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Colleges and Universities in the USA

Читайте также:
  1. Academic Ranking of World Universities 2013
  2. Colleges nationwide are asking students to pay more for their education.
  3. Each university has its own symbol. Match the symbols and the universities they belong to.
  4. Great Britain. Categories of Universities
  5. Liberal arts colleges
  6. Other Colleges for Further Education


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Укладач Г.І. Литвиненко


Відповідальний за випуск Г.І. Литвиненко

Декан гуманітарного факультету Л.П. Валенкевич




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Збірник текстів та завдань до них

для студентів І курсу

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Відповідальний за випуск зав. каф. іноземних мов Г.І. Литвиненко




Комп’ютерне верстання О.І. Нефедченко


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Формат60х84/16. Папір офс. Гарнітура Times New Roman Cyr. Друк офс.

Ум. друк. арк. Обл.- вид.арк.

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EDUCATION Збірник текстів та завдань до них для студентів

І курсу / Укладач Г.І.Литвиненко. – Суми: Вид-во СумДУ, 2008. – 44c.


Кафедра іноземних мов

Unit 1

Exercise1 Match the English words and word combinations with their native language equivalents:

1)to graduate from school a)відвідувати (коледж, заняття),навчатися посещать занятия, учиться
2)to attend (college, classes) b)приймати (на навчання) принимать (на учебу)
3) high school record c)результати іспитів результаты экзаменов
4)test scores d)прийом (до навчального закладу прием (в учебное заведение)
5)to admit e)закінчити школу заканчивать школу
6)admittance f)заява заявление
7)admission g)шкільна характеристика школьная характеристика
8)entrance exams h)вступ поступление
9)to apply to a university for admission i)вступні іспити вступительные экзамены
10)prospective j)подавати документи для вступу в університет подавать документы для поступления в университет
11)application k)майбутній будущий
12)subject l) провалитися на іспиті / тесті провалиться на экзамене/ тесте
13)failure m)cередній средний
14)grade n)дисципліна за вибором дисциплина по выбору
15)to ensure o) гарантувати, забезпечувати гарантировать, обеспечивать
16)average p)предмет предмет
17)to pass an exam/ test q)невдача неудача, провал
18)to fail an exam/ test r) здавати іспит / тест сдавать экзамен/тест
19)elective course s) oцінка оценка
20) degree t)ступінь степень


Exercise 2 Translate the given words and word combinations into your native language:

field of knowledge, to concentrate on, summer session, alternative, a variety of subjects, a speciality, to take an exam/test, a graduate (student), an undergraduate (student), high school, higher education, to major in maths, a major, professional training, an expert, a discipline department, a master's degree, a bachelor's degree, academic year, college grades, course of study, to complete college, to place on a probation, a semester, a trimester, a quarter, an instructor, student body, a prospective student.

Exercise 3 Make sure you know the meaning and pronunciation of the given words. Consult a dictionary.

to require, to provide, to approve(of), consent, to earn, to range, to ensure, to suspend, to dismiss.


Text 1

Colleges and Universities in the USA

When a student graduates from high school, he may attend college if his high school record and test scores are good enough for admittance. Admission of undergraduates does not require taking entrance exams at the university applied to. Exams are taken at special examination centers and their results are directed to the university in question. Prospective students often send their applications to several universities at once. Graduate students are admitted only with the consent of the discipline department in which they plan to study.

American education on the college level (higher education)is provided by more than 3,000 institutions. Some are called colleges, which means that they offer only undergraduate courses. Others are called universities, which means that they have undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools. Colleges and universities offer a variety of subjects. The students can choose different fields of knowledge, but they usually concentrate (major) in one field during the last two years of college.

At the college level, the academic year is about nine months long (usually from mid-September until early June or from late August until May). After completing four academic years with acceptable grades in an approved course of study, the student earns a bachelor's degree. Some students complete college in less than four years by attending summer sessions. Graduate studies lead to obtaining a master's degree. They last not less than one year but in some specialities require two years. At most colleges, the academic year is divided into two or three semesters, excluding the summer session. There is a two or four-week holiday from mid-December (Christmas holiday), and many colleges have a one-week Easter holiday in March or April.

College grades, from highest to lowest, run A, B, C, D, F. A is the highest grade, В is good or above average, C is satisfactory or average, D is below average, while F is failure. Pluses (+) and minuses (-) are also used as additions to letters to make a finer distinction of grades. For elective courses a "pass-fail" grade system is sometimes used under which students who have completed their course with satisfactory results receive a "pass" grade while those whose results are below the required level receive a "fail" grade.

An undergraduate student is expected to have grades not lower than C and "pass" in all courses, while for a graduate student the expected level of grades is not lower than B. Students whose average grades drop lower are placed on aprobation for a period of one semester, trimester, or quarter. If their grades do not improve during that period students may be either temporarily suspended from studies or totally dismissed. Assigning grades to a student for her or his work is the absolute prerogative of their professor or instructor, and these grades can be changed by nobody of however higher authority.

Exercise 4

Which of the following statements are true (t) ,and which are either not true (n.t.) or are not mentioned (n.m.) in Text1. Correct the statements which are not true.

1 No matter what school results a school-leaver has, any person can enter a university.

2 American universities vary in size and sources of financing.

3 Most higher schools are coeducational, that is are available for men and women.

4 There is a great choice of subjects to study in American colleges.

5 American students always have their holidays in summer, and they never study at this time.

6 Bachelor's degree is higher than Master's.

7 "A" grade means a failure.

8 There is no "pass-fail" grade system at American colleges and universities.

9 No one can be dismissed from a college.

10 Higher authorities can change a student's grade for a higher one.


Exercise 5 Give explanations and translation for the italicized parts of Text 1.

Exercise 6 Fill in the blanks with a proper word:

1Prospective students can send their _____ to several universities.

2 At colleges and universities the _____ year is about nine months long.

3 The subjects students specialize in are called_______________.

4 Summer _____give a student an opportunity to complete college in less than four years.

5 A student can be dismissed because of low________________.

6To earn a bachelor`s degree a student must complete the course of study with ____________ degrees.

7 For ____ courses a “pass-fail” grade system can be used.


Exercise 7 Choose a correct word for each sentence:

unsatisfactory, capable, subjects, almost, encouraged, practicing, inside out, every other, expelled, rope, suspect, applied, history

1 How many ___________is Sam studying at school?

2 I have English classes_______ day: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

3 It is____ impossible to find a good educational computer program.

4 You will have to do the course again because your work has been_______.

5 Andy was______ from school because of his bad behaviour.

6 I'm not sure why he didn't go to the college, but I _____________he failed the entrance test.

7 The study of______ can be very interesting.

8 You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by ______it.

9 Billy is a most_____ young man; he can do a lot of different jobs well.

10 We can't teach him anything because he already knows his subject.

11 You completely misunderstood my instructions; you got hold of the wrong end of the ____.

12 After the serious talk withhis tutor, Hilary _________himself more conscientiously to his studies.

13 My English teacher________ me to try for a place in the English Department at Jagiellonian University.

Exercise 8 Put each of the following words into its correct place in the passage below:

authority bachelor's bodies campus
classes co-educational co-ordinate courses
degree freshmen graduates junior
located school separate sex
special students undergraduates university
women year    


The student body of a 1______or college is divided into 2________ and undergraduates. Graduates have already received their 3 ________degrees, while 4_________ have not. The undergraduates belong to one of four 5__________, according to their 6 ________of study. These are 7________, sophomore, 8 ____, and senior classes. Most schools also admit 9______ students who take a number of 10________, but are not working towards a 11___. Students 12_____ vary considerably from 13____ to school. Some institutions are 14____, with both men and 15 ____students. Others admit 16____ of only one 17____. A 18___ institution has 19___ men's and women's colleges. They are controlled by the same central 20____ and are usually 21____ on the same campus or nearby 22___.

Exercise 9 Match the words for people in education with their correct definitions:

  apprentice a) female teacher in charge of a school
  cadet b) person who trains sportsmen for contests or prepares private students for an exam
  coach c) highest grade of university teacher
  dean d) the lowest teaching rank at a university
  disciple e) person in charge of a division of study
  headmistress f) person who teaches you driving
  instructor g) the head of some universities and schools
  lecturer h) a person studying to become an officer in the army or a policeman
  trainee i) someone learning a trade who works in return for being taught
  principal j) person undergoing some form of vocational training
  professor k) anyone devoted to the acquisition of knowledge, especially attending university
  pupil l) a person who attends primary school
  student m) follower of a religious teacher



Exercise 10 Discuss the following points concerning higher education in Ukraine and the USA:

1. what educational institutions are called a university or a college in Ukraine and the USA, other names used;

2. entering a university: the place entrance exams are taken at, the number of universities a student can apply to;

3. grading system;

4. academic year: how it is subdivided;

5. academic degrees: requirements and period of study.

Exercise 11 Tell about the system of education in the USA and Great Britain using the proposed schemes. Make a similar scheme for Ukraine.

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