How the Weather (Climate) Influence People’s Life.
Verbs: to influence, to affect, to tell on, to impact, to result in, to lead to, to cause, to change, to
make one feel…, to manipulate, to reflect weather changes, to be affected by, to be puppets of
the weather, to be weather-sensitive, to be sensitive to the weather, to adjust to the weather, …
Nouns: influence, impact, effect, …
Adjectives: great, serious, crucial, dramatic, drastic, decided, …
Adverbs: greatly, seriously, crucially, dramatically, drastically, …
- Physical impact: energy levels, to give physical energy, to feel like a hibernating animal, to feel sleepy (tired, flabby, relaxed, …), spring fever, seasonal affective disorder, physical well-being, to feel worse, to feel able to cope with everything and everybody, to be physically smaller (weaker, stronger, healthier,…), to grow more slowly, infant mortality, low birth rate, to have a longer life span, to slow down physical processes, to weaken the immunity mechanism, to become targets for infection, to catch a chill (cold), diseases (headaches, faints, insomnia, heart attacks/failures, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, skin cancer, the flue, quinsy, …), to get a sunstroke, to get sun burnt, to increase the death rate, weather-related deaths, to encourage an active metabolism, to change the brain biochemistry, to dry your skin and hair, …
- Emotional impact: weather-related mood, wet weather mood, sunny day behavior, to have enthusiasm for going smth., to find it difficult to do smth., to bring depression, to feel (get) depressed, to feel exhilarated (by), to sweep away stale thoughts, to make one short-tempered (bad-tempered, agreeable, irritable, lazy, dreamy, …), to make one feel happy (unhappy, low, excited, cheerful, contented, miserable, nervous, …), to fill with joy (sadness, enthusiasm,…), to feel as if a burden has been lifted from you, to increase nervousness (depression), suicides, to aggravate/improve our mood, to admire the nature (landscape), to feel frightened, natural wonders (rainbow, mirage, etc.) stimulate people’s curiosity and scientific research, …
- Social behavior and activities: crimes, violence, socializing, to make us talk about it, to exchange our opinions about it, to spend more time indoors/outdoors, to go in for sports, …
- Mental impact: to think clearly, thinking becomes difficult, the ability to make sensible decisions, to feel creative, to heighten creativity, to slow down mental processes, to make mistakes, to lose focus on the task, inability to concentrate, to become forgetful, lack of attention, …
- Studies: to skip classes, to daydream, to oversleep, to be late for classes, to feel unwilling to study, to be attracted by the weather, it calls to …, …
- Natural disasters, accidents, misfortunes: flooding, overflowing rivers, snowstorms, tornado, hurricanes, lightning, thunderstorms, drought, traffic accidents, traffic jams, to create aviation delays, school closing, to break trees, to destroy buildings, to dry out, to spoil the harvest, to create favourable conditions for farming, to be caught in the rain, to be splashed with mud, to get wet through, to get trapped in a snowfall, lightning casualties, to endanger people’s/public safety, to ruin our plans (outing in the nature, picnics, parties,…), …
- Spending: a correlation between the weather and sales, a shopping pattern, shopping habits, to reserve shopping for ordinary days, …
- …
To blame the weather for our misfortunes, to make the weather responsible for, to justify our bad temper (inability to restrain your emotions, absent-mindedness, laziness, carelessness, bad organization, low intelligence, weak will, improvidence, …), to find fault with, to find a plausible excuse, to distinguish between weather related-mood and bad temper, to grumble about the weather, …
Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 356 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.007 сек.)