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Grade 11 (A and B)
Time: | 80 minutes | Date: | Term 2 |
Total: | 60 marks | 13 Dec 2012 |
1. Use blue or black ballpoint pen.
2. Calculators may be used. Mobile phones and any other electronic gadgets are not allowed.
3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets, e.g. (2)
4. Read each question carefully before answering.
5. Show your workings clearly and neatly.
6. Number your answers exactly as the questions are numbered.
7. Remember to check your answers before submitting your paper.
8. There are 15 pages to this Summative Assessment, including this page.
SECTIONS | Question number/s | Total Marks | Mark Achieved | |
1. | Multiple Choice | 1.1 – 1.30 | ||
2. | Short Questions / Calculations | 2.1 – 2.4 | ||
3. | Long Questions / Problem solving / Investigation | 3.1 – 3.3 | ||
For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C, D and E.Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil or pen on the Answer Sheet below.
1.1. Төменде белгісіз материалдан жасалған дененің механикалық кернеудің деформацияға тәуелділік графигі келтірілген. Белгісіз материалының Юнг модулін анықтаңдар.
a. | 1.5 × 1011Па |
b. | 135 × 108Па |
c. | 150 Па |
d. | 1.5 × 10–6Па |
e. | Дұрыс жауап жоқ |
1.2. From the graph below, what does the slope (gradient) of the line tell you?
a. | Hooke’s Law |
b. | Plasticity |
c. | Stored Energy |
d. | Young’s Modulus |
e. | none of the above |
1.3. How are electric fields and gravitational fields the same?
a. | They both work on charged objects. |
b. | They both follow the inverse square law. |
c. | They both work over long distances. |
d. | They both follow Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion. |
e. | None of the above is correct |
1.4. The law of conservation of momentum states:
a. | All collisions are elastic. |
b. | In a closed system, the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after a collision. |
c. | Large items have a larger momentum than smaller objects. |
d. | All collisions are inelastic if energy is conserved. |
e. | None of the above is correct |
1.5. Күш импульсінің формуласы
a. | күш × уақыт |
b. | күш ÷ уақыт |
c. | Импульс өзгерісі x уақыт |
d. | Тек қана тұйық жүйелерде орындалады |
e. | Дұрыс жауап жоқ |
1.6. The orbital speed for a geostationary satellite is about 3700 km per second. This is because
a. | All satellites travel at this speed. |
b. | The centripetal force and gravitational forces are balanced. |
c. | Geostationary satellites are very large. |
d. | Geostationary satellites must travel around the Earth every hour. |
1.7. Gravitational potential is:
a. | the force per unit mass at a point. |
b. | dependent on the mass of an object and the distance from Earth. |
c. | the work done in bringing unit mass from infinity to the point. |
d. | G |
e. | none of the above is true |
1.8. The table below shows how the extension of a spring varies with load.
Between which two loads would you find the limit of proportionality?
a. | 0 N and 2 N |
b. | 8Nand 10 N |
c. | 10 N and 12 N |
d. | 14 N and 16 N |
e. | None of the above is true |
1.9. An extension-load graph is plotted to show the result of increasing the load on a spring.
Which point marks the limit of proportionality for this spring?
a. | A |
b. | B |
c. | C |
d. | D |
e. | None of the above is true |
1.10. Masses can be considered point masses if:
a. | Spherical | At infinity |
b. | Evenly dense | Less than 10 kg |
c. | Separated by a large distance | Spherical |
d. | Bigger than Earth | Very dense |
e. | None of these is correct |
1.11. When an object undergoes simple harmonic motion, which of the following is true of the magnitude of the acceleration of the object?
a. | It is uniform throughout the motion. |
b. | It is the greatest at the end points of the motion. |
c. | It is the greatest at the midpoint of the motion. |
d. | It is the greatest at the midpoints and endpoints. |
e. | None of the above is true |
1.12. A mass on the end of a spring undergoes simple harmonic motion about an equilibrium position as shown
If the upward direction is taken as positive, which graph best represents how the acceleration of the mass varies with the displacement from the equilibrium position?
a. | ![]() | b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() | d. | ![]() |
e. None of these graphs are correct
1.13. Which of the following graphs represents the total energy of an undamped harmonic oscillator over one cycle?
a. | ![]() | b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() | d. | ![]() |
e. None of these graphs is correct
1.14. Which one of the following graphs best potential energy EP as a function of displacement from the center of oscillation for a body undergoing a simple harmonic motion?
a. | ![]() | b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() | d. | ![]() |
e. none of these graphs are correct
1.15. Дене гармоникалық тербелістер жасауда. Дененің жылдамдығы максимум болған кездегі, келесі тұжырымдардың потенциалдық энергия және үдеу үшін қайсысы дұрыс?
Потенциалдық энергия | Үдеу | |
a. | максимум | максимум |
b. | максимум | |
c. | максимум | минимум |
d. | минимум | Максимум |
e. | Дұрыс жауапжоқ |
1.16. Сағаттағы минут тілшенің бұрыштық жылдамдығы неге тең?
a. | |
b. | |
c. | |
d. | ![]() |
e. | Дұрыс жауап жоқ |
1.17. The mass is suspended from a spring and set into vertical oscillation with a frequency f. Because of frictional forces the mass will eventually stop oscillating. At some time during the oscillations the amplitude of oscillation is equal to half its initial amplitude. At this point the frequency of oscillation is
a. | ![]() |
b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() |
d. | ![]() |
e. | none of these is correct |
1.18. Массасы m дене серіппеге ілініп, А амплитудамен тербеліс жасап жатыр. Егер амплитуданы екі есе арттырсақ, тербеліс периоды қаншылықты өзгереді?
a. | Екіесеазаяды |
b. | Екіесеартады |
c. | Өзгермейді |
d. | ![]() |
e. | Дұрыс жауапжоқ |
1.19. Which one of the following statements correctly defines the gravitational potential at a point P in a gravitational field?
a. | The work done per unit mass in moving a small mass from point P to infinity. |
b. | The work done per unit mass in moving a small mass from infinity to point P. |
c. | The work done in moving a small mass from infinity to point P. |
d. | The work done in moving a small mass from point P to infinity |
e. | None of these is correct |
1.20. Жерге қатысты Х және Y нүктелердегі гравитациялық потенциал сәйкесінше –7 kJkg–1 және –3 kJkg–1 тең. Массасы 4 кг дененің потенциалдық энергиясы қаншаға өзгереді, егер денені Х нүктеден Y нүктеге ауыстырсақ?
a. | 4 кДж |
b. | 10 кДж |
c. | 16 кДж |
d. | 40 кДж |
e. | Дұрыс жауап жоқ |
1.21. A point object of mass m is brought from infinity to the point P, a distance r from the centre of an isolated sphere of mass M.
The work done by the gravitational force in bringing the point object from infinity to point P is
a. | ![]() |
b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() |
d. | ![]() |
e. | None of the above is correct |
1.22. Орбиталық радиустары әртүрлі екі спутник X және Y Жерді айналып жатыр. X спутниктің орбиталық радиусы Y спутнигінің орбиталық радиусынан 2 есе үлкен.
қатынасын анықтандар?
a. | ![]() |
b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() |
d. | |
e. | Дұрыс жауап жоқ |
1.23. The escape speed from a planet is defined as the speed at which an object must leave the planet’s surface to
a. | escape completely from the gravitational field of the planet. |
b. | enter a geostationary orbit about the planet. |
c. | escape from the atmosphere of the planet. |
d. | overcome the gravitational force of the planet. |
e. | None of the above |
1.24. A planet is in a circular orbit of radius r about a star. The period of the planet in its orbit is T. A second planet orbits the same star in a circular orbit of radius rS.
Which of the following is a correct expression for the period of the second planet in its orbit about the star?
a. | ![]() |
b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() |
d. | ![]() |
e. | None of the above is correct |
1.25. A spacecraft orbits Earth. An astronaut inside the spacecraft feels “weightless” because
a. | the gravitational field in the spacecraft is negligible. |
b. | the Earth exerts equal forces on the spacecraft and the astronaut. |
c. | the spacecraft and the astronaut have the same acceleration towards the Earth. |
d. | the spacecraft and the astronaut exert equal and opposite forces on each other. |
e. | None of the above is correct |
1.26. A rocket is fired vertically. At its highest point, it explodes. Which one of the following describes what happens to its total momentum and total kinetic energy as a result of the explosion?
Total momentum | Total kinetic energy | |
a. | Unchanged | increased |
b. | Unchanged | unchanged |
c. | Increased | increased |
d. | Increased | unchanged |
e. | None of these are correct |
1.27. Толқын белгісіз бір ортада қозғалып жатыр. Төменде келтірілген бөлшектің (d) орын ауыстыруының (t) уақытқа тәуелділігін сипаттайтын график бойынша, уақыт t=0-ден t=25 мс-қа дейін өзгеретіні белгілі.
Толқынның жиілігін және амплитудасын анықтандар.
жиілік/Гц | амплитуда/см | |
a. | 2.0 × 10–2 | 2.0 |
b. | 2.0 × 10–2 | 1.0 |
c. | 2.0 | |
d. | 1.0 | |
e. | Дұрыс жауапжоқ |
1.28. The graph below shows the variation with time t of the displacement x of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion.
Which graph correctly shows the variation with time t of the acceleration a of the particle?
a. | ![]() | b. | ![]() |
c. | ![]() | d. | ![]() |
e. none of these graphs are correct
1.29. Сфералық пішіні бар X және Y екі дене суреттегідей бір сызық бойында қозғалып жатыр. Олардың соқтығысқанға дейінгі импульстары сәйкесінше PX және PY. Соқтығысқаннан кейінгі импульстары сәйкесінше pX және pY.
Импульстің сақталу заңына қатысты төменде келтірілген теңдеулердің қайсысын қолдануға болады.
a. | PX + PY = pX + pY |
b. | PX – PY = pX + pY |
c. | PX – PY = pX – pY |
d. | PX + PY = pX – pY |
e. | Дұрыс жауап жоқ |
1.30. The momentum of a system is conserved if
a. | no external forces act on the system. |
b. | no friction forces act within the system. |
c. | no kinetic energy is lost or gained by the system. |
d. | the forces acting on the system are in equilibrium. |
e. | none of the above. |
Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 165 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Жюри фестиваля-конкурса | | | Question 3: LONG QUESTIONS / PROBLEM SOLVING / INVESTIGATION |