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The Classification of Consonants
[p] − bilabial, occlusive, plosive, voiceless consonant
[b] − bilabial, occlusive, plosive, voiced consonant
[t] − forelingual, alveolar, apical, plosive, occlusive, voiceless consonant
[d] − forelingual, alveolar, apical, plosive, occlusive, voiced consonant
[s] − forelingual, alveolar, apical, constrictive, fricative, voiceless consonant
[z] − forelingual, alveolar, apical, constrictive, fricative, voiced consonant
[Ө] − forelingual, interdental, apical, constrictive, fricative, voiceless consonant
[Ә] − forelingual, interdental, apical, constrictive, fricative, voiced consonant
[∫] − forelingual, alveolar, palatal, constrictive, voiceless consonant
[ ] − forelingual, alveolar, palatal, constrictive, voiceless consonant
[t∫] − forelingual, alveolar, palatal, occlusive, voiceless affricate
[d ] - forelingual, alveolar, palatal, occlusive, voiced affricate
[j] − medialingual, palatal, constrictive, sonorant
[m] − bilabial, occlusive, nasal sonorant
[n] − forelingual, alveolar, apical, occlusive, nasal sonorant
[ŋ] − backlingual, occlusive, nasal sonorant
[l] − forelingual, alveolar, apical, lateral sonorant
[r] − forelingual, cacuminal, constrictive, sonorant
[w] − bilabial, backlingual, constrictive, sonorant
[f] − labio-dental, constrictive, fricative, voiceless consonant
[v] − labio-dental, constrictive, fricative, voiced consonant
[k] − backlingual, occlusive, plosive, voiceless consonant
[g] − backlingual, occlusive, plosive, voiced consonant
[h] − pharyngal, constrictive, voiceless consonant
The Classification of Vowels
[e] − front, mid, narrow variation, short, non-labiolized monophthong
[І] −front retracted, high, broad variation, short, non-labiolized monophthong
[ə] − neutral, mixed, mid, broad variation, short, non-labiolized (unstessed) monophthong
[i:] − front, high, narrow variation, long, diphthongoid
[a:] − back, low, broad variation, long, non-labiolized, monophthong
[|o] − back, low, broad variation, short, labiolized monophthong
[u:] − back, high, narrow variation, long, labiolized diphthongoid
[υ] − back advanced, high, broad variation, short, labiolized monophthong
[3:] − mixed, mid, narrow variation, long, non-labiolized monophthong
[o:] − back, low, narrow variation, long, labiolized monophthong
[æ] − front, low, broad variation, non-labiolized, half-long, monophthong
[Λ] − mixed, mid, broad variation, short, non-labiolized, monophthong
Diphthongs [εə] hair, [ei] play, [ai] five, [iə] near, [uə] pure, [au] now, [oi] join, [ou] home
three element sounds or “threephthongs” − [aiə] drier, [ouə] lower, [auə] plougher
These combinations can be met in the clusters of two morphemes (stem + suffix) or inside a stem morpheme e.g. go+er= goer [gou-ə], high+er= higher [hai-ə], or flower [flau-ə], fire [fai-ə].
Three element sound consist of 2 syllables [ai-ə], [ou-ə], [au-ə]
Loss of Plosion
This phonetic phenomenon takes place when two plosives are in contact, there happens a complete loss of plosion of the first sound, that is the obstruction is removed and a plosion is heard only after the second consonant (tt, tb, tg, db, dk, dp, dt, gk, gp, gt, kt, kk, kb, kd, kg, pt, pb, pd, etc.)
e.g.: Bla ckb oard, mi dd ay. Wha t k ind of book is it?
Nasal Plosion
This phonetic phenomenon takes place at the junction of the plosive consonants [t, d, p, k, g] with the nasal sonorants [m,n], the articulation of the sonorant starts when the articulation of the plosive is not yet finished. As a result of this, instead of removing the obstruction in the mouth cavity, the air stream passes through the nasal cavity producing the effect of nasal plosion. This phenomenon is regarded as one of the cases of assimilation of English consonants.
e.g.: shoul dn’ t, woul dn ’t. Sen d m e a letter.
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