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Для медичного факультету II курсу

Читайте также:
  1. XIII. Вимоги до медичного обслуговування, оцінки стану здоров’я дітей
  2. Б) офіційна підтримка курсу «перебудови» та фактичне блокування реформаторських кроків союзного партійного керівництва
  3. Вимоги до робіт по кожному конкурсу Чемпіонату
  4. Вступ до навчального курсу «Історія України».
  5. Вчена рада Університету, факультету (інституту).
  6. Декан фармацевтичного факультету, професор І.В. Ніженковська
  7. Декан фармацевтичного факультету, професор І.В. Ніженковська



Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian:

affect [ə'fekt], causative agent ['kɔ:zətiv 'eidʒənt], stage [steidʒ], malaise [mæ'leiz], fatigue [fə'ti:g], loss [lɔs], pus [pʌs], involve [in'vɔlv], profuse [prə'fju:s],permanent ['рɜ:mənənt],benign[bi'nain], elevation [,eli'veiʃn], perspiration [,pɜ:spə'reiʃn],evidence ['evidəns]


Exercise 2. Read the following word-combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. malaise [mæ'leiz]: a general malaise, to complain of a general malaise, a general malaise is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis;

2. fatigue [fə'ti:g]: a considerable fatigue, a marked fatigue, to suffer from a slight fatigue;

3. pus [pʌs]: a thick pus, the discharge containing much 'pus, much pus was found in the sputum;

4. benign [bi'nain]: a benign disease, a benign tumour was revealed in the lungs, benign growth of the kidney.


Exercise 3. Match the following diseases with their descriptions and translate them into Ukrainian:


1. pneumonia a) a disease that is caused by a deficiency of ascorbic acid (or vitamin C). The first signs of it are swollen bleeding gums and rash of tiny bleeding spots around the hair follicles.
2. tuberculosis b) an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium in the red blood cells; it’s transmitted by mosquitoes and is confined mainly to tropical areas.
3. scurvy c) pus in the space between the tonsil and the wall of the pharynx; the patient has severe pain with swallowing.
4. quinsy d) a lesion in the stomach, caused by the action of gastric acid and pepsin on the stomach lining; symptoms include vomiting and pain in the upper part of the abdomen soon after eating.
5. malaria e) inflammation of the lung caused by bacteria, in which the air sacs (alveoli) become filled with inflammatory cells and the lung becomes solid; the symptoms include fever, malaise, headaches, together with cough and chest pain.
6. angina pectoris f) inflammation of the lining of the heart cavity and valves; it’s due to rheumatic fever or results from bacterial infection. This disease leads to the heart damage; signs are changing heart murmurs and heart failure.
7. gastric ulcer g) an infectious disease caused by the bacillus first discovered by R.Koch in 1882; it’s characterized by the formation of nodular lesions in the tissues; symptoms include fever, night perspiration, weight loss, spitting of blood. This disease may smoulder for months or years in patients, that’s why they show no signs of it, others may develop a chronic infection.
8. endocarditis h) pain in the centre of the chest, which is caused by physical activity and relieved by rest, it may spread to the jaws and arms. This disease occurs when the demand for blood by the heart increases the supply of the coronary arteries and it results from coronary artery atheroma.


Exercise 4. Find the corresponding equivalents:

  pulmonary tuberculosis a зміни в легенях
  elevation of temperature b збудник захворювання
  changes in the lungs c загальне нездужання
  to affect the organs d підвищення температури
  causative agent e постійні симптоми
  general malaise f виділення мокротиння
  discharge of sputum g туберкульоз легенів
  permanent symptoms h вражати органи

Exercise 5. Translate the following word-combinations into your own language and make up your own sentence with one of them:

to be caused by, to be discovered by, to be accompanied by, to be involved in, to be marked, to produce characteristic changes, to affect other organs, to complain of, dry or productive cough, considerable, sputum discharge, to become worse at night, to reveal pus corpuscles, the first sign of tuberculosis, to become profuse, in benign processes, tuberculous intoxication, metabolic rate, loss of appetite.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 134 | Нарушение авторских прав

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