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Acute nephritis

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Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Appendiceal [əpən'disiəl], media ['mediə], glomeruli [glə'merulai], nitrogen ['naitrədʒən], hematuria [hi:mə'tujəriə], albuminuria [ælbju:mi'njuəriə], albuminuric [ælbju:mi'njuərik], oliguria [ɔli'guriə], edema [i'di:mə], feature ['fi:t∫ə], Hg [hai'fra:rdʒirəm], lesion ['liʒ(ə)n]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

To precede – передувати Predisposing – сприятливий Glomerulae tufts – громерулярні пучки Lesion – ураження Predominant – переважаючий To line – вистилати To involve – залучати Retention – фіксація, утримання, відкладення Outflow – відтік Scanty – мізерний, убогий Oliguria –відсутність виділення сечі Eye fundus –очне дно Cast – циліндр (уроліт) To be responsible for – відповідати за To look for – шукати To overlook – не помітити

Exercise 3. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Suppurative lymph nodes, predominant role, chief changes, acute infection, renal inflammation, clinical features, scanty outflow of urine, unfavourable prognosis, grave sign, extensive involvement of the kidney, mild edema, rare cases, pus cells.

Exercise 4. Match medical terms with the proper definitions

1) kidney     2) nephritis     3) urine     4) stone calculus   5) diabetes     6) ureter   7) creatininc   8) nephrology 1) any disorder of metabolism causing excessive thirst and the production of large volumes of urine; 2) a substance derived from creatine and creatine phosphate in muscles; 3) either of a pair of tubes, 25—30 cm long, that conduct urine from the pelvis of kidneys to the bladder; 4) the branch of medicine concerned with the study, investigation and management of diseases of the kidney; 5) the fluid excreted by the kidneys- which contains many of the body's waste products; 6) a hard pebble-like mass formed within the body, particularly in the gallbladder or anywhere in the urinary tract; 7) either of the pair of organs responsible for the excretion of nitrogenous wastes, principally urea, from the blood; 8) Bright's diseases — inflammation of the kidney


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Etiology. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of acute nephritis. Diphtheria, measles, chicken-pox, suppurative lymph glands, chills, appendiceal abscess, or almost any infection in the body may be responsible for nephritis, but tonsillitis, septic sore throat, and otitis media are the main predisposing diseases.

Pathology. Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems of the body as well as the glomerulae tufts. The term "acute glomerular nephritis" is used, because the capillaries of the glomeruli are practically always the site of the initial lesion. The chief changes occurring in acute glomerular nephritis are swelling and disintegration of the endothelial cells which line the capillaries of the tufts. The process is a diffuse one involving all glomeruli in the tufts.

Symptoms. Following an acute infection, for example, an upper respiratory infection, the patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis within a period of from two to eight days. The classical textbook picture of hematuria, hypertension, edema, and nitrogen retention is not always present; in fact, it seldom is. More often the patient has only evidences of renal inflammation as shown by the urine examination. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are frequently the only signs, and are often overlooked if symptoms are absent. Edema, hypertension, and nitrogen retention may be present or absent. Disturbances of urination characterized by a scanty outflow of urine or even complete anuria may be present.

Hypertension is the most characteristic symptom. If hypertension makes its appearance and the blood pressure keeps rising little by little after the renal disease is in progress, this is a sign of unfavourable prognosis. Sometimes the blood pressure rises rapidly to 200/ 120 mm Hg. The eye fundus in these cases often shows evidences of the so-called albuminuric retinitis. This is a grave sign, though some of these patients do recover.

Edema is not an important syndrome unless it makes its first appearance after the disease is in progress for a week or two. Sometimes the edema is very mild and hardly recognized by the examining physician.

The rise in the nonprotein nitrogen is a sign of renal insufficiency. Frequently the rise is rapid in the early stages of acute anuria.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1. What always precedes the onset of acute nephritis?

2. What are the main predisposing diseases?

3. Why is the term acute glomerular nephritis used?

4. What is the site of the initial lesion?

5. What is the clinical picture of acute nephritis?

6. How are evidences of renal inflammation shown?

7. What are disturbances of urination characterized by?

8. What is the sign of unfavourable prognosis?


Exercise 7. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Початок захворювання, лімфатичні вузли, будь-яка інфекція, септичний фарингіт, різні системи організму, місце первинного ураження, симптом, що загрожує життю, набухання та розпад, велике залучення, відкладення азоту, незначний набряк, дифузний процес, підвищуватись, порушення виділення сечі, несприятливий прогноз, небілковий азот.


Exercise 8. Choose proper adjectives to the following nouns:

Scanty Acute Clinical Various Respiratory Endothelial Examining Blood Chief Predisposing Initial Grave Nephritis Diseases Systems Lesion Changes Cells Infection Picture Outflow Pressure Sign Physician


Exercise 9. Find antonyms to the following words in the text:

Severe, chronic, rare, lower, partial, favourable, last, slow, late, unknown


Exercise 10. Approve or contradict the following;

1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of acute scurvy.

2. Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems of the body as well as a gallbladder.

3. Following an acute infection, for example, an upper respiratory infection, the patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis within a period of from two to eight days.

4. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are the only signs of the disease.

5. If hypertension makes its appearance and the blood pressure keeps rising little by little after the renal disease is in progress, this is a sign of recovery.

6. Sometimes the edema is very mild and hardly recognized by the examining physician.


Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. I will hospitalize you as soon as we have a vacant bed.

2. Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells and nerve fibres.

3. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly.

4. The surgeon on duty has arrested a profuse abdominal bleeding.

5. She had an attack of pain behind the breastbone last night.

6. When we came the child had been sleeping for an hour.

7. She has been complaining of pain in the left shoulder since 2010.

8. Aristotle made a mistake – he believed that men had32 teeth and women only 28!

9. The working day of a district doctor begins at 8 o’clock.

10. Third-year students will study cardiosurgery next year.


Exercise 12. Translate the sentences:

1. Клінічна картина гострого нефриту розвивається протягом 2-8 днів.

2. Типові клінічні ознаки гострого нефриту рідкісні.

3. Аналіз сечі показує еритроцити, гній і циліндри.

4. Гіпертонія є найхарактернішим симптомом.

5. Іноді тиск піднімається до 200/120 мм рт.ст.

6. Основні зміни відбуваються в ендотеліальних клітинах, які розбухають і розпадаються.


Exercise 13. Read the text and

a). open the brackets and use the verb in the correct form

b). translate the underlined words into English:

The treatment of nephritis (to depend) on the type and cause of the condition. The aim (to be) to reduce inflammation, limit the ураження to the kidneys and support the body until kidney function (to be) back to normal. Обмеження of sodium (salt), калію, protein and fluids in the diet may be necessary. Sometimes bed rest (to advise). Steroids, or more powerful імунопригнічуючі drugs, may (to give) to reduce the inflammation. Antibiotics may be needed too, although у багатьох випадках the infection that initially triggered the nephritis has long since gone. Medication may also (to need) to control blood pressure. In тяжких cases, renal dialysis may be necessary, although this may only be a временная мера. Adults (to be) slower to recover than children and more likely to develop ускладнення or progress into chronic nephritis. Acute nephritic syndrome is unlikely рецидивувати, but if it does there's at least a one in three chance that an adult (to develop) what is known as 'end-stage kidney disease', leaving them in need of permanent dialysis or a kidney transplant.


Exercise 14. Put verbs from brackets in a proper tense and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. They (to work) hard at that problem for the whole year.

2. Latin (to be) a dead language now, but it (to be) an international language many centuries ago.

3. He knew that I (to study) at the Medical University for 2 years.

4. As soon as all analyses (to be ready) the doctor (to make) the diagnosis.

5. George (to help) the nurse in the hospital.

6. After the patient (to suffer from) profuse external bleeding, he (to develop) severe anemia.

7. The man (to loose) consciousness after he (to be run over) by a car.

8. After the patient (to take) pills, he (to sleep) for some hours.

9. The patient (not to operate) yet as not all analyses (to make).

10. The doctor (to study) the patient’s sensitivity to penicillin before the treatment (to begin).

11. This short-sighted man (to loose) his spectacles. We (to look) for them everywhere but still can’t find.

12. The doctor (to write) a prescription when a short man (to open) the door and (to ask) for help.

Exercise 15. HEALTH.The following problems and pieces of advice have got all mixed up. Can you match them correctly?

1. I keep getting headaches   2. I can't get into my clothes   3. I can't sleep at night   4. My eyes are often sore and I sneeze a lot.   5. I'm going to Nepal on business   6. I've got a bad stomach   7. I feel much better now, doctor   8. I've got a terrible cough a. Good, you needn't come back for a month. b. You really must stop smoking. c. Perhaps you should have an eye test. d. You ought to do more exercise— it's very relaxing. e. You'll have to have a few injections. f. You shouldn't eat so much fried food. g. You really must lose some weight. h. You should have some allergy tests.



1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of … nephritis.

a) chronic b) acute c) prolonged d) contagious

2. The main predisposing diseases of acute nephritis are:

a) diphtheria, measles b) myocardial infarction c) tonsillitis, sore throat

3. The site of initial lesion in acute nephritis is:

a) capillaries of glomeruli b) tonsils c) throat membrane d) adenoids

4. Acute nephritis may develop within:

a) one-two weeks b) two-eight days c) a month d) half a year

5. Patients are known to suffer from renal inflammation as shown by:

a) X-rays b) blood test c) urinalyses d) renal examination

6. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are frequently the only signs, and are often … if symptoms are absent.

a) indicated b) overlooked c) diagnosed d) present

7. The sign of unfavorable prognosis is:

a) a scanty flow of urine b) chronic migraines c) hypertension

8. The eye fundus in these cases often shows evidences of the so-called …:

a) albuminuric retinitis b) jaundice c) liver cirrhosis

9. Sometimes the edema is … and hardly recognized by the examining physician.

a) severe b) acute c) grave d) very mild

10. The rise in the nonprotein nitrogen is a sign of ….

a) renal insufficiency b) angina pectoris c) heart failure

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 240 | Нарушение авторских прав

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