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Aim of the project

Читайте также:
  1. A cottage house project.
  2. A. Types of Projection
  3. About the project!
  4. B. Using Projection in Calculations
  5. Current Project
  6. Description of the project

St of June – 1st of Octomber, 2012

Straja, Romania


What? When? Where?

New Horizons Foundation is offering a position to a European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteer for a short term EVS project called “Active Citizenship through Outdoor Education”. Project will take place in Straja mountain resort and city of Lupeni, Romania between 1st of June and 1st of Octomber, 2012.


Hosting organization

Primary mission of New Horizons Foundation (NHF) is the development of social capital – the moral competencies that build trust and make sustainable development possible. Through two proven experiential education strategies - adventure education (VIATA camp) and service learning (youth initiative clubs IMPACT) - we are facilitating a shift in perception away from a win-lose way of thinking, towards a win-win cooperative ethic, and the long-term benefits (not least economic) that result.

NHF has 13 years of experience organizing outdoor and experiential educational summer camp for children that take place every year 9 weeks during month of July and August.


VIATA camp – placement for EVS volunteers

VIATA camp runs from 1st of July until 31st of August. It is located in Straja mountain resort, Lupeni, Hunedoara county, Romania, around 1500 meters above sea level. It consists of 9 weeks, each week a new group of around 60-80 kids goes through the program of outdoor activities. Participants are divided in the groups of 12- 15 kids and each group has 4-6 facilitators team. Facilitators team is made from trained staff personal, interns from IMPACT program, American volunteers and this year we would also like to see between us 5 young Europeans motivated to learn about outdoor education as a tool for promoting active citizenship.


Number and countries from which volunteers will come from:

5 different countries (Portugal, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia and Belarus), 1 volunteer from each country.


Duration of the Service (stay in Romania)

St of June – 1st of October

Aim of the project

Main aim of the European Voluntary Service project “Active Citizenship through Outdoor Education” is to promote active citizenship through outdoor education, providing to youngsters environment of learning, tools and skills to develop them as citizens who are trustful, responsible, compassionate and ready to involve in their communities in order to improve their well-being as well as well-being of their community.


Objectives of the project:

1. To develop understanding about active citizenship and involvement in the community for 5 youngsters from different countries during 4 months, by providing them positive learning environment and theoretical and practical tools about outdoor education to develop necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes

2. To raise awareness through personal approach about active citizenship and interculturality between around 600 youngsters (age 12 – 18) in period of July and August, 2012.

3. To raise awareness between 120 local youngsters (age 14 – 18) about the active citizenship, European Citizenship and interculturality through personalized presentations made by EVS volunteers in a month of September, 2012.


Main activities that EVS volunteers would be involved in:


· Getting to know host organization – participation in planning meeting with project coordinator, visit local IMPACT clubs, participate in the meetings of IMPACT clubs

· Having intense language lessons (2 times per week)

· Meeting with mentor and developing personal learning plan for the whole EVS stage

· Participation in the training about outdoor and adventure education and getting to know the method and the tools used in the summer camp “VIATA” (Experiential Learning Cycle, low and high ropes course, rock climbing, orienteering with map and compass, hiking in the mountain area, etc.)

· Participation in On-arrival training organized by the Romanian National Agency (end of June)

July and August:

· Be a part of camp facilitators team – facilitate activities of the camp together with Romanian and American staff members (energizers, get to know each other games, low&high ropes course, rock climbing, orienteering with map and compass, ecology lessons, hiking in the mountain area, arts&crafts workshops, evening program)

· Develop program for one of the camp evenings consisting of traditional dances and/or games (individually or in the group with other EVS volunteers)

· Prepare the documentation material about the EVS stage in Romania (photo, video, blog, written material or other)

· Develop individual project based on the learning interests and abilities of volunteer (program for theatratical scenes evening, camp fire game/song program, arts&crafts workshop, elaborated documentation material about the EVS stage in Romania, etc.)

· Prepare the presentation/session about the EVS project and Active Citizenship that will be presented to IMPACT club members in September

· Have the time of your lifeJ


· Finalize the documentation material about the EVS project

· Finalize the preparation of presentation/session about the EVS project and Active Citizenship for the IMPACT club members

· Organize the presentation/session for the local IMPACT club members (5 clubs, ~100 youngsters in total)

· Evaluate the EVS stage together with the mentor and prepare the information for the YouthPass certificate.

· Participate in the evaluation session of the project with the project coordinator


Profile of the volunteers we are looking for:

· age between 18 and 30 years old and residents of the Program Countries or Partner Countries

· willing to spend 4 months in a mountain region of Romania and be actively involved in the activities of the project

· motivated to learn about active citizenship; motivation to develop themselves as well as others as active and caring citizens that are empowered to involve of the life of their community

· open-minded and willingness to discover other cultures

· willing to work with young people

· interested and/or motivated to learn about outdoor education as a tool in work with young people

· motivated to develop personal skills, abilities and attitudes like communication, working in team, conflict management, negotiation and decision making, perseverance, etc.

· basic knowledge of English would be welcomed


If you would like to learn more about New Horizons Foundation and/or VIATA program, please visit our website http://www.noi-orizonturi.ro/index.php?lang=en and http://www.tabara-viata.ro/


If you are interested in becoming our partners or you have more questions about the project, please contact me on the email address valters_melderis@noi-orizonturi.ro


Looking forward to hear from future volunteers,


Valters Melderis

New Horizons Foundation


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