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Ex. 2. Match the words and word combinations in the left column with the correct definitions in the right column.

Читайте также:
  2. b) Poetic and highly literary words
  3. Before reading the article put these words in the sentences to make definitions.
  4. Check the sentences that use the underlined parts correctly.
  5. Choose correctly the dates of King Alfred’s life: D)849-899
  6. Choose correctly the number of the main regions the Danelaw comprised: D)5
  7. Choose the correct word or phrase in bold.

1) to renounce a) a child between infancy and school age, usually between the ages of 2 and 5

2) singleton b) to lessen, as in amount, worth, etc.

3) genderquake c) to unite or combine into a single whole

4) quality time d) to make easy or easier

5) to facilitate e) any force or action that restricts or suppresses freedom

6) flock f) an event or occurrence that is boring,

does not fulfill smb’s expectations

7) to incorporate g) to give up; to cast off or disown

8) non-event h) colloq. a relative by marriage

9) pre-schooler i) any group, esp. a large one, as the members

of a church or the children in a family

10) stranglehold j) male-dominated

11) to frown upon smth k) time devoted to nurturing family relationships

12) to shrink l) a shift in power from men to women

13) in-law m) too great an amount or supply; excess of

14) surfeit n) smth occurring or existing singly and not as one of a pair or of a group

15) patriarchal o) to disapprove of smth

Ex. 3. Study the following definitions and give the corresponding topical terms.

1) children who have their own key to their home, because there is no one to let them in after school

2) an arrangement to meet smb socially, having not met before

3) not sexual; without sex or sexuality

4) a group of people related by blood or law, living together or associating with one another for a common purpose

5) colloq. to get married

6) a day nursery for infants

7) a working person whose earnings support his or her dependents

8) failure or inability of the younger and older generations to communicate, understand one another

9) a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children living in one household

10) a person born in the US during the great increase in birthrate in the years following the Second World War

11) to live together as husband and wife, esp. when not legally married

12) virtuousness; sexual abstinence; decency or modesty

13) a person employed to take full care of another’s young child or children; nursemaid

14) a group of relatives by blood, marriage, or adoption, often including a nuclear family, living in close proximity or together, esp. if 3 generations are involved

15) sexual intercourse aimed at begetting offspring

16) (in Great Britain, 1967 onward) term used for social changes including greater sexual freedom, homosexual law reform, abolition of censorship in the theater, frank discussion of hitherto taboo subjects, etc.

17) a kind of social mobility; a social trend which refers to individuals or families moving from an accustomed or native location into a new environment

Ex. 4. Read the text and fill in the blanks with suitable words or word combinations in the correct form from the box below.

breakdown of marriage stigma commit oneself to marriage

decline of the family traditional family hasty commitment


steady frown upon kinship ties commonly held view


separate households shrink remarry courtship


familial arrangement dating in-laws disrupt a marriage


“blind date” separate socially acceptable birth-control


casual family unit divorce petition formal engagement

The Family

Most American families consist of a mother, a father, and three or four children living at home. There may be relatives and (1) … in the same community, but American families usually maintain close (2) …. This (3) … is known as the (4) …. Although the nuclear (5) … is economically independent of the rest of the family, members of the whole family group often maintain (6) ….

Marriage in the United States is viewed as a matter of individual responsibility and decision. Most American men (7) … by the time they are 25, and the husband is usually two or three years older than his wife.

Marriage is preceded by (8) …, that is, young men and women going out together. Although serious dating with a commitment to marriage is the familiar type of (9) … in many cultures, there is a (10) … attached to the (11) … American dating system, which usually begins in the early teens. For instance, it is perfectly respectable for friends to arrange a (12) …, that is, a date between two young people who have not met before. By the late teens a pattern of (13) … dating develops, which is often followed by marriage or by a (14) …, which is, in effect, a public statement of the intention to marry.

After their marriage the young couple is free to decide where to live and when to start a family. (15) … information is easily available, and the practice of limiting the size of families has general approval. The birth rate has been (16) … steadily in recent years.

If the couple finds that their marriage was a (17) …, they are free to (18) … or (19) …. The divorce rate has almost doubled in the past fifty years, and current statistics indicate that one of every three marriages will end in divorce. Many people (20) … these figures and blame them on the (21) …. A number of sociologists, on the other hand, say that this increase in divorces does not indicate less happy, balanced families. Instead, they point to changes in the laws that have made a (22) … easier to get and to changes in attitudes that have made divorce more (23) … than it had been years ago. It’s also a (24) … that since the prevailing majority of divorcees (25) …, divorce marks a temporary, rather than a permanent (26) ….


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