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Traditions of the Lyceum. The social life at the Lyceum is rich and varied

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  3. Customs, Traditions, Holidays of Belarus
  4. English customs and traditions
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  7. Inaugural traditions

What Is Our School?

New things to learn,

New friends to meet,

New books to read,

New joys to greet,

New sights to see,

New facts to hear,

New songs to sing-

This is the Lyceum.

The social life at the Lyceum is rich and varied. We have many interesting events and some of them have become traditional.

We celebrate the Lyceum Birthday in October every year, as well as Teacher's Day. The pupils take part in the Waltz Competition. We celebrate Christmas, St. Valentine's Day at our English lessons. Basketball, volleyball and football tournaments, races, tourist meetings are held annually.

The pupils are offered a lot of opportunities for spare-time activities. They attend different clubs and courses.

Our pupils are fond of hikes and travelling by coach. They like to visit tourist camps and have a good rest there. They enjoy visiting theatres in Vitebsk, Minsk. They write poems and compose songs. In short, we admire our Lyceum, love the friendly and hardworking atmosphere.

What do you think about your school?

The Lyceum is one of the leading educational establishments in Vitebsk Region. There are highly qualified and creative teachers at the Lyceum, who make studying interesting and easy. The school offers excellent facilities and a friendly atmosphere which help to achieve great academic results. We have fully equipped labs in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology, English, Geography, What I like most about my school are the modern well-equipped canteen with tasty lunches, salads, cakes, pizzas, biscuits, and the hall, nicely-furnished, cosy and modern.

2. Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?

Yes, I do. School gives a person a good start in life.

A good start means the opportunity to get a good University education and to start a good career. It means *literacy and knowledge, *ethics, *aesthetics, *health and physical training, *careers guidance.

School teaches us to develop critical and creative thinking, to form our views and outlook, our attitude to life and people. It plays a very important social role. School offers opportunities to develop our abilities and provides good conditions for that. School helps to understand our strengths and weaknesses and find our place in the world. Knowledge acquired at school enables students either to continue our education or start working.

Our school is a good start because modern education helps young people develop their personalities and make their way in society. Talented pupils have privileges. Final Exam and Unified State exams test competence deeply. Schooling leads you into a job.

We are taught to love our Motherland, to treat Nature carefully, to be honest, hardworkingand useful to the community.

The modern school is much more than classes, tests, breaks and laughs.

I am definitely sure, it`s a life necessity. School should prepare people for life.

What is the goal of education? The goal of school is life oriented.

Literacy: It is the ability to read and write, mathematics skills, knowledge of foreign languages, general knowledge of the sciences, such as chemistry, biology, history, geography and others.

Ethics: It means upbringing of pupils for life in society. It combines the problems of world outlook, conduct, ability to orient oneself in society, self-control, knowledge of laws and social norms, citizens' rights and duties, problems of the family.

Aesthetics: At school pupils are taught to like and understand literature, art, music.

Health…Physical Training: Every young person should be healthy and strong.

Physical training is paid much attention to at schools, as it is necessary to train a harmoniously developed person.

Careers Guidance: It’s desirable to orient pupils to particular professions or occupations in line with their characters, interests and abilities.

Self-educational skills are sufficiently formed. The personality of a pupil is taken into account. Teachers are able to sort out problems of contemporary education.

The curriculum of modern school consists of the formal curriculum (academic subjects ),the informal curriculum (extra Curriculum activities), the hidden curriculum (the Relationship between teacher and pupils)

3. Ask me what kind of pupil I was at school.

1. What was your favourite subject at school?

2. Did you do well at school?

3. What was your mark in English?


4. Which school club would you advise your classmate to join?

I advise you to choose a drama society at our school, if you are an active person, if you are creative and enthusiastic. It is ledby aninteresting and creative person. (I.T. Yanushonok)

Our students attend different clubs and courses. They are offered a number of different activities such as a Drama club, a literary society, a Lyceum newspaper society, sport sections, dancing, singing clubs.

Our class activities at the Lyceum offer different opportunities for pupils to participate in some useful activities and sports.

Students like Extra Curriculum activities. As a rule, they develop students` talents for painting, music, drama, dancing, singing, sport,

The social life at the Lyceum is rich and varied. We have many interesting events and some of them have become traditional.


5. Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them? Yes, I do.

I am definitely sure, a good education is life necessity. School should prepare people for life. What is the aim of education? The aim of school is life oriented. It is physical development, and knowledge. School should prepare pupils for life. A means that one should possess knowledge and skills in the following aspects of education: literacy, ethics, aesthetics, health, careers guidance.

The way of thinking and the way of life strongly depend on Man`s knowledge and a good education. Knowledge is power. It`s the power of changing and developing.

Knowledge develops people`s horizons (кругозор), makes them think and analyze the world around them. Good education is very important nowadays. It gives people the best chance of getting a good job, a better chance of promotion. It helps to develop a personality and find a place in society.

In short it provides a good job, respect, a good house, decent life, possibility to travel and enjoy life.


№7. №4


1. Let's talk about education. What can you tell me about the place where you study?

School! …Lessons, clubs, homework, games…A bell rings- you have lunch. A bell rings - you go home. But one day you go to school for the last time…

What is school for you? It's at this time that we make friends and learn to understand life. We are little children when we begin to attend school. We leave it grown-ups. There are no roses without thorns: we are lucky and we have bad days.(Our school life is like a zebra with black and white stripes). There are a lot of problems connected with school life. Scholl is the place where almost everything happens for the first time: we make our first friends, meet our first love and confront the first betrayal. We read the first book here and experience the first victories and defeats. It is the time of great expectations and emotions and not all emotions are pleasant. We learn to understand the difference between «Good» and «Evil».


(Some students like school, others think they hate it, but they all study for 10 or more years and gain knowledge. Millions of children go to school every day. School life is not a bad of roses, it is like a zebra, with black and white stripes. We have good days and bad days. I am absolutely sure that school plays an important role in every pupil’s life. School provides us with a certain amount of knowledge in sciences and humanities, renders assistance in facing the outside world. It is the place where we make friends, learn to value morel qualities in people and develop our talents and skills.)


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 106 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Статья 2. Сфера действия Кодекса | Статья 5. Профессиональные долг, честь и достоинство сотрудника органов внутренних дел | Статья 8. Общие правила поведения | Статья 9. Правила поведения при выполнении задач оперативно-служебной деятельности | Статья 12. Общие правила служебного общения | Статья 16. Профессионально-этические требования к руководителю | Статья 24. Этический конфликт и этическая неопределенность | Traditions of the Lyceum. |
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Self-education skills are sufficiently formed. The personality of a pupil is taken into account. Teachers are able to sort out problems of contemporary education. )| Act as a guide & conduct a tour of Minsk.

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