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  1. Assimilation and its types.

Alveolar consonants before [Ө, Ә]

At the junction of the alveolar consonants [t, d, n, l, s, z] and the interdental consonants [ ] regressive assimilation (ç) affecting the place of articulation is observed: the alveolar consonants are represented by their dental variants.

e.g.: ni nth, sixtee nth, abou t th e text.

Combinations of Consonants with [w]

Consonants preceding [w], especially in a stressed syllable, are liprounded (labiolized), i.e. regressive assimilation (ç) affecting the position of lips takes place.

e.g. tw ist, qu ater, sw itch, dw eller, wi gw am.

When the consonant [w] is preceded by a voiceless consonant there is also some devoicing of the sonorant (progressive assimilation (è) affecting the work of the vocal cords). The devoicing is especially strong after [t,k] in a sressed syllable, and is weaker in unstressed syllables and at syllable or word boundary. Thus in clusters [tw, kw, sw] double (reciprocal) assimilation takes place.

e.g.: tw enty, qu iet, sw eep

Combinations of voiceless consonants with [r] [tr, kr, str, spr, skr, fr, sr, ∫r, Өr]

In the clusters of voiceless consonants with [r] complete or partial devoicing of the sonorant takes place (progressive assimilation è affecting the work of the vocal cords). The sound [r] is completely devoiced when it is preceded by the voiceless plosive consonant [p, t, k] in a stressed syllable.

e.g.: tr ain, pr ide, cr y.

In an unstressed position, at a word boundary or when [p, t, k] are preceded by [s] the devoicing of [r] is partial

e.g.: wai tr ess, tem per ature, spr ead, qui te r ight.

Partial devoicing of the sonorant [r] is also observed when it is preceded by a voiceless fricative consonant in a stressed syllable.

e.g.: shr ewd, thr ee, fr uit

In an unstressed position and at word boundaries a voiceless fricative influences the sonorant only in rapid speech.

Combinations of alveolar and interdental consonants with [r]

In some of the consonant clusters with the sonorant [r] assimilation affecting the place and the manner of articulation can be observed. Thus under the influence of the post-alveolar [r] the alveolar consonants [t, d] in the clusters [tr, dr] become post-alveolar. The clusres [tr, dr] are actually characterized by double (reciprocal ó) assimilation: under the influence of the noise consonants [t,d] the sonorant [r] becomes fricative (after [t] it is also devoiced).

In the clusters [Өr, Әr] the post-alveolar frictionless sound [r] is often replaced by an alveolar tap variety of [r] (a single brief tap is made by the tip of the tongue on the teeth ridge). In the cluster [Өr], besides, there’s partial devoicing of the sonorant [r]

Linking [r]

When a word ending in [ə], [a:], [o:] or [3:] is immediately followed by a word beginning with a vowel, the sound [r] is very often inserted at teh end of it, jpining it to the next word. When the ordinary spelling of the word ends in the letter r (or − ‘re’ as in are, more), the inserted r-sound is called a linking [r]. When there is no written r in spelling, the inserted r-sound is called instructive (e.g. the idea [r] of it). Learners of English are generally not recommended to use instructive [r], while the linking [r] is recognized as a typical feature of English Standard Pronunciation.

e.g.: never again [‘nevə r ə ’gein]

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