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3. Work Shift:
· The Front Office Manager shall schedule his/her employees according to seasonality, business volume, and
available staff in hand
· The most commonly used scheduling is the Traditional Scheduling, which assumes that every employee shall
work 40 Hours per Week. Moreover, the hotel shall ensure 3 shifts per day, each of which lasts for 8 hours. A
possible example to traditional scheduling is shown below:
_ Day Shift _ 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
_ Evening Shift _ 3 p.m. - 11 p.m.
_ Night Shift _ 11 p.m. - 7 a.m.
· Sometimes, due to non-availability of staff, seasonality, and volume business, the Front Office manager might be
forced to adopt an Alternative Scheduling, which might be arranged under the following patterns:
g) Flexible Work Hours or Flextime: This kind of alternative scheduling entitles that
employees might start work, for example, one hour earlier, just to leave again one hour
h) Compressed Work Schedule: Employees, instead of working 5 days per week, 8 hours per
day, might work 4 days per week, 10 hours per day. Therefore, compressed work-scheduling
means working all the 40 hours per week in less than the standard 5 days per week.
i) Job Sharing: This kind of scheduling entitles that two or more part-timers occupy the job of
one full timer.
· Front Office managers shall carefully schedule their employees in order to minimize conflicts
that arise between hotel and employee needs. In big hotels operating under fully automated
systems, some scheduling software package programs might be installed as to aid and help
managers in effective scheduling.
4. Job Descriptions:
· Job description lists all tasks and subtasks that compose a work position. Moreover, it may
outline reporting relationships, responsibilities, working conditions, equipment and materials to
be used.
· All job descriptions shall be tailored and customized to reflect the needs of each single hotel
property, and work position. Moreover, job descriptions shall be task-oriented rather employeeoriented,
which means that hotels shall try to search for employees who can fit their job
descriptions, not design jobs to fit the skills of certain job applicants.
· Job Descriptions shall be revised periodically to cope with the ever changing demands and
needs of the industry and to respond to the sophisticated needs of guests. While doing so,
managers shall let their employees be involved in the revision process.
· Job descriptions might be used as:
a) To evaluate job performances
b) Tools to conduct training or retraining
c) Prevent duty duplications
d) Ensure the performance of each job task
e) Determine appropriate staffing levels
5. Job Specifications:
· Job specifications List the personal qualities, skills, and traits a person needs to have in order to
perform successfully the tasks outlined in a job description. That's why; departments shall first
design job descriptions, and later job specifications!
· Job specifications usually serve as a basis for advertising job vacancies, and as a tool to
identify current employees for promotion purposes.
· Inside a typical job specification, the underneath key factors shall exist:
a) Work experience
b) Formal education
c) General knowledge
d) Previous training
e) Physical requirements
f) Communication ability
g) Equipment skills
Al-Farabi KazNU Hotel Business Uvarova A.K.
L14. Catering and restaurant service in hotels. Food & Beverage Department
2. Food & Beverage Department:
· According to U.S. Lodging 1995 statistics, F&B Department constitutes the second largest
revenue generator of a typical hotel with an average of 23.1 for Food sales, and 8.6 % for
Beverage sales. In a five-star hotel, Food and Beverage outlets might have the following forms:
§ Quick Service § Table Service
§ Specialty Restaurants § Coffee Shops
§ Bars §Lounges § Clubs § Banquets
§ Catering Functions _ Wedding, Birthdays…
OB, NA - only bad без питания;
Питание по меню - ограниченное число блюд из меню; a-la carte - меню, в котором
каждое блюдо указано с ценой;
ВВ - bed & breakfast - в стоимость проживания включен только завтрак (шведский стол).
Дополнительное питание - за отдельную плату в ресторанах и барах отеля; НВ - half board
- полупансион - в стоимость проживания включен завтрак и ужин (шведский стол),
бесплатный чай, кофе, вода на завтрак;
НВ+ - half board +, extended half board - расширенный полупансион
завтрак и ужин (шведский стол), а также алкогольные и безалкогольные напитки местного
производства весь день;
FB - full board - полный пансион завтрак, обед и ужин (шведский стол);
FB+, EXTFB - full board +, extended half board -расширенный полный пансион
завтрак, обед и ужин (шведский стол), а также напитки (в ряде отелей пиво и вино) во время
приема пищи;
Mini all inclusive- полный пансион с напитками местного производства не только во
время еды, но в ограниченном количестве;
ALL, Al - all inclusive - завтрак, обед и ужин (шведский стол). В течение дня предлагаются
напитки (местного производства (алкогольные и безалкогольные) в неограниченном
количестве плюс дополнительное питание (второй завтрак, полдник, поздний ужин,
легкие закуски, барбекю в барах отеля и т.п.);
Continental Breakfast, Континентальный завтрак - легкий завтрак, состоящий из кофе
или чая, сока, булочки, масла и джема;
Английский завтрак - полный завтрак, обычно включает сок, яичницу, тосты, масло,
джем и кофе(чай);
Американский завтрак - аналогичен континентальному завтраку, включает различные
нарезки и горячие блюда;
HCAL, hign class all inclusive - все бесплатно, кроме магазинов, телефона, врача,
парикмахерской, некоторых водных видов спорта и подводного плавания;
UAL, UAI - ultra all inclusive - завтрак, поздний завтрак, обед, полдник и ужин (шведский
стол). Достойный выбор сладостей, десертов, всевозможных закусок, а также широкий
выбор напитков местного и импортного производства. Большинство отелей, работающих
по системе Ultra All Inclusive, предлагают гостям дополнительное бесплатное питание в
ресторанах с кухней разных народов мира. Питание в течение дня, включая напитки
импортного производства (в том числе спиртные); Разновидности ultra all inclusive:
Elegance all inc, VIP all inc, Super all inc, De luxe all inc, VC all inc, Superior all inc, MEGA
all inc, Superior all inc VIP Service, Royal Class all inc, Ultra de luxe all inc, Extended all inc,
Exсellent all inc, Max all inc. Imperial all inc.
Al-Farabi KazNU Hotel Business Uvarova A.K.
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