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  1. In which Howl goes to a strange country in search of a spell
  2. Question1 –Country of Citizenship: Make sure that you properly identified your country of citizenship: Ukraine.
  3. Scotland. General information about this country.
  4. Since 1992 you are married. You have two children. How the person who isn't owning own feelings, own body can operate the country?
  5. The country mouse and the city mouse


1. area (N) – площадь

2. barley (N) – ячмень

3. border on (V) – граничить с

4. boundary (N) – граница

5. buckwheat (N) – гречиха

6. bulk (N) – большая часть

7. coal (N) – уголь

8. coastline (N) – береговая линия

9. copper (N) – медь

10. cradle (N) – колыбель

11. crude oil – сырая нефть

12. density (N) – плотность

13. deposit (N) – запас

14. distribute (V) – распределять

15. fresh water – пресная вода

16. fuel (N) – топливо

17. hydroelectric plant – ГЭС

18. inhabit (V) – населять; uninhabitable (A) – необитаемый

19. insufficient (A) – недостаточный

20. iron ore – железная руда

21. lead (N) [led] – свинец

22. mild (A) – мягкий

23. moss (N) – мох

24. oats (N, Pl) – овес

25. plain (N) – равнина

26. population (N) – население; sparsely populated – малонаселенный

27. rapid (A) – быстрый

28. raw materials – сырье

29. rye (N) – рожь

30. severity (N) – суровость

31. species (N) – (биологический) вид

32. supply (N) – запас

33. timber (N) – древесина

34. tin (N) – олово

35. wheat (N) – пшеница


4.1 Answer the following questions:

1 What country were you born?

2 Where do you live nowadays?

3 What holidays are the most popular in Russia?


4.2 Read the geographical names correctly, then complete the table that follows.

Russia [`r Λ ∫ə], Finland [`finlənd], Estonia [es`təunjə], Latvia [`lætviə], Lithuania [liθju(:)`einjə], Belarus [`bjelərus], Ukraine [ju(:)`krein], Poland [`poulənd], Kaliningrad [kəli:nin`gra:d], Georgia [`dʒo:dʒjə], Azerbaijan [a:zə:bai`dʒa:n], Kazakhstan [ka:za:h`sta:n], Mongolia [moŋ`gouljə], China

- [`t∫ainə], Korea [kə`riə], the Baltic Sea [ðə `bo:ltik `si:], the Black Sea [ðə `blæk `si:], the Caspian Sea [ðə `kæspiən `si:], the Azov Sea [ði ` a:zəv `si:], the Arctic Ocean [ði `a:ktik `ou∫(ə)n], the White Sea [ðə wait `si:], the Barents Sea [ðə `bærənts `si:], the Kara Sea [ðə `ka:rə `si:], the Laptev Sea [ðə `la:ptjəf `si:], the East-Siberian Sea [ði `i:stsai`biəriən `si:], the Pacific Ocean [ðə pə`sifik `ou∫(ə)n], the Bering Sea [ðə `beriŋ `si:], the Okhotsk Sea [ði ou ` kotsk `si:], the Japanese Sea [ðə dʒæpə`ni:z `si:], the European Plain [ði juərə`pi(:)ən plein], the Ural Mountains [ði `juər(ə)l `mauntinz], Siberia [sai`biəriə], the West Siberian Plain [ðə west sai`biəriən plein], the Central Siberian Plateau [ðə `sentrəl sai`biəriən `plætou], the Far East [ðə `fa:r`i:st], Europe [`juərəp], Asia [`ei∫ə], the Don [ðə don], the Volga River [ðə `vo:lgə], the Ob [ði `ob], the Yenisey [ði jeni`sei], Ladoga Lake [`la:dəgə leik], Baikal [bai`ka:l], the Kama [ðə `ka:mə], the Angara [ði Λ ng Λ` ra:].


Country Ocean Sea River Lake Mountain System Territory


4.3 Some of these sentences are correct, but some need THE (perhaps more than once). Correct the sentences where necessary.

1 River Volga flows into Caspian Sea.

2 Next year we are going to Black Sea.

3 Baikal is deepest lake in world.

4 Ural Mountains are boundary between Europe and Asia.

5 Mount Narodnaya reaches 1,895 m. It’s highest mountain in Urals.

6 Atlantic Ocean washes Russia in north.

7 Mongolia borders on Russia in south.

8 Tim has travelled a lot in Siberia and in Far East.

9 Climate of Siberia is continental.

10 Angara which flows out of Lake Baikal, an enormous natural reservoir, is practically regulated by nature itself.

11 Some rivers (Pechora, Mezen and Northern Dvina) flow into Barents and White seas while others (Neva with lakes Ladoga, Onega and Ilmen situated in its basin) drain into Baltic Sea.

12 Although Caucasus has a warm climate, mountains are covered with snow the year round.

13 Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans.

14 Russian Plain takes an European part of Russia.

15 Arctic Ocean consists of two principal deep basins that are subdivided into four smaller basins by three transoceanic submarine ridges.

16 Russia is a country of thick forests and wide valleys, of high mountains and bare deserts.

17 Resort towns are a feature of North Caucasus region, including Sochi (on Black Sea), Pyatigorsk, and Mineralnyye Vody.

4.4 Read the text through and match these headings with the passages:

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