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для студентів II курсу
факультетів ФММ, ФС, ВПІ, ФП
заочної форми навчання
Київ - 2008
Методичні вказівки з англійської мови для студентів ІI курсу факультетів ФММ, ФС, ВПІ, ФП заочної форми навчання / Уклад.: З.П. Овчаренко, Л.В. Ломакіна. – К.: КПІ, 2008. – 27 с.
Навчальне видання
для студентів ІI курсу
факультетів ФММ, ФС, ВПІ, ФП
заочної форми навчання
Укладачі: Овчаренко Зоя Петрівна
Ломакіна Лариса Володимирівна
Unit 1...............................................................................................................................................5
Unit 2...............................................................................................................................................8
Unit 3.............................................................................................................................................10
Unit 4.............................................................................................................................................14
Unit 5.............................................................................................................................................17
Unit 6.............................................................................................................................................20
Unit 7.............................................................................................................................................23
Список використаної літератури................................................................................................27
Мета навчання англійської мови на заочному відділенні
Основною метою навчання студентів англійської мови в технічному вузі є досягнення ними рівня практичного володіння цією мовою, що в умовах заочного навчання означає формування вміння самостійно читати іноземні літературні джерела за своїм фахом з метою здобуття інформації. Ця програма передбачає, головним чином, самостійну роботу студентів. Робота під керівництвом викладача передбачається тільки під час установчих, контрольно – закріплювальних та інших занять, організованих у кожному вузі кафедрами іноземних мов.
Вимоги на заліках та екзаменах
Залік. До заліку допускаються студенти, які виконали програмні контрольні роботи і склали тести в обсязі, передбаченому програмою.
Для отримання заліку студент повинен вміти:
A. Прочитати зі словником незнайомий текст англійською мовою, який містить граматичний матеріал. Форма перевірки – письмовий чи усний переклад. Норма перекладу – 800 – 1000 друкованих знаків за годину письмово чи 1200 – 1500 друкованих знаків за годину усно;
B. Читати без словника текст, який містить вивчений граматичний матеріал і 10-15 незнайомих слів на сторінку друкованого тексту. Форма перевірки розуміння – передача прочитаного тексту рідною мовою.
Час підготовки – 20 – 25 хвилин.
Мовний матеріал
Лексичний мінімум. За повний курс навчання студент повинен мати словниковий запас у 800 загальновживаних слів, який є основою для розширення потенціального словникового запасу до 1200 – 1500 лексичних одиниць.
Граматичний мінімум. У процесі навчання студент мусить засвоїти основні граматичні явища і структури характерні для наукових текстів англійською мовою, які подані в посібнику та ілюстративних таблицях.
Методичні вказівки
Запропоновані методичні розробки створені для студентів ІІ курсу заочного відділення факультетів ФММ, ФС, ВПІ, ФП. Даний посібник має за мету допомогти студенту-заочнику у його самостійній роботі над розвитком практичних навичок правильного читання та перекладу науково-популярної літератури англійською мовою, над придбанням навичок розуміння загального змісту прочитаного витягу з монографії або статті з журналу загальнонаукової тематики без обов’язкового повного та точного перекладу всіх речень з тексту.
Матеріал методичних розробок поділяється на 7 занять. Необхідний для вивчення граматичний матеріал поданий на початку кожного заняття. Практична частина кожного заняття вміщує фонетичні вправи до тексту, текст, лексико-граматичні вправи після тексту, вправи на розвиток мовлення. Тексти методичних розробок виключно професійного спрямування.
Цей матеріал має допомогти студенту – заочнику навчитися працювати з текстами самостійно; він може також використовуватися на аудиторних заняттях.
1.Verb patterns V+ to V, V+V, V+Ving.
2.Modals: probability.
3.Word Formation.
4.Reflexive Pronoun.
Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words:
Advantage To own To relax To feed Bustle Variety Unless Despite | - перевага - володіти - відпочивати - годувати - метушня, суєта - різноманітність - до тих пір, поки - незважаючи на | Include Lively Mess Dim Reason Endless Pedestrian | - містити в собі, ураховувати - живий, яскравий - безладдя, гармидер - тьмяний - підстава - нескінченний - пішохід |
Ex. 2. Read and memorize the following word combinations:
All in all | - загалом |
To feel bored | - почуватися знудженим, нудьгувати |
For one thing | - з одного боку |
Well – paid job | - добре оплачу вальна робота |
To be crowded | - бути переповненим |
Rush hours | - години пік |
City – dweller | - мешканець міста |
To feel lonely | - почувати себе самітнім |
To be appealing | - бути привабливим, зворушливим |
To be packed | - бути упакованим, насиченим |
Continental food | - небританська їжа |
To be pedestrianized | - зробити пішохідним |
Read and translate the text:
Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and usually a choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For the example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, and go to the theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well-paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city-dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
In conclusion, I think city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.
One of my favorite parts of London is Soho, which is right in the centre Piccadilly Circus, Shaftesbury Avenue, and Leicester Squere. One of the main reasons I like it is that it is always lively and colourful.
The place is a bit of a mess, and the buildings aren’t the most beautiful in London, but the streets are always interesting, with surprises around every corner. Soho is packed with continental food shops and restaurants. More recently there have been a lot of Chinese from Hong Kong. Gerrard Street, which is pedestrianized, is the centre of London’s Chinatown. It has restaurants, dim sum houses, Chinese supermarkets, and in February, there are the New Year celebrations. Many famous people have lived in Soho, including Mozart, Karl Marx, and the poet T.S.Eliot. It has a reputation for attracting artists, writers, poets, and people in the media. Shaftesbury Avenue is in the heart of London’s theatre land, and there are endless clubs, pubs, and cafes. There are also street markets, advertising agencies, clothes shops, music publishers, and recording studios, which makes it an exciting place to live and work. Piccadilly Circus is like a magnet for young people from all over the world. They like to sit on the steps under the statue of Eros, celebrating the freedom and friendship of youth. It is said that if you wait long enough at Piccadilly Circus, you’ll meet everyone you’ve ever know!
Ex. 3. a) Form words with the opposite meaning by adding prefix un -, mis -, in -, im:
Dependent, possible, known, favorable, productive, precise, complete, frequent, limited, exact, convenient, common, satisfactory, trained.
b) Complete and translate:
1.Students should aim to become more … of their teachers. (dependent)
2.The ticket give you … travel for seven days. (limited)
3.The witness’s description was very … (precise).
Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text and translate:
1.The tour (містить в собі) a visit to the Science Museum.
2.I’d like know (причина) why you are so late.
3.In the spring the place (бути переповненим) with skiers.
4.She lives alone and often (почувати себе самітнім)
5.The book (бути насиченим) with information about the birds.
6.I was offered a (добре оплачу вальна робота).
Ex. 5. Translate into English:
1.Джон Сміт приїхав в Україну.
2.Він відвідав кілька українських міст.
3.В Україні є багато місць, які варто подивитесь.
4.Ви можете побачити тут давні пам’ятники і сучасні нові споруди.
5.Київ славиться своєю красою.
6.Київ посідає визначне місце в світовій науці.
7.Промисловість Києва виробляє морські риболовні траулери, верстати-автомати і устаткування для хімічної і харчової промисловості.
8.Київ славиться своєю обчислювальною технікою, оптичними і радіотехнічними інструментами.
Ex. 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: ing form, to + infinitive or infinitive without to
1.My friend loves (play) games on the computer.
2.Our words would (be) a cleaner place if we all recycled our waste.
3.I would like (go) to the Rio carnival.
4.We couldn’t help (laugh) at the clown’s tricks.
5.Will you remember (buy) some balloons and streamers on your way home?
6.My friend and I decided (adopt) a child.
7.Don’t forget (send) your grandmother a birthday card.
Ex. 7. Underline the correct word:
1.Shop assistants must / can be polite to customers.
2.I’m afraid you can’t/ don’t have to park here.
3.You have to/ mustn’t smoke in the hospital.
4.I have to /can wake up early tomorrow, because my flight leaves at 9 am.
5.You mustn’t / don’t have to be rude to your teacher.
Ex. 8. Complete the sentences below with appropriate modal verbs:
Possibility | - can/ could/ may/ might |
Probability | - should/ ought to/ must/ may |
Permission | - may/ can |
Obligation | - must/ have to |
Advice | - should /ought to |
Ability | - can / could/ be able to |
1.The report … be finished by 6 0’clock. (Obligation)
2.Your telephone … installed by Friday. (Probability)
3.This equipment … be exported to certain countries. (Permission)
4.You … wear protective clothing at all times. (Advice)
5.We … not deliver until we receive the parts. (Ability)
Ex. 9. Complete the sentences using a word from the list below and a reflexive pronoun:
Enjoyed, killed, dry, help, burnt, hurt
1.You are soaking wet. Here, …with this towel.
2.Mary … quite badly on the hot iron.
3.Mark … when he fell off the ladder.
4.… to some coffee while it’s hot.
5.Robert really … during the skiing trip.
6.Romeo and Juliet …
Ex. 10. In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example:
SA. How long have you been studying English?
SB. I have been studying English for seven years.
1.How long / you / study/ Ukrainian? – 5 years.
2.How long / you / live / in Kyiv? – 1 year.
3.How long / you / drive/ racing cars - 1992.
4.How long /you / wait / here? – a few minutes.
5.How long / you/ read/ that book? – last month.
Ex. 11. Answer the questions:
1.Is there any advantage of living in a city?
2.Is there any disadvantage of living in a city?
3.What is the main disadvantage of living in a small town?
4.What places do many people prefer when they get older?
5.Which is the busiest street in your town?
6.What’s your favorite town or city?
7.Why do you like it?
8.Which parts of it do you particularly like?
9.Why do Londoners like to say: “If you wait long enough at Picadilly Circus, you’ll meet everyone you’ve ever known”?
1.Passive Voice.
3.Noun+noun constructions.
4.Word Formation.
Ex.1. Read and memorize the following words:
Various Fair Popular Achievement Science Industry To promote | - різний - ярмарок - популярний - досягнення - наука - промисловість - просувати | To introduce Interpreter Success Efficient To advertise In detail | - запроваджувати - перекладач - успіх - ефективний - рекламувати - детально |
Ex 2. Read and memorize the following word combinations:
The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce | - українська торговельна палата |
They were interested in | - вони були зацікавлені у |
Were on display | - були на показі |
Over a thousand firms | - більш ніж тисяча фірм |
To do a lot to establish | - робити багато, щоб встановити |
To promote trade | - сприяти торгівлі |
Helped to advertise | - допомогли рекламувати |
As they were interested | - оскільки вони були зацікавлені |
Was the main participant | - був головний |
Read and translate the text:
Ukraine stands for the development of trade with all countries therefore the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce arranges various fairs and exhibitions both in our country and abroad. Our fairs and exhibitions are very popular with the people abroad and each of them is called an “eye-opener”. They show our achievements in science, industry, culture and other fields of our national economy. Foreign visitors are interested both in the exhibits and the Ukrainian way of life in general. These fairs and exhibition do a lot to establish contacts and to promote trade.
Trade fairs and exhibitions usually attract thousands of visitors and many potential buyers among them. A great deal of profitable business is done at commercial centers at the exhibitions: new contacts are made, new transactions are concluded, new orders are placed and new markets are established. This work goes on after the exhibition as well: enquiries are sent out for the goods our national economy requires and offers are made for the products our new contacts are interested in.
There are traditional fairs and exhibitions that are held annually, for example the Zeipzig fair that is organized twice a year – in the spring and in the autumn in Germany.
Also, there are fairs and exhibitions organized on and off and devoted scientific achievements in this or that field of national economy. They are called accordingly: “Chemistry - 2007”, “Automation- 2006”, “Building – 2005”, ”Electronics – 2007”, etc.
The efficient staff of stand – attendants, guides and interpreters did their best to make the exhibition a success. Colourful leaflets helped to advertise the goods. The exhibition was crowded with visitors from opening to closing time. They were visited by a lot of foreign Businessmen as well. The entries in the visitors’ books show that they were greatly impressed by the exhibition. As a result new business contacts were established and a lot of contracts were signed.
Ex. 3. Give English equivalents to the Ukrainian word and word combinations:
Підтримувати, розвиток, ярмарок, досягнення, промисловий, експонат, сприяти, встановлювати, учасник, наука, національна економіка, проводитися, перекладач, рекламувати, бути переповненим, бути враженим.
Ex. 4. a) Combine the suffixes – ment, - tion, - ation, - ity with the proper group of words:
Possible, exclusive, to develop, to consider, to form, to exploit, to improve, to occupy, to invent, to involve.
b) Complete and translate:
1.Sales figures continue to show sign of … (improve).
2.Please state your name, age and … below (occupy).
3.Fax machines were a wonderful … at the time (invent).
4.She already knows she has the job so the interview is a mere … (form)
Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text and translate them:
1.Ukraine has been (гість) to a number of international (виставка).
2.They were sponsored by the (українська торговельна палата).
3.The participants of the exhibition can (обговорювати) the sale and the purchase of different (товарів).
4.Every exhibition is a method (рекламувати) products.
5.The model R 800 computer attracted my (увага).
6.The chemical exhibition which was held last year in Kyiv (мала великий успіх).
Ex. 6. Make up sentences according to the given models. Use verbs given in brackets:
1.A new contract has just been signed (to complete, to point, to cross, to build)
2.Their offer has been attended to (to fill in, to go through, to send for, to take off).
3.They tell us that the exhibition is being visited by a lot of businessmen now (to give advice, to choose, to try on, to change, to wear).
Ex. 7. Turn these sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice:
1.The exhibits of this company attracted the attention of many visitors.
2.We have concluded a lot of profitable deals this month.
3.We shall contact the clients on the point raised next week.
4.They will grant us a 3% discount for cash payment within 10 days.
5.We had established business relations with the firm by 2006.
6.The company is expanding its range of services.
7.The Sales Manager increased the commission paid to agents.
8.Employees must wear protective clothing inside the production area.
Ex. 8. Complete the sentences:
1.We shall buy the goods from you if …
2.If I reserved a room at a hotel, I ….
3.If I had money, I …
4.If you don’t leave on time, you …
5.If you lose your way, you …
6.If he had been driving more carefully, he …
Ex. 9. Translate into English, define the type of Conditional Sentence:
1.The firm will reduce their price if we buy 10 more machines from them.
2.We shan’t the contract until we check all the points.
3.As soon as I contact my people I’ll let you know our final reply.
4.If the young boy hadn’t been playing with matches, the house wouldn’t have burnt down.
5.If we lived in a well-built house, we wouldn’t be in danger.
6.I would always wear a helmet, if I were you.
Ex. 10. Replace the underlined words with a word or phrase from the box:
A few, much, all, no, few, most
1. Not many but some of our clients responded to the survey.
2. The majority of them had some positive comments to take.
3. Not one of our customers thought our products were unreliable.
4. A lot of constructive criticism centered on product distribution and delivery.
5. Not many and not enough customers wanted regular news on our products and services.
6. Every one of the respondents said our packaging was good.
Ex. 11. Fill in the correct preposition(s), then choose any four items and make sentences:
1.to be transformed … sth.
2.to go … foot.
3.to be far … sth.
4.to ask … sth.
5.to have a variety … sth.
6.to worry … sb / sth
7.to travel … plane
8.to provide … sth.
9.to be an example … sth.
10. to boast … sth.
Ex. 12. Give extensive answers to these questions:
1.Have you ever worked at any exhibition in Ukraine or abroad?
2.You had a lot of leaflets to advertise your goods, didn’t you?
3.What is Ukraine doing to establish contacts with other countries?
4.Why do a lot of firms take part in international fairs?
5.What information can you get from advertisement?
6.In what way does foreign trade help our country develop the national economy?
7.What helps businessmen to promote sales of their products?
8.What is the role of international exhibitions?
1. Revision of the Tenses (Active and Passive Voice).
2. Present Participle (Participle I).
3. Word Formation.
Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words:
To welcome Culture To celebrate Bamboo stick Pottery Tradition Parade Fantastic To grant Festive | - вітати - культура - святкувати - бамбукова тростина - гончарні вироби - традиція - парад - фантастичний - дарувати - святковий | Practice To stay up To drive away To suppose Custom To believe Relatives Beginning To improve Habit | - практика - не лягати спати - проганяти - допускати - звичай - вірити - родичі - початок - поліпшувати - звичка |
Ex. 2. Read and memorize the following word combinations:
The same way | - той самий шлях |
At the end of | - наприкінці |
Evil spirit | - злі духи |
Religious ritual | - релігійний ритуал |
To gather together | - збиратися разом |
To be held | - проводитися |
Pine branch | - соснова гілка |
To be based on | - базуватися на |
Making noise | - шуміти |
To watch the clock pass | - дивитися, як плине час |
No one knows | - ніхто не знає |
To keep resolution | - дотримуватися обіцянки |
Read and translate the text:
Every culture and every country in the world celebrates New Year, but not everyone does it the same way. The countries of the Americas and Europe welcome the New Year on January first. This practice began with the Romans Julius Caesar changed the date of the new year from the first day of March to the first day of January. In the Middle East, New Year is when spring begins. People in China and Vietnam celebrate it on Tet, which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon. Tet usually comes between January 21 and February 19. Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish New Year, comes at the end of summer. The Hindus in India celebrate the first day of each season, so they have four New Years.
In all of these cultures, there is a practice of making noise. People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits from the home. Today, making noise is more of a custom than a religious ritual. Many people do it with fireworks. In Japan, people go from house to house making noise with drums and bamboo sticks. Young people in Denmark throw broken pieces of pottery against the sides of friend’s houses.
In the United States, many people stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve to watch the clock pass from one year to the next. Friends often gather together at a party on New Year’s Eve, and when the New Year comes, all ring bells, toot horns, blow whistles, sing, and kiss each other. A favorite Scottish song which everyone sings together is “Auld Lang Syne”. The words tell of old friends and good times. Black-eyed peas, which are eaten immediately after midnight, are a favorite food. They are supposed to bring good luck to the person who eats them as his or her first food in the New Year.
On New Year’s Day, pork is a popular food in the United States, as it is in many other parts of the world. The custom of starting the year with pork began among farmers a long time ago. Because a pig digs its nose while looking and walking forward, people believed that eating pork was a symbol of a “fat future”. They also believed that no one should eat a bird such as a turkey or a chicken on New Year’s Day. Birds walk and scratch backwards while looking for food, so eating them would bring bad luck.
In past years in the United States, there was a strong tradition of visiting relatives on New Year’s Day. Lately, however, the custom has changed. Now people stay home and watch parades on television. Later in the day, they watch a football game between two college teams. The games are called Bowls, such as the Orange Bowl, which is played in Miami, Florida; the Cotton Bowl, in Dallas, Texas; and the Sugar Bowl, in New Orleans, Louisiana. One of the parades which people watch is called the Tournament of Roses. It is held in Pasadena, California, just before the Rose Bowl football game.
One of the most interesting parades is the Mummers’ Parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. People wear masks and fantastic costumes with hundreds of feathers. Thousands march for miles, often in snow and ice, singing and playing music. No one knows for certain how the parade began, or when or why. But every year, most of the city goes out to watch this colorful event.
In all cultures, New Year’s Day is a time when people think of new beginnings. They want to make the coming year better than the last one. Many people in the United States make New Year’s resolutions. These are specific promises that they make to improve their behavior, change their habits, and become better people. There are many jokes about how long a person can keep his or her New Year’s resolutions.
There are interesting customs in various other countries for celebrating the new year. On the eve of Rosh Hashana, people in Jewish homes will put a piece of apple in honey and say, “May God grant us a good and sweet year”. There are festive candles, but this is a time when people do not celebrate with joy. Instead, Jews look deeply inside themselves and decide whether they are good people.
New Year is a very important time in Japan. Everyone tries to clean his or her home and to start the year with some new clothes. Pine branches are hung on the front doors of Japanese homes for good luck, and adults stay up on New Year’s Eve for a special Buddhist ceremony. In this ceremony, a bell is rung 108 times to help the people chase away the 108 weaknesses. This is a time for visiting friends in Japan, and it is very festive. There is usually no one on the streets or at work for about three days.
Ex. 3. Match the word in the left column with its OPPOSITE in the right column:
Example: a 6. first a. last
____ 1. weakness | a. last |
____ 2. all | b. quiet |
____ 3. evil | c. hurt |
____ 4. together | d. inside |
____ 5. white | e. sadness |
____ 6. first | f. black |
____ 7. noisy | g. apart |
____ 8. joy | h. none |
____ 9. help | i. good |
____ 10. outside | j. strength |
Ex. 4. a). Form new words by adding the suffix –ance (ence) and translate them:
Example: differ – difference
to assist, to guide, to refer, to maintain, present, different, distant, existent
b). Complete and translate
1. The company provides advice and (assist) in finding work.
2. There is a list of … at the end of each chapter (refer)
3. The school pays for heating and the … of the building (maintain)
4. Your … is requested at the meeting (present)
Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words:
1.He wants … (проганяти) them evil spirit.
2.You’ve made … (новорічне рішення) on the table.
3.There’s … (святкова свічка) on the table.
4.We are celebrating New Year with our … (родичі)
5.I’m going … (не лягати спати) until midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Ex. 6. Translate these sentences; underline the Participle I and state the function:
1.Look at the smiling girl, isn’t she happy?
2.They have booked two seats for the plane leaving for Paris tomorrow morning.
3.When writing a cable we try to use as few words as possible.
4.Not knowing his new address I could not send him a letter.
5.We shall contact the firm advertising the latest model of boiler.
6.The man greeting my father is a famous actor.
Ex. 7. Replace subordinate clauses by participial constructions where possible and translate the sentences:
1.The poster which attracted my attention advertised road-building machinery.
2. The goods which arrived at the port were always transported to the clients without delay.
3.We got in touch with the firm which produced computers.
4.The firm sent us some booklets which described the new method of production.
Ex. 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
1.If everyone put their rubbish in the bin, we (have) cleaner streets.
2.If there (be) more lifeguards, there would be fewer swimming accidents.
3.If you (ride) your bicycle to work, you would get more exercise.
4.If I had the money, I (visit) Paris.
5.If I (go) on a safari, I would hope to see a lot of wild animals.
6.If the city improved public transport, fewer people (use) their car.
Ex. 9. Fill in did, have or has
1. … you enjoy the concert?
2. … you finish your homework?
3. … Ivan write this by himself?
4. … anybody seen my coat?
5. … you ever been on TV?
6. … Gordon take the dog out this morning?
7. … George left me the key?
8. … I lock the front door?
Ex. 10. Complete the following sentences using: must, can’t, may/might/could and translate them:
1.They … be on holiday.
2.They … be waiting for hours for fish to bite.
3.They … be in a city.
4.They … be in the countryside.
5.They … be feeling miserable.
6.They … have caught lots of fish.
Ex. 11. Answer the questions:
1. When is New Year’s Day in the Americas?
2. What is the Jewish New Year called? When is it?
3. How do people celebrate the New Year in Japan? In Denmark?
4. Why do people in the United States stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve?
5. What is “Auld Lang Syne”?
6. Why do some people think it is good luck to eat pork on New Year’s Day?
7. What is a Bowl game? Give some examples of Bowls.
8. What happens at the Mummers’ Parade? Where is it?
9. What is the Tournament of Roses?
10. What is a New Year’s resolution?
11. What happens on Rosh Hashana?
12. Why is a bell rung on New Year’s Eve in Japan?
1.Revision of the Tenses
2.Past Participle (Participle II).
3.Word Formation
Ex.1. Read and memorize the following words:
To revolve For certain To measure Messenger To complete To rotate Axis Slowness To mean To face | - обертатися - упевнено - вимірювати - посланець, провісник - закінчувати, переміщуватися - обертатися по колу - вісь - не швидкість, уповільненість - означати - бути поверненим, (у певний бік) | Brightness Goddess of love and beauty To observe Definite To suggest Amazingly To imagine To fit | - яскравість, блиск - богиня кохання та краси - спостерігати - визначений, певний - пропонувати - дивовижно, дивно - уявляти собі - пристосовувати, відповідати (чомусь) |
Ex. 2. Read and memorize the following words:
Solar system | - сонячна система |
Complicated system | - складна система |
To be away from the sun | - бути далеко від Сонця |
To be about the same size as … | - бути таким самим по розміру |
To name after | - давати ім’я на честь |
To be appropriate | - бути відповідним, доречним |
A lot of room left | - багато зайвого місця |
To revolve round (about) its axis | - обертатися навколо своєї осі |
Read and translate the text:
Earth is one nine planets which revolve around the sun. This family of planets, with their moons, is known as the solar system. Since we live on Earth, we think it is the most important planet. But the other planets are also interesting. Some are smaller than Earth, some larger; some are hotter, some colder. Each one is different from all the others and has something special about it.
No one knows for certain how the solar system began. We do know a lot about the planets, however, from the science of astronomy. Astronomers have studied the planets and other objects in space for thousands of years. Astronomy is a very complicated science. We look at the other planets to study them, but the planet we are on is moving all the time. Computers have helped us in the past twenty or thirty years. The satellites we send into space to measure and take pictures also tell a lot about the planets and help us to understand them.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It is also the smallest and fastest planet. The speed of the planet gave it its name: Mercury was the rapid messenger of the Roman gods. Mercury completes its orbit around the sun in only 88 days, while Earth’s orbit takes 365 ¼ days. A day on Mercury, however, is much longer than a day on Earth. Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. Mercury rotates on its axis once every 59 days.
Astronomers don’t know why Mercury rotates so slowly, but they do know that this slowness means there is a lot of heat and cold. The side of Mercury which faces the sun is 350 degrees Celsius. The side which is away from the sun is dark and cold. At 170 degrees below zero Celsius, it is probably the coldest place in the solar system.
Venus is the second planet in distance from the sun. It is about the same size as Earth, and it comes closer to Earth than any other planet. Next to the sun and the moon, Venus is the easiest object in the sky to see. People of ancient times loved its brightness and beauty so much that they named it after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
Venus revolves around the sun once every 225 days and rotates on its axis once every 244 days. Information from telescopes and satellites tells us that the planet is very hot. The temperature is usually between 300 and 675 degrees Celsius. We can observe both Venus and Mercury either in the evening or early in the morning just before the sun rises.
Mars is called the red planet because it has a definite red-orange color. It is the fourth farthest planet from the sun. A day on Mars is only about 40 minutes longer than a day on Earth, but a year lasts 687 days. The planet was named after the Roman god of war.
For many years, people believed that there was life on Mars, but we now know that there probably isn’t. The Mariner space program sent many satellites to Mars. We have excellent photos and information on this neighbor planet and nothing suggests that there is any life there.
The fifth planet from the sun is also the largest of all the planets, Jupiter. Jupiter revolves around the sun once every 12 years, yet its day is amazingly short. It rotation, or its day, is only about 10 hours long. This is the fastest rotation – the shortest day – of any of the planets.
The planet’s name is appropriate, since Jupiter was the supreme Roman god – the king of all the other gods. If you can imagine Jupiter as a hollow ball, all of the other planets would fit inside and there would still be a lot of room left. Jupiter has fourteen moons, the largest number of any planet.
Ex. 3. a) Form new words adding the suffix “–ful”, “or “– less” translate them:
Power + ful = powerful
Peace, truth, use, thank, watch, beauty, success, doubt, hope, colour.
b) Complete the sentences with a newly formed word:
1.“What a bright colour!” – Yes, the advertisement looks …, doesn’t it (colour)?
2.The children played under the … eyes of their teacher (watch).
3.Most of the students are making good progress, but Michael is a …case (hope).
4.It’s … if this painting is a Picasso (doubt).
5.She tried to work, but it was … (use).
Ex. 4. Use each of the following terms in a sentence:
To revolve, moon, to be known as, solar system, smaller than, larger than, different from, astronomy, to take a picture, to rotate, Celsius, closer to, just before, to last, appropriate.
Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word:
Example: Adjective Adverb Noun
Beautiful beautifully beauty
1. | Slow____________ | ________________ | ________________ |
2. | ________________ | brightly | ________________ |
3. | ________________ | ________________ | interest__________ |
4. | ________________ | ________________ | difference________ |
5. | ________________ | occasionally ______ | ________________ |
6. | ________________ | amazingly ________ | ________________ |
7. | Clear ____________ | ________________ | ________________ |
8. | Close ____________ | ________________ | ________________ |
9. | ________________ | ________________ | quickness________ |
10. | ________________ | ________________ | coldness_________ |
Ex. 6. Circle the term in the right column that has a SIMILAR meaning to the term on the left:
![]() |
Example: near far / / short / farther
1. rotate 2. most distant 3. sometimes 4. unusual 5. of the sun 6.observe 7. figure out 8. I billion 9. one of the Greek gods 10.rapid | Move / revolve / discover / believe Closest / nearest / coldest / farthest Never / always / occasionally / usually Clever / odd / certain / normal Planetary / lunar / starry / solar Discover / understand / watch / discuss Calculate / lose / come /suppose 1,000/ 100,000/ 1,000,000/ 1, 000, 000,000 Mars / Jupiter / Neptune/ Uranus Slow / fast / far / long |
Ex. 7. Translate these sentences, underline the Participle II and define the function:
1.The price of compressors quoted by the firm is very high.
2. I believe the machine-tool advertised by Brown and Sons will be in great demand on the market.
3.The goods ordered under Contrast No. 12/1418 arrived with a two weeks’ delay.
4.The defects found by the inspectors are to be eliminated as soon as possible.
5.The required samples will be sent to-morrow.
6.The goods offered by the firm are of high quality.
7.We are satisfied with the transaction concluded between our firms.
Ex. 8. Use Past Participles instead of attributive clauses:
1.The book which was translated by a friend of mine is very interesting.
2.Our price-list which is enclosed with the letter gives all particulars concerning terms of payment and delivery.
3.The blocks of houses which were built in the new districts of Kyiv are nice and comfortable.
4.The progress which is achieved by our chemical industry is wonderful.
5.Every body likes pictures which are painted by Repin, the famous Russian artist.
6.Did you take part in the talks which were held just week?
Ex. 9. Out the verbs in brackets into the past simple of the past continuous:
1.It was cold on Sunday night, so we (light) a fire.
2.I met Ann while I (do) the shopping.
3.He (read) a book when the lights went out.
4.They (clean) the house when he called.
5.She (break) the computer when she tried to move it.
6.The man (wear) an expensive suit and had a beard and moustache.
Ex. 10. Use the dictionary and translate into English:
1.ЇЇ тут зараз не має, вона вдома.
2.Його не було вчора ввечері вдома.
3.Він один з кращих лікарів цієї лікарні.
4.Вона повинна бути там завтра.
5.Його брат інженер, він був у відрядженні один місяць.
6.Він буде радий зустрітися з вами.
Ex. 11. Fill in the gaps with Who, which, whose, who’s, that:
1.She prefers casual clothes … show off her natural beauty.
2.The film … is on at the Kyiv-Rus is a box office hit.
3.That is the man … bag was stolen on the train.
4.Janet, … father is a doctor, is a friend of mine.
5.That’s Ivan … got a Mercedes.
6.Steve is planning to visit his friend … lives in Africa.
Ex. 12. Answer the questions:
1.What is the solar system? How did it begin?
2.What does an astronomer do?
3.Which is the smallest planet? The fastest?
4.How do we measure how long a planet’s year is? How do we measure a planet’s day?
5.How hot is one side of Mercury? How cold is the other side? Why are these temperatures so different?
6.Which planet comes the closest to Earth?
7.How long is a year on Venus? A day?
8.Why is Mars called the red planet? Whom was Mars named for?
9.Which is the largest planet? How large is it?
10. How long is a day on Jupiter? Is this unusual?
1.Reported Speech.
2.Indirect Questions.
3.Word Formation.
Ex. 1. Read and memorize the following words:
To invent Item Purpose Occasionally To allow Ancestors To lead to | - винаходити - пункт, предмет, інформація - ціль - випадково - дозволяти - предки - вести до | Impractical To replace Sailing ship To invest (money) Unless Owner Freight | - непрактичний - замінювати - вітрильне судно - інвестувати - до тих пір, поки ні - власник - перевезення вантажів, фрахт |
Ex.2. Read and memorize the following word combinations:
Previous inventions To have limited use Change the way we live To live in safety To be affected by To be powered by sails To make a profit To pull a load Large amounts of supplies To be profitable | - Попередні винаходи - Мати обмежене використання - Змінювати спосіб життя - Жити в безпеці - Перебувати під впливом - Приводитися в рух вітрилами - Одержувати прибуток - Перевозити вантаж - Велика кількість запасів, постачання - Бути прибутковим |
Read and translate the text:
If we wrote down the names of all the things people have invented since beginning of the world, we would have a very long list. We would find that most of these items are improvements on previous inventions. We would also see that many of them have limited use for a particular field or purpose.
Occasionally, however, there are inventions which change the way we live. Controlled fire and the wheel are two such inventions which allowed our ancestors to live a better life in safety. Agricultural tools invented about 10,000 years ago helped people learn to grow enough food to feed large populations. They actually led to the development of cities.
We don’t know about the inventors of fire and the wheel, but we can read about the people who invented other things which are important to our everyday lives. In one way or another, all of our lives are affected by their inventions.
For more than, 3,000 years, ships were powered by sails. Then in 1793, an American named Robert Fulton became interested in an idea which would mean the sailing ships. Many people knew how to build steamships, but they only ones they could build were small and impractical. No one truly believed that ships run by steam power would replace the beautiful and colorful sailing ships. They were wrong.
Fulton worked in France and England for a number of years, perfecting his ideas. Then in 1806, he returned to the United States and began to build the Clermont. It was an experiment to see if anyone could build a ship and operate it successfully as a business. Making money was the true test, since shipbuilders would not invest their money unless they knew that they could make a profit.
The Clermont was 130 feet long, 16 ½ feet wide and 4 feet deep. On August 11, 1807, the first commercial steam ship traveled up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany. It made the round trip of 300 miles in 62 hours. That seems slow to us today, but 200 years ago it was a remarkable speed.
Thousands of people watched the event, and most realized immediately how important it was. Within a few years, there were steamships in most parts of the world. Only four years later, the first steamship crossed the Atlantic Ocean. From that time to the present, sails have been used only for pleasure and sporting boats.
Travel and transportation were changed when the steamship was invented, and they were changed even more when the locomotive was invented by George Stephenson in 1814.
Stephenson had seen something like a locomotive at a mine near his home in Killingworth, England. He liked the idea and decided that he could build a better one. He changed the tracks from wood to steel and made the locomotive much larger. He had some help from a mine owner, and by July 25, 1814, he was ready.
The Blucher went only 4 miles per hour, but it pulled a load of 30 tons of coal up a hill. It was only the beginning. Within eleven years, there were railroads all over England pulling large amounts of supplies and cargo in short spaces of time. On September 27, 1825, the first full passenger railroad went into operation. It had thirty cars and 300 passengers, and it traveled 15 miles per hour.
Stephenson’s railroad was efficient and profitable, and a new method of transporting freight and people was here to stay.
Ex. 3. Use each of the following terms in a sentence:
Previous, invention, agriculture, population, development, everyday lives, to be affected by, steamship, experiment, true test, commercial, remarkable, locomotive, railroad, cargo.
Ex. 4. Circle the term in the right column which has a SIMILAR meaning to the term on the left:
![]() |
Example: invent destroy / / lose / remove
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. | Limited Ton Remarkable Improve Particular Powered Efficient Freight Experiment signal | Restricted/ free/ timely/ late 1,000/ 2,000/ 1/ 640 pounds Common/ unusual/ terrible/ perfect Invents/ experiment/ make bigger/ make better Specific/ unusual/ partial/ limited Sailed/ run/ steamed/ affected Sloppy/ fast/ effective/ profitable Weight/ railroads/ cargo/ wire Invention/ discovery/ phone/ test Telephone/ message/ telegraph/ radio |
Ex. 5. Change the following sentences to the present perfect continuous tense:
Example: He sent us messages. (He has been sending us messages).
1.People’s inventions have changed the way we live.
2.Controlled fire has allowed us to live a better life.
3.We build sailing ships.
4.I work in England.
5.Steamships have crossed the ocean since 1811.
6.Railroads carried people and freight for years.
7.She worked on her invention for years.
8.Have you used the Morse Code to sent message?
9.I haven’t done any experiments.
10. Alex has called me every hour since six o’clock.
Ex. 6. a) Form adjectives by adding the suffix – al to the following words and translate them:
Tradition, architecture, agriculture, education, culture, music.
b) Complete the sentences and translate them:
1.This old building is in the centre of the city. The … part of the city is very old (architecture).
2.The exhibition shows the achievements of Ukraine in agriculture. This is an … exhibition (agriculture).
3.You’ll enjoy the music of this film. It’s a very good … film (music).
Ex. 7. Rewrite the sentences, changing the direct speech into reported (indirect) speed:
1.Tom said, “New York is more lively than London”.
2.She said, “I have been working at this plant for 20 years”.
3.“He has called twice”, she said.
4.“I’ll see you on Monday”, Bob said to Zya.
5.“I can’t help you”, Kazen said to Mary.
6.“I was delighted to see such a rare animal”, said Tom.
7.“I have never been taught how to use a computer”, said Mr.Ivanov.
Ex. 8. Rewrite the questions in reported speech as in the example:
“Who sent the e-mail message? Sally” asked Jon.
Sally asked Jon who had sent the e-mail message.
1.“Where does he live?” Sue asked.
2.“Can you help me find something on the Internet, please?” Jo asked me.
3.She said, “Have you read the morning paper?”
4.The engineer asked him “Why have you stopped the lathe?”
5.He asked me, “Who has come?”
Ex. 9. Translate into English:
1.Лектор сказав, що людські винаходи змінили наш спосіб життя.
2.Він запитав колегу, скільки років він працював над цим приладом.
3.Вони сказали, що використовували код Морзе щоб посилати повідомлення.
4.Хлопець сказав, що він ніколи раніше не бачив комп’ютера.
5.Ми знали, що перша станція метро в цьому місті була відкрита в 1961 році.
6.Вона сказала, що не буде приймати участь у цієї конференції.
Ex. 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple of the Present Continuous:
1.They … (work) on an important project at the moment.
2.I … (see) Tom tomorrow after work.
3.This shop … (sell) rare books.
4.Sue … (know) a lot about computers.
5.A lot of tourists … (visit) Kyiv at this time of year.
6.It … (cost) a lot of money to fly to Australia.
7.He …(drive) to work every day.
Ex. 11. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjective describing qualifies certain professions need:
1.Salespeople need to be … to get people to buy their product.
2.Receptionist should be … in order to make people feel welcome.
3.A shop assistant has to be … even when dealing with a rude customer.
4.Teachers must to be very … as students sometimes take a long time to learn things.
Ex. 12. Answer the questions:
1.When were the first agricultural tools invented?
2.Who was Robert Fulton?
3.When did Fulton become interested in steamships?
4.What was the Clermont? How big was it?
5.When did the Clermont leave New York City for the first time?
6.How fast did the Clermont travel?
7.Who was George Stephenson?
8.What was the name of the first locomotive?
9.What were railroad cars able to pull?
10. What happened in September 1825?
Unit six
1. Infinitive.
2. Word Formation.
Ex. 1.Read and memorize the following words:
To mention To touch Brush To come down Guest Garden fence To put off Arrival To publish | - згадувати - торкатися - щітка - спускатися - гість - паркан у саду - відкладати - прибуття - публікувати | Title To realize To enter To recognize Signature Within Per To drizzle Nasty | - заголовок, назва - усвідомлювати - увійти - упізнавати - підпис - у межах - за, на, в, у - мрячити - мерзенний |
Ex. 2.Read and memorize the following word combinations:
On board a streamer | - на борту пароплава |
To take notice | - привернути увагу |
On one’s arrival | - після прибуття когось |
To be at a loss | - не знати, що робити |
To follow smb’s advice | - послухати чиєїсь поради |
To be amused | - бути задоволеним |
to allow smb to do smth | - дозволяти комусь щось робити |
Read and translate the text:
One coat of white
Coming home from от first trip to Europe on board a steamer Betsy and I met a tall old man who called himself Monsieur Roland. He was a pleasant, clever fellow and we soon made friends with him. One evening he suddenly told us that his name was Lautisse and asked us not to mention it to anyone. Having no idea why we should keep his name a secret we decided to find out who Lautisse was. At the ship's library we learned that our new friend was probably the world's greatest living artist. He lived in the South of France and had not painted anything for the last ten years. He said he would never touch a brash again as long as he lived.
Lautisse was going to spend a month in New York, and we invited him to come down to our place for a weekend. When accepting the invitation he got us to promise that we would not invite any guests or talk to him about art. Lautisse arrived on the five o'clock train the following Saturday. We had an enjoyable time that evening. The next morning I got up at seven-thirty as I had a Job to do. Our garden fences needed a coat of white paint. I was about to start painting when I saw Lautisse coming towards me. I thought I should have to put off the job, but he took the brush out of my hands.
“Why, it must be done. Let me do it” he said. I tried to protest but he took no notice of my words and he spent three hours on the job. When he came back into the house he looked as happy as a child. He said that he had not enjoyed himself so much for years.
That evening he went back to New York and we did not hear anything from him or about him for ten days. Then a story appeared in the New York papers. It said that Lautisse, the famous French artist, was staying in the USA, and since his arrival he bad not left New York except for a weekend which he spent with the Greggs (that was with us).
The next day our place was crowded with newspapermen who wanted to know every detail about Lautisse's stay with us. When Betsy told them about our garden fence they took pictures of it. Then a long story was published in the papers under the title “Lautisse paints again”. The next few days were terrible. A lot of newspapermen, businessmen and representatives of art galleries and museums came to our house. They wanted to buy our fence and offered me large sums of money, but I did not know what to do though I realized that I was to do something. On the fourth day Gerston, Lautisse's friend, called on us. He saw I was at a loss what to do. “You shouldn't sell the fence yet,” he recommended. “You should, allow the Palmer Museum in New York to exhibit it.” I followed his advice and some days later I went to the Palmer Museums where I met Gerston, who said that my fence was a great success. Then we entered the room where the fence was on display. I couldn't help laughing – it had been cut into thirty sections and had a fence around it. At the lower corner of each section there was a word in black paint. I recognized Lautisse's signature. I was so much surprised that I could only say, “But why?... What?... Where is he?..” Then Gerston told me that Lautisse had left for France the day before.
“You see,” he added, “Lautisse was really fond of you and Mrs. Gregg. He had no idea when he painted your fence that it would cause so much excitement, but when it did he was very amused. I've never seen him laugh so much, and it was his idea to have the fence cut into sections and to sign each section. You should sell the fence now.”
I followed his advice and twenty nine sections were sold within a month at the price of $10,000 per section. The thirtieth section is now in our living room.
Ex. 3. a) Form the reverse meaning of the following verbs using the prefix “dis–” and translate them:
to count – to discount
To prove, to join, to agree, to engage, to place, to approve, to encourage.
b) Complete and translate:
1. She wa
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