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Читайте также:
  1. B. Listen to the second part of the interview with the solicitor and fill in the blanks.
  2. Equivalents in the blanks.
  3. Ex. 149. Fill in the blanks.
  4. Ex. 191. Fill in the blanks.
  5. Ex. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given below.
  6. Ex.26. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets.
  7. Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.

Creation, the Eternal Play




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The Creation


The Eternal Play



Nirmala Vidya llc

c/o Nirmal Intellectual Property Corp. 268 Overpeck Avenue

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First published in (Country) in 2013 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Copyright © Nirmal Intellectual Property Coporate, 2013 The moral right of the author has been asserted.

All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced without written permission. Enquiries should be addressed to Nirmala Vidya llc.


Cover Photograph by xxxx

Illustrations by Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi Designed and typeset by Guy Jeffrey

Typeset in Adobe Garamond and Helvetica Neue Printed in and bound in (Country) by (Press name, City)


National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Author: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Title: Creation: The Eternal Play

ISBN: 000 0 00000 000 0 (pbk.).

Subjects: subject subject. subject subject

Dewey Number: 000.0000


The paper this book is printed on is certified against the Forest Stewardship Council® Standards. Griffin Press holds FSC chain of custody certification SGS-COC-005088. FSC promotes environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests.



Dedication here …


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Foreword.................................................................................... xi

Creation, the Eternal Play 1

The First Stage of Creation 1

The Supreme Being, the Purusha 3

The Second Stage of Creation 5

The Third Stage of Creation 6

The Sound of Pranava 9

The Three Aspects of God Almighty as Parameshwara 11

Sadashiva.............................................................................. 11

Hiranya Garbha (Prajapati)................................................... 13

Virata.................................................................................... 14

The Powers of the Primordial Mother 15

The Mahakali (Shivani) Power.................................................. 16

The Mahasaraswati (Hiranya Garbhini) Power............................ 16

The Mahalakshmi Power...................................................... 17

The Parameshwari Power.......................................................... 17

The Pranava Power................................................................. 17

The Four Stages of Creation 18

The Creation of the Three Moods (Gunas)........................... 20

The Creation of the Virata.................................................... 21

The Vertical Forces (Adi Kundalini)........................................... 22

Shri Ganesha’s Creation........................................................... 23

Divine Incarnations – Ambassadors of God 29

The Incarnations of Vishnu 30

Evolution.................................................................................. 43

The Creation of Matter 43

Man – the Physical Being 47

The Quest of Man....................................................................... 49

The Creation The Eternal Play

The Subconscious and the Collective Subconscious 57

Bad People.................................................................................. 59

Ordinary People........................................................................ 59

Superior People............................................................................ 60

Incarnations.............................................................................. 60

Tantrism..................................................................................... 81

The Roots of Tantrism............................................................... 92

Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga........................................................ 105

Hatha Yoga.............................................................................. 105

Raja Yoga.................................................................................. 107

Sahaja Yoga.............................................................................. 109

The Creation of Kundalini in Human Beings 117

The Entry of the Kundalini into the Human Foetus 118

The Autonomous Nervous System............................................... 126

Development of Ego and Superego.............................................. 127

Supra-conscious Activity............................................................. 130

The Central Path of Sustenance................................................... 133

The Sustenance of Deities and Their Chakras 135

Chakras & Plexuses................................................................... 141

The functioning of the Mooladhara Chakra 149

The First Petal..................................................................... 150

The Second Petal................................................................... 150

The Third Petal.................................................................... 150

The Fourth Petal.................................................................. 151

Functions of the Mooladhara Chakra............................................ 158

The Swastika and The Cross.................................................... 185

Swadhisthan Chakra.................................................................. 187

The Powers of Adi Shakti and the Three Gunas 193

The Material Power................................................................. 193

The Mahasaraswati Power............................................................ 194


The Existence Power................................................................... 199

The Mahakali Power................................................................ 200

The Sustenance Power................................................................ 202

The Mahalakshmi Power......................................................... 203

The Creation of the Elements.................................................. 204

Earth................................................................................... 203

Water.................................................................................. 205

Light/Fire............................................................................ 206

Air....................................................................................... 208

Ether/Sky............................................................................ 209


Drawings by Shri Mataji.............................................................. 211

The Creation The Eternal Play



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Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 134 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Глава .6 Пророчество | The Three Aspects of God Almighty as Parameshwara | The Four Stages of Creation | The Creation of Matter | The Quest of Man | The Subconscious and the Collective Subconscious | The Roots of Tantrism | The Creation of Kundalini in Human Beings | The Autonomous Nervous System | Misguided Seekers |
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