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Very Bold Turkish To sound files.

Читайте также:
  1. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  2. About the organ sounds
  3. But she does not sound fine to me.
  4. Choose the correct response out of two. If both responses are acceptable, choose the one that sounds more natural.
  5. d&b, Dynacord, Meyer Sound, LХ Acoustic, Electro Voice.
  6. In the exercises you study groups of words where are problems with sounds and word stress.
  7. Lesson 3. The Animal Sound


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [Y] [Z]  
abaza çekmek (ah-bah-zah check-mehk) -- to masturbate
abazan (ah-bah-zahn) -- conveys the idea that someone has been a long time without sex -- and is feeling randy, horny... (used as a noun or an adjective)
açmak (ahch-mock) -- to have sexual intercourse with a virgin; lit -- to open
a g zIna sIçayIm(aa-zuhnah sihj-eye-ihm) -- I shit in your mouth!
akItmak (ah-kiht-mock) -- for semen/sperm to exit the male organ, [for a male] to have orgasm... lit. to let flow, to pour, to shed.
am (ahm) -- the English equivalent of "pussy" or "cunt". When the American firm Amway first entered the Turkish marketplace it caused a good deal of sniggering. We're not sure that the American company-brass ever understood why...
am biti (ahm beet-ee) Literally translates as pussy louse, but used to mean: · someone who is short, squat · a man who lives off a prostitute's wages · a pimp
am budalasI (ahm boo-dahl-ah-seh) -- one who is preoccupied with thoughts of women, one who is "pussy crazy", or "pussy whipped", or who has "cunt on the brain".
am yalamak (ahm yah-lah-mock) -- to perform cunnilingus (lit. to lick pussy)
am ьstьnde gцt sikmek (ahm oos-toon-deh gert seek-mehk) To want too much! (lit. to fuck an ass on/above/on top of a pussy!)
amcIk (ahm-jik) · a little pussy, a dear little pussy · one who is stupid, foolish, annoying, or of low character
amcIk a g IzlI (ahm-jik ahh-iz-luh) -- [a man] who gossips like women. Literally means, [a man] with a little pussy mouth.
amIna koydu g umunun...(ahm-in-uh koy-dum-uhn-uhn...) -- Equivalent to any phrase beginning with fuckin', the pejorative adjective that is heard so ubiquitously in the English language. The literal meaning is something like ...'of my putting to a pussy'. The figurative meaning is something like ...'of a woman I fucked'. As in, AmIna koydu g umunun arabasI gene bozuldu! The fuckin' car broke down again! But,...amIna koydu g umunun çocu g u... which you might expect to be ...[that] fuckin' kid... has an idiomatic meaning similar to orospu çocu g u; [that] bastard (the child of a woman I fucked).
AmInI sikeyim...(ahm-in-ih sick-eh-yihm) -- Let's fuck, I'll fuck your pussy...
Amsalak (ahm-sah-lock) -- Stupidly crazy about pussy
asker (ahs-kahr) -- n. Semen ejaculated in orgasm, lit. soldier -- a woman on permanent "call" for an "irresistible" man
atmIk (aht-mick) -- n. Semen, sperm, come.
Benimle siki s mek istermisin? (Ben-ihm-lay sick-ihsh-mehk is-tar-miss-in) -- Would you fuck me?
bo s altmak (bawsh-ahlt-mahk) · In sexual terms the word means -- [for a male] to achieve sexual climax, to come, to ejaculate · In non-sexual terms, it means -- to empty, pour out, discharge · in gambling terms it means -- to lose all your money
dьdьklemek (doo-duke-luh-mehk) -- to fuck -- lit. to whistle
ejderha(ej-dare-ha [pronounce the 'j' as you would the 's' in pleasure ]) -- penis, cock (lit. a dragon [or snake] -- that can grow to a large size) Ex. Benim ejderham uyanmaya ba s ladI yine; My cock has started to wake up again...
el arabasIna binmek (ell ah-rah-bah-sih bin-meck) -- to masturbate with the hand -- lit. to get on the wheel barrow (hand wagon)
elin sikiyle gerde g e girmek (ellen sick-ee-lay gare-day gear-mahk) -- [for a man] to enter his bridal chamber with a borrowed penis -- refers to a man who is likely to fail, because he depends too much on the help of others
ersuyu (air-sue-you) -- semen, sperm
E s e g in amIna suyu kaçIrdI.(eh-shane ahm-in-ah sue-you kotch-ihr-dih)
  • Figuratively means, "He's gone too far (gone beyond what's acceptable)!"
  • -- Literally, 'He splashed (leaked) water on (into) the donkey's pussy.' [All the while engaging in 'sexual activity' with said donkey! Thanks HAA (April '99)] (Can you believe, some people have used that very phrase in reference to this very page? ...Yes, yes...it's true...)
fIrça çekmek (fihr-cha check-meck)
  • to rub the erect penis on the outside of the female sexual organ (to avoid full penetration). This is practiced by young Turkish lovers who wish to preserve the 'clinical' virginity of the female.
  • -- for someone of greater rank (or size) to "dress down" someone of inferior rank (or size)
  • -- to scold (someone) long and hard
  • -- lit. to apply (draw or pull) brush
fon dip or fondip (fohn deep)
  • This phrase has sexual and non-sexual usage...
  • Sexual: In passionate sexual situations, it means 'do it!' and is usually attributed to the female heterosexual partner or to the 'passive' homosexual partner.
  • Non-sexual: It originates from a combination of:
    1. the German word 'von' which has been corrupted to 'fon' and which means 'from'
    2. the Turkish word 'dip' meaning 'bottom'
As the phrase was used originally, the meaning was (and still is) "drinking a glass or bottle of alcoholic drink to completion in one go"; to 'knock it back'; to 'chug-a-lug'.
Geliyorum! (gay-lee-or-um) -- I'm coming! [This phrase also has the straightforward non-sexual meaning -- just as with English.]
Git kendini dьzdьr (or siktir)! (gheet kehn-dee-nee dooz-duur/seek-teer) -- Go fuck yourself!
Gцte giren s emsiye aзIlmaz....(gurr-tay gear-in shem-see-yea ah-chill-mahz)
  • An umbrella inserted up the ass won't open. [This sets Turks rolling in the aisles. Actually it is pretty funny, isn't it! hee hee]
    • It's used to describe an 'impossible' situation,
    • Also used to say "You're using the the wrong approach to solve your problem."
gцtünü yalamak (ghert-too-noo yah-lah-mock) -- to fawn over someone, to 'toady' up to someone...lit. to lick ass
hamamcI olmak (hah-mahm-jih ohl-mock) -- [for a man] to have a "nocturnal emission" (a "wet dream") -- [for a man] to become canonically unclean and in need of a ritual full-body bath -- lit. to become the keeper/frequenter of the public bath
ha s Irdatmak (hah-shir-dot-mock) -- to have "rough sex", to make love in a sadistic (or almost sadistic) manner [ha s Irdatmak is the "causative" form of the verb ha s Irdamak (hah-shir-dah-mock); to rustle, make a rustling sound ]
Has'siktir! (from Haydi siktir git! Come on, fuck off!) (hah-sick-ter) -- an all-purpose Turkish swear phrase. Figuratively translated as something like "Well, fuck me!" or "I'll be fucked!" or "What the fuck?!" Used to express: ·... surprise at some revelation -- as in Has'siktir, you mean you saw Ali's wife kissing the neighbor?! ·... annoyance, disgust or anger -- as in Has'siktir, get the hell out of here!
ibne (eeb-neh) · a passive male homosexual, queer, fag. · a scoundrel, a bastard.
Kasaba minnet etmektense sikimin etini yerim. (kah-sah-bah meen-neht eht-mehk-tehn-seh see-kee-meen eh-tee-nee yeh-reem) Thanks AS...(April '99)
  • literally: Rather than being grateful to the butcher, I'll eat my own cock meat.
  • figuratively: I don't want to have to depend on someone else to help me fulfill my dreams/desires/needs.
koli kesmek (kol-ih kehs-meck) -- to take part in sexual relations with a woman, to fuck a woman... lit. to cut a package.
kulampara (koo-lahm-par-ah) · pederast, lover of boys. · active male homosexual.
O duru s a vuru s kaç kuru s?(oh durr-ush-ah vurr-ush kotch koer-ush) -- Figuratively translates as How much [would it cost me for a chance] to penetrate that spot? Literally translates as How many kuru s [old Turkish monetary unit] to hit that posture? This is a favorite male phrase usually uttered (perhaps under the breath?) when the said-male is presented with a comely female backside that's been caught in a vulnerable bent over position. It's even used by straight males with other straight males -- in a joking way...
O iyi siki s ir mi? (Oh ee-yee sihk-ish-ihr mee?) -- Is she/he a good fuck?
Pu s t (pushed) · a passive male homosexual, queer, fag, faggot. · a bastard, son of a bitch, a shit, an asshole.
sik (sick) -- a penis, a "cock", a prick. Note: When English speakers say that they are sick (meaning ill), Turkish people blink. We wonder why...
Sik beni! (sick benny) -- Fuck me! (Make love to me roughly and passionately!). Note: Turks don't use the Sik seni! phrase for "Fuck you!" -- that can be compared to "Va te faire foutre!" in French and "Vaffanculo!" in Italian. A close equivalent, Siktir git! is noted a couple of paragraphs below.
sik yalamak (sick yah-lah-mock) -- to perform fellatio (lit. to lick cock)
Sike sike...[followed by some word(s)]! (sick-eh sick-eh) -- It must be done! Lit. to cock, to cock... Ex. Sike sike o parayI цdeyecek; He will fucking well pay that money!
Sikim amda, canIm cennette...! (sick-ehm ahm-dah jahn-ihm jen-eh-tay) -- You want your cake, and eat it too!! lit. [You want] My cock in the pussy, [and] my life in paradise...
Sikimden a s a g a, KasImpa s a. (sick-im-dehn ah-shah, Kah-sim-pah-shah) -- This phrase translates figuratively as I don't give a shit, but is only meaningful to those who are familiar with Istanbul where the district of KasImpa s a is located. The phrase literally means Below my cock, KasImpa s a. In Turkish, it rhymes so nicely and nonsensically that Istanbulians understand it at once. Could we say that it is similar to the rhyming Cockney of old London town?
Sikinde peynir gцrmü s, gцtünde mandIra açiyor...! (sick-in-day pay-ner gourr-moosh, gourr-toon-day mahn-drah ah-chee-oar) -- Your dreams exceed your capabilities! [and/or your resources]...lit. [You] see [white] cheese on your prick [when you ejaculate], and [you] think you can open a cheese factory in your ass!
siki s mek (sick-ish-meck) -- [for two people] to make love [ slang. to fuck, screw]...Ex. Seninle siki s mek istiyorum; I want to fuck you/make love with you.
sikmek (sick-meck) -- to fuck or screw...Ex. Onu iyi sikmi s sin, sIra ben de!; You have fucked him well and now it's my turn!
Siktir git! (sick-ter git) -- Fuck off! Usually used to express anger, of course, but may also be used to express disbelief.
Tahlisiz deveyi зцlde kutupayIlarI siker. (tah-lee-seez deh-veh-yee cherl-deh koo-too-pah-yih-lah-rih see-keer)
  • The unlucky camel gets fucked by polar bears in the desert. [This is another of the boldly off-color 'proverbs' that sets Turks rolling in the aisles. And again, we have to agree that it qualifies as a definite knee-slapper...]
    1. It's used to describe a perverse stroke of luck or a tragi-comic person (or thing) -- someone (or something) so impossibly unlucky or tragic that one can't help but smile/laugh. Courtesy of JK -- March 2000
Yap beni! (Yahp benny) -- Do me! (Make love to me!)
yarak [or yarrak ] (yahr-ahk) -- a good sized "cock". As in...Bo g a yumurtasI sanki yarra g I da kaya gibi sert[dir]; He has balls like a bull and his cock is hard as a rock. -- it actually means "weapon" in ancient Turkish and is still used innocently (!) in some Central Asian Turcic republics.
yara g a yan basmak (yahr-ah yahn bahs-mock) -- To make a mistake, to fall into a trap or a bad situation, to fuck up. Literally, to step sideways on [your] cock.
yara g I yemek (yahr-ah yeh-meck) -- To fall into a bad situation that you can't remedy, to make a serious mistake, to fuck up. Literally, to eat cock. As in...Yara g I yedim! I fucked up.
Yara g ImIn atI s poligonu...! (yahr-ahh-ihm-ihn ah-tihsh poe-lee-gone-uuu) -- You are a very exasperating person, a pain in the ass! lit. [I want to] Shoot my ejaculation [onto] the target [onto the exact place where you stand]!... You say this to the friend who, having just complained about being broke, starts telling you that he wants to go nightclubbing tonight in Marmaris (one of Turkey's hottest Mediterranean resorts).

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