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The Fungi (Eumycota), Slime Molds, and Water Molds

Читайте также:
  1. A- The no. of water molecules
  2. B) People use great amounts of water for their needs.
  3. By good fortune Hunter pulled a good oar. We made the water fly; and the boat was soon alongside, and I aboard the schooner.
  4. Chapter 9 ...in which Piglet is entirely surrounded by water
  5. Chemical composition of natural waters on the atomic power station building site
  6. Control of water quality
  7. D If you heat water, it boils
  1. Fungi

A) are photosynthetic.

B) are procaryotic cells.

C) have cell walls of peptidoglycan.

D) secrete extracellular enzymes to breakdown nutrients.

E) reproduce by binary fission.


  1. The most significant reason why fungi are not in the kingdom Plantae is that fungi

A) are chemoorganotrophic heterotrophs.

B) have unicellular and multi-cellular forms.

C) are procaryotes.

D) are eucaryotes.

E) can survive in low moisture.


  1. Which of the following structures would NOT be associated with fungi?

A) mitochondria

B) cell walls

C) chloroplasts

D) hyphae

E) spores



MATCHING - Match the fungus characteristic with the type of fungus

  1. _______ produce basidiospores.

A) slime molds

B) dimorphic fungi

C) club fungi

D) black bread molds

E) sac fungi

F) water molds


  1. _______ produce ascospores in an ascus.

A) slime molds

B) dimorphic fungi

C) club fungi

D) black bread molds

E) sac fungi

F) water molds


  1. _______ produce motile sexual and asexual spores.

A) slime molds

B) dimorphic fungi

C) club fungi

D) black bread molds

E) sac fungi

F) water molds


  1. _______ produce zygospores.

A) slime molds

B) dimorphic fungi

C) club fungi

D) black bread molds

E) sac fungi

F) water molds


  1. _______ exhibit yeast-like growth at human body temperatures and mold-like growth at room temperature.

A) slime molds

B) dimorphic fungi

C) club fungi

D) black bread molds

E) sac fungi

F) water molds

Use the following choices to answer the following question(s):

1-Arthrospore 5-Chlamydospore
2-Ascospore 6-Conidiospore
3-Basidiospore 7-Sporangiospore
4-Blastospore 8-Zygospore


  1. Which of these spores are characteristic of the black bread mold Rhizopus?

A) 1 and 2

B) 6 and 7

C) 2 and 8

D) 1 and 4

E) 7 and 8


  1. Which spore is on a club and results from the fusion of two nuclei from different strains of the same fungi?

A) 2

B) 3

C) 4

D) 6

E) 8


  1. Which of these spores are asexual spores?

A) 1, 4, 5, 6, 7

B) 2, 3, 6, 8

C) 1, 3, 5, 8

D) 2, 4, 6, 7, 8

E) All of the spores listed above are produced asexually


  1. Nutritionally, fungi may best be characterized as

A) photosynthetic autotrophs.

B) chemosynthetic autotrophs.

C) absorptive heterotrophs.

D) ingestive heterotrophs.

E) obligate anaerobes.


  1. Fungi are important in the production of all of the following commercial produces except

A) bread.

B) beer.

C) cheese.

D) rubber.

E) Antibiotics


  1. The bread mold Rhizopus stolonifer belongs to which of the following fungal divisions?

A) Ascomycota

B) Basidiomycota

C) Deuteromycota

D) Oomycota

E) Zygomycota


  1. The fruiting body of a mushroom is called

A) conidiocarps.

B) sorocarps.

C) ascocarps.

D) basidiocarps.

E) plasmodiocarps.

16. Ecologically fungi are important because

I. they act as decomposers and aid in nutrient cycling.

II. are a major cause of plant diseases.

A) I only is true.

B) II only is true.

C) Both I and II are true.

D) Neither I nor II are true.


17. Saprophytic fungi

I. engulf their food in order to break it down.

II. secure their food from dead organic materials.

A) I only is true.

B) II only is true.

C) Both I and II are true.

D) Neither I nor II are true.


18. Fungi

I. are major causes of plant diseases.

II. are pest organisms that have no commercial value.

A) I only is true.

B) II only is true.

C) Both I and II are true.

D) Neither I nor II are true.


19. All the following are considered fungi except

(a) mushrooms

(b) yeasts

(c) molds

(d) amoebas


20. A mycelium occurs in molds and

is a

(a) type of reproductive spore

(b) structure of the cell wall

(c) mass of branching filaments

(d) structure for motility


21. Biphasic fungi are those having a

(a) multiple format of reproduction

(b) multiple type of spores

(c) mold and yeast form

(d) alternating type of motility



22. All the following apply to yeast cells except

(a) They do not form hyphae.

(b) They are typically oval cells.

(c) They can be seen only with the microscope.

(d) They are multicellular fungi.


23. The important feature in the reproduction of a fungus is the

(a) septa

(b) spore

(c) structure of the cell wall

(d) type of nutrition


24. Both blastospores and arthrospores are

(a) types of sexual spores

(b) produced by yeasts

(c) similar to bacteria

(d) various kinds of asexual spores


25. The process of mitosis occurring at the tips of aerial hyphae accounts for the

(a) motility of the fungus

(b) synthesis of energy compounds by the fungus

(c) production of asexual spores

(d) production of ATP in the fungus


26. Five classes of the fungi are separated according to the

(a) means for locomotion

(b) method for sexual reproduction

(c) ability to form cross walls

(d) presence of varying numbers of chromosomes

27. Which of the following characteristics applies to fungi of the class Zygomycetes?

(a) The fungi are prokaryotic.

(b) The fungi have chlorophyll pigments.

(c) Rhizopus is a member of the class.

(d) The sexual spore is called an ascospore.


28. The technical name of the common brewing and baking yeast is

(a) Candida albicans

(b) Escherichia coli

(c) Amanita toxicans

(d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae


29. The common mushrooms, puffballs, and truffles belong to the class of fungi called

(a) Ascomycetes

(b) Basidiomycetes

(c) Zygomycetes

(d) Deuteromycetes


30. The cause of thrush, yeast infection, and other maladies in humans is the fungus

(a) Cryptococcus neoformans

(b) Agaricus nigricans

(c) Candida albicans

(d) Rhizopus stolonifer



31. All the following characteristics can be found in fungi except

(a) They lack chlorophyll.

(b) They have a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

(c) They are generally motile.

(d) They are unicellular or multicellular.


32. The unique substance chitin is found in the fungal

(a) cytoplasm

(b) spore

(c) cell wall

(d) mitochondrion


33. Vegetative hyphae are those hyphae used for

(a) producing reproductive structures

(b) absorbing nutrients

(c) forming mitochondria

(d) forming septa


34. Most fungi live in the presence of

(a) oxygen gas

(b) high- alkaline environments

(c) oxygen- free environments

(d) environments rich in carbon dioxide


35. The carbon dioxide released by yeast cells during their metabolism is used

(a) for producing silk

(b) to flavor liqueurs

(c) to produce spores

(d) to make bread rise


36. The asexual reproductive process of budding occurs in

(a) all fungi

(b) yeasts

(c) fungi undergoing sexual reproduction

(d) none of the fungi


37. Sporangia are fungal structures

(a) in which spores are formed

(b) used for obtaining nutrients from the environment

(c) where energy is released from carbohydrates

(d) where ribosomes are synthesized


38. The common edible mushroom

is a

(a) mass of fungal spores

(b) type of hypha

(c) tightly packed mycelium

(d) structure used for producing asexual spores



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