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Methods of Payment.

Читайте также:
  1. Leter of Payment.
  2. New Methods of Terahertz Technology PRA-0035


Московский государственный технический университет «МАМИ»

Кафедра иностранных языков


Савицкая Т.П.




(Основные статьи контракта. Методические указания и задания для студентов 3 семестра экономического факультета для развития навыков чтения и понимания материалов делового характера)



Москва 2007





(Основные статьи контракта. Методические указания и задания для студентов 3 семестра экономического факультета с целью развития навыков чтения и понимания материалов делового характера)



Настоящие методические указания и задания предназначены для развития навыков чтения и понимания деловой документации. Рассматриваются наиболее важные статьи делового соглашения (контракта), такие как «Платеж», «Претензии и санкции», «Страхование» и др., предлагаются тексты и задания для активизации наиболее употребляемой лексики и грамматических структур, характерных для документов данного типа.



МГТУ «МАМИ», 2007


Subject for Study: Further Business Contacts and their Development. Making Contracts. The Main Clauses of Contract. (Дальнейшие деловые контакты. Заключение контракта. Основные статьи контракта)

Grammar: Conditional Clauses (Условные предложения)


Упр.1 Прочитайте и запомните слова. Найдите предложения с данными словами в тексте и переведите их.

business agreement – деловое соглашение

to conclude (make) a contract – заключить контракт

a standard contract – типовой контракт

a clause (subclause) of the contract –статья контракта

the terms of the contract – условия контракта

to include – включать

obligatory (necessary) - обязательный

the subject matter – предмет (контракта)

denomination – перечисление

duration – длительность

a claim (complaint) –жалоба

a letter of claim (complaint) –письмо-претензия

to settle a claim (amicably) –урегулировать жалобу (мирно)

to take to the court – обратиться в суд

to negotiate a contract – вести переговоры

to refer to (a clause) –ссылаться на …

as specified by the clause – как указано в статье …

according to – в соответствии с

to specify – указывать, уточнять

shipper –отправитель, перевозчик

forwarder – экспедитор

consignee – отправитель груза

tramp vessel (charter party) – чартерное судно

cargo (freight) – груз (в пути)

charging (discharging) expenses – затраты

amount of the contract – стоимость контракта



Making a Contract.


A contract is a business agreement on work to be done, rates to be paid, goods to be sold or bought. It is also a document of an agreement.

Contracts are concluded between companies in one and the same country or between organizations of different countries. Each international contract has standard parts which are obligatory. Contracts are to be made in writing. Most frequently these necessary parts of the contract include the following:

-legal addresses of the contracting parties,

-the subject matter of the contract; it also includes the total amount of money involved and the denomination of the goods bought or sold under the contract,

-a more detailed description of goods; their price, quality and quantity, packing and marking,etc.,

-the terms of delivery (the most usual ones are FOB, FOR, CIF and others),

-the length of duration of the contract,

-the terms and procedure of payment, banking details,


- claims and their settlement,

-guarantee period (if any),

-other conditions.

All contracts consist of clauses which are numbered, and sometimes of

subclauses. For example, every contract to contains a clause defining transport conditions. The clause is to specify the terms of delivery (CIF, FOB, FAS, C& F, and others), mode of shipment (by sea, rail, air, road or pipeline) and responsibilities of each party. Sometimes transshipment is practiced.

Transport by sea is essential to many contracts. As a rule, it involves: shipper, shipowner, forwarder, stevedore, port authorities, consignee and others.

Freight services are provided by liners and tramp ships. Liners provide services over definite routes, operate in accordance with schedules and call at different ports. Tramp vessels go anywhere as long as cargo is offered in sufficient quantity. They are called charter parties. Either shipper or consignee, depending on the terms of the contract, pays freight, loading, discharging and other expenses, if any.

In negotiations or correspondence one can refer to the specific clause, e.g. “according to the clause 7.5 of contract number …”, or “as specified by clause 5.4.3 of the present contract … “.

It quite often occurs that one of the parties of the contract believes that the other party is not fulfilling its terms. In this case a letter of complaint will be probably sent, containing a claim for damages. This claim may be settled amicably or taken to the court which is more common. Disputes between Russian and foreign companies are usually settled by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Упр. 2. Расскажите, что Вы узнали о:

- the subject matter of the contract;

- the clauses of the contract;

- the reasons for complaint.


Упр. 3. Ответьте на вопросы:

a) Why do you think contracts are to be made in writing?

b) Which clauses of contract do you think to be important?

c) Why do the contracting parties sometimes refer to the Arbitration Commission?

d) When are letters of complaint sent? How can they be settled?


Упр. 4. Переведите абзацы текста, в которых говорится об обязательных статьях контракта.


Упр. 5. Вставьте артикли или притяжательные местоимения.

Dear Sirs,

We thank for your enquiry of 5th May for … typewriters …Model “Midget”. We are enclosing … catalogues with all technical characteristics of … model. … price of each typewriter is $ … CIF Tallin. … price includes … packing. … payment is to be made by … Letter of credit which you are to open with … Moscow Narodny Bank. We are glad to inform you that on … orders for 200 typewriters and more we can give you … special discount of 5%.

Since we have taken … very large orders at … exhibition we are sorry to say that we cannot promise … prompt delivery.


Упр. 6 Вставьте предлоги там, где они необходимы.

1. The guarantee period which the company offered … their computers was 12 months … the date … putting them … operation and 15 months … the date … delivery. The Buyer found it rather short and wanted it to be extended … two and four months respectively. But the company agreed to extend it only … 13 and 17 months.

2. The new model … the pump was introduced … the world market six months ago. It is … the latest design and has excellent technical characteristics. The customers are very pleased … its performance.

3. As the Seller was responsible … the defects which were found … equipment, they had to correct them … their expense.

4. The machines were put … operation … a delay … the Seller’s fault.


Упр. 7 Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильной форме.


1. If any defects (to appear) in the machines before the end of the year, they (to correct) at the Sellers expense.

2. If the two companies (to establish) business relations, they (to be able) to conclude some mutually profitable transactions.

3. If the customers (to authorize) the visit of the Sellers’s specialists to Moscow, they (to come) in two weeks and (to help) them to correct the defects.



Dear Sirs,

I (to visit) your stand at the Exhibition in Melbourne and (to be interested) in your display of VS-Refrigerator units.

I (to be very pleased) if you (can) send me your leaflet and your export price-list. Perhaps at the same time you (to let) me know your terms of payment and the time which (to require) for delivery after you (to receive) the order. If the terms and delivery dates (to be) acceptable we (to be prepared) to place an order.



Yours faithfully,

Mark Pollet

Import -Export Manager



Note: shipper – usually a manufacturer who sells goods;

forwarder –an agent specializing in the transportation of goods;

stevedore – a firm employed in loading and unloading vessels.


Упр.8 Обратите внимание на структуру словосочетаний, данную ниже. Руководствуясь образцом, переведите словосочетания.

Образец: goods to be bought – товары, которые надо купить

Work to be done, rates to be paid, goods to be sold, price to be discussed, claims to be settled, terms to be specified, services to be provided, money to be paid, contract to be signed, marking to be made.


Упр. 9 Обратите внимание на использование структуры goods to be bought в предложении. The goods are to be bought in August – Товары должны быть закуплены в августе. Переведите предложения, данные ниже.

A contract is to be made in writing.

The clauses of the contract are to be numbered.

The terms of delivery are to be specified.

The duration of the contract is to be taken into consideration.

The claim is to be settled amicably.

Freight services are to be provided.

The matter is to be taken to the court.

Disputes between Russian and foreign companies are to be settled by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Упр. 10. Прочитайте отрывок из контракта, найдите предложения, в которых используются грамматические структуры, аналогичные структурам упр. 8, 9.

Выпишите их и переведите на русский язык.


Messrs______, hereinafter referred to as "the Sellers" on the one part, and _____, hereinafter referred to as "the Buyers", on the other part, have concluded the present Contract for the following:


I. Subject of the Contract

The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought the equipment hereinafter referred to as "goods" on terms FOB. stowed port Lnd.

The Sellers will deliver to the Buyers F.O.B. port Moscow the equipment complete with standard spare parts, required technical documentation and corresponding accessories:


2. Prices and Total Amount of the Contract.

The total amount of the Contract is $ 50000. The prices are firm for the duration of the Contract, not subject to any alterations, and understood to be FOB. including: export sea packing, marking, port and dock due's on the cargo, attendance to custom formalities, loading into holds, carnage, stevedoring, stowing of the cargo in the bold and/or on deck, lashing and securing as well as the cost of materials used for this purpose.


3. Delivery Dates.

The equipment specified in Clause 1 of the present Contract is to be delivered complete as follows:

By the time stipulated the equipment is to be manufactured in ac­cordance with the Contract conditions, tested, packed, marked and delivered FOB Moscow.

All the questions connected with shipment of the goods are to be settled in accordance with the Buyers' instructions or instructions of the Buyers' Forwarding Agent ________.

By the first of the month preceding the month of shipment the Sellers are to notify the Buyers by cable about the date of the readiness of all the equipment for shipment from the port stating the weight and cubic volume of the cargo. The same notification is to be sent to the Buyers' Forwarding Agent.

The delivery date is understood to be the date of the “clean-on-board” Bill of Lading issued in the name of the Buyers, destination port.

If the expiration of 30 days from the date of the readiness of the goods for shipment the shipping facilities are not available and so the goods cannot be shipped from the port of Lnd. The Sellers have the right to hand over the goods to the Buyers’ Forwarding Agent. In this case the date of the Forwarding Agent’s receipt is considered to be the date of delivery.

After handing over the goods to the Buyers’ Forwarding Agent all the expenses connected with the storage of the goods up to the moment of loading them on board a ship are to be covered by the Buyers.

If the goods are not ready for shipment by the date of arrival of the vessel the Sellers are to cover the losses the Buyers may sustain in connection with demurrage and/or unloading of the vessel.


Упр. 11. Используя словарь, прочитайте и переведите текст. Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

ко времени, оговоренному в контракте; все расходы, связанные с отгрузкой товаров; должны быть урегулированы; должны уведомить; затраты, связанные с…; оборудование, которое указано; материалы, использованные…; в связи с простоем судна, чистый коносамент, условия отгрузки/перевозки


Упр. 12. Найдите в тексте абзац, где говорится о затратах сторон. Каковы эти затраты? Переведите данный абзац письменно.

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What points of the contract are specified in the abstract?

2. What does the total amount of the contract include?

3. What is to be done before shipment of goods?

4. Who (the Buyer or the Seller) covers the expenses of shipment?


Упр. 13. Прочитайте письмо. Выпишите предложения с «due». Переведите их на русский язык.


Rosimport May 17, 2002


Dear Sirs,


Re: Contract for the Pulp and Paper Mill


We refer to our letters dated 7th January 2002 and the 26th February 2002 to which we have not received any reply concerning the sums due to us on the above contract for the Pulp and Paper Mill.

We wish to draw your attention to the Deed of Acceptance which was signed during November 2002, a copy of which we enclose for your records.

Since that date we have been due to receive 5% of the accepted equipment to a total of $ 2000. We, therefore, have pleasure in enclosing, in duplicate, our claim for the amount of $2500.

Under the terms of agreement reached between us we were due to supply sufficient equipment to eliminate the problems with the Vacuum System. We have now supplied all the equipment, and it was intended that start-up would commence in April, 2002. It was proposed that our engineer, Mr. Dean, visit the mill in the week outstanding 25th April, to start up equipment. However, in your telex No. T3018, dated 5th April 2002, you indefinitely cancelled this visit.

You will definitely appreciate that considerable time and money has been expended supplying equipment. We are now confident that with the addition

of the equipment supplied the contract requirements of this machine will be met. It would, therefore, seem reasonable for you to now pay the final 5% due.

In view of our confidence in the equipment supplied and in your delay in start-up, we now enclose our claim for the remainder of the 5% due on acceptance, being $1000 and our claim of $500 penalty for delay in payment.


I remain

Faithfully yours,


Упр. 14. Составьте письмо на основе данной информации.

1. It / now / almost / month / since / you agreed / install / the equipment / we /

purchased / you / April. We regret / unless / the equipment / installed / two

weeks / we / obliged / report / Head Office. Please / treat / matter / urgent.

2 … more / three months /…you / expressed / interest /setting up / joint venture

/ we … awaiting / your comments / draft scheme. We … you / prepared / let

us know these / near future / we / obliged / seek / other arrangements. Please


3 … letter … regret / delay / enclosed contract. Our Board director / ill / number of days / result / we / been / unable / get approval / until now. We apologize ….


Упр. 15. Переведите на английский язык.


1.Сообщаем, что вторая партия товара готова к отправке. Судно, зафрахтованное (зафрахтовать – to charter) нами для транспортировки, уже прибыло в порт. Оборудование, подготовленное к отправке, соответствует документам и будет отгружено в срок, указанный в контракте.

2.Высылаем вам литературу с описанием оборудования, изготавливаемого на нашем заводе. Высылаем вам также предложение на это оборудование. Цена, назначенная нами, включает стоимость оборудования, упакованного и доставленного в любой порт Англии. Дата отгрузки будет зависеть от количества требующихся машин.


Уважаемые господа!

О Вашей фирме мы узнали от наших деловых партнёров, которые сообщили нам о том, что они имеют с Вами деловые отношения около 15 лет. Мы спросили их о том, не знают ли они фирму- изготовителя, которая могла бы поставить нам незамедлительно товары, названные в прилагаемом списке. Они порекомендовали нам обратиться к вам.

Конфиденциально сообщаем Вам, что наш обычный поставщик оказался в этом году не в состоянии соблюдать сроки поставки и из-за этого, мы можем сорвать сроки выполнения внешних договоров.

Если вы сможете поставить нам необходимые товары, пожалуйста, считайте это нашим заказом. Оплата будет произведена в соответствии с Вашими обычными условиями сделки.

Надеемся, что Вы сможете помочь нам в данном случае. И если Ваши изделия и сроки их поставки окажутся конкурентоспособными, то мы намереваемся заключить с Вами долгосрочный контракт.

Мы были бы Вам чрезвычайно признательны, если бы Вы прислали ответ телексом.

С уважением …





Subject for Study: Further Business Contacts and Their Development. Fulfillment of Contracts. Payment. (Развитие деловых контактов. Контракты и их исполнение. Платежи)

Grammar: Conditional Clauses. Revision. (Условные предложения. Повторение)


Упр.1 Прочитайте и запомните слова. Найдите предложения с данными словами в тексте и переведите их.

Methods of payment – формы оплаты

To ensure (payment) – гарантировать

To trаnsmit money – переводить деньги

To present to the bank – предъявлять банку

Payment in advance – оплата авансом

Open account –открытый счет

A bill of exchange –вексель

The face of the bill – лицевая сторона векселя

Available currency – доступная валюта

A sight draft – вексель на предъявителя

A term draft – вексель с оплатой в конце определенного срока

A letter of credit –аккредитив

Revocable (irrevocable) – отзывный (безотзывный)

A promissory note – расписка

To promise – обещать

At a fixed time – в установленное время

To release the goods – растаможить (товар)

Security of payment – гарантия платежа

The accompanying documents – сопроводительные документы

The value of the goods – стоимость товара

On presentation – по предъявлении

To extend credit – продлить кредит

To revoke – изменить


Methods of Payment.

Selling abroad creates extra problems. Delivery generally takes longer and payment for goods correspondingly can take more time. Exporters need to take extra care in ensuring that prospective customers are reliable payers.

The way exporters choose to be paid depends on a number of factors: the usual contract terms adopted in the buyer’s country, what competitors may be offering, how quickly money is needed, the life of the product, the availability of foreign currency to the Buyers, etc.

There are four basic methods of payment providing various degrees of security for the exporter:

- payment in advance,

- open account,

- Bills of exchange,

- documentary Letter of Credit.

The best possible method of payment for the exporter is payment in advance, which provides the greatest security of payment to an exporter and may be asked even before the production begins. However, this form of payment is extremely rare in exporting as no overseas buyer would extend credit to an exporter.

Payment on open account offers the least security to the exporter. The goods and the accompanying documents are sent to the overseas buyer who has agreed to pay within a certain period of time.

An exporter can also send a bill of exchange for the value of goods for export through the banking system for payment by an overseas buyer on presentation. The bill is called a sight draft if it is made payable at sight (on demand). If it payable “at a fixed or determinable future time” it is called a term draft. The Buyer signs an agreement to pay on the due date by writing an acceptance across the face of the bill. By using a bill of exchange with other shipping documents through the banking system, an exporter can ensure greater control of the goods, because until the bill is paid or accepted by the overseas buyer the goods cannot be released. In all the methods of payment using a bill of exchange, a promissory note can be used as an alternative. This is issued by a Buyer who promises to pay an exporter a certain amount of money within a specified time.

A more secure method of carrying out transaction is by documentary Letter of Credit. This documentary Letter of Credit when transmitted through a bank (usually in the exporter’s country) becomes the means by which the exporter obtains payment. The necessary documents, correctly completed, are presented to the bank by the expiry date of the credit. Documentary credit may be revocable and irrevocable. Most letters are irrevocable, which means that once a Buyer’s conditions in the letter have been agreed by an exporter, they constitute a definite undertaking by the Buyer’s bank and cannot be revoked without the exporter’s agreement.


Упр. 2. Расскажите, что Вы узнали о:

- the factors payment depends on in export trade;

- different ways of payment

- the security of each method of payment;

- the most secure method of payment;

- the least secure method of payment.


Упр. 3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why is there a problem of payment in export trade?

2. What is the main difference in the four methods of payment?

3. Which method of payment is the most secure? Why?

4. Which method of payment would you prefer, by sight draft or by term-draft? Why?

5. Why is Letter of Credit called documentary?


Упр. 4. Прочитайте текст ивыполните следующие задания:


Найдите английские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний: вексель, безвозвратный аккредитив, открытие счёта в банке, почтовый перевод, вексель на предъявителя, вексель с оплатой в конце определенного периода, оплата наличными, оплата наличными при получении заказа.


Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Who do you think is speaking? Where and who to?

2. What’s the main point of his speech?

3. Which method of payment is preferred by the speaker and why?

4. Which system involves the most risk for the firm?



So, there are four systems that we use. Cash with order is ideal: but most customers want a period of credit, so it’s not always easy to insist on the cash first. The next one I mentioned was Open Account; and there are three ways that open account customers can pay us: by cheque, by telegraphic transfer, or by mail transfer. BUT: we don’t give a customer open account facilities until we have business references from two major firms and from a bank. Open account is OK with people you know well, but don’t go round offering it to strangers! Now, bills of exchange or draft. We use two types: sight bills, which are a little like a cheque; and time bills, which are paid after a certain period. OK? Sight bills, time bills, OK. Now, the type of payment system I prefer to use is irrevocable letter of credit. The word “irrevocable” is important. It means that there’s no risk: the banks guarantee that we get our money: and that’s the way I like it …


в) Озаглавьте текст.


Упр. 6 Вставьте артикли или притяжательные местоимения.


1st May, 2006

Dear Mr. Stogov,

Our bank is pleased to have been … long-standing partner of … company and appreciates … chance to have had those mutually beneficial business opportunities that we have had over … recent years.

As for … latest proposal, I can inform you that … bank can lend you up to 20 mln USD as … sole provider. We suggest … 8-year loan at …fixed rate of interest of 11% … annum with quarterly repayments.

… bigger package that you mention can also be organized with … help, provided we go ahead with our principal loan.



Sincerely yours,

John Greenly,



Dear Sir,

Our Manchester Trade Co. Intends to open … branch of … business in London, and we should like to open … current account with you for … use of the management of this branch.

The Manager’s name is Dale Cooper and he is authorized to sign cheques on … behalf. … cheques will also carry … second signature of … branch cashier, Mr. Peter Carter.

Will you, please, make arrangements for these two gentlemen to visit your bank in order to provide specimens of … signature and fulfill other formalities.

Our references can be obtained by you from … Manchester First Bank who will be pleased to provide you with any details concerning … Manchester Trade Co.


Note: to be authorized – быть уполномоченным,

Signature – подпись

Specimen – образец


Упр. 7. Вставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо.

1. According … the contract payment is to be made … a Letter … Credit opened … full value … the goods.

2. Sellers advised us that the goods were ready … shipment.

3. The Buyers will open … cable a Letter …Credit … favour … the sellers … the following documents.

4. The Buyer has the right to extend the period … validity … the Letter … Credit.

5. The payment … the goods is to be made … US dollars … the full value … the goods … presentation … the Bank … Foreign economic Affairs … Russia, Moscow … the shipping documents.

6. … the event … devaluation … the US dollar both parties have the right to renegotiate the price … the goods.


Упр. 8. Поставьте глагол в правильной форме. Переведите текст.

а) The process of payment from bank to bank (greatly, to quicken) by the introduction of SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunication). This network (to cover) nowadays thousands of banks in about a hundred counties. A message to pay money sent through the computers of SWIFT system (can, to receive) in the matter of seconds.

The role of correspondent banks (nowadays, to grow). A correspondent bank (to be) the one which carries the deposit balance of another bank situated in another country or city. This exchange of services between banks greatly (to facilitate) international payments.

One of the relatively new developments in banking (to be) the industry of plastic (credit) cards. By issuing credit cards to individual clients and thus encouraging them to spend money, the banks (to tap) the almost inexhaustible resources of the consumer sector. This system (to pioneer) by the USA where plastic cards (to prove) a goldmine for banks, but now credit cards (to issue) by virtually all big banks around the world.



1. Mr. Brown (to inform) us in the telephone conversation that the firm (to agree) to reduce the price.

2. I (to tell) the other day that the volume of business in this industry almost (to double).

3. They (to advise) us two days ago that the Buyers (to agree) to extend the validity of the Letter of Credit.

4. At yesterday’s talks the firm (to draw our attention) to the fact that they (to want) to double their purchases.

5. I (to learn) from our conversation that the drop in the volume of business (to affect) the prices and they (to plan) to draw up a new quotation.



Упр. 9. Прочитайте обсуждение партнерами некоторых пунктов контракта и выполните следующие задания:


a) Суммируйте основные пункты, обсуждавшиеся партнерами.


b) Расскажите о Ваших переговорах от имени Клименко.


В. Mr.К, there is one more question I’d like to discuss with you. As we

are in close touch with the market now we are informed that other

companies can quote lower prices. We expect your understanding of our

good will and of the fact that our company is rather new and intends to have

long-term relations with yours.

K. Right. But business is business. What are reasons for a discount?

B. I’ve already mentioned your competitors’ prices. Besides, your price must

depend on the amount of the Contract.

K. Well, if you increase your order to … pounds we will be able to give you a

2% discount.

K. It’s better, but we expected at least a 4% discount.

B. Let’s make some calculations, …3% and not more, Mr.Klimenko. Even this

concession leaves only a very small profit for us.

K But I’m afraid, Mr. Black, that this time we can’t raise the sum of the

Contract. Would you take risks and sign our first contract at this price if we

find you new customers in the CIS countries in the nearest future?

B Well, that’s reasonable. We always give our partners a square deal. But this

price is final. CIF Odessa, isn’t it? Now the terms of payment. We accept:

Cash, Letter of Credit, Telex Transfer, Certified Check.

K You see, gentlemen, cash is out of question. It isn’t allowed in our country

for foreign trade, and, it’s a problem for us too. The Letter of Credit appears

to be most acceptable. As to the others they are not so widespread in our


B. All right. What currency can you pay: sterling or dollars? We insist on

pound sterling.

K. It’s possible. Go ahead, please.

B. What we need is freedom of shipment from any UK port. We must have a

choice in case of strike.

K. No objections. But we need a Bill of Lading, an Invoice, a Packing List, a

Certificate of Origin, a Certificate of Quality and Insurance Policy to be

faxed within two days after the cargo is ready for shipment.

B. Good. To sum it up let me show you the sample of other company’s L/C but

without any figures and names (it’s our commercial secret). We could meet

tomorrow after you look through it closely. What time could you come here

again, Mr. Klimenko?

K. I think we can meet at two if you do not mind.

B. Then see you tomorrow at 2.


Note: concession – уступка

sample – образец




Упр. 10 Прочитайте отрывок из контракта и выполните следующие упражнения:

а) Переведите предложения, в которых употребляются следующие слова и словосочетания: hereinafter – at the Seller’s option – notification – as follows – the receipt – for the full value (of goods) – invoice – certificate of weight – bill of lading – the exchange rate – to renegotiate - valid – extension (of the contract) – under the contract.


б) Найдите английские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний: по выбору продавца, включая упаковку, получение уведомления, именуемый в дальнейшем, на полную стоимость, быть действительным, валютный курс, заново обсудить вопрос цены, счёт-фактура.

Выпишите предложения с этими словами из текста


в) Составьте 10 предложений с выделенными выше словами (п. б) письменно. Используйте Ваши предложения в сообщении об условиях платежа по контракту.


Contract No


London 15th may,2002


Rosexport, Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the Seller and British Asbestos

Ltd., London, hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, hereby agree as follows:

The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought asbestos of Russian origin on FOB terms from one of the Northern ports at the Seller’s option. The grades, price and quantity are stated as follows:

The price for goods is understood to be per metric ton, packing included, FOB

Northern ports. The quantity is understood to be up to 5% more or less, at the Seller’s option.

Within five days after the receipt of the Seller’s notification by cable that the

goods are ready for shipment, the Buyer shall open by cable with the Russian Bank of Foreign Economic affairs, Moscow, an irrevocable, confirmed and divisible Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller for the full value of goods plus 5% to cover the option. The Letter of Credit is to be valid for 90 days, with the extension if required by the Seller. The payment for the goods is to be made in US dollars for 100% (one hundred percent) of the invoice value of Asbestos on presentation to the Russian Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs, Moscow, of the following documents:

-invoice in 3 copies (in triplicate)

-Seller’s Certificate of Weight

-set of Bills of Lading

In the event of the change of the exchange rate of the US dollar on or before the

date of payment under the present contract both parties have the right to renegotiate the price of the goods.



Упр. 11. Найдите соответствия сочетаниям в левой колонке сочетания в левой колонке.



1.… on very favourable terms a) наши условия – ежемесячная

(квартальная) оплата

2…. at the very special price b по себестоимости

3…at below the market price c) наши сроки и условия продажи

должны быть соблюдены

4. at less cost d) просьба производить оплату

траттой, выставленной банком

на другой банк (безотзывным

аккредитивом, переводным


5.owing to the slump commodity price e) мы хотели бы чтобы платеж

we can offer you these goods осуществлялся траттами по

принятии Вашего заказа.


7.raw material prices have risen f) по особой (специальной) цене

8.prices have (risen, fallen) remained steady. g) наши условия -платёж по счёту-



h) цены на сырьё повысились



9.our prices are quoted… i) наши цены включают в себя

упаковку и перевозку.



10. our prices include packing and carriage. j) котировальная цена включает

упаковку в специальные

экспортные ящики

11.freight and packing cases are included l) наши цены при условии оплаты

in the price наличными допускают скидку


12.the price quoted includes packing in m)наши условия -чистый

special export cases платёж (наличными,

немедленная оплата

наличными, наличные деньги в

течение 6 дней, уплата при

доставке, наложенный платёж)


14.our quotation prices are subject to 2% n) на очень благоприятных discount for cash условияx

o) цены повысились (понизились,

остались стабильными)

15.…at cost price p) ниже себестоимости

16.our terms are payment on invoice. q) фрахт и упаковка коробок

включены в цену


16.our terms are net cash (spot cash, cash r) цены на сырьё повысились

within 6 days, cash on delivery, cash

with order)

17.our terms are monthly (quarterly) s) наши цены назначены


18.we should require payment by banker’s t) вследствие резкого падения цен

draft on accepance of your offer мы можем предложить Вам эти



19.our terms and conditions of sales as x) ниже себестоимости

printed on your invoices must be strictly


20.payment by banker’s draft (irrevocable z) наши условия и сроки продажи,

letter of credit, bill of exchange) is указанные в счёте-фактуре

requested должны строго соблюдаться



Упр. 14. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Составьте деловое письмо, расположив предложения в логической последовательности. Оформите письмо.

1. We agree to your price, but should like to know if you are prepared to grant us a discount of 5% for a quantity of 2,000.

2. What special discount can you offer for orders over $5,000 net?

3. We enclose our order, but must point out that the falling market here will leave us little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect of future supplies.

4. As we have now done business with you for a year, we should appreciate quarterly settlement terms.

5. As we propose to run a series of 12 consecutive advertisements, we should like to know what discount you can allow us for this.

6. We attach our order for 3 gross, but could send you much larger orders if you could see your way to bringing your price down to a level comparable with that of your competitors in this market.


Упр. 15. Составьте письма на основе данной информации.

1. As / we / particularly / interested /taking part /display / new products / we / writing /you / willing /inform /us / time and requirements/. We look forward /receiving / prompt reply.

2. … anxious / begin / production /this spring /we /writing … prepared/ grant / us/ credit / period / twelve months. In return … we / willingly / pay /higher / rate / interest. We look ….

3. … keen / open / new branch / June … / writing … willing … /begin / work / office / at once. In return … we / prepared / settle / account / within 24 hours / completion / work. We look ….


Упр. 16. Переведите на английский язык.


1.Мы хотим обратить ваше внимание на новые факторы, отрицательно влияющие на торговлю.

2. Согласно контракту, вы открываете аккредитив во Внешэкономбанке России в Москве.

3. Безотзывный и подтверждённый аккредитив открывается на полную стоимость товара.

4. Цифры, содержащиеся в докладе, представляют для вас интерес.

5. Они приняли во внимание тот факт, что мы удвоили заказ.

6. Он обратил внимание на то, что они продлили срок гарантии.

7. Сведения, содержащиеся в письме, всех удивили.



Уважаемые господа,

Благодарим вас за ваш запрос и рады выслать наше предложение на станки, которые вас интересуют.

Мы предлагаем вам товар по ценам, указанным в нашем каталоге, при условии вашего подтверждения в течение 10 дней от даты данного письма.

Наши обычные условия платежа следующие:

80% от стоимости товара оплачиваются по безотзывному, подтвержденному аккредитиву при представлении следующих документов:

1. оригинала коносамента;

2. счёта в трёх экземплярах;

3. заводского сертификата.

Оставшиеся 20% оплачиваются после приёмки товара. Аккредитив должен быть открыт во Внешэкономбанке России в Москве и должен быть действителен в течение 90 дней.



Уважаемые господа!

Касательно аккредитива для оплаты тракторов

Пожалуйста, откройте во Внешторгбанке подтверждённый безотзывный аккредитив в пользу компании «Тракторэкспорт», Москва, на сумму 80 000 английских фунтов стерлингов, которые должны уплачиваться по доставке Вам следующих документов:

- коносаментa «чистый на борту» с указанием, что фрахт уплачен заранее, индоссированный нашему приказу;

- счетов - фактур в пяти экземплярах.

Разрешается пропорциональная оплата по мере отправления груза партиями. Срок аккредитива истекает 1 октября сего года.

С уважением ….



Уважаемые господа!

Мы получили ваше уведомление о том, что товары по заказу А285 готовы, и сегодня нами посланы указания касательно их отгрузок. Также сегодня нами открыт безотзывный аккредитив на сумму 13 450 американских долларов. Мы проинструктировали Манхэттенский банк Нью-Йорка сообщить Вам об этом.

Срок аккредитива истекает 31 июля с.г. Мы, однако, предполагаем, что Вы не будете терять время, и выполните наши указания по отгрузке товаров до истечения срока аккредитива.

С уважением,



Subject for Study: Further Business Contacts and their Development. Contracts and their Fulfillment. Claims and Sanctions. (Развитие деловых контактов. Выполнение контрактов. Претензии и санкции)

Grammar: Conditional Clauses. Revision (Условные предложения. Повторение)


Упр.1 Прочитайте и запомните слова. Найдите предложения с данными словами в тексте и переведите их.

sufferer - пострадавшая сторона

cause - причина

default - неуплата

to penalize – штрафовать

a letter of claim - исковое заявление

to confirm - подтверждать

at one’s expense - за счет

proof - доказательство

short-delivery - недопоставка

to recompense - компенсировать

well-grounded - обоснованный

settlement - урегулирование

final and binding for both parties - окончательный и не подлежащий обжалованию

award - решение

to appeal - обращаться

infringement – нарушение, отклонение


The Causes of Claims.


In ideal business conditions everything should be done carefully – details of offers and orders checked, manufacture of the goods carried out properly, packing and marking verified.

If a party fails to meet its contract obligations the sufferer makes a claim on the party. The Seller most frequently makes claims on the Buyer because of the default of payment or because of the Buyer’s infringements of the terms of delivery. The Seller declines liability if the B/L is “clean” or if the goods are disorderly stored, mishandled or misused by the Buyer. More often it is the Buyer who makes a claim on the Seller. Letters of complaint happen to arrive rather frequently but as a rule a customer will not complain unless he has a good reason. The causes for complaint may be poor quality, breakage, damage, short weight, leakage, etc. The following kinds of claims are often made by Buyers:

- claims, arising from the delivery of wrong goods, damaged or substandard goods;

- claims connected with delays of one kind or another; in this case the Seller may be penalized, the rate of penalty is to be fixed in the Penalty Clause of the contract;

- claims owing to goods missing from delivery (short-shipment or short-delivery);

- claims that concern errors in carrying out an order. These may be caused by mis-typing of figures, misreading of numbers, misdirection of goods, wrong packing and so on.

The Buyer must write a statement of claim and mail it to the Seller together with the supporting documents, such as Bill of Lading, Airway and Railway bill, Survey Report, Quality Certificate which may serve as documentary evidence. If necessary, drawings, photos samples are enclosed as proofs of claims.

In case of damage or short-weight the goods are to be repaired or recompensed, all at the Seller’s expense. If the goods are missing or not recovered compensation must be paid by the responsible party. If the customer’s complaint is well-grounded, the settlement is comparatively easy: the error will be admitted and the responsible party will meet the claim fully or partly. In other words, the dissatisfied party will get full or partial compensation for the losses which they suffered. Thus, the matter is settled amicably.

Much more difficult is the case when the customer’s complaint is not justified. The claim can be declined then and the matter becomes disputable. Settling commercial disputes by arbitration is practiced if the parties in dispute can not reach mutual understanding. The award of the Arbitration Commission is final and binding upon both parties. It is not subject to appeal.


Упр. 2. Расскажите, что Вы узнали о:

1) the reasons for Buyers’ claims;

2) the amicable settlement of claims;

3) the best course of action in case of unjustified claims;

4) the reason for the Sellers’ claims.


Упр. 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. Why is it preferable to settle claims in an amicable way?

2. Why is it a wrong policy to reject an unjustified claim off-hand?

3. When does the dissatisfied party claim compensation?



Упр. 4. Вставьте артикли или притяжательные местоимения.


1. The firm made a claim on us for $500 in connection with a delay in … delivery.

2. A letter of complaint concerning the delay in … delivery of the October shipment was sent to the shipping company.

3. We find your claim for the defects in …manufacture of … goods absolutely groundless.

4. Numerous defects in … manufacture frequently occur when a new process is introduced.



Dear Sirs,

As you know, … letter of the 34th November was acknowledged by … Moscow office. I believe that I should reply in detail to your letter.

Our company is most concerned that complaints are being received by you concerning delays in … delivery.

We informed you in October that… Model 1000 contains modified parts and components, which do not affect … performance of … machines.

We are aware of … need to maintain … especially high standard of … quality control over … machines sold to you and this is being done. I wish to stress again that … company is aware of … obligation to correct all … defects in accordance with …contractual obligations.


Упр. 5. Вставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо.


1. You are aware … our difficulties.

2. Rosimport made a claim … the Sellers … the sum equivalent to the cost of repairs.

3. The Buyers made a complaint … some faults, which made the machines unsuitable for operation.

4. The Buyers found fault … the workmanship … the machines.

5. We reminded them … their default … payment last year.

6. They expected the subcontractors to compensate them … the storage expenses. 7. The award … the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission … the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is final and binding … both parties.



Dear Sirs,

You are probably aware … the fact that owing … the energy crisis, the British government has directed that industry shall be restricted to the tree working days only per week. As a result, our deliveries will be delayed.

We are extremely sorry to have to give you this news and we hope that you will not make a claim … us owing … a delay … delivery. In spite of all these difficulties, we will do everything possible to give you the service that you and we both desire.

Yours faithfully,


Упр. 6. Поставьте глагол в правильной форме.

1. Don’t complain until you (to make sure) of the defects.

2. We do not plan to speed up delivery unless we (to receive) their instructions.

3. We shall refer the matter to arbitration unless you (to send) replacements.

4. No penalty will be claimed if you (to agree) to speed up the delivery of the second consignment.

5. The invoice will not be paid unless they (to compensate) us for the losses suffered.

6. The visit will be postponed until the parties in dispute (to come) to an agreement.


Упр. 7. Прочитайте диалог и выполните последующие задания.

(Petrov, a representative of the Trade Delegation of Russia is discussing with Mr. Wales a problem connected with the order signed by Brown and Co and Rosimport.)


W. - Good morning, Mr. Petrov. Glad to see you.

P. - Good morning, Mr. Wales. I’d like to discuss your telephone message.

W. - Well, anything the matter?

P. - As you know, under our Order you were to deliver 1,000 pieces of item 2 D21 in the fourth quarter.

W. - That’s right.

P. - Moreover, during our November meeting you confirmed the original schedule and promised to meet the December deadline. But on the 15th January you informed us that there was some difficulty and that we would probably receive the item only in late January.

W. - Yes, we reached understanding on that.

P. - You postponement already meant a month’s delay, but we took into account your unforseen complications then. And now you are informing us of a further delay.

W. - I can offer my apologies but the further delay cannot possibly exceed three weeks.

P. - Strictly speaking, we could have applied the penalty clause after your first delay.

W. - I can only hope that taking into account our long mutually satisfactory relations you would not claim agreed and liquidated damages from us.

P. - Unfortunately we cannot meet your request. Our clients are suffering heavy losses. We shall charge from you 5% of the value of the undelivered goods beginning from January 20.

W. - Well, if you insist, we’ll have to pay the penalty


Упр.8. Расскажите, что Вы узнали о:

- the changes in the delivery schedule;

- the position of the parties in respect of the penalty clause;

- the problem to be settled.


Упр. 9. Расскажите о Ваших переговорах с точки зрения каждого партнера.


Упр. 10. Дайте развернутый ответ на вопросы (письменно)

1. Do you think the complaint can be settled amicably? Give your reasons.

2. Who do you think is to blame for non-execution of the contract?


Упр. 11. Прочитайте еще один диалог. Какие вопросы являются главными при обсуждении? Поднимались ли эти вопросы в предыдущем диалоге?

W. - In our opinion your letter of complaint isn’t justified.

P. - I’m afraid we cannot agree with you here. I think I should refer you to the

delivery clause of our Contract. It says that delivery was to be made not later

than the end of September.

W. - Well, as a matter of fact, we passed the goods on to our forwarding agents at

the works on the 20th September. I’ve brought a receipt with me signed by the


P. - According to the Contract it is the date of the Bill of Lading which is

considered to be the date of delivery, that is the 25th of October. If it taken into

account we are entitled to claim compensation.

W. - What amount of compensation are you thinking of?

P. - We’ve calculated it on the basis of the provisions stipulated in the contract.

W. - Can I look through your calculations to get a better idea of the figures?

P. - Here are the documents. They show the exact sum of agreed and liquidated


W. - I think I may need some time to go into all this. If you don’t mind could we

come back to you with a proposal?

P. - Fine. But we’d appreciate it if you could speed up the decision on the matter.

W. - Of course. I’m sure it won’t take very long. Naturally, we too are anxious to reach a speedy and amicable settlement of this question.


Note: agreed and liquidated damages – заранее оговоренные и согласованные



Упр. 12. Ответьте на вопросы

1. Do you think the parties would settle the matter without referring it to Arbitration?

1. Why do you think Mr. W’ s party was interested in the speedy settlement of the


2. Why did Mr. W want to study the documents?


Упр. 13. Прочитайте другой диалог. Какой вопрос снова поднимается при обсуждении условий контракта? Какие новые вопросы необходимо обсудить?

P. - We’ve got to discuss another problem with the same unlucky machine TC-2.

W. - What’s wrong this time? We’ve just repaired the machine. All the traces of

the damage have been removed. Do you mean to say there is some payment


P. - No problem here. You’ll be duly paid by our insurance company. But now

we’ve got another headache.

W. - What’s troubling you?

P. - After our engineers examined and tested the machine repaired by you they

discovered that it had some defects for which the manufacturers are

responsible. We have a report of a qualified commission to prove it. Here it is.

We believe that you are obliged either to eliminate the defects or replace the


W. - Now I see the whole situation. First of all, I’d like to study the report of the

commission and refer it to the experts. I’ll give you our final reply in two days.

P. - Don’t feel too discouraged about it, Mr.Wilson. Things might have been even

worse. It’s a good thing that your packing had been found in conformity with

the requirements. Otherwise you would have had to pay for the repair of the

damage that occurred in transit as well.

W. - Yes, of course. You want to say, Mr. Petrov, that every cloud has a silver

lining. Well, see you again soon.


Упр. 14. Ответьте на вопросы

1. Why did Smirnov expect the insurance company to cover the expenses connected with the repair of the machine?

2. What action would the Sellers take if the findings of the commission were correct?


Упр. 15. Расскажите о проблемах выполнения обязательств от имени мистера Вильсона (Петрова)


Упр. 16. Дайте расширенные ответы на один из вопросов (письменно)

1. Why do claims frequently arise in business?

2. How are claims classified?

3. Who makes claims more often, the Buyer or the Seller?

4. What are the ways of handling justified claims?

5. How should a justified claim be documented?

6. Why do the parties in dispute resort to arbitration?


Ex.17. Read and translate the letters of complaint. Write out the sentences in which the claim matters are described. Сформулируйте причину жалоб одним или двумя предложениями.


Dear Sirs,

As you know, Holton & Son, Inc. Received two shipments from Rosimport, Saint-Petersburg, Russia on the s.s. “Thomas Jefferson”, when it last discharged in Wilmington, North Carolina in September. Two Russian technicians were sent to Holton to assist in assembling the equipment and to pit it into operation.

These men are thoroughly familiar with the equipment, and after inspection of the material received they determined that the equipment was five crates short.

All of this information was promptly passed to Amtorg Trading Corporation in New York who represents Rosimport in the importation of their machinery in the USA.

We have been unable to find any trace of the missing crates in any of the US ports of call of the s.s. “Thomas Jefferson”. We now have the continuing expense of maintaining the two Russian technicians and are losing valuable time.

It is our intention to insist that the missing parts be replaced by you and shipped to us via air freight, all for your account.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sirs,

We received your consignment of toys this morning (our order No. 15060 refers). However, on examining we found that the electric trains packed on one side of case No. 3 were badly damaged, and are unsaleable. This case had obviously been struck by a heavy object or dropped, and we pointed this out to your local agents, who endorsed the receipt, “one case side damaged”.

No doubt you will take the matter up with shippers; however, for the present we should be obliged if you would send us 25 replacement trains, catalogue No. 3546d.

The surveyor’s report will be forwarded immediately it has been prepared.


Yours faithfully,


Упр. 18. Составьте письма на основе предлагаемой информации.

1. It / now/ almost /month/since /you agreed / install / the equipment / we / purchased / you /April. We regret / unless / the equipment /installed / two weeks / we obliged /report / Head Office. Please / treat /matter / urgent.

2. We / thank / order …/ which / attention. With regard / spare parts / we / regret

/owing /disruption / deliveries /not our fault / obliged /suspend / temporarily /our shipments / mean / delay/ 2-3 weeks. We trust / this /not inconvenience/ you.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 1920 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Робочий час| Упр. 19. Переведите на английский язык.

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