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Y. Якщо зазирнути у минуле, опишіть якою ви бачите Запорізьку Січ.

Читайте также:
  1. Y. Уявіть собі, якщо б ви зазирнули у минуле, який одяг ви б побачили на жінках та чоловіках. Напишіть про це.


Самостійна робота № 12


Тема: Конституція та закони України.


Основні питання, що розглядаються:

1. Історична роль конституції.

2. Перша конституція України.

3. Головний закон незалежної держави.


1. Ярцева А.В. Английский язык. Устные темы для учащихся 6-11 классов и абитуриентов. – Харьков: «Ранок», 1999. – 37с.

2. Мясоедова С.В. Английский язик. Разговорные темы. – Харьков: «Мир детства», 1998. – 15с.

3. Гужва Т.Н. Английские разговорные темы: для абитуриентов и учащихся средних школ, лицеве и колледжей. 3-е издание, испр. и доп. – Киев: Тандем, 1999. – 140с.


Студент повинен знати:

1. Роль конституції в історії людства.

2. Перша конституція України.

3. Головний закон незалежної України.

4. Лексичний мінімум.

Студент повинен вміти: розповісти про історію виникнення конституції та про Конституцію України.



The constitutions take a special place in the world civili­zation and play an important role in the political history of every country. The constitution of the young independent state of Ukraine is not the exception.

The principles forming the basis of our Constitution con­form to the modern democratic norms operating in all deve­loped countries. But we can say with pride that the legal tra­ditions of the Ukrainian people are deeply rooted in the past.

The first constitutions were adoptedat the end of the eigh­teenth century. The Constitution of the USA was adopted in 1787. In 1791 the Constitutions of France and Poland were adopted.

But long before, in 1710, in Bendery city Cossack Rada and Pylyp Orlyk, Getman of Ukraine in expulsion, adopted the document which was the first prototype of modern con­stitutions. It was called «Pacts and Constitutions of Laws and Freedoms of Zaporozhsky Troops».

This Constitution included the preamble and 16 paragraphs. The main principles of construction of the Ukrainian state were formulated there: the role of orthodoxy in state and society, the independence of Ukraine from Poland and Mos­cow. But the most important achievement of this Constitu­tion was the idea of separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers. This idea reflected the most progressive views of that time on the state building.

Nevertheless all the attempts to create the independent Ukrainian state failed. 150 years later, in 1917—1920, the Central Rada and then Getman Skoropadsky made one more unsuccessful attempt. Only at the end of the 20th century Ukraine became both the independent state and the full mem­ber of the European Council.

Due to this, it was necessary to bring the Ukrainian legis­lation into accord with European norms. And during the 5th session of the Supreme Rada, after the intensive and dra­matic debates, which did not stop even at night, the Main Law of Ukraine was adopted. It happened on the 28th of June,1996 at 9.20 a. m.

The Constitution of Ukraine includes the preamble and 102 clauses. They reflect the main principles of the state system of Ukraine, the rights and dutie of its citizens.

The main law of our state exists not only on pa­per. Despite the definite difficulties, the Constitution has already come in force. For example, the national monetary unit — Hryvnia — has been put into opera­tion, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Constitutional Court have been formed.

Every citizen of Ukraine should realize the importance of the Constitution in the process of the formation of the legal democratic state. The pupils and students should study the Constitution. This is mentioned in the decrees of the Minis­try of Education and President of Ukraine. Because, as Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine, said, «If we don't respect the Constitution, there won't be any respect to us, to Ukraine and its people».


Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 141 | Нарушение авторских прав

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