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Thirty-eight. Holly drummed her fingers on her desk and stared out the window

Читайте также:
  2. Chapter Thirty-Eight
  3. Chapter Thirty-Eight
  4. Chapter Thirty-Eight The Descent
  6. Thirty-eight

HOLLY DRUMMED HER FINGERS ON her desk and stared out the window. She was absolutely flying through

her work this week. She didn’t know it was possible to actually enjoy work so much. She had happily sat through

lunch breaks and had even stayed back late to work, and she didn’t feel like punching any of her fellow employees

in the face yet. But it was only her third week, after all; give her time. The good thing was that she didn’t even feel

uncomfortable around any of her fellow colleagues. The only people she had real contact with were Dermot and

Wayne, the guys from layout and design. The office had developed a lighthearted banter and she would often hear

people screaming at each other from office to office. It was all in good humor and she loved it.

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She loved feeling like she was a part of the team, as though she were actually doing something that made a real

impact on the finished product. She thought of Gerry every single day. Every time she made a deal she thanked him,

thanked him for pushing her all the way to the top. She still had her miserable days when she didn’t feel worthy of

getting out of bed. But the excitement of her job was dragging her out and spurring her on.

She heard the radio go on in Chris’s office next door and she smiled. On the hour every hour without fail, he turned

on the news. And all the news seeped into Holly’s brain subconsciously. She had never felt so intelligent in her life.

“Hey!” Holly yelled, banging on the wall. “Turn that thing down! Some of us are trying to work!”

She heard him chuckle and she smiled. She glanced back down at her work again; a freelancer had written an article

on how he traveled around Ireland trying to find the cheapest pint and it was very amusing. There was a huge gap

at the bottom of the page and it was up to Holly to fill it. She flicked through her book of contacts and an idea came

to her immediately. She picked up the phone and dialed.


“Hi, Daniel Connelly, please.”

“One moment.”

Bloody “Greensleeves” again. She danced around the room to the music while she waited. Chris walked in, took one

look at her and closed the door again. Holly smiled.




“Hiya, it’s Holly.”

“How are you doin’, Holly?”

“I’m grand, thanks, you?

“Couldn’t be better.”

“That’s a nice complaint.”

He laughed. “How’s that snazzy job of yours?”

“Well, actually that’s why I’m calling.” Holly sounded guilty.

“Oh no!” he laughed. “I have made it company policy not to employ any more Kennedys here.”

Holly giggled, “Oh damn, and I was so looking forward to throwing drinks over the customers.”

He laughed. “So what’s up?”

“Do I remember hearing you say you needed to advertise Club Diva more?” Well, he had actually thought that he

was saying it to Sharon, but she knew he wouldn’t remember that minor detail.

“I do recall saying that, yes.”

“Good, well how would you like to advertise it in magazine X?”

“Is that the name of the magazine you work on?”

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“No, I just thought it would be an interesting question, that’s all,” she joked. “Of course it’s where I work!”

“Oh of course, I’d forgotten, that’s the magazine that has offices just around the corner from me!” he said

sarcastically. “The one that causes you to walk by my front door every day, and yet you still don’t call in. Why don’t

I see you at lunchtime?” he teased. “Isn’t my pub good enough for you?”

“Oh, everyone here eats their lunch at their desks,” she explained. “So what do you think?”

“I think that’s very boring of you all.”

“No, I mean what do you think about the ad?”

“Yeah sure, that’s a good idea.”

“OK, well, I’ll put it in the November issue. Would you like it placed monthly?”

“Would you like to tell me how much that would set me back?” he laughed.

Holly totted up the figures and told him.

“Hmm...,” he said, thinking. “I’ll have to think about it, but I’ll definitely go for the November edition.”

“Oh, that’s great! You’ll be a millionaire after this goes to print.”

“I better be,” he laughed. “By the way, there’s a launch party for some new drink coming up next week. Can I put

your name down for an invite?”

“Yeah, that would be great. What new drink is it?”

“Blue Rock, it’s called. It’s a new Alco pop drink that’s apparently going to be huge. Tastes like shite but it’s free all

night so I’ll buy the rounds.”

“Wow, you’re such a good advertisement for it,” she laughed. “When is it on?” She took out her diary and made a

note of it. “That’s perfect, I can come straight after work.”

“Well, make sure you bring your bikini to work in that case.”

“Make sure I bring my what?

“Your bikini,” he laughed. “It has a beach theme.”

“But it’s winter, you nutter.”

“Hey, it wasn’t my idea. The slogan is ‘Blue Rock, the hot new drink for winter.’ ”

“Ugghh, how tacky,” she groaned.

“And messy. We’re getting sand thrown all over the floor, which will be a nightmare to clean up. Anyway, listen, I

better get back to work, we’re mad busy today.”

“OK, thanks, Daniel. Have a think about what you want your ad to say and get back to me.”

“Will do.”

She hung up and sat quietly for a moment. Finally she stood up and went next door to Chris’s office, a thought

occurring to her.

“You finished dancing in there?” he chuckled.

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“Yeah, I just made up a routine. Came in to show you,” she joked.

“What’s the problem?” he said, finishing off what he was writing and taking off his glasses.

“No problem; just an idea.”

“Take a seat.” He nodded to the chair in front of him. Just three weeks ago she had sat there for an interview, and

now here she was putting ideas forward to her new boss. Funny how life changed so quickly, but then again she had

learned that already...

“What’s the idea?”

“Well, you know Hogan’s around the corner?”

Chris nodded.

“Well, I was just on to the owner and he’s going to place an ad in the magazine.”

“That’s great, but I hope you don’t tell me about every time you fill a space, we could be here all year.”

Holly made a face. “That’s not it, Chris. Anyway, he was telling me that they’re having a launch party for a new

drink called Blue Rock. A new Alco pop drink. It has a beach theme, all the staff will be in bikinis and that kind of


“In the middle of winter?” he raised his eyebrows.

“It’s apparently the hot new drink for winter.”

He rolled his eyes. “Tacky.”

Holly smiled. “That’s what I said. Anyway, I just thought it might be worth finding out about and covering. I know

we’re supposed to raise ideas in the meetings, but this is happening pretty soon.”

“I understand. That’s a great idea, Holly. I’ll get one of the lads onto it.”

Holly smiled happily and stood up from her chair. “By the way, did you get that garden sorted yet?”

Chris frowned. “I’ve had about ten different people come down to look at it. They tell me it’ll cost six grand to do.”

“Wow, six grand! That’s a lot of money.”

“Well, it’s a big garden, so they have a point. A lot of work needs to be done.”

“What was the cheapest quote?”

“Five and a half grand, why?”

“Because my brother will do it for five,” she blurted out.

“Five?” His eyes nearly popped out of his head. “That’s the lowest I’ve heard yet. Is he any good?”

“Remember I told you my garden was a jungle?”

He nodded.

“Well, it’s a jungle no longer. He did a great job on it, but the only thing is that he works alone, so it takes him


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“For that price I don’t care how long it takes. Have you got his business card with you?”

“Eh... yeah, hold on and I’ll get it.” She stole some impressive-looking card stock from Alice’s desk, typed up

Richard’s name and mobile number in fancy writing, and printed it out. She cut it into a small rectangle shape,

making it appear like a business card.

“That’s great,” Chris said, reading it. “I think I’ll give him a call now.”

“No no,” Holly said quickly. “You’ll get him easier tomorrow. He’s up to his eyeballs today.”

“Right so; thanks, Holly.” She started to head toward the door and stopped when he called out to her, “Oh, by the

way, how are you at writing?”

“It was one of the subjects I learned at school.”

Chris laughed. “Are you still on that level?”

“Well, I’m sure I could purchase a thesaurus.”

“Good, because I need you to cover that launch thing on Tuesday.”


“I can’t get any of the others at such short notice and I can’t go to it myself, so I have to rely on you.” He shuffled

some papers on his desk. “I’ll send one of the photographers down with you; get a few shots of the sand and the


“Oh... OK.” Holly’s heart raced.

“How does eight hundred words sound?”

Impossible, she thought. As far as she knew, she had only fifty words in her vocabulary. “That’s no problem,” she

said confidently and backed out the door. Shit shit shit shit, she thought to herself; how on earth was she going to

pull this one off? She couldn’t even spell properly.

She picked up the phone and pressed redial.


“Daniel Connelly, please.”

“One moment.”

“Don’t put me on...”

“Greensleeves” started.

“Hold,” she finished.


“Daniel, it’s me,” she said quickly.

“Would you ever leave me alone,” he teased.

“No, I need help.”

“I know you do, but I’m not qualified for that,” he laughed.

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“No seriously, I mentioned that launch to my editor and he wants to cover it.”

“Oh brilliant. You can forget about that ad so!” he laughed.

“No, not brilliant. He wants me to write it.”

“That’s great news, Holly.”

“No it’s not, I can’t write,” she panicked.

“Oh really? That was one of the main subjects in my school.”

“Oh Daniel, please be serious for a minute...”

“OK, what do you want me to do?”

“I need you to tell me absolutely everything you know about this drink and the launch so I can start writing it now

and have a few days to work on it.”

“Yes, just one minute, sir,” he yelled away from the phone. “Look Holly, I really have to get back to work now.”

“Please,” she whimpered.

“OK listen, what time do you finish work?”

“Six.” She crossed her fingers and prayed for him to help her.

“OK, why don’t you come around here at six, and I’ll take you somewhere to have a bite?”

“Oh, thank you so much, Daniel.” She jumped around her office with relief. “You’re a star!”

She hung up the phone happily and breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe there was a chance she could get the article

done after all and still manage to keep her job. Then she froze as she went back over the conversation in her head.

Had she just agreed to go on a date with Daniel?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 106 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: By Tracey Coleman | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five |
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