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Theme: 3D-Technology

Project on Terminology



Submitted by

Starisheva Kate

Group IAT-44


Verified by

Rimscaia Iuliana,


MA in American Studies



Chisinau 2008

Table of contents:

1. Source Text


2. Target Text


3. Analysis of the terms


4. Commentary on the difficulties of translating the terms


5. Analysis of Text Translation Difficulties

I. Source Text:

Using the new technology the ICON RAY Company developed 3D-image processing algorithm (1) from the stereoscopic pair (2), received in the passive mode (3) without the illumination (4).

This devise gives to the conference participants the possibility to add 3D-images: people, interiors, various items and objects. The conference participants are able to change their image, texture, to delete and to add 3D-objects (5).

Using of programmable CMOS matrixes (6) gives the possibility to make the data processing faster and to increase the accuracy of the Z-coordinate (7) calculations. Special chip is integrated in the mobile device, which enables to make 3D- multi-biometric (8) person identification as well as to create various business and game applications, to receive 3D-models of the images, shot by the mobile device, and to create 3D-virtual tours.


If the mobile device has a processor with the low speed, the process of 3D-verification (9) can be made at the server which receives multimedia messages, handles them and sends the result on the source mobile device.


This device makes it possible to increase the focusing depth (15); remove the chromatic aberration (10) and remove file compression artifacts (16). And thanks to the vector format it will be possible to zoom the photos up without any limits and the loss of quality.


The stereo cameras, which are built in the mobile phones, enables to identify gestures, fingers movement, but the 3D-screen with lenticular lenses (11) enables to create the manual control interface, which makes the work more comfortable.


Furthermore now our company is focused on the development of the 3D-stereo-mobile phone concept. Besides the base functions the structure of the device contains multi-biometric verification system, super resolution image total increase algorithm (12), autostereoscopic system (13) and 3D-interface ( 14).



II. Target Text:

Компания ICON RAY, используя новый подход, разработала алгоритм для распознавания 3D изображения со стерео пары, полученной в пассивном режиме, без подсветки.


Устройство даёт возможность участникам конференции добавлять 3Д-образы: людей, интерьеры, различные объекты и предметы. Участники конференции могут изменять свой образ, менять текстуру, удалять и добавлять 3Д-объекты. Использование программируемых матриц, имеющих комплементарную структуру из металл-оксид-полупроводников, позволит ускорить обработку данных и точность расчетов координаты в трехмерном пространстве.


Мобильное устройство, в котором интегрирован специальный чип, позволяет производить мульти биометрическую 3Д-идентификацию личности, а так же создавать различные новые бизнес и игровые приложения, получать 3D модели сцен, снятых мобильным устройством, и создавать 3Д-виртуальные туры.

В случае слабых процессоров мобильных устройств, 3Д-распознавание может производиться на сервере, получающем мультимедийные сообщения, обрабатывающем их, и отправляющем результат на исходное мобильное устройство.

Применение данного устройства позволит увеличить глубину резкости, удалить хроматическую аберрацию, удалить дефекты сжатия. А векторный формат изображения сделает возможным неограниченное увеличение размеров фотографии без потери качества. Стерео камеры, интегрированные в мобильные телефоны, позволяют распознавать жесты, движения пальцев, а использование 3Д- стерео экрана с лентикулярными линзами, позволяет создать 3Д-интерфейс с жестовым управлением, повышающий удобство в работе.

Более того, сейчас наша компания сконцентрирована на разработке концепции 3Д-стерео-мобильного телефона, в состав которого входит, кроме базовых функций, мульти-биометрическая система идентификации личности, алгоритм суммарного увеличения разрешения ПЗС матриц, авто-стереоскопическая система и 3Д-интерфейс.


III. Analysis of the terms:


Term/ Russian equivalent Definition Subject and sub subject fields Type of the term Method of term translation
1. 3D-image processing algorithm/алгоритм распознавания 3Д-изображения Strict sequence of acts which is needed to edit three-dimensional image Optics -> photography -> three-dimensional graphics -> ways of its processing complex proper equivalent
2.Stereoscopic pair/ стерео пара Lenses which are capable to record 3D visual information or create the illusion of depth in an image Optics -> photography -> lens systems -> special type of lenses complex proper loan translation
3.Passive mode/пассивный режим The way of image processing   Optics-Photography -> three-dimensional graphics -> ways of its processing complex proper Word for word translation
4.Illumination/подсветка The act of supplying with light Optics -> light optics -> electromagnetic radiation derived loan translation
5.3D-object/ 3Д-объект An entity that has length, width and height Math -> geometry -> figures -> figures in 3D-space Mixed/shortened compound loan translation
6.CMOS matrixes/ матрицы, имеющих комплементарную структуру из металл-оксид-полупроводников Matrixes (array of light-sensitive cells) based on active spotlight sensors Phototechnique -> digital photo -> part of camera -> device memorizing image acronym mixed
7.Z-coordinate/ координаты в трехмерном пространстве A coordinate that exists in 3D-space besides X and Y coordinates Math -> geometry -> figures -> points -> position of points Mixed (shortened compound) explanatory translation with generalization
8.Multi-biometric/мульти-биометрическая Unique recognizing of humans based upon their physical or behavioral traits Computer science -> security systems -> description of a way of identification derived loan translation
9.3D-verification/ 3Д-распознавание The process of inspecting, testing, etc. to confirm personaliy of a man using some three-dimentional technologies Computer science -> security systems -> way of identification Mixed loan translation
10. Chromatic aberration/ хроматическая аберрациия   A defect in a lens system which produces a blurred image with coloured fringes Optics -> photography -> lens systems -> lenses’ deffect complex proper loan translation
11.Lenticular lenses/лентикулярные линзы An array of magnifying lenses, designed so that when viewed from slightly different angles, different images are magnified Optics -> photography -> lens systems -> special type of lenses complex proper loan translation (transliteration)
12. Super resolution image total increase algorithm/ алгоритм суммарного увеличения разрешения ПЗС-матриц   The method which describe how CCD-matrixes can reach their maximum resolution Phototechnique-> digital cameras -> microchips -> the way of their work complex proper equivalent translation.  
13.Autostereoscopic system/авто-стереоскопическая система   The system that helps to display three-dimensional images without the use of special glasses Optics -> three-dimensional images-> systems of their display complex proper word-for word translation
14. 3D-interface/ 3Д-интерфейс The communication boundary between a piece of software and a user that helps the user to see some objects in 3-dimensions Computer science -> software -> application for user mixed loan translation
15. Focusing depth/глубина резкости   A lens optics concept that measures the tolerance of placement of the image plane (the film plane in a camera) in relation to the lens Optics -> photography -> lenses parameter complex proper equivalent translation.  
16. Сompression artifacts/ дефекты сжатия Defects that appear after the downsizing, zooming of the image Photography -> graphics -> works with the images-> consequence of work complex proper word for word translation



IV. Commentary on the difficulties of translating the terms:


This is text from the domain of IT combined with optics and photography, which is why the majority of terms in this article are technical.


1. 3D-image processing algorithm — алгоритм распознавания 3Д-изображения.


3D is the term by itself which means “трехмерный”, but very often the term is translated as 3Д. This is mixed term – initialism of complex proper term “3 dimensions” – and it is translated with the help of loan translation.


In whole, it is a multi-member attributive group. The head word is “algorithm”. The words in group modify the head one, that is why the group is postpositional and we can translate it with the help of corresponding Russian postpositional attribute that are expressed by nouns in genitive case – алгоритм (чего) распознавания (чего) 3Д-изображения).


2. Stereoscopic pair — стерео пара.


This is simple attributive group formed by adjective and noun.


3. Passive mode — пассивный режим.


This is simple attributive group formed by adjective and noun.


4. I llumination – подсветка.

This term belongs to the class of “translator’s false friends” because it is similar in form with Russian word “иллюминация” (by the way in dictionary this meaning is third meaning of “ illumination ”). According to the terminology this is simple term that is translated by loan translation. Its grammatical category is noun.


5. 3D-objects — 3Д-объект


This term has mixed type, because from one point of view it is morphological compound, but its part “3D” by itself is initialism of complex proper term “three dimensions”.


6. CMOS matrixes – матрицы, имеющих комплементарную структуру из металл-оксид-полупроводников.


The term CMOS is an acronym that means “complementary metal-oxide semiconductor”. Together these 2 words form complex proper term that is translated explanatory. Also it is an attributive group, which is translated in Russian by a noun with participial structure (of the 2d form).


7. Z-coordinate – координаты в трехмерном пространстве


Coordinate Z exists only in 3D-space that is why the Russian analog is “координата в трехмерном пространстве”.


8. Multi-biometric – мульти-биометрическая

It is derived term (multi- is prefix). Method of its translation – loan translation. Its grammatical category is adjective.

9. 3D-verification – 3Д-распознавание

This term is of mixed type (morphological compound + initialism of complex proper term “three dimensions”).


10. Chromatic aberration – хроматическая аберрациия

This is a simple attributive group formed by adjective and noun.


11. Lenticular lenses – лентикулярные линзы


Method of its translation – transliteration of first word and loan translation for other. This is simple attributive group formed by adjective and noun.


12. Super resolution image total increase algorithm – алгоритм суммарного увеличения разрешения ПЗС-матриц

It is a multi-member attributive group. The head word is “algorithm”, it is better to begin translation of the entire group from this word, but later to rearrange components of the phrase, transferring attribute “ super resolution ” in the Russian equivalent “ПЗС-матрицы” (other Russian equivalents are expressed by nouns in genitive case – “алгоритм (чего) увеличения (чего) матриц”)


13. Autostereoscopic system – авто-стереоскопическая система

This is simple attributive group formed by adjective and noun.


14. 3D-interface – 3Д-интерфейс

This term is of mixed type (morphological compound + initialism of complex proper term “three dimensions”).

15. Focusing depth – глубина резкости

As a whole, it is a attributive group – the word “ focusing ” determine the word “ depth ”. This group is prepositional and we can translate it with the help of corresponding Russian prepositional attribute that are expressed by nouns in genitive case – глубина (чего) резкости.


16. Сompression artifacts – дефекты сжатия


It is not only postpositional attribute group which is translated by Russian equivalents in genitive case, but also head word of the group “ artifacts ” is pseudo international word that in fact means “дефект” but not “артефакт”.




The majority of the terms in this text belongs to the type “complex proper” and the method of its translation is loan. But also there are some compound, derived and mixed terms, the translation method of which is explanatory or equivalent.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 56 | Нарушение авторских прав

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