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Exercise 6. Match the broadcasting terms on the left with the correct definitions on the right.

Читайте также:
  2. Before reading the article put these words in the sentences to make definitions.
  3. Check the sentences that use the underlined parts correctly.
  4. Choose correctly the dates of King Alfred’s life: D)849-899
  5. Choose correctly the number of the main regions the Danelaw comprised: D)5
  6. Choose the correct word or phrase in bold.
  7. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.



Exercise 1. Read the following statements about radio. Number the statements from 1 to 5:

1 = strongly agree, 5 = strongly disagree. Explain your point of view.

1. Radio is an out-of-date way of receiving news and listening to music.

2. The quality of radio programmes is higher if the radio is state-funded.

3. All radio DJs/presenters are waiting for the opportunity to be on TV.

4. Everybody prefers the TV to the radio.

5. Young people no longer listen to the radio.

Exercise 2. Match the topical vocabulary with their Ukrainian equivalents. Memorize it.

1. panel game (d)   a) радіомовлення на інші країни
2. consumer   b) кабіна коментатора
3. cross frontier broadcasting   c) активна аудиторія
4. housewife time   d) вікторина
5. commentary studio   e) радіолюбитель
6. feedback   f) серйозна, інтелектуальна музика
7. to air     g) мова дикторів Бі-бі-сі, бездоганна англійська мова
8. anchorman   h) вести передачу
9. radio ham   i) час денних програм
10. audio operator   j) зменшити гучність
11. BBC English   k) радіослухач
12. to turn the radio down   l) радіо-трансляційна компанія
13. graveyard shift   m) ведучий програми
14. broadcasting organization   n) нічний концерт
15. high-brow music   o) звукорежисер

Exercise 3. Complete the following definitions with the appropriate radio personnel. Sometimes more than one variant is possible.

broadcaster, DJ, host, newscaster, announcer / presenter, commentator

1. a person who introduces TV or radio programmes ___________________

2. a person giving a talk on the radio ___________________

3. a person who selects and arranges music for further broadcasting ___________________

4. an announcer of the latest news ___________________

5. a person who asks the questions in a quiz ___________________

6. a person dealing with the broadcasting of a station ___________________

Exercise 4. Complete and translate the sentences using the words from the box.

easy-listening, broadcasting, current affairs, radio talk shows, major

1. A spoken-word station basically carries news programmes, quizzes, serials and ____________________.

2. __________________________ broadcasting corporations as British Broadcasting Company not only cover their country but carry cross-frontier broadcasting.

3. __________________________ music stations suit tastes of a large audience and therefore enjoy vast popularity among different social and age groups of people.

4. A radio set is an apparatus for receiving waves by which radio __________________________ is carried.

5. __________________________ are often called phone-ins because they invite listeners to telephone and give opinion on a certain topic or take part in a discussion.

Exercise 5. Supply the right prepositions.

Listening is a great part __________________________ my life. A radio set is speaking and singing __________________________ my room, walkie-talkie accompanies me wherever I go. I switch the radio _____________________ early ______________________ the morning to listen ______________________ the first news __________________________ the day and weather forecast. Driving ___________________ work I turn ______________________ the classic station and enjoy high-brow music __________________ half an hour. __________________________ the tea break I pick __________________________ the all-news station and listen __________________________ reports __________________________ sport events and current affairs. __________________________ my way home I turn __________________________ bulletins and international news. __________________________ work I like sitting ___________________ my set picking _______________________ phone-ins, radio plays, panel games and other entertainment programmes.

Exercise 6. Match the broadcasting terms on the left with the correct definitions on the right.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-26; просмотров: 153 | Нарушение авторских прав

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