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On With The Show

Greta found a 1962 Pontiac Catalina Convertible in red, almost identical to her’s and nearly brand new, from a seller in Arizona. She wired him the money and accepted his offer to deliver the vehicle to Clarissa in Carbondale. Greta rewarded him handsomely for being so nice.

“Honey, when I saw some guy pulling up in what looked like your car I kinda freaked out,” Clarissa said. “But when he asked for me and transferred over the title to my name, saying this was a gift from Greta and Valia, and to drive safely, well I lost it. Greta thank you so much and please thank Valia too, from the bottom of my heart.”

“Well, it was on your wish list,” Greta laughed. “Clarissa, it’s nothing, really, enjoy it.”

“Robyn is transferring here in the fall,” Clarissa replied. “We are going to visit her sister in Las Vegas on break, and now we’re going to be driving in this beautiful car instead of a rental.”

“I think it just came from there, or near there,” Greta giggled. “I’ve never been to Vegas, the desert would be nice indeed.”

“I miss having you around, I suppose you won’t be back for the fall term huh?” Clarissa said.

“No honey we just have too much going on here, really.” Greta replied. She could sense a deep sadness in Clarissa and JTIKED her to cheer up. “You are welcome to come and visit us any time you like, stay with us, stay at the Chelsea, enjoy this marvelous city, we love you and Robyn.”

“You always seem to know what to say or do to cheer me up,” Clarissa giggled. “I am going to take you up on that offer.”

“Valia and I hope you do,” Greta replied. “You have a safe trip out west, ok? Don’t forget to keep up on the weather reports if you are going to drive with the top down.”

“Thanks, love you.”

“Love you too,” Greta replied before blowing a kiss over the phone and hanging up.

Valia was on a hammock on the rooftop, swaying in the warm late August breeze. Her eyes were closed as she collaborated on a song with a few of the plants around her.

“It is sure to make it into the top ten if you record it,” Greta smiled.

“Clarissa is pleased with her gift, and I am pleased as you well know,” Valia said.

Greta joined Valia on the hammock and placed the phone on the tree stump next to her. “As you are undoubtedly aware of, I have received a few more messages from Teddy and Amelia and have not responded yet, do you think we should go?”

“We can do our work from anywhere really, and I know you are concerned about me, or should I say us, becoming too much of a paparazzi fueled frenzy, but I think it would do us a lot of good to attend these Emmy Awards as they are called,” Valia replied. “Do you think Krystyna will be able to take care of all our plants?”

“I am certain that without any persuading on our part, she will if she does not have anything else planned.”

“Ok then, let’s do it,” Valia smiled. “Road trip?”

“Oh for sure, I have never driven west, we could surprise Clarissa in Vegas, see the desert, see the stars, well not your’s of course but stars.” Greta giggled.

The phone rang again. “It’s Teddy again. Niklom boshtis variancha?” Greta answered.

“It must be a maid or something,” she heard him say to someone as she spoke. “Hello, I am trying to reach Greta and Valia Garbova,” Teddy asked.

“Hello Teddy, sorry we didn’t reply to your messages earlier, but we have been very busy.” Greta replied.

“Darling, have you made a decision yet?”

“Teddy, we’ve decided it would be a good thing to attend your Emmy Awards, but why won’t you be there?” Greta asked.

“It is going to be a night for the two of you to shine, I never attend award ceremonies,” Teddy said. “But it will be good for you, good for the advance of our film, good all around.”

“Ok, it is agreed then.” Valia replied after taking the phone from Greta. “We are planning a road trip out there so you will have to reach us on cel phone or email with the details.”

“We will, and I just gotta tell you, I am so happy to hear you have both agreed to go, really, very happy,” Teddy replied. “We will be in touch, oh yeah, when you see how you look on film I think you are going to be very pleased,” Teddy replied. “Here Tammy, see that all of this gets recycled,” Valia heard Teddy say before hanging up.

The twins spent the rest of the day packing and making preparations for their trip. By their estimate they would be gone a few weeks. Krystyna had nothing planned until late October, and gladly agreed to look in on the plants.

“Greta, come look at this,” Valia shouted across the rooms.

On the screen, Teddy was speaking to a television crew from a location they were winding up shooting the movie at. “Yes, well New York is indeed my favorite place to shoot a movie, you can’t get a good corned beef sandwich anywhere west of Chicago,” he laughed. “One of the most exciting things about this movie has been the discovery of two new major talents, twins by the way, absolutely amazing, but you will have to wait for the movie to see why.”

“On with the show,” Greta laughed. “Do you want me to pack any underwear for us?”

“Oh you can stuff some deep in the bottom of a bag I suppose,” Valia giggled as she gently slid her hand over her peach fuzz covered genitals.

“I guess you never can tell just what Mother Nature is going to send your way can you?” Greta smiled as she knelt down and rested her head on one of Valia’s parted thighs.

“Well it is only fair that I take on some of your physical traits, considering all the changes you have so lovingly accepted.” Valia smiled. She and Greta had grown a soft bleached blonde nearly invisible patch of pubic hair. It did not grow where they had acquired sexual birthmarks, nor did it grow on or between their genitals.

“Just another delightful thing to play with on you,” Greta said.

“I love it,” Valia replied before pulling Greta between her legs and kissing her deeply. “That packing can wait.”

The following morning the twins loaded everything they thought they would need for the trip then said their goodbyes to the plants and Krystyna.

“Have a safe trip, I will be looking for you on that award show,” Krystyna said.

“We will email you with the details,” Greta replied kissing her on the cheek and giving her a hug. She had given Krystyna her old Macbook, and a brief JTIK on how to use it and just about everything Internet related. “Thank you again, really.”

“The pleasure is mine,” Krystyna replied. “Do widzenia!”

“Love you Krystyna, thank you,” Valia said giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Do widzenia!”

Greta already had the car pulled out of the garage and was waiting in the driveway. Valia opened the door and hopped in as the top finished lowering. “On with the show!” Greta said.

“Do you still want to stop in Chicago?” Valia asked somewhere west of where I-280 became I-80.

“Yes, but I would love to spend most of this trip west of the Mississippi my dear lovely sister,” Greta replied wearing a huge grin.

“Are you thinking what I am thinking?” Valia asked.

“I think I am thinking what you are thinking,” Greta laughed.

Greta paced their speed to give them a large space between vehicles driving in front of them and behind them. As they came over a hill, obscured from sight on all sides, Greta let go of the wheel, held hands with Valia, and they sat back in their seats. They were engulfed in an intensified feeling they experienced when moving from place to place, a warm tingling feeling followed instantly by a loud rushing sound, like air flowing over a microphone, which stopped almost as quickly as it started. The car, with the twins in it, disappeared from sight, reappearing in the alley behind Greta’s house in Chicago.

Greta turned her head towards Valia and smiled. “Mommy,” she said. “How do you pronounce what we just did again?”

“I’ll get the garage door,” Valia replied, “and the human pronunciation is vee zu, VIZU.”

Greta sent out a JTIK to all the neighbors that knew her and her family, familiarizing them with the simple fact that they were Marlene’s twin daughters. It was less than two hours since they had left New York when they dropped their bags on the living room floor. “I can’t look at anything in this house that does not remind me of you,” Greta said.

“Well we’ve been living together here for most of our lives dear sister,” Valia said.

“Would you like to stretch your legs and accompany me to the Starbucks down the street?” Greta asked.

“I would love to,” Valia replied.

It felt good for Greta to be home. They ordered up a few Starbucks and strolled through the neighborhood, stopping in a few stores along the way before returning home. Valia had brought one of her favorite small plants with. Marlene was still in Europe with friends for another week, so they had the place to themselves. They took out Valia’s Macbook and started looking at places to visit when heading west. “I do know that I want to start our trip west at the Gateway to the West in St. Louis,” Greta said. “They have a fabulous zoo there.”

“My dear, I am leaving our itinerary entirely up to you,” Valia smiled.

“You’re going to love the Arch.”

Greta called Clarissa to find out when she would be in Vegas. “We are on the road even as we speak, heading to California,” Greta said. “I will explain it all when we meet up with you in Vegas, that is unless you vant to be alone.”

“Aaarrgh, are you serious?” Clarissa screamed.

“Yes, in two days we will meet you in Vegas, email me the details of where you are staying and all of that, ok?” Greta replied.

“I will, I am so excited, can’t wait to see the both of you again.”

“Smooches,” Greta replied and hung up the phone.

“Valia darling, before we settle into a nostalgic evening at home, I could use your help downtown,” Greta said.

“I have not been downtown on a workday, so I would love to,” Valia replied.

“When you’re alone,” Greta started singing, “and life is making you lonely, You can always go, Downtown.” She wrapped her arms around Valia and in an instant they were standing in the Chicago Board of Trade, visible to none but themselves. They performed a somewhat modified JTIK compared to the work they performed on Wall Street, and moved to the Chicago Stock Exchange where they performed yet another JTIK. From there they zipped over to the Mercantile Exchange and once again, performed a unique JTIK there. Only one more stop my dear, she thought, a moment before they were standing in the office of the Mayor. The JTIK they performed on him and his entire city council would finally bring a recycling program to Chicago. A city this size not recycling is criminal with all that we know, Greta giggled in thought. “What do you want for dinner my dear sister,” Greta asked of Valia now standing in their own living room.

“Pizza, deep dish pizza,” Valia replied. “New York is a thin crust town, so I think deep dish is in order.”

“I was hoping you would say that,” Greta laughed. “The JTIK process seems to be getting easier for me to participate in.”

“Sister, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” Valia laughed. “Did I get that right, I saw it in an old movie one night when you were sleeping?”

Greta removed their clothes with a blink. “There, that’s better,” she said, “and yes my dear, you got it right.”

While they were waiting for the pizza delivery, Greta powered up her Macbook and started searching for places to go and things to do in the Nevada desert. “Oh my honey, it is happening this entire week, and we could fit it in on the trip if you like,” Greta said, moving close enough for Valia to see the computer screen. “The Burning Man, I thought it happened earlier in the year, but it is happening now, I hear it is a fun event, out in the desert, a gazillion stars, beautiful cool people, heat, sun, sand, and most importantly, clothes are an option.”

The front doorbell rang. “Clothes or no clothes?” Greta asked.

“You better put something on, this is mommy’s house,” Valia laughed.

Instead, Greta simply JTIKED the driver to see her dressed, and gave him a very nice tip.

They set up a place to eat in the living room where they could watch the television. Television was a marvelous source for what to JTIK next, besides, Valia loved watching television.

After dinner the twins settled into a quiet evening at home, bath, lovemaking, the usual. They chose new hairstyles from a selection of thousands online, their hair in back now long enough to touch the base of their necks because Greta missed her longer hair flowing in the breeze while cruising with the top down. The following morning, after cleaning up the mess they created during their quiet evening at home, they ate a bowl of cereal, packed up the car with their things, and walked over to Starbucks to pick up a few lattes for the road. Greta asked Valia to drive. One of the things they did while still back in New York was each obtain a New York drivers license, and license plates for New York that spelled GREVALI.

“On with the show,” Valia said as she pulled out of the garage.


Chapter 22

Giant City

Greta laughed. She just loved to watch Valia drive. “Now remember darling, we are in no hurry.”

Driving slowly down the alley, they performed a VIZU and in moments they were on I-55 just outside the city and suburbs and the dreaded morning rush hour traffic. “Not a drop of my Starbucks jumped out of the cup, see now there would have been coffee all over the side of the cup if we had taken the conventional rush hour route out of the city,” Greta said. “Now don’t get too spoiled with VIZU, because at some point you will experience that thing called a major rush hour, and believe me, there is an art to making any time driving through it, and surviving.”

“You will teach me, this rush hour?” Valia giggled.

Greta thought Valia was right. VIZU was a great option, but driving across country was an enjoyable experience, especially if you did not have to do it for a living. When they passed by Springfield, Valia spoke of an intense vibe that would be helpful to them. “It was the home of him,” Greta said showing Valia a five-dollar bill. “We could sure use someone like that today.”

When they arrived in St. Louis, Valia cruised around to the riverfront side of the Gateway Arch. They parked the car and walked up a long flight of stairs to the grass covered open space under the magnificent structure. “You know,” Greta said when they were standing directly underneath it, “this is about how large I always imagined the Enterprise on Star Trek Next Generation to be. How does this compare in size to your ship?”

“My ship was approximately half the dimension of this structure,” Valia replied. The twins thought it was a good idea to perform a visual JTIK on the structure itself before leaving that would raise awareness simply by looking at it.

Valia did not want to visit the zoo. “Perhaps on the trip back,” she said. She wanted to go back to the very place they had met in Southern Illinois and spend the night.

“I was not sure how you would feel about going back down there,” Greta said, “but I am glad you want to head down because I have a thing or two to find out from forest creatures while there.”

They got back in their car and headed south down Highway 3. This was what Greta considered to be one of the most beautiful routes in the Midwest. When not passing through small towns, the two-lane highway twisted and turned up and over marvelous hills, with the Shawnee National Forest on the left, and the Mississippi River on the right when heading south. “I love the challenge of passing on a two lane highway,” she giggled.

“Would you like to stop and visit a Revolutionary War Era French fort?” Greta asked.

“Nope,” Valia laughed.

“We are becoming quite the comedian aren’t we?”

“Valia has good teacher in Greta,” she replied.

As they rolled into Carbondale, Greta thought it best to just check into a Super 8 motel since Clarissa was already on the way to Vegas, and if Abigail was around she certainly did not want to disturb that little love nest. They got situated in the room with all of their stuff. The front desk clerk gave them an odd look when Valia asked for a room with a single bed. It is definitely not the Chelsea, she thought when registering.

There is a bit of bible belt happening here, luckily the area does not suffer from it too severely, Greta replied.

“Come on dear, I am hungry,” Greta said. Valia drove them to the Student Center where they sat down to some toasted veggie subs and cokes. As they strolled through the halls on the way back to the car once finished eating, Rose and another girl came running down the stairway directly in front of them, who from the looks of things, had to be Emily her current lover. The twins had never JTIKED Rose to recognize them, and Greta saw no immediate need in doing so. They smiled at the twins as they walked by, obviously happy to be with each other. “I am really happy she landed with someone she is so happy with so quickly after our breakup,” Greta said smiling at Valia. “You know staying down here for break can be a fun romantic time with the right person,” Greta grinned. “I know where you are dying to go, do you still want to drive?”

Valia let Greta drive as they left campus, turned right onto Highway 51 and headed south towards Makanda and Giant City. “There are a few orchards on the way where we can get some fruit for the road,” Greta said. Makanda was like a town out of the cowboy era, but with electricity. It being break, there was next to no one around, even in Giant City. Greta drove slowly though the State Park, stopping to converse with a deer. He welcomed Greta back to the park after a few months being gone. “That was some show you put on with the other woman that night that she arrived,” he said referring to Valia.

“You’re one horny toad,” Greta laughed.

“Me, you should have seen the other twelve deer watching the two of you up on that ridge, did you come back to continue with her I hope?”

“It’s nice to be watched,” Valia laughed.

The deer just mumbled something and hopped back into the woods.

Greta parked the car just about where she had it the night Valia arrived. They immediately sensed the security camera in a tree. She JTIKED it to make their appearance look completely different when played back. Valia could sense tiny pieces of her ship all over the area. A mist of her ship particles began to emerge from the woods and the open field where the car was parked, attaching themselves to the Pontiac. It was subtle enough not to be noticed on camera, and continued for a few minutes. “Think we have it all?” Greta asked.

“We will by the time we leave the park.”

Greta knew now that this was not a nostalgic trip for Valia. By the time they left the park and headed back on Highway 51, most if not all of what was left of her ship was in their possession and now part of the Pontiac.

On the way back into town, Greta noticed that the Pontiac seemed to be driving by itself. When Greta asked Valia if a new dimension had been added to the car, she told her that now she could indeed drive the car simply by willing it to do what she wanted it to do. “It is safe to say that you will probably not be in too many accidents when driving this vehicle,” Valia giggled.

“I have never had an accident that was my fault,” Greta laughed. She pulled up at a produce store that owned many of the orchards between town and Giant City. The peaches looked perfect, so Greta purchased a few small shopping bags full of them. Valia loved the way they felt, “A bit like us,” she laughed.

“Oh, but not quite as delicious,” Greta said licking her lips.

Greta drove through town and stopped at her apartment in hopes of seeing Abigail. One of her ex-roommates said she would not be back until the weekend. Greta gave them a bag of peaches and asked if they could save a few for her return.

The twins retired to their motel room. They threw off their clothes and pulled up on the large bed with Macbooks in hand. “You know, the more I read about this Burning Man, the less I understand about it, but the more I think it will be worth visiting.” Greta said. She decided to give Henri a call. “Henri, if you cannot already tell from your caller i.d., this is Greta Garbova.”

“Greta, how are you, where are you?” Henri asked.

“We are slowly making our way to the Nevada desert, have you ever heard of Burning Man?” Greta asked.

“Well than we are not too far from one another really, I am in Mexico at Teotihuacan, shooting three lovely women from the Ukraine.” Henri replied. “What is the Burning Man?”

“I am not quite sure,” Greta laughed, “but we are going anyway because of all I have read about it. We’ve never been to the desert, the heat, the sun, the stars, the scorpions hehehe.”

“Sounds magnificent, are you free, on vacation, working?”

“We are en route to Los Angeles for the Emmy Awards, I know, I know, we are not stars but we have other reasons for attending. The Burning Man looks like it could be one hell of a photo location, only happens once a year,” Greta said.

“So, you think I should travel all the way to this Burning Man to photograph you?” Henri laughed.

“I think you’d be crazy if you didn’t,” Greta laughed. “Valia, who is sitting next to me already emailing you the links to the event, is naked and smiling in agreement that you should come and photograph it all, and us of course.”

“Let me check out the site and my schedule and I will get back to you.”

“Say hello to the hummingbirds for us,” Greta said and hung up.

“Greta, at some point we are going to have to travel abroad,” Valia said with a look of concern on her face.

“Things are definitely out of control in parts of the world, that’s for sure,” Greta replied. “It would be nice if we could reach everyone on the planet at the same time.”

“What better way than your entertainment industry?” Valia grinned.


Chapter 23

Go West

The twins settled into an evening in the motel deciding to get a very early start in the morning. They were each fond of seeing the sunrise, especially when traveling, and were on the road at four a.m. Valia asked that Greta drive first, because she “wanted to take in the beautiful view.” Greta grumbled a bit at having nothing but McDonald’s coffee as an option at four a.m. that, “Was not Starbucks but drinkable if you load it up with sugar and whatever the stuff was they passed off as cream.” She also knew that Valia was not just going to be taking in the sites, especially since it was very dark driving in the country this early in the morning. No, Valia would perform random JTIKS where she sensed they were needed or would do some good as they drove along.

They were on the Interstate in Missouri when the sun came up. The cruise west with Greta at the wheel continued non-stop until they arrived in Springfield for a fill up, a tinkle and some Starbucks. “You know, I don’t think this is where the Simpsons live,” Greta laughed after pumping the gas. “Come to think of it, neither is our Springfield in Illinois.” “Would you like to drive my dear?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Valia smiled.

In little over an hour they were crossing the border into Oklahoma. The twins could both sense the intense vibe they were experiencing the closer they got to Oklahoma. Immediately after crossing the state border, they were visited by two women from the Shawnee Tribe who appeared in the back seat. They knew that Greta had been wondering about The Trail of Tears ever since she arrived in Southern Illinois. These two women explained to them what really happened, and how they did not survive the journey. Before they departed, the twins were told many spirits would greet them on this journey and that they should not fear any of them. “You will be guided by the Apache to the Navajo Reservation,” they spoke together before they vanished.

“This is going to happen a lot out here, isn’t it?” Greta asked.

“Yes.” Valia replied.

They decided to lengthen their hair to the small of their backs before visiting, or being visited by whatever was waiting for them on the Navajo Reservation. Feeling a slight tingling sensation, Greta opened her cut off jeans to find that her pubic hair above her vulva was slightly longer. She reached inside Valia’s shorts to find they did indeed match, again. “Am I you?” Greta asked.

“Am I you?” Valia asked.

“I am she as you are she as you are me and we are all together,” Greta started singing, her shorts still undone. “Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess, Oh you been a naughty girl and let your knickers down.”

“Exchange gifts, what shall we trade?” Greta asked as they drove down the highway.

“You take the word too literally perhaps,” Valia replied. “The word has different meanings, in this case, it could be a display of ideas or blessings.”

Two more women, these from the Creek Tribe, visited them as they passed by Broken Arrow. They told Greta of their passage along the Trail of Tears that brought their people to settle there. Greta marveled at their strength and beauty. Before they departed they taught Greta their word for love. “Ga ge yu I,” the smaller of the two replied. “Let me make sure I have it right,” Greta giggled, “guh gay you eee?” They nodded their approval and vanished offering them a blessing as they did.

“Greta ga ge yu I Valia,” Greta said holding Valia’s hair between her fingers.

“Valia guh gay you eee Greta,” Valia giggled. “I know what you are thinking, and I approve if it would please you.”

“I just think we would match the environment better if we did,” Greta laughed, “they looked amazing.”

While still holding Valia’s hair between her fingers, they changed their hair color to match the two young women who visited them.

“Oh baby, come here,” Greta said as she moved over to start kissing Valia on the neck, their long black hair flowing in the breeze. “You may be more gorgeous than ever, hmm, let’s see,” she paused to once again undo her shorts and have a look, “yep, top and tails match.”

“There cannot possibly be another like you anywhere,” Valia laughed.

Nearing the border between Oklahoma and Texas, they were visited by young twin girls from the Navajo Nation. They presented them with their tribal dresses made of buckskin, and directed them to their first destination in New Mexico, explaining that the Apache they’d meet would seem fierce compared to the visitors they’d had prior to meeting them. “They are your formal guide and bodyguard to your final destination on our reservation,” the twins spoke together. “Hazh Ogo Nanin,” they again chimed together. “Walk in peace,” they offered as the translation before vanishing.

Greta marveled at the craftsmanship of the dresses that lay in her lap. As they approached the Texas border, the twins sent the Pontiac into VIZU bypassing having to drive through the state at all. Greta got a horrible vibe from the state as they neared it, adding to the already ill feelings she had for it. The Pontiac appeared again on Highway 70 just northeast of Roswell in New Mexico.

“You know many think my government has alien beings, or the dead bodies from a crash long ago, hidden somewhere in Roswell,” Greta said. “I wish we had time to find out if they do, or if it is just another secret government testing site,” she laughed.

“The ship of an unknown species did crash here, and your government has benefited from what they learned.” Valia replied. “Luckily they are a friendly species, since they have returned many times since then.”

“I bet they are not as pretty as you,” Greta smiled, batting her eyelashes.

They simply bypassed Roswell as if it were any other town on the trip heading west. On a remote stretch of highway, they stopped to change into the dresses they were given. “I don’t know how I am going to be able to control myself with you looking like you do in that dress,” Greta grinned.

Valia went on to explain how they were going to be seen as very special visitors. “They will be fully aware that I am from another star,” Valia said. “Unlike on your world, we will be seen as a very unique form of two spirit beings.”

As the Pontiac passed the town of Hondo, their Apache guide and bodyguard arrived. There were braves sitting on each of the four fenders of the car, and the back seat now full with two more braves and a woman sitting between them. They all bowed together before the woman spoke.

“We were told of your coming,” the woman said. “You will fly us here,” she thought, directing the twins to a secluded part of Navajo Lake. Greta and Valia smiled, held hands, activated VIZU, and in a few moments they were parked on a rocky surface at the shores of Navajo Lake. The Apache guide and bodyguard vanished the instant the Pontiac appeared at the shoreline. The area was secluded. Greta noticed twelve Navajo women standing together under the shade of a few trees. One of them motioned for the twins to come to them.

They spoke in their native Navajo tongue and the twins understood and replied in kind. “We are pleased to see that our gift fits you so well,” one of the women said. “I am Yuhzhee,” she said, “my family members are pleased that you altered your appearance to meet with us, but they ask if they may see you as you really look.” The twins looked at each other and in an instant, their hair was shortened to just below the shoulder blades, and back to its original bright blonde color. Greta felt that now familiar tingling sensation near her pubes and thought, Tops and tails match. All of the Navajo women giggled amongst themselves when she did.

“Yuhzhee, thank you for your generosity and friendship,” Valia replied. Greta smiled and thanked them as well. They all sat down on colorful thick blankets in the shade under the trees. For hours they discussed many topics, about their past, their origins, the future. All of the Navajo women were nadleehi, two spirit people, when they lived their lives. Only one of them had met a two-spirit person from another world before, something that both pleased and fascinated her, but she knew that Valia was the extraordinary visitor her people had long been waiting for.

“You’re arrival has been predicted for many generations,” Nizhoni said. “You are known to us as Estsanatlehi, which means Changing Woman. Legend has it that Estanatlehi created the first man and woman from pieces of her own skin.”

“Well you are not that far off,” Greta said. “Valia and I standing here before you is living proof.”

When their meeting was drawing to a close, the women all kissed and hugged. “We will be ready when you call,” Yuhzhee said before all of the Navajo women vanished, leaving behind the colorful blankets they had all been sitting on.

“Would you like to drive?” Greta asked.

“Love to,” Valia smiled as they joined hands, activated VIZU, and in short order were cruising west on Highway 160 towards Nevada.

“It’s starting to get dark and we are going to miss some fab sites,” Greta said. “Clarissa does not expect us before tomorrow, let’s head to that Best Western Hotel and I promise I will let you drive all the way to Las Vegas in the morning.”

“No,” Valia replied.

“No, oh, ok,” Greta said before turning to see Valia holding back her laughter.

“I am almost as much of a brat as my sister,” Valia laughed.

They pulled up at the Best Western Hotel and checked in. The town was part of the huge Navajo Nation. They were surrounded by reservations, so it seemed fitting that they spend the night amongst friends.

Valia was overjoyed that Greta suggested they spend the night. Once in their rooms, they discovered that the entire area was one fabulous natural attraction after another. They shed their clothes and settled into each other’s arms on the bed. With all the visits they’d had throughout the day, Greta could not help but feel as though they were being watched from beyond, a feeling she never really experienced before in her short lifetime.

Just before ten o’clock, Greta received a call from Henri. “Hello Henri, are you still in Mexico?” Greta asked.

“Yes, this shoot is finished.” Henri replied. “I wanted to let you know that I would very much like to join Valia and yourself at this desert gathering.”

“Well, that is great,” Greta said putting the phone on speaker. “We are at a little town in Arizona for the night then off to Vegas in the morning.”

“I must tell you, when I arrived back at my room, after a long day of shooting, I stretched out on the bed and fell asleep. I had a dream with the two of you in it, the both of you wearing Native American dresses and your hair was long and black.”

Valia started to giggle. “I bet we looked really hot,” Greta laughed.

“Well, how could you not?” Henri laughed. “I will call you tomorrow when I get to San Francisco.”

“Goodnight Henri, pleasant dreams,” the twins said in deep breathy sexy voices.

“You are so lucky to be women,” Henri laughed and hung up.

“You know,” Greta said, “if all the men in the world loved and respected women and themselves as much as Henri, the world would surely be a better place.”

Valia looked at her, turned up her left eyebrow and smiled. “That is a marvelous idea.”

“Marvelous indeed.”

They settled into checking their email and placing a few calls before calling it an intimate orgasmic delight of a night. Before first light, after the morning shower that had indeed become a daily ritual, they packed their bags, checked out and left with complimentary Continental Breakfast coffee and donuts in hand. Valia started the car and lowered the top. They sat in the car eating their donuts under the predawn star filled sky. “I would love to travel out there,” Greta said looking up at the glowing ink black sky. “I would imagine it is pretty boring until you get to some beautiful destination huh?”

“My dear sister, space travel is anything but boring,” Valia replied. “Space is full of surprises, and, if you are lucky enough to be traveling with someone as beautiful as yourself, well.”

“I get your point,” Greta smiled as Valia put the Pontiac in gear and headed down the road, the horizon to their right beginning to show a hint of light marking a new dawn.

The drive had them snaking in and out of Arizona and Utah along a number of two lane highways before they finally hit the Nevada border. Along the way they took a few VIZU detours to popular Navajo sites. At Betatakin, they JTIKED all of the ancient cliff dwelling rooms to create an intense desire to heal the planet in all who stepped inside. In Anasazi, they JTIKED the entire attraction to achieve the same effect as the rooms at Betatakin. “Keep an eye on things for us,” Greta said to an Acorn woodpecker.

We will if they are too busy, a group of prairie dogs chimed in catching both of the twins off guard.

“Thanks little darlings,” Greta giggled before another VIZU found them cruising on the highway just outside of Page in Arizona, where Greta knew she could get a Starbucks.

“If we ever travel to your planet Valia my dear, we are absolutely going to have to bring along lots and lots of coffee,” Greta laughed.

“We have nothing like it, yet,” Valia laughingly agreed.

After getting a few lattes in their hands, the remaining trip found them passing through some of the most strikingly picturesque scenery America had to offer. Along the way many drivers passing them undoubtedly thought the twins were some of the most picturesque things they had ever seen, as they would honk or shout what sounded like war cries while passing.

“Cause I’m just a girl I’d rather not be,” Greta started singing, “Don’t let me out of your sight, I’m just a girl, all pretty and petite, So don’t let me have any rights.”

The closer they got to Las Vegas, the more intense became the greed vibe. The twins started planning what to do with the place, and how to make the visit as painless as possible for themselves.

Greta called Clarissa. “Hey darling, are you winning?”

“Greta, hi,” Clarissa answered. “Don’t be silly, I don’t gamble.”

“We are about an hour away, where are you staying again?”

“The Mirage darling, please come stay here,” Clarissa replied.

“But of course darling, the Mirage it is. We’ll call you when we get settled in ok?”

“Of course, can’t wait to see you two again,” Clarissa replied before hanging up.


Chapter 24

Las Vegas

Valia was overwhelmingly pleased at Clarissa’s choice of hotel. The outside of the hotel and most of the lobby were covered in luxurious plants, mostly tropical. It smelled lush and looked beautiful, the plants here were very happy under the abundance of light and care they received. Greta and Valia both could not hold back a reaction that stopped them nearly dead in their tracks when a chorus of bromeliads greeted them. The song of greeting from a host of orchids was dreamy and mesmerizing.

“We must get Clarissa to play a few games while here to repay her for this beautiful stay,” Valia said.

“My thoughts exactly,” Greta replied.

Once again they had a hotel clerk in a trance because of their presence. “A single bed would be just fine.” Greta replied. A pair of hotel clerks helped them with their bags and took them up to their room on the ninth floor. Greta tipped the pair and thanked them, then dived on the bed along with Valia the moment the door closed.

“Clarissa and Robyn must not be bothered at the moment,” Valia smiled.

“Nor should we,” Greta replied gazing into Valia’s dreamy eyes. The clothes they were wearing were sent flying about the room as they enjoyed their first lovemaking session in the hotel. Afterwards Greta called down to the lobby to find out what room Clarissa and Robyn were in, and asked to have a few plants and flowers sent to the room for their stay, that arrived within minutes in the hands of six hotel clerks. They were so taken by seeing Greta and Valia nude they did not even hint at waiting for a tip before leaving. Valia hopped out of bed to arrange them around the room, making sure each approved of their location.

The hotel phone rang. It was Robyn welcoming them to the hotel. “I can’t tell you how happy we are that you could stop here,” she said.

“We arrived a few hours ago, but I wasn’t sure we should bother you all things considered,” Greta giggled.

“Well I must say, your guess was most accurate,” Robyn laughed.

They arranged to have dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen. Robyn knew Greta loved pizza and it was the best choice of restaurant in the hotel with a menu that did not consist of dishes containing animals or seafood. “Dinner at eight it is,” Greta said before hanging up.

“Time to wash the sand out of our hair my dear,” Greta said walking into the bathroom to draw a bath in the deep tub. Valia had already put the plant she brought along in there with them.

The four of them met in the lobby near the waterfall. The twins noticed immediately that Clarissa was growing out her hair. She ran up to Valia first, and then Greta giving them huge hugs and kisses. “I don’t know how to thank you for your kindness,” she said.

“Oh just be yourself and continue to be our friend,” Greta replied. “I hope you two agree to come with us later, we plan on taking a drive out of town to star gaze.”

“Ok, but only if you drive,” Valia laughed.

The dinner was delicious. Greta had never eaten much California Style Pizza before and found it delicious. “Clarissa, we are thinking of heading to Burning Man, have you ever heard of it?” Greta asked.

“Oh sure, but didn’t that already happen?”

“Nope, it has been going on this entire week and ends on Monday,” Valia replied. “We’d very much like you both to be our guests at it if you can fit it into your schedule, our treat.”

“We’d be cutting it close for getting back to school on time, what do you think Robyn?” Clarissa asked.

“I have always wanted to experience the event,” Robyn replied.

“We are actually going to do a little work out there, a photo shoot with a very talented photographer we met in New York,” Greta said. “I would love to introduce him to you my dear, I know you have done a little modeling yourself.”

“You’re making me blush,” Clarissa laughed.

“You think about it and let us know, although we are probably going to just get there in time for part of the weekend and the end of it, there is still a lot to see and do there,” Greta said.

After dinner the girls walked out to the car. As they approached it Greta saw a few guys sitting in a car who looked a little seedy in her opinion. She JTIKED Clarissa’s Pontiac to appear as a rusted out heap to anyone who might think about stealing it. “My I think your car is newer than mine,” Greta said. “Ours is certainly a bit dustier.”

Clarissa started the car and put the top down before they all climbed in. It was a short drive out of town towards the Mojave National Preserve. It most certainly was a clear night with a sky full of stars. “Look at all those stars,” Robyn said. “It is hard to see all of this and not believe that there has to be life out there.”

“You’re so right,” the twins chimed together. “I think they are just so romantic,” Greta said.

Clarissa pulled off the highway and turned the car off. There was an almost eerie silence around them for a few minutes as they all sat there quietly. “It’s so quiet you can almost hear someone think,” Clarissa giggled as she rubbed her head.

“I think you are going to look gorgeous with long hair,” Greta said to Clarissa.

“Haaa, how did you do that, I was just thinking that exactly.”

“Must be the silence,” Greta laughed. “No, I noticed you touching your hair and it was just a lucky guess.” Greta could read peoples thoughts now. She and Valia moved into a position to give each other a simultaneous foot rub. “Oh darling, you give such good foot,” Greta laughed.

“As do you my darling sister,” Valia purred.

“Oh look, a shooting star,” Robyn shouted.

I hope it is just that, Greta thought making Valia smile.

They continued stargazing for about an hour before all agreed to call it a night and head back to the Mirage. Returning to the lobby, the twins were greeted by a few plants as they passed en route to the elevators. “Let’s do something real touristy tomorrow,” Clarissa said on the way up. “Until, oh, about noon,” she laughed.

“Mmmm, noon indeed,” Greta replied as she and Valia stepped off the elevator. “Goodnight ladies.”

“Goodnight,” Clarissa and Robyn replied as the elevator door closed.

Once inside their room, Greta took Valia by the hand and kissed her deeply before slowly starting to undress her. “Would you think me strange if I said I would love to visit Clarissa and Robyn and watch them make love?” Greta whispered kissing Valia softly on the neck. “Stargazing makes me so horny.”

“Voyeurism is simply another marvelous dimension to sexuality and what defines transient beings throughout the universe,” Valia replied as her hands slowly slid Greta’s shorts to a point where they dropped to the floor.

They worked themselves up to a point just short of losing control, wrapped their arms around each other and were immediately standing at the foot of the bed watching Clarissa and Robyn making love. Greta knew she was going to explode with delight at the touch of Valia, so she JTIKED her friends on the bed not to hear them. This seems so wrong that it seems right, Greta thought.

It is all right, Valia replied as her fingers gently probed Greta forcing her to surrender to the moment. They brought each other to wrenching orgasms, all the time watching their friends do the same. They floated back to their room slowly, still shaking from the pleasure they had just experienced, coming to rest on their own bed.

“My love for you just continues to grow,” Greta whispered as they both settled into a deep sleep in each other’s arms.

Valia was already up when Greta awoke. “Your president is still receiving much opposition to plans he is trying to lay to help save your world,” Valia said.

“I am hungry, how about breakfast in bed?” Greta replied. Valia agreed and she ordered up some pancakes and a pot of coffee for the two of them. She then called down to the main desk and arranged to have Clarissa’s bill paid in full.

Clarissa called just after their breakfast arrived to find out what the twins wanted to do and when to get together.

“We just had breakfast delivered, why not treat yourselves to breakfast in bed and lets get together at about two in the afternoon, ok?” Greta asked.

“Sounds perfect, we are not moving too quickly yet,” Clarissa giggled and hung up.

The twins planned the trip to Burning Man after breakfast, noting all the things they would need. They decided to rent a four wheel drive vehicle and leave both of the Pontiacs under a securely locked down JTIK right there in the Mirage parking lot. They knew they had better stock up on everything they needed right there in Las Vegas since the closer they got to Burning Man, the scarcer the supplies would become.

This is not Starbucks, but it is delicious coffee, don’t you think?” Valia asked.

“Did you modify it?” Greta smiled.

“No comment.”

Greta took out her Macbook and searched for the best vehicle for the trip. She did not want to sacrifice the wind in her hair, so she decided on a Jeep Wrangler 4-door in red. It took a few minutes, but she found a rental place that had exactly what she needed. They tried to explain that by the time she needed the vehicle, she may have to settle for something similar, so she JTIKED the clerk to hold the vehicle for her as the highest V.I.P priority.

“Well, the hard part is over,” she laughed. “Watcha doin’?” she asked.

“Do you think that we can stop in San Francisco when we part ways with Clarissa and Robyn after the man that burns?” Valia asked.

“Sure, we are certainly going to have time to visit San Francisco, I would love to, never been there.” Greta replied. “Any special reason?”


Greta loved it when Valia delivered one of those one-word replies, and did not question it.

Two o’clock arrived quickly as the twins met Clarissa and Robyn in the lobby. They sat there for a few minutes before all agreed to at least go see what a casino looks like. “When in Vegas do as the Vegans do?” Greta giggled. She wanted Clarissa to play a slot machine on her own decision to drop that coin in the slot and not have to use a JTIK to have her do so. There was no problem with Robyn, she admitted to liking slot machines. “I like them cause I know that I will have something to do when I am old and wrinkled,” Robyn said.

Greta stopped to get a small handful of silver dollars for the high paying machine. “Here you go ladies, my theory is that if you are going to win, if it is your lucky day, you only need one dollar,” Greta laughed as she handed each of them a silver dollar to play, along with quarters. Clarissa moaned and groaned, but finally dropped the silver dollar in the machine and pulled the lever. She turned away from the machine to watch Robyn pull up at the machine next to her when her machine went off will all the perks and whistles of winning the grand prize. Robyn had just pulled on her handle when Clarissa’s machine went off and walked away from hers. “Honey, you’ve won $100,000.00,” she screamed jumping up and down.

Before Clarissa could speak, Robyn’s machine went off with a second grand prize win of the same amount. “Honey, you’ve won a gazillion dollars,” Clarissa said looking a bit confused, as if it were all a hoax.

“Wow, I guess dinner is on you,” Greta smiled giving Clarissa a big hug. Some staff members rushed over to check the machines and their winnings. Greta knew that the ‘eye in the sky’ was watching them, so she and Valia performed an immediate JTIK to quell their suspicions and view it as one hell of a lucky day for two young college kids.

“That’s it, I have had my fill of this place,” Clarissa said. “The excitement is just more than I can bear,” she laughed.

Greta received a phone call from Henri as they walked over to collect their winnings. “Mirage Casino, would you care to place a bet?” Greta asked.

“Yes, I would be willing to bet that you are already winning,” Henri replied. “Is this Greta or Valia?”

“Zis is Greta,” she replied.

“I will be able to attend most of the day Sunday and hope this will work with your schedule,” Henri said. “Every time I come to San Francisco I find more work here as well.”

“Sunday would be fine, Henri can you hang on a moment?” Greta asked.


“Clarissa, I have already made arrangements for a Jeep and all the supplies we will need for a desert outing, did you decide if you are going to come with us to Burning Man?” Greta asked.

“I should have told you earlier, we already decided we would go, too much to pass up just to wait in the first day lines back in C’Dale,” she replied.

“Fabulous,” Greta smiled. “Henri, we will have a dear friend of ours with us who I definitely want you to meet, she is a natural beauty in front of a camera.”

“I can hardly wait, I must run, be safe and I will see you somewhere in the wild early Sunday morning.” Henri replied.

“Goodbye Henri, don’t forget to bring lots of water,” Greta said before hanging up.

“Well, the way I see it, we have one more day here and then it’s off to the desert where we won’t have to worry about tan lines,” Clarissa said.

“Yeah, let’s go see a show or something,” Greta laughed. Everywhere they went, Valia and Greta would find something or someone to JTIK. The casino managers and owners were already laying plans to give a percentage of their winnings to alternative energy research and other green projects. With the millions of visitors to the city each year, the most important JTIK they performed was on the Casino machines themselves.

They retired back to their rooms to get ready for dinner and a show. The Mirage had a show with the Cirque du Soleil performed to music by the Beatles called Love. After dinner they sat down to a magnificent presentation of Beatle music and the masterful choreography of the troop members. Greta could not help thinking of their meeting with John in Central Park some months earlier, and what he said. She could see that Valia was already performing one JTIK after another, on the show, the guests, indeed the city itself.

When the show was over they called it a night. Clarissa and Robyn were off to her sister’s home for a visit the next day. The twins passed on their offer to go along for the visit. Back in their room, the twins shed their evening dresses. Greta walked across the room and picked up the larger Navajo blanket, wrapped it around Valia and herself and kissed her deeply. When she opened her eyes they were high above the city, the bright lights below them twinkling like the stars above them. In a few moments they were far out of town, deep in the desert, alone with the stars. The desert air, along with the sky full of stars and shooting stars added to their intense love making session. When Greta opened her eyes, still shaking from the intense orgasm she had experienced, she saw the same group of Navajo women appear, only now they had their lovers with them and most of them were nude. “We too love to watch,” they smiled. “Ayor anosh’ni,” they chimed together.

“Ez teva milv,” Valia replied.

“We love you too,” Greta smiled as the visitors vanished.

“We are never alone are we?” Greta asked.

“Never,” Valia smiled.

They wrapped themselves back in the colorful blanket and chose a slow MIRAK back to the city and their room. They landed on the Navajo blanket on their bed and picked up where they left off before they were visited in the desert.

The following morning, they got in the Pontiac and once outside the city engaged VIZU to a remote part of the harsh Death Valley desert. There they met a host of Native American women, all nadleehi, from every tribe that ever inhabited the country Greta now called her own. Together, they joined Valia and Greta in a JTIK that was powerful enough to reach everyone and everything it was designed for across the United States and Canada. Within moments, the effects of the JTIK were being felt by every man, woman and child it reached. It was masterfully crafted to be subtle enough not to create suspicion, but strong enough to get the leading creator of the problems the planet faced to finally create a healing change.

The entire group spent the rest of the morning together, exchanging stories and ideas. It was a ‘beautiful communion’ as Greta put it. When it ended, the visitors vanished leaving the twins alone. The Pontiac was once again put into VIZU mode, reappearing on the highway just a few miles west of Las Vegas. “Well, what would you like to do with the rest of this day?” Greta asked, “I am leaving it entirely up to you.”

“Shop,” Valia grinned.

“Good choice,” Greta laughed as they rolled into town.

Greta rang up Clarissa to let her know that she and Valia were going to pick up everything they needed for their departure the next day. She asked her for any last minute request, since they were going to have to be self-sufficient for a few days in the desert. The first thing they did was pick up the Jeep rental. Greta arranged for multiple drivers to use it insured. Valia followed her back to the Mirage parking lot where they left the Jeep parked in a high security JTIK mode before heading out in the Pontiac to finish shopping. They did not purchase anything perishable, so they drove back to the hotel parking lot and loaded up the jeep with all the supplies they needed.

They returned to the hotel and ran into Clarissa and Robyn in the lobby. “Hey, everything ok?” Greta asked.

“Oh sure, we’ve had our visit with my sister and just got back, how was your morning?” Robyn asked.

“Great,” Valia replied, “very productive.”

“Has either of you two ever seen the Pacific Ocean?” Greta asked.

“No,” Clarissa and Robyn chimed.

“Well, I was thinking, I mean since we are so close, that we get a very early start tomorrow and drive to the Ocean, it’s less than eight hours to get to Monterey.” Greta said. “What do you think?”

“I would love to see the Ocean before heading into the hot desert,” Clarissa replied. She looked at Robyn for approval and received it immediately.

“Ok, but only if we can watch the sun set tomorrow over it,” Robyn laughed.

“Fantastic,” Valia replied. “We want to head out at about four a.m., is that ok?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Clarissa replied.

“I think we should spend our last night in Las Vegas, you know, alone,” Greta grinned.

“I could not agree with you more, but we still have a good portion of this day left, what would you like to do?” Robyn asked.

“Tourists, then dinner, than nighty night,” Greta replied. “I feel lucky today.”

The four of them went casino hopping. In each casino they entered, the twins JTIKED the security cameras to make them all appear differently to help avoid arousing suspicion. In Harrah’s Robyn won $75,000.00. In Caesar’s Palace, Greta won $90,000.00, at the MGM Grand Valia was totally unmoved at winning $80,000.00, and finally, the big winner of the day, Clarissa cashed in on $100,000.00 at the Tropicana. “I hope you girls have not been stuffing your mattress with your winnings,” Greta laughed. Clarissa and Robyn could not believe what was happening, so a little JTIK was needed to put their suspicions to rest.

For dinner, Clarissa and Robyn insisted on treating the twins to Thai food, knowing their distaste for meat and fish in a restaurant. Just as dinner was being served, Valia noticed a man walking past their table starting to reach down to grab Robyn’s handbag. The man stumbled over his own feet, and continued to do so until he stumbled his way out the front door of the restaurant, sent crying into the night. Valia made it look like he did it to himself, and added a JTIK of extreme guilt he would be forced to experience before it ended later in the evening, not remembering any reason for it.

After dinner, they walked back to the Mirage and bid each other goodnight. “Four a.m. is going to arrive quickly,” Clarissa said, “and this is our last evening in Vegas this trip.”

“Goodnight ladies, and today I really mean it,” Greta smiled.

“Goodnight darlings,” Clarissa and Robyn replied before the elevator door closed.

“I could sure use one of your massages,” Greta said, “are you up to it?”

“Yes,” Valia replied as the door to their room closed behind them.


Chapter 25

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 142 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Ты дыхание, которое МНЕ необходимо. | Morning After | I think I’m in love | Sunday In The Park | Down By The Seaside | Sound And Vision | I Wish I Were The Moon Tonight |
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