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Tenant and landlady

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  1. But the former tenant decided to tear the wall down.
  2. Service Bus provides a multi-tenant service for connecting applications through the cloud.

Т.: Good afternoon. I saw from your advertisement in the local paper that you have rooms to let.

L: Yes, sir. What kind of room are you looking for, a double or a single?

Т.: I'm looking for a ground-floor bed-sitter with full board.

L.: How long are you thinking of staying?

Т.: I intend to stay at least two months. Could you possibly show me the rooms you have available?

L.: Certainly, sir. Will you come this way, please?

Т.: Well, the room looks all right.. It's tidy and comfortable. Is this a feather bed?

L.: Yes, sir. The room is fully furnished and has wall-to-wall carpeting, as you can see. I think the wardrobe will be big enough for your clothes.

Т.: Oh, yes, it has plenty of room, but I'll need a table to work at and I'd like you to remove this washstand.

L.: That can be arranged, sir.

Т.: Would it be possible for me to have hot water and my shoes polished every morning?

L: I can let you have hot water, but I'm afraid you'll have to clean your own shoes, sir.

Т.: If possible, I should like to have my breakfast at eight o'clock punctually.

How much do you charge for the room and full board?

L.: It depends whether you pay by the week or the month, sir. -

Т.: Does if make a big difference?

L,: Yes, sir. If you pay for two months, it'll cost twenty pounds a month,

Т.: And will it cost more if I take it by the week?

L.: Oh, yes, sir, much more.

Т.: I see. Then in that caseI'll fake if by the month.

L.: When would you like to move in, sir?

Т.: Today, if possible. Can you let me have a latchkey of my own? By the way, where does this door lead to?

L.: To the street, sir.

Т.: Oh, good. I don't want to disturb you If I come in late.

L.: I'll see that you have a key, sir.

Т.: Thank you. Is there a post office nearby? I have a large correspondence.

L.: Yes, sir. There's one next to the station.

Т.: Good, that'll be very convenient. You can expect me this evening then.

L.: Very good, sir. Good-bye.



1. Плита - cooker

2. Духовка - oven [∧vn]

3. Холодильник - refrigerator, fridge

4. Раковина - sink

5. Буфет- cupboard

6. Табуретка - stool

7. Посуда - dishes

8. Чайник - kettle

9. Кастрюля - pot, saucepan, casserole

10. Банка - jar

11. Кувшин - jug

12. Миска - bowl

13. Сковорода- frying-pan

14. Штопор - corkscrew

15. Вилка- fork

16. Нож - knife

17. Ложка- spoon

18. Чашка - cup

19. Блюдце - saucer

20.Стакан - glass

21. Тарелка- plate

22. Кружка - mug

23. Фарфоровая посуда - china

24. Готовить- to cook

25. Кипятить- to boil

26. Жарить на огне - to broil

27. Жарить в уховке –to roast

28. Жарить - to fry

29. Печь - to bake

30. Тушить - to stew

31. Мыть посуду - to do dishes


1. Bath - ванна

2. mixer tap (Am.mixing faucet)- смеситель для горячей и холодной воды

3. bath sponge - губка

4. towel rail-вешалка для полотенец

5. terry towel - махровое полотенце

6. toilet(lavatory,W.C.,loo)-туалет

7. toilet pan(bowl) - унитаз

8. cistern - бачок

9. tile - керамическая плитка

10.soap dish - мыльница

И.soap- мыло

12.washbasin - умывальник

13.overflow-сливное отверстие

14.tooth glass(mug) - стакан для полоскания рта

15.mirror - зеркало

16.drawer - выдвижной ящик

17. shower cubicle - душевая кабинка

18.bathroom mules - шлепанцы

19.bathroom scales - весы

20.bath mat -коврик для ванны

21.toilet paper - туалетная бумага

22.washing-machine - стиральная машина

23.detergent - стиральный порошок

24.bidet - биде

25.shampoo - шампунь

26.toothbrush - зубная щетка

27.toothpaste - зубная паста

28.mouthwash -полоскание для рта

29. shaving accessories - принадлежности для бритья




1. юбка -skirt 23. шарф -scarf

2. платье - dress, frock 24. кружево - lace

3. рубашка - shirt 25. шапка - hat

4. пиджак, куртка -jacket 26. шляпа -hat, bonnet

5. блузка - blouse 27. пальто -coat

6. брюки - trousers 28. плащ - rain-coat

7. пижама - pyjamas 29. шуба -fur-coat

8. ночная рубашка - night-gown 30. пуговицы - buttons

9. трусы -pants,panties 31. молния -zipper

10. бюстгальтер -brassiere, bra 32. носовой платок - handkerchief

11. чулки -stockings 33. галстук -tie

12. колготы -tights, panties-hose 34. перчатки -gloves

13. носки -socks 35. туфли -shoes

14. джемпер -jumper 36. ботинки -boots

15. свитер - sweater 37. комнатные туфли - slippers

16. куртка -blazer 38. кроссовки -sneakers

17. костюм -suit 39.туфли на высоком каблуке -

high- heeled shoes

18. джинсы -jeans 40.футболка -T-shirt

19. спорт, брюки -slacks 41.жилет -waist-coat

20. рукав -sleeve 42.берет - beret

21. карман -pocket 43. воротник -collar

22. пояс - belt




1. хлопчатобумажная - cotton 9. бархат -velvet

2. махровая ткань -terry-cloth 10. трикотажный, вязаный - knitted

3. шерстяная ткань -wool 11. джинсовая ткань - denim

4. клетчатая -tartan

5. шелк - silk

6. льняная ткань – linen

7. вельвет -corduroy

8.батист -cambric



Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 123 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Passport Regulations and Customs | Книги, Газеты, Письмо Books, Newspaper, Script | Домашние животные - domestic animals | MALE, FEMALE AND YOUNG | Voice - Голос | ASKING THE WAY |
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