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Lexicology as a linguistic discipline

Читайте также:
  1. Educational -methodical complex of discipline
  2. I. Description of discipline.

Main Features of the Course

The course of English lexicology forms part of theoretical training of prospective philologists and teaches the fundamentals of English lexicology. It also further extends their repertoire of English for professional purposes as well as contributes to their understanding of social and linguistic interaction.



The course strives to:

- provide a systematic description of the Modern English word-stock including its origins, its formation, its semantic structure, the main principles underlying the classification of vocabulary units into various groupings, and the laws governing the replenishment of the vocabulary;

- familiarize trainees with fundamental lexicological and lexicographic problems in the broader linguistic and socio-cultural context;

- help trainees acquire language and a meta-language which will enable them to discuss, analyze and research lexicological phenomena in a wider linguistic context;

- focus trainees' attention on professionally-oriented aspects of English in order to contribute to their preparation for scientific research and teaching practice



By the end of the course trainees will be expected to:

- be ready to discuss a wide range of lexicological problems including etymological, structural and semantic features of the English word-stock, the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationship between lexical units, their collocability, their regional variety, fundamentals of English lexicology as well as methods and procedures of lexicological analysis;

- identify origins of words, the type and the degree of assimilation of the borrowed words, determine their morphological and semantic structure, state the type of word-formation, define the meaning of words under review and the type of context, classify free word-groups and phraseological units with respect to their types;

- recognize and comment on various lexicological phenomena in texts;

- correlate similarities and differences of the vocabulary in the target and native languages;

- structure the comments logically and coherently and use language flexibly and effectively;

- organize reports on studies and research according to the basic framework (i.e. title, list of contents, statement of the problem, review of the literature, design of the investigation, measurement techniques used, results, discussion and conclusion, summary of conclusions, bibliography, appendices).


I semester ЗМ І



Lexicology as a linguistic discipline


· to evaluate students’ level of mastering the theoretical material on the problems of modern English lexicology;

· to acquaint the trainees with the main problems of lexicology;

· to train students in using main notions of lexical system of the language;

· to foster students willingness and readiness to explore various methods and approaches to the study of the English vocabulary.

Questions for discussion:

  1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. The subject-matter of lexicology. Types of Lexicology.
  2. Lexicology in its relation to other linguistic disciplines.
  3. Methods and approaches to the study of the language system.
  4. Semantic system of the language. General problems of the theory of the word.


Recommended literature:


1. Nikolenko A.G. English Lexicology/ Theory and Practice. – Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha, 2007. – 528 p.

2. Aнтрушина Г.Б., Афанасьєва О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка.: Учеб. пособие для студентов – Москва. „Дрофа” – 2000. – 288 с.

3. Arnold I. The English Word. – M. – L., «Просвещение», 1977.

4. Раевская Н.М. English Lexicology. Видавництво „Вища школа” – Київ, 1971.

5. Kveselevich D.I., Sasina V.P. Modern English Lexicology in Practice. – Nova Knyha Publishers. – Вінниця – 2003.



Seminar 1


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