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  7. Библиографический список

1. Zhou, J. Synergistically enhanced electrochemical response of host-guest recognition based on ternary nanocomposites: Reduced graphene oxide-amphiphilic pillar[5]arene-gold nanoparticles/ J. Zhou, M. Chen, J. Xie, G. Diao // ACS Appl.Mater. Interf.- 2013.- V.5.- P.11218-11224.

2. Lorraine, E.D. Detection of clinically important cations by a pillar[5]arene-modified electrochemical sensor / E.D. Lorraine, B.A. Patel, F.-M. Aidan, R.R. Kothur, P.J. Cragg // Chem. Sensors. – 2013.- V.3.- P.1-4.

3. Ogoshi, T. Pillararenes: Versatile synthetic receptors for supramolecular chemistry / T.Ogoshi, T.-A. Yamagishi // Eur.J.Org.Chem.- 2013.- V.2013.- I.15.- P.2961-2975.

4. Xue, M. Pillararenes, a new class of macrocycles for supramolecular chemistry / M. Xue, Y. Yang, X. Chi, Z. Zhang, F. Huang // Acc.Chem.Res.- 2012.- V.45.-P.1294-1308.

5. Ogoshi, T. Reduction of emeraldine base form of polyaniline by pillar[5]arene based on formation of poly(pseudorotaxane) structure / T. Ogoshi, Y. Hasegawa, T. Aoki, Y. Ishimori, S. Inagi, T.-A. Yamagishi // Macromolecules.- 2011.- V.44.- P.7639-7644.

6. Ogoshi, T. Monofunctionalized pillar[5]arenes: Synthesis and supramolecular structure /T. Ogoshi, K. Demachi, K. Kitajima, T.-A.Yamagishi // Chem.Commun.- 2011.- V.47.- P.7164-7166.

7. Zhang, Z. Formation of a cyclic dimer containing two mirror image monomers in the solid state controlled by van der Waals forces / Z. Zhang, G. Yu, C. Han, J. Liu, X. Ding, Y. Yu, F. Huang // Org.Letters.- 2011.- V.13.- P.4818-4821.

8. Liu, L. Dimerization control in the self-assembly behavior of copillar[5]arenes bearing Ω-hydroxyalkoxy groups / L. Liu, L. Wang, C. Liu, Z. Fu, H. Meier, D. Cao // J.Org.Chem.-2012.-V.77.- P.9413-9417.

9. Zhang, Z. Formation of linear supramolecular polymers that is driven by C-Ha ⋯ π Interactions in Solution and in the Solid State / Z. Zhang, Y. Luo, J. Chen, S. Dong, Y. Yu, Z. Ma, F. Huang // Angew.Chem.- 2011.- V.50.- P.1397-1401.

10. Strutt, N. L. A self-complexing and self-assembling pillar[5]arene / N. L. Strutt, H. Zhang, M. A. Giesener, J. Lei, J.F. Stoddart // Chem.Commun.- 2012.- V.48.- P.1647-1649.

11. Strutt, N.L. Monofunctionalized pillar[5]arene as a host for alkanediamines / N.L.Strutt, R.S. Forgan, J.M.Spruell, Y.-Y.Botros, J.-F.Stoddart//J.Am.Chem.Soc.- 2011.- V.133.- P.5668-5671.

12. Ogoshi, T. High-yield diastereoselective synthesis of planar chiral [2]- and [3]rotaxanes constructed from per-ethylated pillar[5]arene and pyridinium derivatives / T. Ogoshi, D. Yamafuji, T. Aoki, K. Kitajima, T. Yamagishi, Y. Hayashi, S. Kawauchi // Chemistry.- 2012.- V.18.-P.7493-7500.

13. Ogoshi, T. Thermally responsive shuttling behavior of a pillar[6]arene-based [2]rotaxane /T. Ogoshi, D. Yamafuji, T. Aoki, T.-A. Yamagishi // Chem.Commun.- 2012.- V.48.- P.6842-6844.

14. Ogoshi, T. Polypseudorotaxane constructed from pillar[5] arene and viologen polymer /T. Ogoshi, Y.Nishida, T.-A Yamagishi, Y Nakamot //Macromolecules.- 2010.- V.43.- P.3145-3147.

15. Ogoshi, T. High yield synthesis of polyrotaxane constructed from pillar[5]arene and viologen polymer and stabilization of its radical cation / T. Ogoshi, Y. Nishida, T.-A. Yamagishi, Y. Nakamoto // Macromolecules.- 2010.- V.43.- P.7068-7072.

16. Aoki, T. Chemically responsive supramolecular structural change of pillar[5]arene nanotubes / T. Aoki, T. Ogoshi, T. Yamagishi // Chem.Letters.- 2011.- V.40.- P.795-797.

17. Ma, Y. Per -hydroxylated pillar[6]arene: Synthesis, x-ray crystal structure, and host-guest complexation / Y. Ma, X. Chi, X. Yan, J. Liu, Y. Yao, W. Chen, F. Huang, J. L. Hou // Org.Letters.- 2012.- V.14.- P.1532-1535.

18. Yao, Y. An amphiphilic pillar[5]arene: Synthesis, controllable self-assembly in water, and application in calcein release and TNT adsorption / Y. Yao, M. Xue, J. Chen, M. Zhang, F. Huang // J.Am.Chem.Soc.- 2012.- V.134.- P.15712-15715.

19. Ogoshi, T. Ionic liquid pillar[5]arene: Its ionic conductivity and solvent-free complexation with a guest // T.Ogoshi, N.Ueshima, T.-A.Yamagishi, Y.Toyota, N. Matsumi / Chem.Commun.-2012.- V.48.- P.3536-3538.

20. Nierengarten, I. Building liquid crystals from the 5-fold symmetrical pillar[5]arene core/ I.Nierengarten, S. Guerra, M. Holler, J.-F. Nierengarten, R. Deschenaux // Chem.Commun.-2012.- V.48.- P.8072-8074.

21. Si, W. Selective artificial transmembrane channels for protons by formation of water wires/W. Si, L. Chen, X.-B. Hu, G. Tang, Z. Chen, J.-L. Hou, Z.-T. Li // Angew.Chem.-2011.-V.50.- P.12564-12568.

22.Hu, X.-B. Single-molecular artificial transmembrane water channels / X.-B. Hu, Z. Chen, G. Tang, J.-L.Hou, Z.-T. Li // J.Am.Chem.Soc.- 2012.- V.134.- P.8384-8387.

23. Yu, G. Pillar[6]arene/paraquat molecular recognition in water: High binding strength, pH-responsiveness, and application in controllable self-assembly, controlled release, and treatment of paraquat poisoning // G.Yu, X.Zhou, Z.Zhang, C.Han, Z.Mao, C.Gao, F.Huang // J.Am. Chem. Soc.- 2012.- V.134.- P.19489-19497.

24. Yao, Y. A new water-soluble pillar[5]arene: Synthesis and application in the preparation of gold nanoparticles / Y.Yao, M.Xue, X.Chi, Y.Ma, J.He, Z.Abliz, F.Huang // Chem.Commun.-2012.- V.48.- P.6505-6507.

25. Yu, G. A water-soluble pillar[6]arene: Synthesis, host-guest chemistry, and its application in dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in water / G. Yu, M. Xue, Z. Zhang, J. Li, C. Han, F. Huang // J.Am.Chem.Soc.- 2012.- V.134.- P.13248-13251.

26. Kim, J.-S. Calixarene-derived fluorescent probes / J.-S. Kim, D.-T. Quang // Chem.Rev.-2007.- V.107.- P.3780-3799.

27. Strutt, N.-L. Monofunctionalized pillar[5]arene as a host for alkanediamines / N.-L. Strutt, R.-S.Forgan, J.-M.Spruell, Y.-Y.Botros, J.-F.Stoddart // J.Am.Chem.Soc.- 2011.- V.133.- P.5668-5671.

28. Yu, G. A non-symmetric pillar[5]arene-based selective anion receptor for fluoride / G. Yu, Z. Zhang, C. Han, M. Xue, Q. Zhou, F. Huang // Chem.Commun.- 2012.- V.48.- P.2958-2960.

29. Kothur, R.R. A low pH sensor from an esterified pillar[5]arene / R.R. Kothur, J. Hall, B.A. Patel, C.L. Leong, M.G. Boutelle, P.J. Cragg // Chem.Commun.- 2014.- V.50.- P.852-854.

30. Зенкевич, И.Г. О причинах и устранении невоспроизводимости констант диссоциации кверцетина / И.Г. Зенкевич, С.В. Гущина // Успехи современного естествознания.-2009.-№9.-С.10-14.


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