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Zoonotic infection

Читайте также:
  1. A child recovering from measles is diagnosed with pleuropneumonia. The disease is caused by conditional pathogenic Staphylococcus epidermidis. Name the type of infection.
  3. Infections of CNS
  4. Intraradicular infections
  5. Meningococcal infections
  7. The staff and children of a kindergarten are to be tested for meningococcal infection. Choose the method of microbiological research.

Yersinia pestis


148. Microscopical examination of the sputum of a patient with acute pneumonia preliminary diagnosed has shown chaotically located microorganisms of ovoid form up to 2 microns long, more intensively stained on the poles. What the most probable diagnosis can be made on the basis of this data?

A. Pneumonic plague.

B. Streptococcal pneumonia.

C. Staphylococcal pneumonia.

D. Klebsiella pneumonia.

E. Diphtheria.


*05* 171. In a mountain settlement mass death of rodents was observed. Simultaneously the inhabitants of this area were ill. The illness was accompanied by the fast rise of body temperature up to 40° C, apparent intoxication, increase of inguinal lymph nodes. In the touch smears of cadaveric material Gram-negative bipolarly stained ovoid rods were revealed. What microorganisms are the causative agents of this infectious disease?


Causative agents of anthrax.

Causative agents of plague.

Causative agents of tularemia.



* From dead rodent ovoid, Gram-negative, and bipolar stained bacteria have been isolated. What microorganism may it be?

Causative agent of plague

Tubercle bacilli

Causative agent of syphilis




* A geologist which has returned from expedition visited doctor and had typical for plague complaints. During examination doctor revealed symptoms of pneumonia. Which method of microscopy allows to reveal typical for causative agent of plague irregularity of staining?

With Pfeiffer’s fuchsine

With methylene blue (by Loeffler)

With carbolic fuchsine (Ziehl’s fuchsine)

By Romanowsky-Giemsa

By Gram


*02* From the sputum of patient with headache, shivering, and cough Gram-negative, ovoid rods with bipolar staining have been isolated. They were located in chains into the smear from broth culture, and they formed R-forms of colonies onto agar. What disease is it typical for?


Meningococcal nasopharingitis



Streptococcal angina



*01* A man, 44 years old, muskrat hunter, has had heightening temperature up to 380С, headache, lid eyes edema, conjunctiva hyperemia, and surface ulcer onto the skin of neck. іIndicate the probable causative agent of disease:

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

Brucella suis

Leptospira interrogans

Bacillus anthracis

*Francisella tularensis


*00* A doctor had suspected bubonic form of tularemia and sent clinical samples to laboratory for bacteriological method. Which feature of this method is at this definite case?

*Pure culture is isolated from infected laboratory animals

Pure culture is isolated on solid media

Pure culture is isolated on enriched media

Pure culture is isolated into liquid media

Isolated culture is identified due to antigenic structure



114. During the swing of flu epidemic a milkmaid referred to a doctor with complaints of high body temperature, general weakness, absence of appetite, pain in joints. During 10 days she has been having self-treatment for flu. The infectiologist suspected brucellosis. Using what reaction is it possible to diagnose brucellosis?

A. Wright's.

B.Wassermann test.

C.Coombs test.


E. Ouchterlony test.


*06* A veterinarian, working at cattle farm, visited doctor and complained of pain in joints, fever, weakness, night sweats. He has been ill for a month. According to complaints and patient profession doctor suspected brucellosis. Which material collected from this patient should be exameneed in ordinary bacteriological laboratory?

*blood serum

Cerebrospinal fluid

Vomiting mass




*00* From a patient, 40 years old, with acute feverish disease of unknown etiology blood was collected for serology at the 8th day of illness. After agglutination test with different diagnosticums it has been estimated that Widal test was positive at serum dilution 1:100, and Wright test - at serum dilution 1:400. Which diagnosis may be made according to serology results?


Enteric fever

Paratyphoid fever A

Paratyphoid fever B



84. During a scheduled examination milkmaids had a B urnet's intracutaneus allergy test. This test is used to detect hypersensitivity to:

A. B rucellin.

B. Tuberculin.

C. Old tuberculin.

D. Tularin.

E. Antraxin.


126. A patient with an infectious disease has positive skin allergic B urnet's test. What diagnosis was confirmed by this test?

A. Q fever.

D. Salmonellosis.

B. Tularemia.

C. Typhoid fever.

E. B rucellosis.


11. A patient with brucellosis has a positive Burnet's intracutaneous allergy test. Which immune system factor can induce inflammatory reaction in the site of brucellin introduction?

A. IgA.




B. Sensitized T-lymphocytes.


144. A child has brucellosis diagnosed. The child didn't have any contacts with sick animals. How could the infection get into the organism?

A. Via dirty hands.

D. Via unpasteurized milk.

B. Via dirty vegetables and fruit.

C. Via water.

E. During injections.


Bacillus anthracis


119. During a biological test in touch smears from the organs of an animal streptobacteria surrounded with a capsule were revealed. It gives the basis to diagnose:

A. Tularemia.



D. Brucellosis.

E.Croupous pneumonia.


* From horse carcass Gram-positive, capsulated, in size 8x1.5 µm, arranged in chains bacteria have been isolated. Which microorganism is it?

Causative agent of anthrax

Causative agent of foot-and-mouth disease.


Causative agent of hepatitis A.

Causative agent of tetanus.


*00* 98. A 34-year-old patient complained of carbuncle on his face. Examination revealed a painless thin edema of subcutaneous fatty tissue with a black eschar in the center, and vesicular eruption on the periphery. Microbiologic examination revealed nonmotile capsule-forming streptobacilli. What microorganisms are the causative agents of this disease?

A. Bacillus anthracis.

B. Staphylococcus aureus.

C. Bacillus anthracoides.

Bacillus subtilis.

Bacillus megaterium.


* During microscopy of cattle-breeder’s eschar (scab) with suspicious anthrax typical Gram-positive rods surrounded with capsule have been revealed, that at cultivation onto nutrient media have formed colonies with “lion mane” appearance. Which drug should be used for prevention of anthrax in contact persons?

Vaccine STI

Vaccine STI-1

Antitetanus serum

Sixanatoxin (Sixtoxoid)

Anti-anthrax gamma-globulin


*03*05*08* 39.The territory of the old burial ground of cattle (for animal refuse), that has not been used for over 50 years, is planned for house building. But soil investigation has shown the presence of viable spores of an especially dangerous disease causative agent. Name the microorganism which could have been preserved in soil for such a long time.

A. Yersinia pestis.

B.Francisella tularensis.

C.Brucella abortus.

D. Bacillus anthracis.

E.Mycobacterium bovis.


65. A man referred to the reception ward of an infectious disease hospital, having received by mail an envelope with suspicious powder. The man was isolated, and the powder was sent to the laboratory for detecting the presence of anthrax causative agent's spores. Which is the fastest method of detecting these microorganisms?

A. Isolation of pure culture.

B. Complement fixation test.

Precipitation in gel.

Immunofluorescence test.

E. Neutralization test.


*00* 90. An extract of cattle-breading raw material was delivered to a laboratory from the area, where cases of anthrax among animals were noted. What serological reaction should be used for detecting anthrax causative agent antigens in the investigated specimen?

A. Termoprecipitation.

B. Complement fixation test.

C. Indirect hemagglutination.

D. Radioimmunoassay.

E. Precipitation in agar.


106. In a laboratory for the examination of animal skins the precipitation test is used (Askoly test). The resultis: in some minutes after adding of the immune serum with skin extract an albescent ring formed. What does this result indicate?

A. Presence of bacillus anthracis antigens.

B. Presence of Clostridium perfringens toxin.

C. Presence of brucellosis causative agent.

D. Presence of escherichia surface antigen.

E. Presence of salmonella Vi-antigen.


156. To check cattle-breeding raw material (leather, wool) for the presence of anthrax agent soluble thermostable antigen in water-salt extract from raw material is prepared. What reaction may be used for this purpose?

A. Neutralization.

B. Precipitation in agar.

C. Agglutination.

D. Indirect hemagglutination.

E. Ring-precipitation.


A patient complained of carbuncle on his face. Examination revealed a painless thin edema of subcutaneous fatty tissue with a black eschar in the center, and vesicular rash on the periphery. Microbiologic examination revealed nonmotile capsule-forming streptobacilli. What microorganisms are the causative agents of this disease?

A. Bacillus anthracis.

B. Staphylococcus aureus.

C. Bacillus anthracoides.

D. Bacillus subtilis.

E. Bacillus megaterium.


“05” 134/ After examining of emergency slaughtered cow a veterinarian has malignant black-colored pustule on his cheek. At microscopy of its content gram-positive large rods with squared ends, arranged in chains with “bamboo stick” appearance have been found. Which causative agent are such morphological and tinctorial features typical for?

a. Proteus vulgaris

b. Francisella tularensis

c. Bacillus anthracis

d. Yersinia pestis

e. Clostridium perfringens

23. “2012” A worker of a cattle farm consulted of surgeon about fever up to 400C, headache, and weakness. Objective examination of his back revealed hyperemia and dark red infiltration up to 5 sm in diameter with black scar in the centre and some pustules. What disease are these presentations typical for?

a. Anthrax

b. plague

c. abscess

d. furuncle

e. tularemia


“06” 90. An extract of cattle-breading raw material was delivered to a laboratory from the area, where cases of anthrax among animals were noted. What serological reaction should be used for detecting anthrax causative agent antigens in the investigated specimen?

A. Termoprecipitation.

B. Complement fixation test.

C. Indirect hemagglutination.

D. Radioimmunoassay.

E. Precipitation in agar


“07” In the distinct settlement mass death of rodents was observed. It was suspected the reason was causative agent of plague. Which serological test should be used for rapid determination of this epizooty causative agent?

a. neutralization

b. Precipitation

c. Complement fixation

d. Passive hemagglutination

e. Agglutination


“2011” Dwellers of a village noticed mass mortality of rats in some farms. It was suspected that the animals might have died from plague. What postmortal analyses should be conducted in order to establish the causative agent of the infection as soon as possible?

a. neutralization

b. Ring precipitation

c. Complement fixation

d. Passive hemagglutination

e. Agglutination


“06” A veterinarian with suspicious case of brucellosis has been admitted to the infectious department. Which serological test may confirm this diagnosis?

a. Wassermann complement fixation test

b. Wright′s agglutination test

c. Ascoli′s precipitation test

d. Widal′s agglutination test

e. Veighl′s agglutination test


“2011” A veterinary attendant working at a cattle farm complains of joint pain, fever, indisposition and sweating at night time that he has been experiencing for a month. Giving the regard to such presentation and occupational history a doctor suspected brucellosis. What material taken from this patient is to be analyzed in a common microbiological laboratory?

  1. Urine
  2. Spinal fluid
  3. Feces
  4. Vomit mass
  5. Blood serum

“2012” There was a record of some anthrax cases among animals in a countryside. The spread of disease can be prevented by means of immunization. What kind of vaccine should be used?

A. Salk vaccine

B. Sabin vaccine

C. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine

D. STI live vaccine

E. BCG vaccine


B-2 From the sputum of a patient with headache, shivering, and cough Gram-negative, ovoid rods with bipolar staining surrounded with delicate capsule were isolated. What disease is it typical for?

A. *Plague

B. Leptospirosis

C. Tuberculosis

D. Brucellosis

E. Toxoplasmosis

“09” B-2 During examination of milkmaid a doctor revealed vision damage, nervous, bone-muscles and other systems. To confirm diagnosis the next serology investigation was proposed Wright test and Burnet skin allergy testing. Which previous diagnosis was made by doctor?

  1. Leptospirosis
  2. Rheumatism
  3. *Brucellosis
  4. Tularemia
  5. Anthrax

LB/ A patient with diagnosis “polyarthritis” was admitted to the therapy department. From history of disease it was known that he was a groom. After laboratory assay diagnosis was changed to “brucellosis”. What serological test results allowed changing diagnosis?

A. Wright agglutination test

B. Termoprecipitation by Ascoli

C. Complement fixation test by Wasserman

D. Enzyme immunoassay

E. hemagglutination

LB/ Workers of cattle farm were made specific prevention of brucellosis according to epidemiological data. Which vaccine was used for this?

  1. Alive
  2. Recombinant
  3. Chemical
  4. Toxoid
  5. Synthetic

“2013” a 40-year-old farmworker has been diagnosed with brucelossis and administred causal chemotherapy. What groups of the drugs does this solution relate to?

  1. *Antibiotic
  2. Antitoxic serum
  3. Donor immunoglobulin
  4. Polyvalent bacteriophage
  5. Detergents

LB/ A patient with clinical diagnosis “Tularemia” was injected subcutaneously with tularin to confirm diagnosis. What method was used by doctor?

  1. Allergic
  2. Microscopic
  3. Serological
  4. Biological
  5. Microbiological



B-2 At microscopy of carbuncle discharge gram-positive spore forming large rods with squared ends, arranged in chains have been found. What is primary diagnosis?

  1. Anthrax
  2. Plague
  3. Tularemia
  4. Candidiasis
  5. Pyodermia

LB/ At microscopy of smear prepared from clinical specimen there were revealed large rods with squared ends arranged in chains. After cultivation of causative agent in the nutrient medium with penicillin they became rounded and were resemble to “pearl necklace”. Which disease is such phenomenon typical for?

A. Anthrax

B. Plague

C. Cholera

D. Candidiasis

E. Tularemia

“05” Anthrax is a life-threatening infection. Which factors of virulence are typical for causative agents of this disease?

  1. Plasmocoagulase and flagella
  2. *Exotoxin and capsule
  3. Endotoxin and pili
  4. Bacteriocine and spores
  5. Hemolysin and volutin granules

“04” A patient complained of carbuncle on his face. Examination revealed a painless thin edema of subcutaneous fatty tissue with a black eschar in the center, and vesicular rash on the periphery. Microbiologic examination revealed nonmotile capsule-forming streptobacilli. Name the most probable infection:

A. *Anthrax.

B. Cholera.

C. plague

D. Tetanus.

E. Syphilis.

B-2 After contact with emergency slaughtered cow a farmer had carbuncle with black-colorization in the center, hyperemia and fever. After hospitalization diagnosis “anthrax” was made. What is admitted currently for treatment of this infection?

  1. Anti-anthrax globulin
  2. Vaccine STI
  3. BCG vaccine
  4. Tularin
  5. Anthraxin


There was a record of some anthrax cases among animals in a countryside. The spread of

disease can be prevented by means of immunization. What kind of vaccine should be used?

A STI live vaccine

B BCG vaccine

C Salk vaccine

D Sabin's vaccine

E Diphteria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine

LB/ “04” An animal dead from anthrax probably. Which test should be made for confirmation of this diagnosis?

  1. *Askoli test
  2. Heddlson test
  3. Wright test
  4. Wasserman test
  5. Widal test

B-2 A worker of cattle-breeding raw material department was diagnosed with primary diagnosis “anthrax”. Which test is used for detection of raw animal material contamination?

  1. Termoprecipitation test
  2. Agglutination test
  3. Complement fixation test
  4. Neutralization test
  5. Indirect hemagglutination test

b-2 Cases of anthrax were registered on the territory of a city. What medicine is used for specific prevention of people at epidemiological wizard?

  1. Alive vaccine
  2. Inactivated vaccine
  3. Chemical vaccine
  4. Bacteriophage
  5. Toxoid

“2012” Quite often, the soil may contain a number of pathogenic microorganisms. The causative agents of the following disease may exist in the soil for a long time:

  1. Viral hepatitis
  2. Pertussis
  3. Diphtheria
  4. Dysentery
  5. *Anthrax

OB-12 It is planned to use the territory of an old cattle burial ground (which is not used for more than 50 years) for building houses. But ground analysis revealed presence of the pathogen of the very dangerous illness. Which of the indicated microorgonisms is likely to remain in the ground for such a long time?

A Bacillus anthracis

B Francisella tularensis

C Brucella abortus

D Yersinia pestis

E Mycobacterium bovis


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 191 | Нарушение авторских прав

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