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Читайте также:
  1. Prepositions of movement
  2. Prepositions Предлоги

Essential Vocabulary Verbs

act add answer appear ask allow arrive be* become* begin* believe blow* bring* burn* buy* call can care carry catch* cause close come* consider continue cost* cover cross cry cut* demand die do* dress drink* drive* drop eat* end fall* feel* fight* fill find* fly* follow give* go* grow* happen have* hear* help hold* hope increase keep* know* laugh lay lead* learn leave* let* lie like live look love make* mark marry matter may mean* measure meet* mind miss move must need open own pay* play please produce put* reach read* receive remain remember rest return ride* run say* see* serve set should show sing* sit* smile speak* stand* start stop supply suppose take* talk tell* think* try turn (on/off) use visit wait walk want watch wish work write*


afraid alone angry bad beautiful best better big blue busy cold dark different difficult early easy fair false famous far fast fat foreign free full general good great green grey happy hard heavy high hot human important independent kind large last late lazy least left less light little long low national new next old pleasant poor possible present public ready real red rich right round same short silver small strong such sure sweet true warm wet white whole wide wrong



again ago almost aloud already also always as away back badly certainly down early enough even ever far hard here however just near never now often once perhaps quite seldom simply so sometimes soon still then today together tomorrow too usually very well where yesterday yet


and because both … and but either … or if neither … nor not only … but also … or since while


about above across after against along among around at before behind between by during for from in in front of into near of off on out out of over through till to toward under up upon with within without

Word + Preposition

(sb = somebody sth = something)

(break sth) by accident according to (the weather forecast) an advertisement for sth (to be) afraid of (dogs) at the age of (six) (I don't) agree with (you) (to) apply for (a job) (to) argue with sb about sth (to) arrive at (the station) = at a place (to) arrive in (England) = in a country (This machine's) out of order (to) pay (£500) for (a car) (to) point (a gun) at sb/sth (to) rely on sb/sth as a result (to) sell sth for (£300) (to) share sth with sb (Your shirt is) similar to (mine). (to) speak to sb about sth (to) spend money on (clothes) (to) steal sth from sb a story about sb/sth (to) be on strike for (more money) (to) suffer from sth (to) talk to sb about sth on television (to) think about (What are you thinking about?) (to) think of (What do you think of Van Gogh?) (to) throw (tomatoes) at sb a ticket for (a concert) (to) be tired of sb/sth (to) get in touch with sb (to) wait for sb/sth on the way (to school) (to) work as (a teacher) (to) work for (an organization) (to) worry about sb/sth to write (a letter) to sb (to) ask for sth (to) be aware of (a problem) (to) believe in (God) (to) belong to sb (to) be bored with sb/sth (to) go by bus, train, car (Have you got) change for (a pound)? (I'm) in charge. on the coast (I) come from (Scotland) Compared with (other schools, this one is cheap) (to) complain about (the food) in (good) condition (to) deal with (a problem) (She has a) degree in (English literature). (to) depend on (the weather) (to) develop into (a big business) (to) die of (a heart attack) (to be) different from/to sb/sth (Your country is) different from/to (mine). in the distance (to) dream about sb/sth (to be) fed up with sb/sth (to) fight against sb/sth (to) find out about sb/sth on a flight to (London) (to live) on the (third) floor (to) forget about sb/sth (to be) full of (energy) (to) get on (well) with sb (to) go out with sb = be boyfriend and girlfriend (to be) good at sth (to be) on holiday (to be) at home (But (to) go home) (to be) impressed by sb/sth (to) have an interview for a job (to) invite sb to (a party) or for (dinner) (to) laugh at sb/sth (to) listen to sb/sth (to) be interested in sb/sth (to) look after (sb who is ill) (to) look at (a picture) (to) look for (sth you have lost) (to) look forward to (a holiday) (to) be in love with sb (We've got lamb) for (lunch/dinner). (to be) married to sb (The room's) in a mess. in the north/south (to) operate on sb in the (19th) century

Irregular Verbs

Дієслова, які мають однакову форму в Indefinite, Past tense, Past Participle
Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Переклад
burst cost cut hit hurt let put read [ri:d] set shut spread burst cost cut hit hurt let put read [red] set shut spread burst cost cut hit hurt let put read [red] set shut spread вибухати, розриватися коштувати різати ударяти завдавати болю, ушкодити дозволяти, здавати в найом (по)класти читати ставити, розміщувати зачиняти(ся поширювати(ся)
Дієслова, які мають дві однакові форми з трьох
beat become bring build burn buy catch come deal dig dream feed feel fight find get hang have hear hold keep lay lead learn leave lend light lose make mean meet pay run say sell send shine shoot sit sleep smell spell spend spoil stand stick strike sweep teach tell think understand win wind beat became brought built burnt* bought caught came dealt dug dreamt* fed felt fought found got hung had heard held kept laid led learnt* left lent lit lost made meant met paid ran said sold sent shone shot sat slept smelt* spelt* spent spoilt* stood stuck struck swept taught told thought understood won wound beaten become brought built burnt* bought caught come dealt dug dreamt* fed felt fought found got hung had heard held kept laid led learnt* left lent lit lost made meant met paid run said sold sent shone shot sat slept smelt* spelt* spent spoilt stood stuck struck swept taught told thought understood won wound бити ставати, робитись приносити будувати палати, горіти купити спіймати приходити мати справу копати мріяти годувати відчувати боротись знаходити отримувати висіти мати, володіти чути тримати зберігати класти вести вчити залишати позичати світити губити, втрачати робити значити зустрічати платити бігти сказати продавати посилати світити стріляти сидіти спати нюхати, пахнути казати або писати по буквах проводити пошкодити стояти приклеїти, уткнути бити, страйкувати мести навчати розповідати думати розуміти вигравати заводити (механізм)
Дієслова, які мають три різні форми
be begin blow break choose do draw drink drive eat fall fly forget forgive freeze give go grow hide know lie mistake ride ring rise see shake show sing sink speak steal swim take tear throw wake wear write was/were began blew broke chose did drew drank drove ate fell flew forgot forgave froze gave went grew hid knew lay mistook rode rang rose saw shook showed sang sank spoke stole swam took tore threw woke wore wrote been begun blown broken chosen done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen flown forgotten forgiven frozen given gone grown hidden known lain mistaken ridden rung risen seen shaken shown sung sunk spoken stolen swum taken torn thrown woken worn written бути починати дути ламати обирати робити малювати пити їхати їсти падати летіти забути прощати замерзати давати йти зростати ховати(ся) знати лежати помилятися їхати верхи дзвонити піднімати(ся) бачити трясти показувати співати опускати(ся), тонути розмовляти красти плавати брати рвати кидати прокидати(ся) носити (одяг) писати

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Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 96 | Нарушение авторских прав

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