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  1. Зведені видання
  2. Індивідуальне навчальне завдання щодо характеристики сучасного стану соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів України
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  4. ПЕРЕДМОВА до VI-го видання


на основі аудиокниги

Tess of the d’Urbervilles Томаса Гарді




Редакційно-видавничою радою

Харківського національного

педагогічного університету


Протокол № від



Харків 2012

Посібник для самостійної роботи студентів над англійською вимовою на основі аудиокниги Tess of the d’Urbervilles Томаса Гарді / В.В.Перлова – Харків: ХНПУ, 2012. – 36с.


Посібник для самостійної роботи студентів над англійською вимовою спрямовано на розвиток вимовних умінь майбутніх філологів при роботі з навчальною аудиокнигою, яку створено носіями іноземної мови.

Посібник розраховано на роботу студентів без постійного контролю з боку викладача.



Автор: В.В.Перлова



Рецензенти: Гончар О.В. д.п.н., проф., зав.каф. іноземних мов Харківської державної академії дизайну і мистецтв;

Українська О.О. к.п.н, доц. кафедри англійської філології ХНПУ ім.Г.С.Сковороди


Видано за рахунок автора

Chapter 1

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [streıt] 8. [pɔ:zd] 15. [´tʊǝrısts] 22. [´kraʊdıd]
2. [´bɑ:skıt] 9. [bıǝ] 16. [´ɑ:tısts] 23. [daʊt]
3. [´eınʃǝnt] 10. [fraʊnd] 17. [spred] 24. [dı´rektlı]
4. [´nǝʊbl] 11. [´si:krıt] 18. [pɔ:z] 25. [´æŋkʃǝs]
5. [si:l] 12. [´kʌmfǝtǝblı] 19. [hju:dʒ] 26. [´bi:haıvz]
6. [´wʌndǝrıŋ] 13. [θru:] 20. [´taını] 27. [´kri:tʃǝz]
7. [´tʃɜ:tʃjɑ:d] 14. [feınt] 21. [saıt] 28. [´pɑ:sn]


2. Listen to Chapter 1, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [hezıteıʃn] 8. [kʌlǝlǝs]
2. [hıstɒrıkl] 9. [delıkıt]
3. [dısendǝnt] 10. [mɒdıstlı]
4. [ımi:dıǝtlı] 11. [fɜ:nıtʃǝ]
5. [ɔ:lðǝʊ] 12. [ɑ:ftǝnu:n]
6. [sǝraʊndıŋ] 13. [fɔ:wǝd]
7. [ætmǝsfıǝ] 14. [ıksaıtmǝnt]


3. Practice reading transcription of the given proper names. Then divide them into two columns.

[´nɔ:mǝndı] [fred] [´mɑ:lɒt]
[´lʌndǝn] [´dʒɒn ´dɜ:bıfi:ld] [´ʃæstǝn]
[dʒǝʊn] [´trıŋǝm] [´kıŋzbıǝ sǝb ´gri:nhıl]
[tes] [´rɒlıvǝz] [sɜ: ´peıgǝn ´dɜ:bǝvıl]
[´veıl ǝv ´blækmɔ:] [´wıljǝm ðǝ ´kɒŋkǝrǝ]  




4. Write down transcription of each proper name (see Ex.3).


Fred - Joan – London – Marlott – Normandy – Shaston – Tess - Kingsbere-sub-Creenhill – John Durbeyfield – Sir Pagan d’Urberville – Vale of Blackmoor – William the Conqueror – Tringham – Rolliver’s –


5. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 1.




6. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

7. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-3 in it.

8. Listen to Chapter 1 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text (Use the following symbols: I and II;

I corresponds to a short pause, II corresponds to a long pause).

9. Practice reading the text of Chapter 1 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.



Chapter 2

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [´wıspǝd] 5. [tʃıǝd] 9. [ʌn´laıtıd] 13. [´berıd]
2. [´daʊtfǝlı] 6. [kɒf] 10. [´sıǝrıǝslı] 14. [ʹhevn]
3. [´ri:zn] 7. [´grædjʊǝlı] 11. [tıǝz] 15. [peιl]
4. [´wægǝn] 8. [´vaıǝlǝnt] 12. [fɔ:lt] 16. [´mɜ:dǝd]


2. Listen to Chapter 2, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [kɒnvǝseıʃn] 5. [rıǝlaızd]
2. [pǝtıkjʊlǝlı] 6. [kǝmpli:t]
3. [ımædʒıneıʃn] 7. [ǝkeıʒn]
4. [deılaıt] 8. [fɒlǝʊıŋ]


3. Practice reading transcription of the given words. Then divide them into two columns according to how they are used in the audiotext.

[prıns] [bi:z] [´pǝʊst draıvǝ]
[´eıbrǝˏhæm] [´træntrıdʒ] [´kɑ:stǝbrıdʒ]
[´spi:dıŋ] [´æbı] [´dıstǝns]




4. Write down transcription of each proper name (see Ex. 3).

Casterbridge –

Trantridge –

Abraham –

Aby –

Prince –

5. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 2.

6. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

7. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-3 in it.

8. Listen to Chapter 2 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

9. Practice reading the text of Chapter 2 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 3

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [´regjələlι] 7. [brɑ:ntʃ] 13. [məʹstɑ:ʃ]
2. [´wʌndəd] 8. [´θɔ:tləslι] 14. [kɜ:ld]
3. [stɜ:] 9. [´æksιdənt] 15. [´ælık]
4. [blʌd] 10. [ʹfraιtənd] 16. [´mɜ:məd]
5. [pəʹsweιd] 11. [əʊnd] 17. [´wɒndəd]
6. [ʹpraʊdlι] 12. [stǝʊk] 18. [rı´zʌlt]


2. Listen to Chapter 3, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [sədӡəstʃən] 5. [ιntrəstιdlι] 9. [gri:nhaʊzιz]
2. [ınəsəntlι] 6. [rιplaι] 10 [sιgəret]
3. [rιspɒnsəbl] 7. [rιgret] 11. [ædʌlt]
4. [reprιzent] 8. [ədmaιərιŋlι] 12. [dιleι]


3. Listen to Chapter 3, put the sentences below in the order they are mentioned in the audiotext.


[ʃι ʹstɒpt ιn əʹmeιzmənt]
[ʹðιs ðen wəz ðə bəʹgιnιŋ]
[jʊ ʹnevə ʹnəʊ]
[aι ʹlaιk ʹfu:lιʃ ʹθιŋz]
[bət aιl ʹgəʊ]
[hι ʹtʊk hə tə ðə ʹgri:nhaʊzιz]



4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 3.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 3 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 3 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 4

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [dιʹlaιtιd] 5. [rʌʃt]
2. [´ri:zənəbl] 6. [ʹθʌrəlι]
3. [ʹɒnə] 7. [waιpt]
4. [ʹfæʃənəbl] 8. [traιʹʌmfəntlι]


2. Listen to Chapter 4, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [rekəgnaιz] 5. [ιndιpendəntlι]
2. [dιstəns] 6. [dιspeə]
3. [ınkʌrιdӡιŋ] 7. [pæʃəntlι]
4. [mi:nwaιl] 8. [hæŋkətʃιf]


3. Listen to Chapter 4, tick the sentences which are NOT mentioned in the audiotext.

1) [ʹdӡəʊn ʹdɜ:bıfi:ld wəz dιʹlaιtιd]
2) [ʹdӡəʊn wəz ʹfʊl əv ʹsmaιlz]
3) [ʃι ʹleft ðə ʹru:m]
4) [ʹkʌm ʹhιə ʹtes]
5) [ιf ʃι ʹpleιz hə ʹkɑ:dz ʹraιt]
6) [aι dəʊnt ʹlaιk jʊ]
7) [bət ιts ʹfaιv ɔ: ʹsιks ʹmaιlz ʹmɔ:]
8) [aι ʹheιt jʊ]
9) [ʹlʊk ət jɔ:ʹself]
10) [ʹðæts ιt]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 4.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 4 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 4 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 5

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [blaιnd] 5. [ʹgreιtfəl]
2. [ʹwιsl] 6. [rιʹzιst]
3. [ʹkwɒrəl] 7. [ʹpjʊərιtι]
4. [ʹɒnιstlι] 8. [ʹænsəstə]


2. Listen to Chapter 5, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [ιnstrʌktιd] 5. [sιgɑ:]
2. [tǝwɔ:dz] 6. [ιventʃʊəlι]
3. [ru:ti:n] 7. [fιlɒsəfι]
4. [kəmpænjənz] 8. [kru:əlι]


3. Listen to Chapter 5, write in the first word of each of the given sentences mentioned in the audiotext.

___________ ðι ʹend ʃι ʹsʌdənlι ʹɑ:skt ʹtes ə ʹkwestʃən
___________ ʃι ʹdӡɔιnd ə ʹgru:p ʹwɒndərιŋ ʹhəʊm
___________ mι ʹwɔ:k ʹhəʊm frəm ʹhιə
___________ əʹgri:d tə ʹðιs
___________ ʹhιə ənd ʹweιt fə mι
___________ ʹhu: wəz ʹlʊkιŋ ɑ:ftə ʹtes
___________ dəz ðə ʹrɒŋ ʹmæn teιk ðə ʹrɒŋ ʹwʊmən
___________ ʹθιŋz ʹhæpn ənd həv ʹɔ:lwəz ʹhæpnd


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 5.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 5 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 5 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 6

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [əʹraιvl] 5. [ʹwaιdlι] 9. [ʹsɒrəʊ]
2. [ʹsi:nərι] 6. [vju:] 10. [əʹprəʊtʃt]
3. [ʹklaιmd] 7. [ʹli:dιŋ] 11. [əʹkju:zιŋ]
4. [ʹkærιŋ] 8. [fιə] 12. [ʹsιmpəθι]


2. Listen to Chapter 6, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [nɔ:Ѳwəd] 4. [breѲləslι]
2. [westwəd] 5. [ədmιt]
3. [fəmιlιə] 6. [kʌmfətəbl]


3. Listen to Chapter 6, write in the last word of each of the given sentences mentioned in the audiotext.

ʹsu:n hι ʹkɔ:t ʹʌp wιð ____________
dӡəst ʹlʊk ət maι ______________
ʹðæts ʹkwaιt _______________
aι kǝd ʹhιt _______________
jʊ ʹni:d ʹnevə ʹwɜ:k ɒn ðə ʹfɑ:mz ________________
jʊə stιl ðə ʹprιtιəst ʹgɜ:l fə ʹmaιlz ________________
hι ʹʃʊk hιz _______________
ʃι ʹwʌndəd ət ðə kəmʹpəʊzəz ________________


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 6.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 6 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 6 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 7

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [ʃɒn] 7. [ʹvaιələns] 13. [bəʊl]
2. [rιʹdju:st] 8. [ιksʹpιərιəns] 14. [ʹdaιəmənd]
3. [glʌvz] 9. [ʹmιzərəbl] 15. [ʹsju:ι͵saιdz]
4. [pɔ:z] 10. [ʹni:tlι] 16. [ʹswɒləʊ]
5. [ʌnʹfɑ:snιŋ] 11. [bæpʹtaιzd] 17. [ʹfaιnəlι]
6. [ιnʹѲju:zι͵æzəm] 12. [ʹfi:vərəʃlι] 18. [ʹdeərιmən]


2. Listen to Chapter 7, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [kɔ:nfi:ld] 5. [eərιə] 9. [greιvdιgə]
2. [bιləʊ] 6. [prətekt] 10. [kɒnsιkwəntlι]
3. [ri:pιŋməʃi:n] 7. [rιdӡektιd] 11. [´tɔ:lbǝteız]
4. [sʌnlaιt] 8. [ɑ:ftəlaιf] 12. [ιnəsəns]


3. Listen to Chapter 7, restore the correct order of SOME words in the given sentences.


1) [ιt wəz ʹredι tədeιz fə ʹhɑ:vəst]
2) [ιts ʹɑ:mz ʹbraιt ʹtɜ:nd ιn ðə ʹsʌnlaιt]
3) [ðə ʹgɜ:lz wə ʹmɔ: pəʹhæps ʹιntrəstιŋ tə ʹlʊk ət]
4) [əʹkeιӡənəlι ʃι ʹstʊd tə ʹʌp ʹrest]
5) [ðə ʹbeιbι ʹaʊt ʹkraιd ət ðə ʹvaιələns əv hə ʹkιsιz]
6) [ʹpi:pl hə ʹhɜ:d ʹsɒbιŋ]
7) [bət ʹðæts ιt haʊ ʹhæpnz]
8) [naʊ ʃι ʹwɒntιd tə ʹbi: ʹju:sfl ənd əʹgen tə ʹwɜ:k]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 7.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 7 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 7 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 8

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [dιʹrekʃn] 5. [wιnd] 9. [ʹstʌmək]
2. [ədʹmaιə] 6. [glɑ:ns] 10. [bʊlz]
3. [tu:mz] 7. [ʹpeιgən] 11. [bιəd]
4. [ʹru:ιnιŋ] 8. [rʌf] 12.[ʹfləʊtιŋ]


2. Listen to Chapter 8, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [fɑ:mjɑ:d] 5. [dӡentlmənlι]
2. [bædtempəd] 6. [ιnsιstιd]
3. [vaιəlιn] 7. [emınstǝ]
4. [ʌndəni:θ] 8. [dju:wı]


3. Listen to Chapter 8, then put the given words in the right order to restore the sentences mentioned in the audiotext.

1) [ðιs ʹmɔ: ʹvju: ʹtʃιəfʊl bət wəz]
2) [ðən hə ʹrəʊz ʹhəʊps ʹevə ʹhaιə]
3) [ʹkrιk ðen ʹbιznιs ʹmιstə tə ʹtɜ:nd]
4) [aιl ʹfɜ:st dӡəst ʹlιtl ʹdrιŋk ʹmιlk ə]
5) [ʹkaʊ ʹpɔιntιd hι ðə tə ʹnιərəst ənd]
6) [ə ʹdeərι wəz ʹlɑ:dӡ ιt]
7) [ə ʹkjʊərιəs ιts ʹstɔ:rι]
8) [naʊ ʹtes ʹsi: kəd ʹklιəlι hιm]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 8.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 8 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 8 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 9

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [veιg] 4. [ʹvælju:d]
2. [pri:st] 5. [dιʹsιӡn]
3. [ədʹvɑ:ntιdӡ] 6. [ʹstrɒŋgə]


2. Listen to Chapter 9, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [ʌndιsaιdιd] 3. [pɜ:pəs]
2. [pətιkjʊlə] 4. [ιntelιdӡəns]


3. Listen to Chapter 9, write in the missing words in the given sentences mentioned in the audiotext.

1) [wen hι wəz ə ʹbɔι ʹpi:pl əʹdmaιəd hιz ʹkwɒlιtιz]
2) [ðə ʹpɑ:sən wəz ʹʃɒkt]
3) [hι wəz ə ʹmæn əv aιʹdιəz ənd ə ʹfɜ:m bιʹli:və]
4) [aι tə ʹri:d fιʹlɒsəfι]
5) [səʊ ʹeιndӡəl dιd ʹnɒt hæv ədʹvɑ:ntιdӡ əv ə ͵edjʊʹkeιʃən]
6) [hι bιʹgæn tə ʹwɜ:kιŋ ʹaʊtsaιd]
7) [hι wəz ʹlɜ:nιŋ ʹneιtʃə ənd əʹbaʊt ʹlaιf]
8) [ʹɔ:l ðιs hι ʹnevə ʹnəʊn bιʹfɔ:]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 9.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 9 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 9 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 10

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [ʹfeιvərιts] 5. [ʹfæsιneιtιd] 9. [fιʹnænʃəl] 13. [ʹdestιnd]
2. [ʹi:zιə] 6. [ʹkɒnʃəs] 10. [ʹædmərəbl] 14. [tʃɜ:n]
3. [ʹtιpιkl] 7. [fιəs] 11. [rəʊ] 15. [ri:p]
4. [ʹsaιləns] 8. [eιk] 12. [gιlt] 16. [ʹgɑ:lιk]


2. Listen to Chapter 10, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [kəmpli:t] 4. [ækjərət]
2. [rιgɑ:dιd] 5. [dæmιdӡ]
3. [rebəl] 6. [fɔ:tʃənιtlι]


3. Listen to Chapter 10, cross out the words which are not mentioned in the given sentences.

1) [ðιs ʹθιŋ ʹmeιd hə ʹmιlkιŋ mʌtʃ ʹi:zιə]
2) [ιt wəz ə ʹtιpιkl ʹhɒt ʹsʌmə ʹi:vnιŋ ιn ʹdӡu:n]
3) [ʹtes ʹlιsnd ʹkeəfəlι laιk ə ʹfæsιneιtιd ʹbɜ:d]
4) [ʃι ʹblʌʃt ənd ʹkwιklι ʹmu:vd əʹweι]
5) [bət ðeι ʹɔ:l ʹlʊk ιkʹstri:mlι ʹfιəs ənd ʹkru:əl]
6) [ðιs ʹsædnəs ʹmeιd hə ʹi:vn ʹmɔ:r ʹιntrιstιŋ tə hιm]
7) [ʹdeərιmən ʹkrιk wəz ʹverι ʹwʌrιd]
8) [bət ʹtes rιʹmeιnd ʹrɑ:ðə dιʹprest ɔ:l ͵ɑ:ftəʹnu:n]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 10.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 10 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 10 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 11

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [´melstɒk] 5. [´ız ´hjʊǝt] 9. [ʹdӡeləs]
2. [ʹflʌdιd] 6. [ʹretι] 10. [hi:t]
3. [əʹprəʊtʃιŋ] 7. [ʹnιənəs] 11. [ʹkjʊərιəs]
4. [ʹmærιən] 8. [ʹdӡɔιləslι] 12. [ʹnəʊtιst]

Underline transcription of the proper names in the list above.


2. Listen to Chapter 11, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [dӡenərəs] 2. [rιfju:z] 3. [ιmpɔ:təns]


3. Listen to Chapter 11, replace the words which are not mentioned in the given sentences by those which are.

1) [ιt wəz dӡʊʹlaι ənd ʹverι ʹwɔ:m]
2) [ιt wəz ʹsʌndι ʹi:vnιŋ ɑ:ftə ʹmιlkιŋ]
3) [ðə ʹtʃɜ:tʃ bel wəz ʹrιŋιŋ stιl ə ʹmaιl əʹweι]
4) [ιt wəz ðen ʹtesιz ʹtɜ:n]
5) [bət hι rιʹspektιd hə ʹʃaιnəs ənd ʹdιd ʹnʌθιŋ ʹmɔ:]
6) [ðeι wə ʹnəʊ ʹlɒŋgə ʹhæpι bət ðeι wə ʹnɒt ʹbιtə]
7) [səʊ ðə ʹmιlkmeιdz rιʹmeιnd ʹfrendz]
8) [ʹevrιθιŋ ιn ʹneιtʃə wəz prιʹpeəd fə ʹlʌv]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 11.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 11 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 11 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 12

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [əbʹzɜ:v] 4. [ʹkrιstʃən]
2. [ʹplʌndӡιŋ] 5. [dιʹrekt]
3. [ʹmɜ:sιʹtʃɑ:nt] 6. [ʹkʌrιdӡ]

Underline transcription of the proper name in the list above.


2. Listen to Chapter 12, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [əfekʃn] 5. [ιnsʌltιd]
2. [dιlaιtιd] 6. [dιtɜ:mιnd]
3. [ʌnιmædӡιnətιv] 7. [ιnsʌlts]
4. [di:teιl] 8. [sιvιlaιzeιʃn]


3. Listen to Chapter 12, match the beginning and the end of the sentences mentioned in the audiotext.

1) ðə ʹnaιts wə a) ʹɒnιst ʹmæn
2) ʹkleə wəz ə ʹθɔ:tfʊl b) ənd hιz ʹblaιnd ʹmʌðə
3) hι ʹθɔ:t hι wəd ʹgəʊ c) ðəʊ səʹpraιzd tə ʹsi: hιm
4) hιz ʹfæmιlι wə dιʹlaιtιd d) ʹfιzιkl ʹbju:tι
5) ʹeιndӡəl ʹfelt ɔ:l ðə ʹmɔ: dιʹtɜ:mιnd e) əz ʹhɒt əz ðə ʹdeιz
6) ʃι ʹlιvz wɒt ʹpəʊιts f) ənd ʹsi: hιz ʹfæmιlι
7) ðeə wəz ə ʹjʌŋ ʹmæn g) əʊnlι ʹraιt
8) hə ʹhəʊl ʹsəʊl ʹbri:ðd ʹaʊt h) tə ʹki:p tə hιz ʹtʃɔιs


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 12.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 12 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 12 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 13

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [ʹdӡæk ´dɒlǝp] 4. [ʹflaʊəmιl]
2. [ʹæŋkʃəslι] 5. [ʹkraʊdιd]
3. [ʹpraιvιtlι] 6. [draʊn]

Underline transcription of the proper name in the list above.


2. Listen to Chapter 13, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [rιzιst] 2. [kændllaιt] 3. [selfsækrιfaιs]


3. Decode the sentences from Chapter 13 written in transcription from right to left, then listen to the audiotext and define their intonation.

1) [negʹə əh tksɑ:ʹιh ətιelʹzιedʹ u: jf ʹə]
2) [ιewʹə kʊlʹ dnə deh əh kιeʃʹ ιlnʊəʹ dək ιʃ]
3) [zʊənʹ ιh new mιh lιkʹ ιem tι təb]
4) [ιm ðιw fιesʹ tnɑ:ʹ ʊj]
5) [mʊəhʹ tegʹ ιw ɔ:fʹιb]
6) [ιlιmæfʹ ιam nι lbʌrtʹ zəw əeð təb]
7) [tι və kŋιθʹ u:jʹ əd tɒw]
8) [ɔ:mʹ tι vu:rpʹ sιð lιw]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 13.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 13 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 13 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 14

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [reιzd] 5. [ʹəʊnə]
2. [ʹlɒŋιŋ] 6. [ʹkwaιət]
3. [ʹgιltι] 7. [əʹbi:dιəntlι]
4. [ʌnʹtʌtʃt] 8. [ʹmιsltəʊ]


2. Listen to Chapter 14, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.


1. [prəgrest] 4. [ιntəfιəz]
2. [fəgιvnǝs] 5. [prəseʃn]
3. [sækrιfaιs] 6. [rιspɒnsəbιlιtι]


3. Listen to Chapter 14 and mark the stressed words in the given sentences.


1) [hι həd nɒt rιəlι teιkn ιn ðə həʊl stɔ:rι jet]
2) [hι wəz tɔ:kιŋ bət kəd nɒt Ѳιŋk ət ðə seιm taιm]
3) [ðen ʃι went daʊn ɒn hə ni:z bιsaιd hιm]
4) [haʊ kən fəgιvnəs pʊt ðæt raιt]
5) [sʌdənlι ʃι rιəlaιzd haʊ hι sɔ: hə]
6) [ιn ðə pɑ:st jʊ wə ki:n tə lʊk ɑ:ftə jɔ:self]
7) [ʃι əʊnlι nju: ðət hι wəz æŋgrι wιð hə]
8) [ðəʊz ə dӡəst kʌntrι pi:plz weιz]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 14.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 14 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 14 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.



Chapter 15

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [ʹæʃιz] 5. [ʹmʌslz]
2. [ʹenvιd] 6. [ʹdӡenrəs]
3. [ʹmιzərι] 7. [bri:ð]
4. [ˏnιə´baι] 8. [ʹpʌnιʃmənt]


2. Listen to Chapter 15, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [æbsəlu:tlι] 2. [ɑ:ftəwədz] 3. [krιtιsaιzιŋ]


3. Listen to Chapter 15 and underline the most prominent word in each of the given sentences.

1) [ʹtes ʹkeιm ʹdaʊn ιʹmi:dιətlι]
2) [ʃι ʹlʊkt ͵æbsəʹlu:tlι ʹpjʊə]
3) [ʹeιndӡəl ʹlʊkt ət hə ιn ʹwʌndə]
4) [ιt ʹkɑ:nt ´bi: ʹtru:]
5) [dιsʹpeə ʹpɑ:st əʊvə ʹkleəz ʹfeιs]
6) [ʹtes ͵ʌndəʹstʊd hιz ʹfi:lιŋz ʹpɜ:fəktlι]
7) [aι ʹsi: ιt wəz ʹwιkιd]
8) [hι ʹkeιm tə ʹfaιnd hə ʹðeə]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 15.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 15 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 15 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 16

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [ʹsju:təbl] 6. [səʹsaιətι]
2. [preəz] 7. [ʹɒnιstι]
3. [ʹfjʊərιəs] 8. [´flıntkɒm´æʃ]
4. [dιʹsi:v] 9. [sιnʹsιəlι]
5. [breθ] 10. [ʹpri:tʃə]

Underline transcription of the proper name in the list above.


2. Listen to Chapter 16, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [dιstɜ:bιŋ] 5. [əkeιӡənəl]
2. [brəzιl] 6. [ιnkʌm]
3. [kæθǝlıks] 7. [əpɑ:t]
4. [rιvendӡ] 8. [nιglektιŋ]

3. Listen to Chapter 16, then use each set of words to make up two sentences mentioned in the audiotext, e.g.

[ ðen ʹgɒn ʹweəz əʹweι fər ə ʹhʌzbənd taιm] [ðen ʹweəz jə ʹhʌzbənd]
[ʹgɒn əʹweι fər ǝ taιm]


1) [aι bət ʹkʊdnt hι wəz ʹlaι səʊ tə gʊd hιm]
2) [ʹtes kəd i:vn hər ʹlιsn əʊn nəʊ ´fæmιlι dιd ʹmɔ: nɒt bιʹli:v hə]
3) [ðι aιʹdιə ðə ʹkʌntrιsaιd əv ʹpi:pl brəʹzιl ənd əʹtræktιd ʹhæbιts wəd hιm ´bi: səʊ ʹdιfərənt]
4) [səʹsaιətι ə ənd ʹwaιld ιts ʹæŋgə ʹtʊk ʹru:lz həd ʹhəʊld træpt əv hιm ιn ʹkleə ə ʹkɔ:nə]
5) [ə ʹkleə sɒb rəʊz wəz ͵ιnʹsaιd hιm ʹsaιlənt]
6) [hι ʹtʃeιndӡd wɒt hιz hæpənd maιnd]
7) [ʹnəʊbədι ʃι ʹtraιd ʹɑ:nsəd əʹgen]
8) [ʃι bət ʹmu:vd ʹtes raʊnd wəz bιʹhaιnd ʹmɔ: ʹʃɒkt ðə baι ʹkraʊd ðə ʹvɔιs tə ðən lʊk ðə ət ʹwɜ:dz hιz feιs]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 16.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 16 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 16 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 17

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [kənʹfju:ӡn] 7. [ʹnɜ:vəslι]
2. [dιʹzaιə] 8. [ʹendӡιn]
3. [ʹhəʊlι] 9. [ʹpɜ:mənəntlι]
4. [sweə] 10. [ʹleðə]
5. [ʹhɒrιfaιd] 11. [ιgʹzɔ:stιd]
6. [ʹweιstιŋ] 12. [ʹfaιnəlι]


2. Listen to Chapter 17, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [ιfekt] 5. [endӡιnιə]
2. [hezιteιtιd] 6. [kənvιnst]
3. [kəntrəʊl] 7. [tempteιʃn]
4. [məʃi:n] 8. [hɑ:tbrəʊkən]


3. Listen to Chapter 17, underline the words which are pronounced in the given sentences.

1) [ʹtes ʹwɔ:kt ʹræpιdlι/ʌnʹhæpιlι əʹweι əʹlɒŋ ðə ʹrəʊd]
2) [aι ιnʹsʌltιd/ιgʹnɔ:d hιm ət ðə ʹtaιm]
3) [aι ʹkɑ:nt bιʹli:v ιn sətʃ ə ʹkwιk/sʌdn tʃeιndӡ]
4) [ιt maιt bi: ʹdeιndӡərəs/´rιskι fə jʊ]
5) [aι məst ʹgəʊ tə ðə ʹleft/´raιt hιə]
6) [aιm əʹfreιd əv jə ʹιnflʊəns/ʹpaʊə əʊvə mι]
7) [͵dιsəʹpɔιntmənt wəz ʹsi:n/ʹvιzιbl ιn hιz ʹfeιs]
8) [rιʹspekt mι ənd maι ʹfi:lιŋz/ʹhʌzbənd]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 17.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 17 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 17 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 18

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [ʌnʹfɔ:tʃənιt] 5. [͵laιzəʹlu:]
2. [ʹri:snt] 6. [gɑ:spt]
3. [wɒtʹevǝ] 7. [ʹfɜ:nιtʃə]
4. [ʹpræktιsιŋ] 8. [kənʹtιnjʊəlι]

Underline transcription of the proper name in the list above.

2. Listen to Chapter 18, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [kəmpleιnt] 3. [hιstɔ:rιənz]
2. [əbdӡekt] 4. [ιnflʊənst]


3. Listen to Chapter 18, and define who says the given sentences.

1) [ʹdιə ʹbɔι aι ʹhəʊp hι wιl ʹget ʹhəʊm ʹseιflι]
2) [ˏlaιzəʹlu: ʹwɒts ðə ʹmætə]
3) [ʹmʌðər ιz ʹverι ʹιl]
4) [aιm ʹgəʊιŋ tə ʹfaιnd ɔ:l ðə hιʹstɔ:rιənz raʊnd hιə]
5) [wɒt ə jʊ ʹdu:ιŋ hιə]
6) [ʹðæts kwaιt ʹtru: ιn ʹwʌn ʹweι]
7) [aι dӡəst ʹdəʊnt ʹwɒnt tə ʹlιv ət ʹɔ:l]
8) [bət ʹfɑ:ðə wəz əʊnlι ə ʹlιtl bιt ʹιl]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 18.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 18 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 18 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 19

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [ʹju:slǝs] 4. [ʹkærəktə] 7. [rιʹælιtι]
2. [ʹklaιmιt] 5. [ʹɔ:kwədlι] 8. [ʹmιsιzʹbrʊks]
3. [ʹi:gəlι] 6. [´egdǝnʹwʊdz] 9. [´sændbɔ:n]

Underline transcription of the proper names in the list above.


2. Listen to Chapter 19, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [ιmpeιʃəntlι] 4. [əmju:zmənt]
2. [sιdju:st] 5. [ri:lækseιʃn]
3. [aʊtbɜ:st] 6. [pəhæps]


3. Listen to Chapter 19, then restore the given sentences mentioned in the audiotext.

1) [ʃι ʹgeιv ə ʹkraι ənd ʹtɜ:nd əʹweι ιn ʹsɒrəʊ]
2) [ðə ʹkru:əl ʹklaιmιt ənd ʹhɑ:d ʹwɜ:k həd ʹeιdӡd hιm baι ʹtwentι ʹjιəz]
3) [aι məst ʹget hə ʹbæk]
4) [hι ədʹmιtιd ʃι wəz ʹraιt tə ʹbi: ʹæŋgrι]
5) [aι ʹkænɒt ʹtel jʊ weə ʃι ιz ʹsteιιŋ]
6) [ʃι ʹsi:md ιmʹbærəst tə ʹsi: hιm]
7) [pli:z ʹbi: ʹkaιnd tə ə ʹmιzərəbl ʹləʊnlι ʹmæn]
8) [ιt ʹsi:md ə ʹstreιndӡ ʹpleιs tə ʹkleə]

4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 19.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 19 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 19 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


Chapter 20

1. Practice reading the following.

1. [´kʌθbɜ:t] 7. [ʹkeə͵teιkə]
2. [ʹpeιʃəntlι] 8. [ʹhʌnι͵mu:n]
3. [ʹpιtιfʊl] 9. [ˏsaʊθ´hæmptǝn]
4. [ʹlɒŋgə] 10. [´meltʃıstǝ]
5. [ʹtaιtlι] 11. [ʹsɜ:kl]
6. [əʹkeιӡənəlι] 12. [ʹfιgə]

Underline transcription of the proper names in the list above.

2. Listen to Chapter 20, concentrate your attention on the pronunciation of the given words, define their stressed syllables and put down the stress marks.

1. [hǝʊtel] 4. [ιnlænd]
2. [dιstɜ:bd] 5. [kɒntækt]
3. [kəntent] 6 [kəθi:drəl]


3. Listen to Chapter 20, restore the given sentences mentioned in the audiotext.

1) [bət _______ kəd _______ sιt _______ ənd._______ fə _______nekst _______ ιn _______ ʹaʊəz _______]
2) [səʊ _______ ʹstɑ:tιd ________ əʹlɒŋ ________ rəʊd ________ əv ________]
3) [hι ________ nɒt _________ hə _________ tʊk _________ ɑ:m _______ helpt _________ əʹlɒŋ]
4) [ðeə _________ ə __________ smaιl _________hə _________feιs _________ ʃι _________]
5) [hι _________ kʌm __________ əs __________ ʹru:ιnd _________ laιvz]
6) [haʊʹevə __________ nju: __________ kəd _________li:v __________ naʊ]
7) [ðeι ___________ laιk ____________ ʹtʃιldrən __________ θιŋk ___________ əv ___________ ʹməʊmənt]
8) [ðeι ___________ʹkwaιət___________ ðə ___________ keιm _________ ʃʌt ___________ ʹwιndəʊz __________ðə __________]


4. Listen and write down the complete text of Chapter 20.

5. Compare the text you have written with the original script and correct mistakes if any.

6. Look through the text which you have written and corrected and underline the words from Exercises 1-2 in it.

7. Listen to Chapter 20 again, simultaneously following the text and indicate pauses in the text.

8. Practice reading the text of Chapter 20 imitating the narrator’s pronunciation.


1. Hardy T. Tess of the d’Urbervilles retold by Clare West. - Oxford University Press, 1989. – 136p, 3 CDs

2. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary / J.C. Wells. – Pearson Longman, 2008. – 922p.


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