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Kazakh Language problem in Kazakhstan



First Draft



Prepared by: Daniyar Aliyev, 20123362

Course: Academic Reading and Writing II

Reviewer: Olga Gladkova

Fall 2012





Studies of Kazakh language problems in Kazakhstan. This is an actual problem nowadays in Kazakhstan but however, there are no so much enough articles which indicate my issue. This paper investigates the problem of ignorance and problems in studying Kazakh language among all citizens of Kazakhstan republic. To deal with this task, the survey of 13 questions containing questions about Kazakh language problem awareness, details of lifestyle and reasons of Kazakh language ignorance. The findings of the paper show that approximately 67.3% citizens (most young people) didn’t pay so much attention for studying Kazakh Language in school, more than 79% of respondents thinking that Kazakh Language problem is exists, but most of these respondents didn’t know how to solve this problem, moreover about 88% are recognizing that Kazakh language is on the verge of extinction. This confirms that the problem of Kazakh Language ignorance is very serious, and need to be solved as soon as possible before this situation became irreversible. Though, the analyses of this paper contain small amount of respondents, who believes that this issue is temporary and after some period of time the situation will be stable.

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………..……….. 3

2. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………….…….….4

3. METHOD……………………………………………………….…………..6


4. RESULTS……………………………………………………….…………..8

5. DISCUSSION......………………………………………………………….10

6. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………….11






By choosing the topic for this research I’ve chosen the Kazakh Language problem. What I mean by writing the statement «Kazakh Language Problem?» By writing such statement I mean that Kazakh language ignorance reached such index that Kazakhstani people and State government should make urgent measures to solve this problem, because if this problem process will be launched, stop and solve this problem will be extremely hard. My research paper will investigate the academic article which I have read and I will provide results of survey that I did among the 48 persons that differs each other by age, social class, interests and ideas. So I will provide what the reasons of this language problem existing nowadays in Kazakhstan, and what other problems may be created by this language problem. I will briefly underline 5 main reasons why Kazakh language problem is becoming dangerous. First reason is – lack of practice and unsuitable environment for learning. Second reason is – established stereotypes of Kazakhstani citizens, this reason will be difficult to change, I’ would rather say: if Kazakhstani citizens will break this stereotype it will be much easier to solve this language problem. In my survey I’ve asked a lot of people, in order to check do these stereotypes really exist. I’ve also asked a lot of question about personal attitude of each respondent to Kazakh Language; I guess that results of this survey will be useful and interesting. Third reason – is improper motivation of state government. I want to say that I will not criticize our national government; I just want to write that this support is not enough in order to solve this issue, in my body section I’ll provide more information about this reason. The fourth reason Kazakh language – lack of the Kazakh language prestige. And last, fifth reason, I suppose one of the main reasons as well it is outdated methods of Kazakh language teaching. I underlined 5 main reasons why Kazakh language problem is existing in Kazakhstan, I want to notice one interesting fact: there is no such kind of problems when citizens of the state does not using their own native language, so Kazakhstan has this linguistic language problem, that maybe will be solved in near future.



Nurymbetova.A. «What’s the real problem» A review of institutional experiments. Kazakh communication journal, 1 (3) retrieved from: http://kazakcivilization.kz/6-kazaxskij-yazyk-chto-na-samom-dele-yavlyaetsya-problemoj.html


It’s a very interesting research from Assel Nurymbetoca (candidate of science), she described the problem of Kazakh language and compared Kazakh language problem with other countries, Assel was shocked when she didn’t find same problem in other countries, the results of Assel’s research I want to use in my proposal. To sum up Assel Nurymbetova’s mind she thinks that hardest challenge in this issue is to convince people that Kazakh Language is under the extinction, we should make little steps to our main goal


Sadvakassova.Sh. «E-books and cinemas on Kazakh language» An online review. SOZ newspaper, 3 (3) retrieved from:



Internet source: http://rus.azattyq.org/section/language_problems/905.html

Sadvakassova Shynar (PR-Manager of KZ GALAMTOR company) described another problem which connected with national language, this problem connected with Kazakh language popularization. Shynar saying that libraries don’t have enough books on Kazakh, most films in the cinema is showed only on Russian language, people don’t have such opportunity to watch the film on Kazakh language, Shynar don’t understand why government don’t pay attention to this problem, also this problem connected with E-books (electronical books) which don’t have Kazakh fount



Yessimova.M. «Social Political problem in Kazakhstan», Review project. Interfax online journal, 1(4) retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.interfax.kz/?lang=rus&int_id=quotings_of_the_day&news_id=3210



This review project was held by Kazakhstani government. The main goal of this project was to underline what exact reasons interferes Kazakhstani people speak Kazakh, but there was one condition: all questions were asked on Kazakh, results of this survey were catastrophic: only 17 persons out of 100 answered the questions, other people say that they don’t want to speak Kazakh on camera, somebody didn’t understand the question. This article showed how serious problem of Languages in Kazakhstan


4th article


Baygaltinova.M. «Problem of Kazakh Language and solution of this problem», Internet report. Kazakh language site, 4(4) retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.arba.ru/article/656


This is a very short article, but there are a lot of information that I can use in my essay and survey, author of this article Baygaltinova Meruert – very famous politician which dedicated their life to cultural development of our state – Kazakhstan. Meruert noticed that there is no such kind of problems (Kazakh Language ignorance) in countries and «auls»б politician also underlined that when youn people from countries and «auls» come to the cities in order to study and find the job, they face with discrimination. It’s very difficult to study in university if you don’t know Russian language, also this discrimination also connected with job, if somebody don’t know Russian language properly, there would not be a lot of chances to find a high-paid job, so from this article I realized that Language problem in our country cause not only problems of communication, but also may influence on working places

5th article
Seksebayeva.A. «What is the problem in Kazakh language?», Online article. Cosmopolitan KZ journal, 3(5). Retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.newregion.kz/?Action=ReadNew&N=1404

Seksenbayeva Aiman is a schoold teacher with 20 years of Kazakh language teaching experience, she is thinking that the main problem of people who cannot study Kazakh properly – in their conscious mind. For example Aiman shows that foreigners from such countries as Canada, USA, Ukraine, Germany and Brazil speak Kazakh very fluently. «We have very beautiful language which today is under the danger», Aiman Seksenbayeva suggested to learn Kazakh more, spend a lot of time in order to speak better, Aiman hopes, that one day all citizens of Kazakhstan will have brilliant Kazakh language. This article showed a professional attitude to the problem which I want to solve, professional teacher with such big experience need to be heard.


6th article
Ivanovets.N. «5 main problems in Kazakh language studying», Journal report. Burda journal, 2(6). Retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.vlast.kz/?art=610


«5 main problems in Kazakh Language studying»
Kazakh linguists underlined 5 main problems in Kazakh Language studying, so linguists says that: lack of practice, Kazakh language teaching methods, stereotypes, and prestige of Kazakh language are main reasons why Kazakh language in Kazakhstan is not so useful. From this article I realized a lot new facts and information, underlining of these 5 problems will help me to make a Survey, and to describe each problem more widely as well, very useful article

7th article
Kochetkov.S. «Kazakh Language problems in school programs», newspaper news. «Vesti» newspaper, 3(5). Retrieved from
Internet source: http://www.scienceforum.ru/2013/218/6709


This article is about Kazakhstan Languages, author is discussing about three languages in Kazakhstan – Kazakh, Russian and English and their influence on Kazakhstani citizens. Author is writing that Kazakhstan has a lot of problems why Kazakh language not so useful, one of the most reasons is – system of education that need to be changed. Also author says that Russian language will be dominating language in Kazakhstan for a long period of time. In this article there are a lot of information which I can use in my essay, I’m sure that this information will be useful for me



In order to determine the Kazakh language problem, and how to solve it, I created a questionnaire which consist 13 questions which are made in such way that will help me to get very accurate results. The survey was voluntary and all respondents were asked to provide their own point of view, their ideas and details of this issue. The information about people promised to appear in this paper only, not in mass media or other public place. This survey helped me to understand what exact language problem is exist in Kazakhstan, I’ve understood what reasons is developing this problem



There were 48 participants of my survey
I will provide some interesting statistics:


Figure #1

Why it is a problem?

Figure # 2

Is Kazakh language problem a temporary problem or not?

Figure #3

Do you think that Kazakh language is on the verge of extinction?

Assessment criteria

I want to show more detailed, with providing experts attitude, their evaluation of this problem as well. I will start with firs reason – Lack of practice and unsuitable environment that interferes to use and learn Kazakh language. Linguist from Almaty – (Zhanna Ummatova) believes that over of 20 years of independence of Kazakhstan there has not appeared any sphere of activity where only one state language functioned, in order people began to speak Kazakh language or even began to learn it, language environment is needed. Zhanna gave an example when people that was under the language policy was changed society consciousness and they started to study language, Zhanna believes that environment impose the mark. Words of Zhanna Ummatova: «I’also once didn’t know Kazakh language because I grew up in USSR. In schools Kazakh people scared to use Kazakh language they complexes of that because other pupils immediately started to cuss, in university where I studied almost everyone asked me the same question, «You’re Kazakh, why don’t you know your native language?» - I didn’t know what to answer», despite of such behavior of my classmates and teachers, I didn’t start to learn Kazakh, only when I married, I started to learn it, because my husband was from the province and didn’t know any word from Russian language – this is was my motivation to learn my native language, who knows, maybe if I would not found my husband’ I’ve still didn’t know Kazakh, who knows?» - from these words you can see the personal experience of professional linguist, I have described the first reason, and I’m going to describe the second.

The second reason is – established stereotypes of Kazakhstani citizens.

Another professional linguist (Zhanar Ibrayeva) thinks that some part of Kazakhstan people live in the power of stereotypes. Zhanar says that motivation is really needed; still our citizens suppose that Kazakh kindergartens are worth than Russian or international kindergartens, such thoughts are also connected with schools. According to the experts consciousness didn’t change, here are the questions of language prestige, ideology and personal choices, but if you deeper see in Kazakh language ideology we have some positive moments – people with little steps begin to trust Kazakh language schools and kindergartens.

A third reason as you know is – improper motivation of state government. Professional expert and linguist Samiga Salimova finds that motivation that government gave Kazakhstani citizens in order to learn Kazakh language is not right. Government introduced the law, when all companies which work on territory of Kazakhstan should also use documents on Kazakh language, Samiga thinks that such measure will not push workers of companies learn Kazakh, instead of this there will be more work for translator – this is only difference between when the law was not introduced. Samiga is suggesting that extra money for workers who translated all documents by themselves will be more useful measure neither this law that called «сclerical work»

Fourth reasons why language problem exist in Kazakhstan is – Kazakh language low prestige. If Kazakh language will have more prestige, most of Kazakhstani people will want to learn Kazakh, this is a very difficult step that need to be achieved

Methods of Kazakh language teaching – is the last fifth reason. - «When methods of teaching will be changed, there will be a great wish to learn Kazakh» - believes professional expert and linguist Samiga Salimova, «language will not be so difficult as today» - she adds.
«We cannot learn Kazakh for 10 years, when English we can learn for few years», Samiga does not understand why government don’t make more measures in order to make situation better.
These reasons that I’ve described creates a lot of other different problems that our citizens is facing every day. If Kazakhstani people will not practice Kazakh language, this language can be simply forgotten, though we have a positive moment, there is no such kind of problem in countries and provinces; this problem is more serious in the cities. We cannot loose our language, if Kazakh language will be not as useful as other languages like Russian and English, Kazakhstani people will loose the part of their culture I will start with main problem – problem of communication. As you understand nowadays citizens who are speaking Kazakh cannot speak with citizens who know only Russian and vice versa. This communication barrier should not exist in Kazakhstan.

According to the experts (Samiga Salimova) government does not motivate people in order to use language in proper way, the problem in this question is not only a governmental motivation, Ivan Tutyurikov (2012) believes that if people will not show their desire to study language no one method will help them in order to achieve this goal. Indeed in Ivan Tutyurikov’s words there is some logic, if there would not be initiative from side of people, this kind of motivation is doomed to failure. And to tell the truth solve this problem will be very difficult without Kazakhstani citizens help.


Findings suggest that about 85% of all participants realize that this problem is very serious - this is a positive moment, people want to make something in order to solve this problem. 78 % of Kazakh youth (results of survey) does not know Kazakh as they would like to. They understand that they have to need more practice and spend more time for learning and continue to learn this language. But on the other hand we have a positive statistics that people who live in countries and «auls» does not faced with this problem at all, brilliant index – 100 % know their native language very well, and they does not feel communication barrier, but on the other hand they don’t know other state’s languages – English and Russian, so that why they have some problems with jobs, they have not so big opportunities to work in the cities, only one way they should find work in agricultural sector where they don’t feel communication barrier (Nazarbayev.N.2012), most of the respondents recognized that this language problem in Kazakhstan it’s like a vicious circle, most of the participants don’t want to and spend their free time and learn Kazakh language until it would be necessary, it’s enough to use Russian language. So as I said if Kazakh language will be forgotten after some time, Kazakhstani people will loose a part of their culture, maybe the’ll be forget their national traditions and customs. Most dangerous in this problem is that almost all people are worry about this language problem, but in reality we can see that number of Kazakh language speaker is not increasing (Nurymbetova.A, Review of institutional experiments) in the cities.


In summary, this paper investigated the problem of Kazakh Language problem. The findings showed people attitude to this problem, and results of the survey also showed that they try to improve this situation, but most of participants of my survey is thinking that government should make measures in order to help solve this problem. But also the initiative should not come from only government, as professional linguists says that people should practice Kazakh language more and after this practicing the level of Kazakh language problem will increase day by day, as you know Russian language is an most useful international language in our state, there is no some bad sides if you still don’t know Kazakh, it is not late to start learning Kazakh and main point in this issue not to make Kazakh language been forgotten, the percent of Kazakh language speakers in our country should increase, government spend a lot of money on order to solve this language problem, with help of Kazakhstani citizens this problem may be solved in near future. Our future is in our hands, and if Kazakhstani citizens will start practicing and learning language this situation will be improved after some period of time.




Nurymbetova.A. «What’s the real problem» A review of institutional experiments. Kazakh communication journal, 1 (3) retrieved from: http://kazakcivilization.kz/6-kazaxskij-yazyk-chto-na-samom-dele-yavlyaetsya-problemoj.html



Sadvakassov.Sh. «E-books on Kazakh language» An online review. SOZ newspaper, 3 (3) retrieved from:

Internet source: http://rus.azattyq.org/section/language_problems/905.html



Yessimova.M. «Social Political problem in Kazakhstan», Review project. Interfax online journal, 1(4) retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.interfax.kz/?lang=rus&int_id=quotings_of_the_day&news_id=3210

Baygaltinova.M. «Problem of Kazakh Language and solution of this problem», Internet report. Kazakh language site, 4(4) retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.arba.ru/article/656

Seksebayeva.A. «What is the problem in Kazakh language?», Online article. Cosmopolitan KZ journal, 3(5). Retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.newregion.kz/?Action=ReadNew&N=1404

Ivanovets.N. «5 main problems in Kazakh language studying», Journal report. Burda journal, 2(6). Retrieved from:
Internet source: http://www.vlast.kz/?art=610

Kochetkov.S. «Kazakh Language problems in school programs», newspaper news. «Vesti» newspaper, 3(5). Retrieved from
Internet source: http://www.scienceforum.ru/2013/218/6709



Dear Respondent!!!

Please complete the following questionnaire to assist me in writing my project about Kazakh language problem. Fulfilling will take at least 5-7 minutes. The information of this questionnaire will be used in my research on “Kazakh language problems” and will not appear in mass media or other public place.




1. Do you know Kazakh Language?
A) Yes, I speak fluently
B) Yes, I Speak Kazakh but not so good as I would like to
C) No, I didn’t pay attention to this language in school
D) No, I don’t use this language



2. Do you think Kazakh Language will be useful in future?
A) Yes, of course! It is our state language
B) No, I don’t think so, but popularity of Kazakh will be decreasing each year
C) I would rather use Russian or English
D) I find it difficult to answer this question



3. What difficulties have you experienced in the study of the Kazakh language?
A) Unwillingness to learn this language
B) Lack of practice
C) Grammar is too difficult
D) No any difficulties



4. If somebody will ask you the direction of exact street on Kazakh, will you help to this person?
A) I’m not so self-confident to explain something in Kazakh
B) I will not help this person because of __________________________________________________________
C) I’d rather answer the Russian Language
D) It’s not problem for me, I can help and explain on Kazakh


5. Do you think that Kazakh language is easy to understand?
A) Yes it’s very interesting and understandable language
B) It’s very hard language to study
C) I don’t care
D) I don’t know how to answer this question



6. Have you learned Kazakh language after school?

A) No, it’s not useful language for me
B) Yes, I have
C) I will start from next year
D) I’m not sure, that I will learn it anymore



7. Why Kazakh Language become more and more unpopular among young people in Kazakhstan?

A) It’s easier to express your ideas and thoughts on Russian
B) Hard Language
C) Problem of education system
D) I find it difficult to answer



8. Do you think that ignorance of Kazakh will create problems of communication in future among young people in Kazakhstan?

A) A little number of people will speak Kazakh in future
B) Of course, this problem is need to be solved urgently
C) It’ll lead to separation of society
D) I find it difficult to answer



9. Does Kazakh language ignorance a temporary problem?

A) Yes, I think after some time everything be ok
B) Yes, but I’m not sure that Kazakh will be main speaking language in Kazakhstan
C) No it’s a long term process
D) I find it difficult to answer



10. Do you think if Kazakh language will be forgotten does other cultural things such as, national traditions and customs will be under the danger of ignorance?

A) We have a lot of time to solve this problem
B) Government should make urgent measures in order to prevent this problem
C) We can use another language and honor and remember our national traditions and customs
D) I find it difficult to answer this question



11. Don’t you that increasing the number of Kazakh language lessons in schools will improve the situation?
A) No, I don’t think so
B) This method will be useful
C) The problem is not in number of Kazakh lessons
D) I don’t know how to answer this question


12. Do you think that Kazakh Language on the verge of extinction?




13. Should Government spend more money in order to solve this problem of ignorance Kazakh Language? What government can do else?




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