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Teaching - Methodical material of discipline.

Читайте также:
  1. Educational -methodical complex of discipline
  2. I. Description of discipline.
  3. Modern Building Materials
  4. Presentation of theoretical material.



1. Алексеев П.В. Панин А.В. Философия. Учебник. М., 2001 г.

2. Ильин А.П Философия Учебник. М. 2004 г.

3. В. Декомб Современная философия. М. 2005 г.

4. Введение в философию / Под. Ред. Фролова Н.Т./ М., 1999г.

5. Радугин А.А. Философия. Курс лекции. М., 1995 г.

6. Сегизбаев О.А. Казахская философия. XV – начала XX века.2002 г.

7. Ярошевский П.А. История философии. Минск. 2003 г.


1. Macklain N. Introduction to philolsophy. – Washington, 2000.

2. Husserl E. Phenomenology and the crisis of philosophy. - New York, 1965.

3. Heidegger M. Existence and being. - Chicago, 2001.

4. Grube G.M. The Greek and Roman philosophy. - London, 2002..

5. Gendlin E.T. Experience and the creation of meaning. - New York, 1962.

6. Elrod J.W. Being and existence in Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous works. - Princeton, 1975

7. Dummett M. Frege:Philosophy of language. - New York e.a., 1973.

8. Richardson G.T. Greek philosophy. London. 1989.

9. The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion (1994). Boston: Shambhala.

10. Gard Richard (1962). Buddhism. NY: George Braziller.

11. Galakher H.O. History of Philosophy. N.Y. 2000..

12. Erricson T.U. Medieval philosophy. London. 1992.

13. Davidson E.G. Renaissance philosophy. N.Y. 1994.

14. Fanish T.R. Western philosophy. Chicago. 1986.

15. Rederich H.I. Contemporary philosophy. London. 1986.



1. Miller J. H. Tradition and difference, rev. of M. H. Abrams' Natural supernatural // Diacritics. -- Baltimore. – 2000.

2. Michel Foucault: Power, truth and strategy. / Ed.wlth a pref. By Meaghan M., Patton P. -- Sydney, 1979.

3. Mead G. H. Mind, Self and society. -- Chicago, 2000. -- XXXVIII, 400р.

4. Martin Heidegger and the question of literature: Toward a postmod. lit.hermeneutics. /

Ed. by Spanos W. V. -- Bloomington; L..2000.

5. Lentricchia F. Criticism and the social change. -- Chicago, 1983.

6. Johnson B. The critical differance: Essays in the contemporary rhetoric of reading. –

Baltimore, 2000.

7. Esseverial T.R. Philosophy and culture. Bloomington. 1984.

8. Bakhtin M. M. Toward a philosophy of the act. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993.

9. Fromm E. To have or to be? New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

10. Klir G. J. An approach to general systems theory. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold

Co., 1969.

11. Philosophy of the Humanistic Society. Edited by A. E. Koenig. Washington, D.C.:

University Press of America, 1981.

12. Toulmin St. Human understanding. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.




«University by Suleiman Demirel»

Faculty: Law and socio –humanitarian disciplines

Chair: Pedagogy and socio – humanitarian discipline


Dean Seitkulov N.A.


«____» _________ 20___


Discipline: Philosophy

Number of credits:3

Semester: 1,2


1 Information about the teacher Chongarov Yerzan Kastekzhanovich candidate of philosophical sciences, Chongarov@inbox.ru
2. Pre - requisitions History of Kazakhstan, Sociology, Archeology
3. Post – requisitions: Law, Culture study, Special disciplines
4. The main goal of discipline - To familiarize each student with a range of traditional problems and positions - To hone each student's skills in philosophical analysis through practiced instruction in critical thinking and writing; - To engender sophisticated philosophical reflection and discussion on the topics covered by the readings and other texts; - To assist students in developing their own philosophical perspectives on key issues in philosophy.  
5. Tasks: - to form the habit of objective valuation of the philosophical and scientific directions and schools - to form abilities of revealing and investigating topical contemporary (philosophical) problems. - to develop abilities of logical thinking and conducting dialog, polemic, discussion.



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