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Tres Hombres Entertainment

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This agreement is made of free will between




Mobile Phone:xxx





Tres Hombres Entertainment

222A El Kawthar District, Hurghada

Red Sea,Egypt

Tel&Fax:+20 65 345 15 25



1.Purpose of the contract:

Tres Hombres Entertainment and Xxx agree of their free will the following contract clauses.

Tres Hombres Entertainment and Xxx agree to act as independent partners for the project bellow in bellow mentioned territory and time period.

2. The Subject:

Product: employee as an enterteirner in Tres Hombres Entertainment.

Activity: enterteirner at 5 stars hotels in Egypt.

4. The tour plan:

Tres Hombres Entertainment will organize the first turne of the show in Egypt with duration 6 months.



6. Costs (travel, visa, hotel, payment, etc.):

Tres Hombres Entertainment will pay for costs of artists as following:


A) Egypt visa

B) Transport and transfers in Egypt for the whole group;

C) Accomodation (maximum of 4 persons per flat, 2 people 1 room);

F) 80% medical and accident insurance for the artists during their stay in Egypt;

7) Payment:


Every Month Tres Hombres will pay …… dollars on the 10. Of each month.



8) General Principle of Good Faith:

Tres Hombres Entertainment and Xxx will carry out their obligations under this contract in good faith and in accordance with the general principle of fair dealing. The provisions of this contract and any statements made by the parties in connection with the contract will be interpreted in good faith


9) Validity of the Contract:


The present contract has a duration of ….. DAYS

STARTING on the ………….. and FINISHING on the …………..

The employee has the right to withdraw with a notice of 30 (thirty) days. Any eventual successive working relationships after the stated termination date must be in written form and signed by both parties.

During the 30 DAYS the employer commits to find a substitute.

This could anticipate the expiration of the notice period, but it will not – in any case - exceed the date when the 30 DAYS notice expire.

In case this obligatory communication (30 days) notice is not respected, the employee will pay a penalty fee of $ 125 FOR EACH WEEK OF ANTICIPATED RECESS (30 days equivalent to 4 – four – weeks for a total amount of 500 Dollars).

In case of anticipated recess, with or without the notice of 30 DAYS, the employee commits himself/herself to pay for the plane ticket 600, 00 Dollars (both ways). This amount includes the reimbursement of the employee’s arrival ticket at the beginning of the contract and the return ticket the employer has to pay for the recessing employee.

In case of recess (anticipated or not), all privileges stated by extra-contractual agreements

(e.g. reimbursement of travel expenses) will be considered nil.


In the case employee was hired locally and therefore the employer did not face any cost for his / her arrival, the penitentiary sum will be always and under all circumstances DOLLARS 300,00 if the employer organizes a return ticket and par to DOLLARS 0,00 (zero) if the employee organizes his/her own flight ticket when receding from the contract.

The employer has anyhow the explicit faculty of applying penalties and/or anticipated recess from the present contract, with immediate effect, by means of a CONTRACT TERMINATION CAUSED BY BREACH OF AGREEMENT, and applying if necessary the flight cost penalty, plus an extra penalty of 250 Dollars for damages (same as the penalty for 2 weeks notice failure), in case the employer and / or the accommodating structure considers the behavior of the employee as evidently not suitable, for legal regulation, or act of God, explicitly in following cases:


** For lack of professionalism and/or other reprehensible behaviors by the employee, also outside the strictly professional area, that can damage the interests or the image of the employer or the accommodating structure.

** For insobriety and/or dishonesty of the employee.

** If the employee, at the moment of transfer to his/her working place, misses the airplane due to causes not imputable to the employer.

In such case the employer reserves the right to require the employee the compensation for the flight cost EQUAL to the AMOUNT of the TICKET COST, certified by the flight documentation, plus any other costs regarding the search and employment of a substitute.

The employer will also be authorized to cancel the contract with a 2 weeks’ notice in case the employer and / or the accommodating structure wish to do so, by means of a CONTRACT TERMINATION DUE TO LACK OF APTITUDY AND CAPABILITY REGARDING THE PROPOSED WORKING POSITION.


Such resolution does not generate any penalties and/or fines for the employee. The above mentioned cases regarding voluntary breach of agreement will not be considered CONTRACT TERMINATION DUE TO LACK OF APTITUDY AND CAPABILITY.

In extreme cases, e.g. unexpected shutting down of structures, the employer will locate the employee in other structures. If that will not be possible, the contract will be terminated by CONTRACTUAL RECESS. In this case of recess, the employee will not be subject to penalties and/or penalty payments.

In case the employee is untraceable for more than 2 days (48 hours), the validity of the present contract is considered nil. In that case, the employer will be exempted from all responsibilities regarding self-certified recess without notice, applying penalties and considering the working relation as interrupted. Debts and credits are to be compensated to the respective beneficiary, employer or employee, and must be paid within the determined period.

The Employer will moreover be authorized, if justified, to apply a CONTRACT SUSPENSION due to reasons of force majeure for a period not longer than two weeks. The employee will fix a date with the employer when to start working again. In case this does not happen and there is no justification for it, the flight penalty will apply. If there is a justification and it can be documented, the employee will be asked to sign the CONTRCT TERMINATION document.

The penalty amount, to be paid by the employee, will be deducted from the employee’s maturated credit: the that amount does not cover the penalty, the rest must be paid in cash to the local representative of Tres Hombres Entertainment., before the departure of the employee.

The employer will however always and in first place try to guarantee the above mentioned job position to the employee, in respect of civil and penal rights of both parts, guaranteeing every form of professional and human support to the employee and the maximum understanding and availability regarding the employee.

The contract will enter into force immediately after signed by both parties and will continue till end of the tour in Egypt. It can be extended by both sides through written agreement.

The termination of this contract for whatever cause shall be without prejudice to any pre-existing rights and obligations of the parties hereunder. Notwithstanding the termination of this contract for whatever cause, any provision of this contract capable of being performed or observed after the date of such termination shall continue to be binding on the parties and in full force and effect.

Either party shall be entitled to terminate this contract immediately in case the contact is seriously injured by other party.

Tres Hombres Entertainment may terminate this contract immediately if a significant proportion of the Xxx is unable, whether due to illness or otherwise, to perform the shows. Tres Hombres Entertainment is still liable for bringing all Xxx to their home.


10) Disputes (Court and Applicable Law):

This contract shall be governed by the laws of Egypt.

Any matters under or relating to this contract which are not expressly settled by the provisions of this contract will be governed by the laws mentioned above.

In case of that parts of the items in this contract are not in accordance with the law the rules of the law will be applied to these items. The validity of this contract and the application of rest parts of the contract will be not influenced.

In the case of any litigation arising from this contract, both parties shall have to go to the court in Egypt to the exclusion of any other court.


11) Others:

A. If one party to change the name, address or any information must be immediately inform the other party. An annex should be added to this contract to record this change. The validity of this contract will not be influenced.

B. All rights and duties will be taken over by the legal successor of the parties. The rights and duties of this contract can not be transmitted to a third party.

C. The contract is a part of business secrecy. Except to the legal organs or government offices, it is not allowed to open any details of the contract without prior written approval of other side.

D. All notices, changes or other communications required or permitted under this contract shall be in writing and shall be sent by a nationally recognized courier service or personally delivered (including by means of professional messenger service), or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or sent by facsimile transmission and promptly confirmed in writing. Verbal contract is not valid.


The contract is made in English and signed of their free will of both parties. The contract can be exchanged and confirmed via fax message.



For Xxx Date: For Tres Hombres Entertainment: Date:


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 97 | Нарушение авторских прав

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