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in negotiations.

Pronunciation Guide

Справочник по произношению


Чтение гласных букв в основных типах ударных слогов

\Vowels Position \ A [eI] O [qu] E [I:] I [aI] Y [waI] U [ju:]
I [eI] name [qu] note [I:] be [I] fine my [jH] tune
II [æ] map [O] not [e] bell [I] sit myth [A] cup
III [R] park [L] fork [W] term [W] firm Byrd [W] turn
IV [eq] care [L] more [Iq] here [aIq] fire tyre [juq] during


Vowels and Diphthongs

(Гласные и дифтонги)

1. [I:] s ee t ea 2. [I] s i t s y stem

3. [x] h a t s a t 4. [e] t e n m e t

5. [R] ar m p ar k 6. [A] c u p

7. [L] f or k saw fall 8. [O] n o t w a nt

9. [H] t oo 10. [u] b oo k p u t

11. [W] g ir l t er m f ur B yr d 12. [q] a go a book

13. [eI] n a me Sp ai n d ay 14. [qu] h o me b oa t

15. [aI] f i ve sk y 16. [au] n ow

17. [OI] b oy j oi n 18. [Iq] n ear h ere

19. [Fq] h air th ere 20. [juq] p ure d uri ng




Consonants (Согласные)

1. [p] p en

2. [b] b ad

3. [t] t ea

4. [d] d id

5. [k] c at K ate ba ck

6. [g] g et

7. [C] ch in ma tch

8. [G] pa g e

9. [f] f all

10. [v] v oice

11. [T] th in

12. [D] th is

13. [s] c ell s o

14. [z] z oo

15. [S] sh e

16. [Z] vi s ion

17. [h] h ow

18. [m] m an

19. [n] n o

20. [N] si ng

21. [l] l eg

22. [r] r ed

23. [j] y es

24. [w] w eek



Чтение некоторых согласных букв

С с [s] 1. - перед буквами e, i, y: pen ci l, i ce, ce nt, cy cle;

[k] 2. – в остальных случаях: c ome, c up, bla ck.


G g [G] 1. – перед буквами e, i, y: ge m, pa ge, gi n, gy mnastics;

[g] 2. - в остальных случаях: g ame, g ood, g reen.

(Но, запомните исключения: get, give, gear, girl.)


X x [ks] 1. - в конце слов и перед согласными: si x, te xt, fa x;

[gz] 2. - перед ударной гласной: e x am, e x act



Чтение буквосочетаний

Vowels (Гласные)

ai /ay [eI] r ai n, d ay

ea /ee [J] s ea, m ee t

ew [jH] n ew

oi/oy [OI] p oi nt, b oy

ou/ow [au] ou t, br ow n

oor [L] d oor, m oor

air [Fq] p air, f air

eer [Iq] engin eer

our [auq] our


Consonants (Согласные)

th [D] th is, ba th e

th [T] th eme, th umb

ch /tch [C] ch ess, ch air, ma tch

sh [S] sh e, sh ip

ck [k] bla ck

qu [kw] qu ick

ng [N] lo ng, si ng

wh [w] wh at, wh ere, wh en

wh-o [h] wh o, wh ose

wr [r] wr ite, wr ong


3. Vowels – Consonants (Гласные – Согласные)

al [L] ch al k

wa [O] wa nt

wor [W] wor k, wor d

war [L] war m, war

igh [aI] l igh t, n igh t, s igh


Test 1

Each word has the vowel sound that you hear in b e d. Каждое слово имеет гласный, который слышится в слове b e d.

How many ways of spelling this sound are there in the words given Сколько вариантов написания этого звука в нижеследующих словах?

below? Arrange the words in groups: Разделите слова на группы.


Ready hello meant desk next again
bread helpings when instead said enemy
against breakfast hedgehog leather sledge pencil


Test 2

Read each word. Find the words that have the same vowel sound Прочитайте каждое слово. Найдите слова, которые

you hear in h o t. имеют тот же гласный, который слышится в слове h o t.


Catch job wife pond home doctor
bones blank popular pocket road soup
what house close bought roof horse

Test 3

The words below have the vowel sound you hear in t u b. Нижеследующие слова имеют гласный, который слышится

Read the words and arrange them in groups according to the way в слове t u b. Прочитайте слова и разбейте их на группы

of spelling this sound. How many groups do you have? по способу написания этого звука. Сколько групп получилось?


Touch tongue country stuff dug enough
drum mother son rough trust double
among done couple glove month muddy


Test 4

The words below have the vowel sound that you hear in s ee m.

How many ways to spell this sound will you find in the following words?

Arrange them in groups.


see grief sea dream week
eve sleep niece field wheel
delete meat team complete scene


Test 5

The words below have the vowel sound you hear in a ge.

How many ways are there to spell this sound?

Arrange the words in groups.


Hay gate stage main tray  
paint trail pail stay may  
lane place save sail game  


Test 6

The words below have the vowel sound you hear in w i de.

How many ways to spell this sound will you find?

Arrange the words in groups.


Find tight mine dime bright
try flight pile line right
ninth night quite kind sigh


Test 7

Each word below has the vowel sound you hear at the beginning of o pen.

How many ways to spell this sound will you find in these words?

Arrange the words in groups.


Doze stone road moan cold
code snow joke grow goat
gold float hold bowl blow


Test 8

The words below have the vowel sound you hear in f oo d.

How many ways are there to spell this sound?

Arrange the words in groups.



Moon clue school chew drew pool
glue rule rude blew true include
zoo threw gloomy blue June hook


Test 9

Complete the words by spelling the sound [q].

(Letter variants: a, e, o, u, ar, er/re, or, ur, io, ia)

__greem__nt __fraid __meric__ Can__d__ cent__ mirr__
p__suit fath__ fig__ hum__n __bject gov__nment
dat__m import__nt nat__n newspap__ pr__vide signific__nt
sug__r stat__s spec__list upw__d discuss__n ridicul__s


Test 10

Each word below has the consonant sound you hear at the beginning

of f an. How many ways will you find to spell this sound?

Arrange the words in groups.


Laugh officer epigraph coffee fact
roof himself elephant farmer face
gift rough enough off telephone

Test 11

Complete the words by spelling the sound [k].

(Variants to use: c, k, ck, que, ch).


statisti__ inspe__tor pani__ pi__ni__ing che__ heada__e
basi__ tru__ lu__ __ustoms te__ni__al musi__al
__riti__ traffi__ traffi__er basi__ally mimi__ing mimi__
pi__ni__ drin__ __ids terrifi__ che__  
mista__e uni__ pani__ing athleti__ally    


Test 12

Silent letters.

Complete the words by adding the silent letters.

(Variants to use: w h, g h, h, k n, p n, w r, m b)

1. An _onest man never tells lies.

2. _hose spectacles are these? Oh, they’re my granny’s.

3. A bom_ exploded just near the bridge.

4. The spirit of a dead person is called a g_ost.

5. Do you hear someone _nocking at the window?

6. His _nowledge of the subject is rather poor.

7. The clock strikes every _our.

8. I’m afraid he’s caught _neumonia.

9. You’d better _rap her present up.

10. If you don’t want to forget, tie a _not in your handkerchief.


Test 13

The two words that are written after each sentence sound alike, but have different meanings and

spellings (homophones). Fill in the gaps with the correct words to complete each sentence.


1. The …… spent the …… in the castle.

A. kn ight B. n ight

2. Be sure to …… your surname on the …… line.

A. wr ite B. r ight

3. Have you heard the fairy …… about the cat with no ……?

A. t a le B. t ai l

4. Didn’t you …… Ann ask you to put the plate ……?

A. h ere B. h ear

5. The …… on a …… is called fur.

A. h are B. h air

6. Yesterday the sky was clear……and the wind……from the north.

A. bl u e B. bl ew

7. He decided to …… his new belt, but he doesn’t know …… he put it.

A. wh ere B. w ear

8. From ……hundred flowers the prince had to find the fake flower before

it was …… late.

A. t oo B. t wo

9. It is not …… if some people do not pay their …….

A. f air B. f are

10. The coach announced which …… of the teams …… the game.

A. w o n B. o ne

11. We brought a …… of cool water to the …… traveler.

A. p ai l B. p a le

12. Do you always …… the skin off a …… before you eat it?

A. p are B. p ear

13. The Indians wrote the …… treaty on a …… of bark.

A. p ie ce B. p ea ce

14. After his illness John felt …… for a ……long.

A. w ee k B. w ea k

15. The boat sailed …… across the wide …….

A. str aigh t B. str ai t

Test 14

Underline the letters which are pronounced [S] in the following sentences.

How many ways of spelling this sound have you found?


1. If you are an ambitious language learner, you should work hard on pronunciation and


2. So, after graduation you will be able to do translation and hold conversation taking part

in negotiations.

3. He is impatient to go to the exhibition. Its expositions resulted from the exploration of

the culture of the ancient civilizations.

4. If you are anxious about future generations, please take part in our conversation project.

5. I don’t think I need your permission to go on an excursion.

6. Flies spread infectious disease. You’d better take measures against them.

7. I’m sure we won’t finish our work without financial support from a social organization.


Test 15

Fill in the missing letters s or z. Some words can be spelt both ways.

A) s B) z C) s/z

1. I must apologi_e for distributing you so late.

2. Do you want to try on this sweater? I think it’s your si_e.

3. Everybody was surpri_ed at his calm.

4. She received the Nobel Pri_e for phy_ics.

5. What do you think of medicine adverti_ing on TV?

6. The doctor advi_ed him to take more exerci_e.

7. My parents do not sympathy_e with my ambition to go on a stage.

8. I could hardly recogni_e him. He looked different in his new suit.

9. Stop critici_ing everybody! Mind yourself!

10. It was very wi_e of you not to go there.


Test 16

Indicate how the letter c is pronounced in the words given below.

A) [s] B) [S] C) [k]

1. su cc ess - [k] [s] 2. appre c iate - [S]

3. jui c e - 4. bal c ony -

5. suffi c ient - 6. s c ien c e -

7. an c hor - 8. profi c ien c y -

9. a cc ept - 10. de c ide -

11. s c ientifi c - 12. c lown -

13. c hemist - 14. pre c ious -

15. toba cc o -


Test 17

Indicate how the letter g is pronounced in the words.

A) [g] B) [G]

1. reli g ion - 2. en g ineer -

3. g eo g raphy - 4. g iant -

5. brid g e - 6. oxy g en -

7. be gg ar - 8. g uard -

9. g ear - 10. bar g ain -

11. fi g ure - 12. g ypsy -

13. hambur g er - 14. re g ulator -

15. g uilty -



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