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Places of conducting

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8.1 The place of the track location is to be agreed upon with the relevant governmental authorities. Organiser bears the responsibility to agree upon such a location.

8.2 The track has to have special locations with a possibility for audience to approach. Safety of participants and audience is to be ensured. Volunteers, controlling safety regulations of competition conducting are to be present at named locations.

8.3 The tracks, where Nimble Squirrel 2016 is being conducted, shall have:

- flagged starting zone with a possibility for audience to approach it;

- places for the audience, complying with safety regulations;

- pre-starting zone to control the participants’ following the conditions of the present Regulations (gear and number placing control);

- weatherhood for official representatives (Judges);

- table and chairs for Judges.

8.6 The audience is to be informed about prohibition against crossing the track flagging and breaking public order before the competition and before every race.



9.1 Financing the competition organisation is carried out by means of expenditure budget. The budget is formed from organisational fees from participants, ticket sales, sponsors’ help and other incomes according to the Law.

9.2 The Organiser provides financing of Judges itself.



10.1 Registration of Nimble Squirrel 2016 participants under “their” numbers starts from January 11, 2016 and ends on May 22, 2016. Participants, registering after May 22, 2016 will get a number from the competition Organisers.

10.1.1 A relevant subtopic shall be made on the Internet at the address http://enduro10.ru/ where a participant can fill in the participant’s form in order to register at the competition.

10.1.2 The applied participant is accepting and agreeing with the present Regulations’ conditions.

10.2 Organising Committeeis to designate a person in charge of registration.



11.1 Judging shall be carried out in accordance with the Directives agreed by the Organising Committee. Rights and obligations of the Judges are stipulated in the present Regulations.

11.2 The number and location of Judges is to be decided upon by the Organiser on basis of the participants’ equality and credibility of recorded results principle.

11.3 The Main Judge is to have judicial capacity.

11.4 Judging cannot be carried out by a disqualified judge and/or their assistants. Organising Committee shall decide upon disqualification/termination of disqualification by a majority vote.

11.5 Judge is to arrive at the track 30 minutes before the competition at the latest and to check its readiness for the competition.

11.6 Organiser is to providethe Judge and its assistants with all the needed equipment to duly perform their duties (flags, document blanks etc.).

11.7 Judge together with representatives of the Organiser bear the responsibility for the participants’ permission to the competition.

11.8 After every event, the Judge is to make a protocol and to provide the persons responsible for registration with it in soft and hard copy within an hour. A copy of the protocol shall be displayed at the information stand, with the participants and/or their representatives having access to it.

11.9 The participants’ and/or their representatives’ protests against the protocol can be filed to the Judge within one hour after the protocol copy has been displayed at the information stand. The protests filed after this period will not be taken into consideration.

11.10 Judge is to accept the duly filed protest and to provide the filer with a note and to transfer the mentioned protest to a person in charge of the participants’ registration after the expiration of the protests application period without delay.

11.11 The filed protests are considered at an Organising Committee within two hours after the responsible person has received it. The person having filed the protest may be invited at the Organising Committee meeting. A copy of decision about every filed protest is to be displayed at the information stand.

11.12 In case the upheld protest changes the total result table, the corrected result table is brought to the attention of every participant by means of displaying its copy at the information stand.

11.13 The results can be found on the Internet at http://enduro10.ru/


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