centre... the city. 16. They live... a ten-storied building. 17. There is a lift... the house. 18. Their flat is... the sixth floor.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

У моей сестры - отдельная квартира недалеко от центра города. Квартира не очень большая, ноудобная. В ней две комнаты, кухня, прихожая, ванная. В доме современные удобства. В кухне стоит газовая плита, холодильник, стол, несколько табуреток, шкаф и полки для посуды. Кухня очень чистая и уютная. Она служит одновременно и столовой. На мытье посуды у сестры уходит мало времени, потому что есть горячая вода. В прихожей стоит вешалка для одежды и небольшой столик для телефона. У двери лежит небольшой коврик (rug). Одна комната служит гостиной, вторая - спальней. В гостиной стоит круглый стол, шесть стульев, сервант, столик с телевизором, два кресла и тахта. Над тахтой висят книжные полки. В спальне стоит кровать, туалетный столик, платяной шкаф и ночной столик. На полу лежит большой толстый ковер. Сестра очень довольна своей квартирой.

Text 3

Exercise 1. Look through the words. You will hear them in text 4.

  1. lounge [laundз] - холл, комната для отдыха
  2. turn on - включать (свет)
  3. valuable[`væljuəbl] - ценный, дорогой.
  4. pull down - сносить (здание)
  5. majority – большинство
  6. to be used - использоваться
  7. suburb –пригород
  8. cedar [`si:də] - кедр
  9. rhubarb[`ru:ba:b] - ревень

Exercise 2. Listen to the text and be ready to do exercise 3.

Exercise 3. Choose the right variant

  1. A typical house of this kind is built with … floors.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

2. The most modern name for … is the lounge.

A. the dining room B. the kitchen C. the bathroom D. the bedroom

3. Very many houses of this type were built in British cities in ….

A. early 20th B. 17th C. the 18th D. the 19th and early 20th

4. … make the postman's work much easier, but this is not important.

A. names B. numbers C. colours D. people

Exercise 4. Answer the questions

  1. What information have you got about British homes?
  2. Why do some people give names to their suburban houses? Is it so useful and necessary?

Text 4

Exercise 1. Read the dialogue 1 out loud with your partner.

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