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X.:I feel like at home, at Tifanny’s.

Читайте также:
  1. I started screaming when I got home, and was given a sedative. By evening everyone knew that Miss Simmonds had put the wrong drops in her eyes.
  2. Starting at Home, Iran’s Women Fight for Rights
  3. Take me home, yeah

Цв:” Will ya bai candies from py me? The’a chip”дает ей конфеты.

Появляется кот (Люся) не далеко от М.

С.С.: “Oh, florist treads with candies. That’s truly madness! She is really poor girl)))

Шляпник к М. с чайником: “Would you like some coffee?”

Мартынюк отвечает (предположительно): “Yes!”

Ш.: “We haven’t any. But we have tea!” наливает ей чай


К.К к Шляпнику “ The more there is of mine, the less there is of yours!”

Заходит Холли

Х.: “oh, I’m late. But it doesn’t look like Tiffany’s! Is it right place?”

Подплывает и припеваючи Б.К.:Yes! It’s Wonderland!”


Х.: “Wonderland?? Are you mad?”

Ч.К.:” We are all mad here!”

К: “I’m mad!”

Ш.: “And you’re mad!”

X.: “But how do you know I’m mad?”

K.: “You must be, or you wouldn’t come here.”

Белая Королева с восхищениям:” Oh, what a pompous feast we have! I can’t remember since Red Queen had cut off almost all heads and injured flamingoes”

Ч.К.:”What a wonderful world!”

Холли заметила кота, и подбежала, и гладит по голове говоря: “I’m like cat here, a no nam slob. We belong to nobody and nobody belongs to us. We don’t even belong to each other!”

Ч.К. с улыбкой поднимает голову на Х. и говорит:” Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds like uncommon inosense!” и исчезает.

Алиса: “I wonder, what is the use of a book, without any pictures?!”

Профессор: “And I wonder, how can you live with empty head?”

Кролик ( перепуганно, хватаясь за голову): ”Oh,HEAD?? Oh my dear head!”

Цв.: “ He is no gentleman, he ain’t to interfere with a poor girl” жалея Алису

Профессор встает и с возмущением:” What do you take me for?”

Алисас удивлением: “I don’t want to take you”.

Цветочница жалея Алису:” Poor girl! Do ya need a candy”

Алиса к проф.:”Anyway what do you do?”

Профессор:”I’m professor. I guess.”

Б.К.:”You guess? Don’t you know?”

Профессор:”Do you think I’ve gone round the bend?”

Б.К.: “I’m afraid so!”

Шляпник:” Completely off your head”

К.К ( услышав слово head, вскакивает): “ Off with the head!- 2”

Профессор в растерянности, к нему подбегает Кролик и говорит: “ Hurry up, hurry up! You forgot that you came here with two brilliant students!”

К.К:”Brought them here!” и успокоившись садится

Входят Люсенко и Урванцева, все шумят.

К.К. всех успокаивает: “Silence in the court!”

Грязные танцы Люсенко и Урванцевой.

После их презентации

Шляпник: But who has won???

K.K: Of course ME!

Б.Л: Of Course Everyone!!

Кролик: And who gives prizes?? Give it to me! Hurry!!!

Ч.Л(показывает пальцем на Алису) (ВСЕ КРИЧАТ PRIZES-PRIZES) Who…she of course!

Алиса: But I have nothing!

Цветочница: Don‘t worry!! I have candies! (раздает конфеты)

Проф.: But where is Alice’s prize???

Холли(дает кольцо Алисе) Oh, I will give you present. It’s one of my favorites from Tiffany. It is the best place in the World!!

Алиса: Thank you!


Проф. Встатет и медленно подходит к Цветочнице: “ I see that, those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.And how about you?” – спрашивает Цветочницу.

Цв.:” There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

Выбегает Кролик: “Oh I have the letter for Holly Golightly!Hurry up! Read it”

X.:” A girl doesn’t read this sort of thing without her lipstick!” мажется помадой

Ч.К.:”What happened to Holly! Perhaps she didn’t count calories!

Х.: “Interesting who wrote that?”

Шляпник: “Of course nobody! Begin at the beginning, then start.”

X.:”Oh, it’s work and travel.”

Белая Королева: “You have the ticket to the Moon… “

X.:I feel like at home, at Tifanny’s.

Moon river, wider than a mile…

The End



Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 110 | Нарушение авторских прав

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