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Mandatory Certifications



RFP NO. GR-001-2014




Purpose of Request for Proposal (RFP): To select a consultant to enter into negotiations with the Canadian Embassy in Kyiv, acting for the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), for a service contract to provide the services described in the Terms of Reference - Appendix A.


Type of Services: Coordinator for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)

Estimated Contract Value: up to 16 000 CAD

Duration of the Contract: Approximately 8 months + possibility of an extension for an undetermined time

Closing Date: 3 August 2014 at midnight (Kyiv time)

Proposals received after the stated bid closing date and time will be disqualified and destroyed.

Application Procedure: Proposals must be sent electronically to the following e-mail address: kyivcanadafund@international.gc.ca


Note: Only candidates who are selected for interviews will be contacted.




Questions relating to this RFP should be directed to kyivcanadafund@international.gc.ca e-mail box by no later than 16:00 on 30th July 2014.


Please indicate the RFP number on your fax or email.


Proposal Presentation


The consultants responding to this RFP should please indicate clearly in the subject line of their email submissions that they are applying for the CFLI Coordinator RFP.


The consultants responding to this RFP should also please ensure that their proposals are submitted as two (2) separate electronic files: a) Technical Proposal and b) Financial Proposal. E-mail submissions without clearly separated Technical and Financial proposals will not be accepted.


Rights of the Canadian Embassy


The Canadian Embassy reserves the right to: Reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP; enter into negotiations with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of its proposal; accept any proposal in whole or in part; cancel this RFP; re-issue this requirement at any time; and award one or more contracts. The costs, including travel, incurred by the Consultant in the preparation of the proposal and for the negotiation of the resulting contract will not be reimbursed by the Canadian Embassy.


Mandatory Requirements


1.4.1 The Consultant must meet the mandatory requirements set out in Appendix B and must include the signed certification with their proposal. Failure to comply with all the mandatory requirements will result in rejection of the proposal.


1.4.2 The Consultant must also meet any security requirements identified in Section 4 of this RFP by the time of signature of the Contract. Failure to meet all security requirements at the time of signature of the Contract will result in the Consultant's proposal being deemed non-responsive and rejected.


Verification of Information


The Consultant is aware that the Canadian Embassy reserves the right to verify that the Consultant meets the mandatory requirements and any information provided in this proposal. Untrue statements may result in the proposal being declared non-compliant, or in any action which the Canadian Embassy may consider appropriate.


Contract Negotiation


A time limit may be imposed by the Canadian Embassy to ensure that negotiations are concluded effectively and in a timely manner. In instances where negotiations cannot be satisfactorily concluded between the selected Consultant and the Canadian Embassy, the Canadian Embassy reserves the right to initiate negotiations with the second highest ranking Consultant. Typical areas of negotiation may include:


Fees: In a competitive environment, fees proposed in the selected Consultant’s financial proposal, which were part of the financial evaluation, are not normally subject to negotiation.


However, the Canadian Embassy reserves the right to negotiate the fees proposed should they be higher than the market rate considered acceptable to the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine for the specific proposed activities.

Reimbursable Expenses: All reimbursable expenses, such as for local non-professional personnel, regional travel and office expenses, are subject to negotiation.




The Technical Component comprises the Rated Requirements and Level of Effort. The Terms of Reference in Appendix A outlines the requirements. The Consultant will be required to demonstrate how (s)he meets the evaluation criteria through the following process:




The proposal will consist of a technical and a financial component to undertake the services described in the Terms of Reference - Appendix A. The technical and financial components are to be presented in two separate files (attachments). Proposals not submitted in this format will not be accepted.



The Consultant’s proposal is to be presented in either of Canada’s two official languages: English or French. Proposals not submitted in this format will not be accepted. The working language of this RFP and any resultant contract is English. The Consultant must demonstrate fluency in English and Ukrainian. Failure to meet this criterion will result in the rejection of the Consultant’s proposal.

Proposals remain the property of the Canadian Embassy and will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Access to Information Act, the Privacy Act, the General Records Disposal Schedule of the Government of Canada to ensure that no commercial confidential information is released.

Rated Requirements


The Consultant shall include the following documents in the Technical Component:

· Resume for the proposed individual(s) not exceeding four (4) pages in the format included in Form A. The resume must address requirements 1, 2 and 3.

Consultants should note that all information provided on the resume is subject to verification.

· Assessment Grid (maximum length 2 pages), which must address requirement 4.

· Monitoring and Evaluation Grid (maximum length 1 page), which must address requirement 5.

· Signed Mandatory Certifications form (form B), as per 4.1.


The Consultant should ensure that their submission is guided by the evaluation criteria in Appendix B.


Requirement 1: Project Management Experience


The Consultant must demonstrate significant project management experience, preferably within the capacity of administering a small grants program. More specifically, experience should focus on:


· Assessing project proposals and providing recommendations for funding;

· Maintaining accurate and complete project files with the support of electronic systems;

· Small-scale contracting, procurement, budgeting and financial management;

· Monitoring project results on a local level;

· Reporting results and findings.

Requirement 2: Communications Experience


The Consultant must demonstrate significant communications experience both orally and in writing in the English and Ukrainian languages. More specifically, experience should focus on:

· Working with locally-based organizations and conveying defined program requirements and expectations to such organizations;

· Working with international donor organizations, with a specific focus on clear, concise, transparent and results-based reporting.


Note: English is the language of communication within the administration of the CFLI.


Requirement 3: Country and Sector Knowledge


The consultant must demonstrate, through education and / or experience, knowledge of the social, political, environmental and gender equality situation of Ukraine. More specifically, experience and/or education should focus on:

· Knowledge of specific socio-economic challenges in rural and urban regions of Ukraine;

· Understanding of the political systems of Ukraine at the national, regional and local levels;

· Understanding of the legal, financial and social context of civil society in Ukraine;

· Knowledge of the status of women in Ukraine, their particular roles and responsibilities and their integration in the country’s development process.


Requirement 4: Assessment Grid (maximum length 2 pages)


Based on the Consultant’s understanding of the Terms of Reference in Appendix A, past experience and education, the Consultant will prepare a series of ten (10) questions, which would be relevant in the assessment of a prospective Canada Fund proposal. The questions must be clear and concise and should lend themselves towards the formulation of a recommendation for funding.


The consultant will then take the questions and formulate an evaluation grid (based on a total possible score of 100 points, using the model below) that will assign specific weights and assessment criteria to each of the proposed assessment questions. The assessment criteria should outline the desired answers to the assessment questions that would merit a higher score.


Assessment Question Assessment Criteria Relative Weight
Question 1… … desired answers … no. of points allocated
Question 2… … desired answers  


Requirement 5: Monitoring and Evaluation Grid (maximum length 1 page )


Based on the Consultant’s understanding of the Terms of Reference in Appendix A, past experience and education, the Consultant will prepare a series of ten (10) questions, which would be relevant to the monitoring and / or evaluation of an active Canada Fund project. These questions must be clear and concise and should lend themselves towards the formulation of a Canada Fund project performance report.


The top-scoring applicants on these five requirements will be invited to a further assessment interview at the Canadian Embassy. Costs of attending the interview will be borne by the Consultant and will not be reimbursed by the Canadian Embassy.


Requirement 6: Personal Interview and Reference Checks


During the interview, the Consultant will be required to demonstrate the required personal qualities of the position, including tact, courtesy, discretion, initiative and good judgement. The interview may also include simulation exercises, role playing exercises, and a written test. Following the interview, reference checks will be carried out. The Consultant should be prepared to provide three (3) professional references at the time of the interview.


Level of Effort


It is estimated that this contract will be for approximately 8 months, with the possibility of an extension for an undetermined period of time, subject to Canadian Embassy requirements. The level of effort will vary throughout the year. This notional level of effort is provided as an estimate only; it does not constitute a commitment or guarantee on behalf of the Canadian Embassy. The anticipated start date for the contract will be in August 2014.

The Consultant must be willing to travel throughout Ukraine, based on operational requirements.





3.1 Fees / Remuneration


The financial component of the proposal which will be rated separately must specify a proposed fixed daily fee in Ukrainian hryvnia and reflect the level of effort specified in Appendix A. To provide a common basis for the evaluation of proposals, DFATD requires that the fixed daily fee be based on a 7.5 hour workday. Fees shall include direct salaries, employee fringe benefits including paid and time off benefits, direct and indirect overhead costs (such as office space, computer and telephone equipment, heating and electricity) and profit. The Consultant is required to incorporate any administration or management cost as well as any perceived risk resulting from financial exposure into the all-inclusive rates quoted for fees. The Canadian Embassy will only pay for actual days worked including approved travel time and will not pay when the individual does not work due to statutory holidays, sickness, vacations, or other leave benefits.

The Canadian Embassy will not cover expenses related to travel from the Consultant’s home to the Embassy for meetings and interviews.


Method of Payment

Unless otherwise agreed, the Consultant shall be paid not more often than once per month, the fees and expenses incurred by the Consultant during the previous month. Eligible expenses would include business-related telephone calls, travel (including transportation, accommodation and meals), office supplies and other approved expenses.

Guarantee for Performance

The all-inclusive fees portion of these payments will be subject to a ten-per-cent (10%) holdback. This holdback may be released, subject to the satisfactory performance of the Consultant as determined by DFATD.



There will be no advances under the contract.





For purposes of evaluation, the technical component is awarded a maximum of 80% of total possible score and cost is awarded a maximum of 20% of the total possible score. DFATD’s policy is to recommend the selection of the Consultant with the highest technical score, adjusted for cost.

Resumes will be reviewed as a first passing step of the technical component.


A Consultant’s financial proposal is opened and evaluated only if the technical component achieves a score equal to or in excess of the pass mark of 70%.



The Financial Component points for all other service providers will be awarded on a pro-rata basis, calculated as follows:


Pro-rata financial score = Budget Amount of Lowest Cost Bidder x 20 points

Other Bidder Budget Amount


The sum of the technical score and the financial score is referred to as the adjusted technical score. The proposal receiving the highest adjusted technical score represents the best value to the Canadian Embassy. The Canadian Embassy reserves the right to verify all information included by a Consultant in its proposal. In all cases, the Canadian Embassy reserves the right to cancel this competition and request new proposals.


Mandatory Requirements


This section contains the mandatory requirements, with which the Consultant, including EACH member of the consortium, joint venture or other type of association (where the proposal is submitted by a consortium, joint venture or other type of association) must comply. Therefore, Form B must be signed and attached to the technical proposal certifying that the Consultant, including EACH member of the consortium, joint venture or other type of association, complies with all the mandatory requirements.


Failure to comply with all the requirements set out below will result in rejection of your proposal. (See Form B)


Financial Viability


The Consultant, including EACH member of the consortium, joint venture or association, must be financially solvent and financially capable to undertake the proposed contract work and to perform such work and to undertake the necessary expenditures without anticipated financial difficulties, and must be able to so demonstrate prior to contract award.


Non-participation in Project Planning and Implementation


The Consultant, including EACH member of the consortium, joint venture or association, and all personnel and subcontractors must not have been involved, individually, jointly, or severally, in the planning (i.e. conceptualization, feasibility studies, specifications or design) of this project, nor have been assisted in the preparation of the proposal by any party who has been involved in the planning of this project.

Validity of Facts


The Consultant must certify that each statement made with regard to the proposal is accurate and factual, and that it is aware that the Canadian Embassy reserves the right to verify any information provided in this regard, and that untrue statements may result in the proposal being declared non-compliant.


Anti-corruption Declaration


The Consultant certifies that neither the Consultant nor any of the Consultant's officers, employees and subcontractors included in this project proposal has been convicted, in the last three years, by a court of law in Canada or in any other jurisdiction, for an offence involving bribery or corruption. The Consultant further certifies that neither the Consultant nor any of the Consultant's officers, employees and subcontractors included in this project proposal is currently under sanction for an offence involving bribery or corruption imposed by a government, a governmental organization or a development organization providing development assistance.


If the Consultant or one or more of the Consultant's officers, employees or subcontractors included in this project proposal was/were convicted or sanctioned for an offence involving bribery or corruption, the details of such convictions or sanctions must be attached to the duly completed and signed Form B.


Security Requirements


There are Security Requirements associated with this Contract. The Consultant must meet the security requirements before contract award and for the whole duration of the Contract. If the Consultant does not meet all security requirements at the time of signature of the Contract, his/her proposal will be deemed non-responsive and will be rejected. DFATD will start contract negotiation with the following compliant bidder that fully satisfies the security requirements described below.


All sensitive (classified or protected) information/assets, furnished to the Contractor or produced by the Contractor, shall be safeguarded as follows:


1. The Contractor shall not release the information/assets to any person or organization including any proposed subcontractor, without the prior written approval of the Project Authority;


2. The Contractor shall safeguard the information/assets in accordance with the requirements of the Government Security Policy and technical standards.


3. the Contractor shall not use the information/assets for any purpose other than the performance of the Contract;


4. The information/assets shall be released only to personnel, who have a need-to-know for the performance of the Contract and who have a reliability status or a security clearance at a level appropriate to the level of sensitivity of the information/assets.


5. Upon completion of the Work, the Contractor shall return to the Project Authority all sensitive information/assets furnished to or produced by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract, including all sensitive information/assets released to or produced by a subcontractor.







The services of a Consultant are required to assist in the general management, coordination and monitoring of the Canada Fund. The Consultant will be responsible for carrying out project identification, feasibility studies, monitoring and maintenance of files for Canada Fund projects and for preparing appropriate Canada Fund approval documents and reports. More specifically, the mandate will include the following elements:


Communications and Management


The Consultant will ensure that information about the Fund is broadly available and disseminated to stakeholders throughout Ukraine. The Consultant will work closely with the designated officer at the Canadian Embassy to ensure that consistent general and specific information about the Fund is made available to interested parties throughout Ukraine. More specifically, this includes:


· Identifying local projects and agencies which could benefit from the Canada Fund program;

· Ensuring appropriate information about the Fund is available to local organizations throughout Ukraine;

· Ensuring that consistent Fund information and guidelines are available to local organizations throughout Ukraine;

· If necessary, helping local organizations prepare the projects documents which must be submitted to the Canadian Embassy;

· Preparing all correspondence relating to the requests and other aspects of the program;

· Ensuring that communications with successful and unsuccessful proponents are timely and consistent;

· Disseminating project successes and best practices.




The Consultant will lead the assessment of Fund proposals. The Consultant will be required to document all incoming proposals and provide clear documentation that supports all recommendations and decisions. More specifically, this includes:


· Receiving, registering and reviewing proposals from local organizations;

· Providing intelligence (including, but not limited to assessments of organizational capacity, viability, sustainability, accountability and transparency) about local organizations to Canadian Embassy officials;

· Assessing proposed Canada Fund projects in terms of their potential impact on the recipient population, the management capacity of the implementing and/or recipient agent, political and legal repercussions, and their potential impact on women and the environment;

· Submitting pre-screened projects to the Canadian Embassy review committee in a format prescribed by the Canadian Embassy;

· Updating and maintaining the project information system established by the Canadian Embassy;

· Advising the Canadian Embassy about proposals rejected and those recommended for rejection;

· Informing those organizations that are unsuccessful and providing suggestions for improvement, where appropriate;

· Using agreed upon formats, preparing approval documentation and contribution agreements for authorized Canadian embassy signatories.




The Consultant will oversee the implementation of Canada Fund projects, with a specific focus on accountability and management for results. More specifically, this includes:

· Overseeing the implementation of ongoing initiatives;

· Ensuring that organizations are meeting their expected results and following their obligations under the contribution agreements (including that project funds are disbursed for the purposes agreed upon by the organization and the Embassy);

· Ensuring receipt of reports and review of final reports from recipient organizations;

· Reporting any implementation or financial difficulties to the Canadian Embassy;

· Preparing project closing reports for individual projects, assessing results achieved against expected and identifying any lessons learned;

· Monitoring project disbursements and coordinating with the responsible Canadian Embassy officials.


Monitoring and Reporting


The Consultant will support the ongoing monitoring of Canada Fund projects in accordance with the principles of results-based management. This will include field-based monitoring and keeping up to date on all relevant issues. More specifically, this includes:


· Preparing a quarterly monitoring plan and submitting it for approval by the Canadian Embassy;

· Carrying out project site visits in accordance with the approved monitoring plan and submitting monitoring reports in a prescribed format to the Canadian Embassy;

· Preparing reports on the Canada Fund, including the year-end report and the project-end report in a format prescribed by the Canadian Embassy.




DFATD, at its sole discretion, may appoint an external monitor or evaluator for the Canada Fund. The Consultant will cooperate with any externally-appointed project monitor or evaluator. More specifically, this includes:

· Providing all relevant project information to the external monitor or evaluator;

· Arranging mission logistics and meetings for the external monitor or evaluator in accordance with their instructions and the instructions of the Canadian Embassy.





Deliverables include but are not limited to:


· Communications materials, including Ukraine-specific guidelines and application forms;

· Proposal assessment reports for all projects;

· Draft project approval documentation for all projects recommended for approval;

· Summary financial and activity reports;

· Project monitoring workplans;

· Project monitoring reports;

· Annual and end of project reports as required by the Canadian Embassy.







Evaluation Criteria Weighting
Requirement 1: Project Management Experience The Consultant must demonstrate significant project management experience, preferably within the capacity of administering a small grants program. More specifically, experience should focus on:
  • Assessing project proposals and providing recommendations for funding;
  • Maintaining accurate and complete project files, preferably with the support of electronic systems;
  • Small-scale contracting, procurement, budgeting and financial management;
  • Monitoring project results on a local level;
  • Reporting results and findings.
Requirement 2: Communications Experience The Consultant must demonstrate significant communications experience both orally and in writing in the English and Ukrainian languages. More specifically, experience should focus on:
  • Working with locally-based organizations and conveying defined program requirements and expectations to such organizations;
  • Working with international donor organizations, with a specific focus on clear, concise, transparent and results-based reporting.
Requirement 3: Country and Sector Knowledge The consultant must demonstrate, through education and / or experience, knowledge of the social, political, environmental and gender equality situation of Ukraine. More specifically, experience and / or education should focus on:
  • Knowledge of specific socio-economic challenges in rural and urban regions of Ukraine;
  • Understanding of the political systems of Ukraine at the national, regional and local levels;
  • Understanding of the legal, financial and social context of civil society in Ukraine;
  • Knowledge of the status of women in Ukraine, their particular roles and responsibilities and their integration in the country’s development process.
Requirement 4: Assessment Questions and Evaluation Grid Based on the Consultant’s understanding of the Terms of Reference in Appendix A, past experience and education, the Consultant will prepare a series of ten (10) questions, which would be relevant in the assessment of a prospective Canada Fund proposal. The questions must be clear and concise and should lend themselves towards the formulation of a recommendation for funding.   The consultant will then take the questions and formulate an evaluation grid (based on a total possible score of 100 points, using the model below) that will assign specific weights and assessment criteria to each of the proposed assessment questions. The assessment criteria should outline the desired answers to the assessment questions that would merit a higher score. 15%
Requirement 5: Monitoring and Evaluation Based on the Consultant’s understanding of the Terms of Reference in Appendix A, past experience and education, the Consultant will prepare a series of ten (10) questions, which would be relevant to the monitoring and / or evaluation of an active Canada Fund project. These questions must be clear and concise and should lend themselves towards the formulation of a Canada Fund project performance report. 15%
Requirement 6: Personal Interview and References During the interview, the Consultant will be required to demonstrate the required personal qualities of the position, including tact, courtesy, discretion, initiative and good judgement. The interview may also include simulation exercises and role playing exercises. Following the interview, reference checks will be carried out. The Consultant should be prepared to provide three (3) professional references at the time of the interview. 15%
TOTAL 100%


Form A



Name and citizenship:  
Education and pertinent dates and degrees received:  
Language(s) spoken, read and written, and degree of proficiency in each category:  
Length of service with current firm and status (permanent, temporary, contract employee, associate, etc.)  
Present employer and position in the firm (if applicable):  
Pertinent experience: A summary of the skills and experience that would be valuable and applicable to this project:  
A history of employment and assignments (in reverse chronological order):  
Supportive experience: A summary of other skills and experience that could serve as background and be beneficial to this project:  
List of publications/presentations, if applicable:  
Membership in Associations:  



Form B



This Form B shall not be edited nor its content be modified in any way. Failure to complete and sign this form and attach it in whole to the technical proposal in accordance with the signing procedures described in this form, will automatically result in the rejection of your proposal.

I, the Consultant or I, a member of the consortium, joint venture or other type of association, hereby certify that I have read the Mandatory Requirements Section of the Request for Proposal and that I comply with the following requirements which are described in that Section:



I also acknowledge and agree that it is a condition of the RFP that the Canadian Embassy will, upon written request, release to the other Consultants the name of the successful Consultant, the total marks obtained by the successful Consultant for each of the three categories of the technical component listed in the evaluation grid (Experience of the Consultant, Methodology and Personnel) and the marks obtained by the successful Consultant for the financial component. This condition is subject to the requirements of the Privacy Act and the name and marks of an individual will be released only in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act. I further acknowledge and agree that I shall have no right to claim against the Canadian Embassy, the Minister, employees, agents or servants of the Crown, in relation to such disclosure of information.

Name of individual, Corporation, Partnership, etc. (print or type)   Name & Title of Authorized Signatory(ies) (print or type)
        Dated this ______ day of _________   ___
Signature(s) of Individuals or Authorized Signatory(ies)    


NOTE: Where the proposal is submitted by a consortium, joint venture or other type of association, EACH member of the consortium, joint venture or other type of association must complete and sign a copy of this form which must be attached in whole to the technical proposal.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 156 | Нарушение авторских прав

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