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Explaining Relative Power

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Focus on a relative power of incoming and outgoing elites. The great relative strength of an old elites compare to the new elites compare with democratic process (revolution, opposition). Arguments:

v Transitional-based (Huntington) – it demarcates of what policies can or may/may not be acceptable; most important what àis suggest that transitional type influence is a post-transitional distribution of transitional power.Elites raises the power through revolution. Pursued less aggressive forms of justice. So, we’ve got a revolutions/replacements, negotiated transition and transformations (when the state passes power on to a new elites)

o Placement of old elites in new political structures

o Forced guarantees of non-accountability

v State-structure (O’Donnell and Schmitter) – the police in secret services; motivated by their own complicity (співучасть). Whether Individuals were responsible or just the institution was associated with a path rights abuses. They capable of opposing justice.

o Influence of old elites in power structures

o Threat of force to ensure non-accountability

v Public Support (Zalaquett) – much broader definition of justice; new elites shy away from the aggressive justice, they could inflame (запалюватися) public opinion and increase instability. The degree of public acceptance can also depend partly on the nature repression. The more repressions, the more people want justice.

o Support for old elites in society

o Threat of violent intra-societal (внутрішньо-суспільний) conflicts ensure (забезпечувати) non-accountability (не-відповідальність)

ABC’s of the Strategic Argument

Transitional justice dilemma, when new elites are seen not just as defenders of a new status quo but also as political actors striving (намагатися) to maintain (утримувати) power through at least the next elections. What new elites want and need to do à and that’s what I called an ABC’s of Justice. Leaders position depend on an ability to satisfy the constitutes.

v (a) What do elites need to provide citizens to be re-elected? àThey need to provide political goods (order, security, political liberty, economic policies, and international memberships).

v (b) What are elites’ personal preferences with respect to (justice) policy? àThey going to fever aggressive justice policy.

v (c) How might there preferred (justice) policies be construed by constituents as affecting delivery of those political goods? àPolitical leaders have to be sure that transitional justice policies are perceived by constituentsto further or to minimum that there policies don’t in a fear with the provision of these goods that they can influence. New political elites should avoid there transitional policies. Elites must demonstrate that these accountability measures don’t in a fear with a provision of expecting goods.

The case of “Solidary” (Solidarność) – Poland.

Poland was the first domino in the end of communism. The hero was the Solidary that trade Union, which become a social movement very quickly in early 1980s. In 1989 Poland held the region first semi-free elections, commons guarantee themselves the place in a new government as well as 65% of seats in the stronger house of government. Solidarity took all the rest of the seats – 45% in the lower house of Parliament and total control of a weaker upper house of Parliament. From the relative power perspective Justice should have been lining in Poland. The special commission (доручення)to investigate (розслідувати) the Ministry of internal Fairs.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 102 | Нарушение авторских прав

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