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On entrepreneurship education

Читайте также:
  1. A two-level system of higher education.
  2. After finishing secondary school or college you can apply to a university, polytechnic, college of education or you can continue to study in a college of further education.
  3. American educational system
  5. b) The executive director of National Governors Association stated that receiving a higher education equips on economy too innovate and complete on a national level.
  7. British Educational System

THINK-TANK scientific workshop on





Location: Grazhdanskiy pr. 28, Resource Center for International Activities of SPbPU, second floor, room 220a



DAY ONE: 11:00 – 12:00 Registration and coffee
MONDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 12:00 – 13:00 Opening welcome: - Oleg N. Ostapenko, Vice-Rector of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University - Kirill A. Soloveitchik, Vice-President of St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, scientific adviser of SPbPU’s Technopark - Sergei V. Salkutsan, SPbPU, Executive director of the Institute of advanced production technologies - Klaus H. Sailer, Director of Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, MUAS, Munich
  13:15 – 14:15 Introduction of participants
  14:30 – 15:45 Workshop session 1: Entrepreneurship Education in Russia: - Vladimir V. Shchegolev, SPbPU, Head of Russian-German Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation “Polytech Strascheg” - Galina V. Shirokova, SPbU, Professor, Strategic and International Management Department, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship - Marco van Gelderen, VU Amsterdam, PhD, Visiting professor of SPbPU - Klaus H. Sailer, Director of Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship Intro to Learning in practice 1
  15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break
  16:00 – 17:00 Learning in practice 1: Global Entrepreneurship Summer School – coaching groups: - Klaus H. Sailer, Stani Dobenko, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship - Vladimir V. Shchegolev, SPbPU, Polytech Strascheg
  17:00 – 18:00 Tour of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University: Main building and joint photo
  18:15 – 19:45 Dinner at the House of Scientists
  19:45 Bus to the city center
  21:00 – 23:00 Boat city tour  
DAY TWO 10:30 – 11:00 Introduction to Day Two and Coffee
TUESDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER 11:00 – 12:30 Workshop Session 2 - sharing good practices in developing education formats (input by participants): - Klaus H. Sailer, Director of Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship - Kyösti Virrankoski, Expert of Finnish Institute for Enterprise Management, Former European Parliament Member, Approaches in entrepreneurship training - Marco van Gelderen, VU Amsterdam, Senior lecturer PhD, The use of effectuation theory in entrepreneurship education - Sharing experience of participants (10 min.)
  12:40 – 13:40 Workshop Session 2 - sharing good practices in developing education formats (input by participants): - Jan Kratzer, TU Berlin, Prof. PhD, Seven years of experience in shaping the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) educational programs: pro and cons - Bublu Thakur-Weigold B.S., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Department of Management, Technology and Economics - Sharing experience of participants (20 min.)
  13:40 – 13:50 Coffee break
  13:50 – 15:20 Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Creativity – exploring power of creative thinking – creative thinking cafe: - Tatiana Schofield, Managing director Synergy lab, Visiting lecturer of Imperial College London
  15:30 – 16:20 Learning in practice 2: Global Entrepreneurship Summer School – coaching groups: - Klaus H. Sailer, Stani Dobenko, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship - Vladimir V. Shchegolev, SPbPU, Polytech Strascheg
  16:45 – 17:45 Eco-System St. Petersburg: collaboration opportunities with University and Industry - Visit to the Computer engineering center - Meeting with Alexey I.Borovkov, Vice-rector for advanced projects
  18:00 Bus transfer from SPbPU
  19:00 Dinner
DAY THREE 10:00 – 11:15 Bus transfer from SPbPU
WEDNESDAY 9TH 11:15 – 12:30 Excursion to the Museum of Modern Art “Erarta”
SEPTEMBER 13:00 – 16:00 Learning in Practice 3: Final presentations of Global Entrepreneurship Summer School (Place: Museum of Modern Art “Erarta”)
  16:30 – 17:30 Bus transfer to SPbPU


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 94 | Нарушение авторских прав

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