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Unit 4 diseases of the central nervous system

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для студентов I года обучения по темам:

«Система кровообращения»


«Нервная система»

«Заболевания центральной нервной системы»

«Солнечный удар»

«Мочеполовая система»


УДК: 802.0(075.8):378.619


Методические указания по английскому языку предназначены для студентов факультета ветеринарной медицины 1-го года обучения. В них представлены 6 уроков, каждый из которых состоит из 2-х текстов ветеринарной тематики и большого количества лексико-грамматических упражнений. Целью пособия является выработка у студентов компетенций в сфере владения профессиональной лексикой и навыками общения в рамках специальности.



Составители: Дементьева Л.Г., Зебров Д.К., Нечаев А.Н., Форш В.Д., Чеченкова Н.В.



проф. Конопатов Ю.В.


Рекомендовано к печати методическим советом СПбГАВМ

(протокол № от)



Издание 2-ое, дополненное и переработанное


©ФГБОУ СПО «Санкт-Петербургская государственная

академия ветеринарной медицины», 2012











Test I 3

Test II 3



Формы инфинитива


  Active Passive  
Indefinite to ask to be asked Неперфектные (простые) формы выражают одновременность или будущее по отношению к глаголу-сказуемому.
Continuous to be asking to be being asked
Perfect to have asked to have been asked Перфектные формы выражают предшествование по отношению к глаголу-сказуемому.
Perfect Continuous to have been asking  



Упр. 1. Укажите номера инфинитивов в форме Indefinite Infinitive Passive.

1) to be going

2) to have read

3) to be done

4) to have been done

5) to be operated

Упр. 2. Укажите номера инфинитивов в форме Indefinite Infinitive Active.

1) to have done

2) to be read

3) to have operated

4) to be doing

Упр. 3. Определите форму инфинитивов. Поставьте в опросном листе соответствующие цифры и буквы.

1) to be seen

2) to protect

3) to be protecting

4) to have caused

5) to be caused

6) to have been caused

a) Indefinite Infinitive Active

b) Indefinite Infinitive Passive

c) Perfect Infinitive Passive

d) Continuous Infinitive Active

e) Perfect Infinitive Active

Упр. 4. Переведите, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.

1) Kidneys serve to remove the wastes of the body.

2) To be administered the drug must be diluted.

3) To prevent the disease the veterinarian must vaccinate the animals.

4) To know how a plant grows you must study botany.

5) To be a veterinarian you must graduate from a veterinary institute.

6) He wants to be a veterinarian.

7) These students study to be good specialists.

8) The animals to be examined were shown to the veterinarian.

9) There was much to be done to control the disease.

10) The drug to be administered is on the table.

11) Many drugs are applied to the organ to be treated.

Упр. 5. Каким русским предложениям соответствуют следующие английские?

1) The animals to be treated are in the clinic.

2) To be treated the animals should be in the clinic.

3) The cow is to be operated on in the clinic.

4) The cow to be operated on is in the clinic.

a) Для того, чтобы вылечить животных, им необходимо быть в клинике.

b) Животные, которых необходимо вылечить, находятся в клинике.

c) Корова, которую нужно оперировать, находится в клинике.

d) Корову нужно оперировать в клинике.

Упр. 6. Переведите, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.

1) To determine the borders of the heart is not an easy task for a medical student.

2) It is very important to carry out this experiment.

3) To be a good veterinarian requires a basic knowledge of biology.

4) He is going to be a surgeon.

5) To be a surgeon he studies at the medical institute.

6) To be a surgeon is difficult and interesting.

7) Water has to be analyzed during epidemic.

8) We must control the disease in pets if we are to stop its spread to man.

9) Attention must be paid to the climatic condition.

10) Our task is to examine the injury.

11) This problem was to be discussed by the students.

12) This problem was discussed by the students.


Упр. 7. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1) After contact with white blood cells the microbes became dead.
White blood cells destroyed the microbes.
to destroy – разрушать

2) Skull protects brain from injury.
to protect – защищать

3) The large bones contain marrow.
marrow – костный мозг

4) Blood carries oxygen to the organs. It provides the organs with oxygen.
to provide – снабжать, обеспечивать

5) The bodies dilate when they are hot.
to dilate – расширяться

6) The anti-influenza serum is applied against influenza.

The immune bodies of the organisms are in serum.
serum – сыворотка

7) Spleen is the organ which forms the elements of blood.
spleen – селезенка

8) Blood moves through the blood vessels.
blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды

9) Blood contains great amount of leucocytes.

Skull consists of a large amount of bones.
amount – количество

10) The digestive and respiratory systems are inside the body. They are called internal systems.

internal – внутренний

11) After the injection of the drug the condition of the sick animal improved markedly.
markedly – заметно

12) The function of the heart is to pump blood.
to pump – качать

13) Food is essential for the existence of living organisms.
essential – необходимый

14) The system of blood vessels through which the blood moves is called the circulatory system.
circulatory – кровеносный

Упр. 8. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных наречия при помощи суффикса -ly.

continual (непрерывный)

periodical (периодический)

prompt (своевременный)

marked (заметный)

Упр. 9. Прочтите и определите значение английских слов по их сходству с русскими эквивалентами.

Transport, process, plasma, function, person, structure, pneumonia, infection, protoplasm, vein, elastic, leucosyte, appendicitis, artery, capillary.


Упр. 10. Прочтите текст «The Circulatory System».

The Circulatory System

Part I

The life processes of an animal require to provide food and oxygen continually for the metabolism in its protoplasm and to remove wastes promptly. To do this the circulatory system serves for internal transport. Its essential parts are: 1) the blood which consists of fluid plasma and free cells or blood corpuscules; 2) the heart with muscular walls that contract periodically to pump the blood through the body; and 3) a system of tubular blood vessels through which the fluid is moved.

In all vertebrates the blood comprises plasma, white blood cells and red cells which serve to transport oxygen. The red cells total is about 35 trillion in a human being: each may live 25 to 100 days and make 50,000 or more circuits in the blood stream. The function of the red bone marrow is to produce red blood cells. Red cells are more numerous in infants and in persons who live in high mountains.


Vocabulary List


to provide

to protect

to dilate

to destroy

to pump





blood vessel






Упр. 11. Найдите в тексте и прочтите вслух ответы на следующие вопросы.

1) Из каких основных частей состоит система кровообращения?

2) Из каких частей состоит кровь?

3) В чем заключается функция красного костного мозга?

Упр. 12. Ответьте на вопросы по-английски.

1) What is the total amount of the red blood cells in a human being?

2) What is the main function of the circulatory system?

Упр. 13. Прочтите и переведите текст «The Circulatory System».

Упр. 14. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие инфинитив, определите его функцию.


Home task.

1) Выучите теорию «Формы Инфинитива» (с. 126) и «Функции инфинитива» (с. 126-130) [1].

2) Выучите Vocabulary List.

3) Прочтите и переведите текст «The Circulatory System» Part II, стр. 7.

4) Выполните письменно упражнения 15, 16, 17.


Упр. 15. Fill in the necessary words: be removed, pumps, consists of, protect.

1) The body wastes must... promptly.

2) The blood... plasma, white blood cells and red blood cells.

3) The heart... the blood through the blood vessels.

4) The white blood cells... the body.

Упр. 16. Translate the sentences using a dictionary.

1) Prevention is the best way to control the disease.

2) A thermometer is an instrument to be used to measure temperature.

3) There were many problems to be solved to understand this phenomenon.

4) Disinfectants work best when they and the surface to be disinfected are warm.

5) There are several more questions to be answered in this connection.

6) The purpose of mammary gland is to provide nourishment for the newborn mammal.

7) To prevent the effect of anesthesia the experiments were carried out after the section of the brain.

8) To understand the great work which he did we must know the conditions of the hospitals of those days.

Упр. 17. Translate into English.

1) Сердце сокращается ритмично.

2) Красные клетки крови переносят кислород.

3) Белые клетки крови разрушают бактерии.

4) Вены имеют тонкие стенки.

5) Во время инфекции количество белых клеток увеличивается.

6) Стенки всех кровеносных сосудов являются эластичными.


The Circulatory System

Part II

The several kinds of white cells have their principal activities in the tissues. The white cells to be seen in the blood stream are on their way from their origins in the marrow, spleen or lymphoid structures to the tissues or their death. Many of them can act as phagocytes and protect the body as they destroy bacteria that invade wounds. In an acute infection such as appendicitis or pneumonia they increase markedly to battle the infection. The whitish pus of an infected area consists of dead leucocytes, tissue cells and blood serum. The heart and all vessels are lined with endothelium. The walls of the aorta and larger arteries contain heavy layers of elastic and muscle fibres but the small arterioles are covered by smooth muscle fibres only. The capillary walls consist only of endothelium. Veins are thin-walled. The walls of all blood vessels are elastic. They dilate or contract so as to alter the amount of blood passing to any organ.



Оборот «Именительный падеж с инфинитивом»

Complex Subject


подлежащее The veterinarian


сказуемое 1. appears 1. по-видимому

2. is supposed 2. предполагают

3. is likely 3. вероятно

ветеринарный врач – подлежащее

инфинитив to be on the farm находится на ферме.


The veterinarian is supposed to be on the farm.

Предполагают, что ветеринарный врач на ферме.


Оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» переводится сложноподчиненным предложением, в котором главное предложение является безличным или неопределенно-личным.

Упр. 1. Переведите сказуемое в правой колонке.

to say (говорить) is said (to)

to consider (считать) has been considered (to)

to believe (полагать) is believed (to)

to suppose (предполагать) was supposed (to)

to report (сообщать) is reported (to)

to see (видеть) was seen (to)

Упр. 2. Переведите, обращая внимание на оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом».

1) The cow is supposed to have contracted the disease.

2) The farm is reported to have been isolated.

3) He is said to have graduated from the Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine.

Упр. 3. Прочтите, обращая внимание на перевод сказуемого.

1) This vaccine proved to be very effective. 2) The drug is unlikely to effect a cure. 3) The reaction is sureto be positive.   Оказалось, что эта вакцина очень эффективна. Вряд ли лекарство приведет к выздоровлению. Реакция определенно будет положительная.


4) The experiment appears to be a failure. 5) The health of the patient seems to improve. 6) He seems to know anatomy well.   7) The patient is likely to improve soon. 8) The disease is sure to be very dangerous. 9) The operation proved to be successful. По-видимому, эксперимент не удался. Кажется, здоровье пациента улучшается. Кажется, он хорошо знает анатомию. Похоже, пациент скоро поправится.   Заболевание определенноявляется очень опасным. Оказалось, что операция прошла успешно.

Упр. 4. Переведите, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов «to appear» и «to prove».

1) The disease usually appears in the spring.

2) Tetanus (столбняк) appears to be more common in certain areas.

3) The animal appeared to be absolutely healthy.

4) He proved to be a good specialist.

5) He proved that he was right.

6) Vaccine protection has not proved to be efficient (эффективный) in this case.

Упр. 5. Укажите номера предложений, в которых употребляется оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом».

1) Some dogs are said to imitate (подражать) a few words.

2) Professor read the lecture about a new phenomenon.

3) Moles (кроты) appear to have neither eyes not ears but this is wrong. (neither... nor – ни... ни)


Сложное дополнение или оборот «Объектный падеж с инфинитивом»

Complex Object

We suppose Мы предполагаем, что

this lecture эта лекция

to be будет

very interesting. очень интересная.


Упр. 6. Сделайте перевод на русский, обращая внимание на конструкцию «Сложное дополнение»(обороты «объектный падеж с инфинитивом»).

1) Doctor expected the temperature to be high.

2) He found the disease to be caused by a protozoan.

3) We know him to be a good specialist.

4) The scientist found the virus to be very resistant to antibiotics.

5) The tests showed the animals to be healthy.

6) The owner saw the rabid dog run away.

7) He wanted to examine the animal.

8) He wanted the animals to be examined by the students.

9) He wanted the students to examine the animal.

10) Some investigators found the spore-forming bacteria to be present in the soil only in the form of spores.

11) The method proved to be very important.

12) The author proved the method to be very important.

Упр. 7. Определите значение английских слов по их сходству с русскими эквивалентами.

Interval, chance, normal, minute, emotional, series, pulse.



Упр. 8. Прочтите и переведите, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1) After hard exercise the muscles must relax.
to relax – расслабляться

2) The unvaccinated animals are exposed to the infection during epidemics.
to expose – подвергать

3) Blood vessels which carry the blood to the heart are called veins.
veins – вены

4) First the blood enters the atrium and then moves into the ventricles.
ventricle – желудочек
atrium – предсердие

5) The human heart has 4 chambers.
chamber – отдел

6) The valve is situated between atrium and ventricle. When the valve opens the blood moves from one part of the heart to the other.
valve – клапан

7) The blood comprises white and red cells.
to comprise – содержать

8) The walls of the blood vessels can contract. The walls of rumen are covered by the papillae.
wall – стена, стенка

9) The pulse of man may be palpated (to palpate – прощупать) on the wrist. If you press your hands to the temples you can feel the pulse.
temple – висок, wrist – запястье

10) The irritation (раздражение) of the nerve ends leads to the excitement of the brain nerve cells.
excitement – возбуждение

11) The adult animals have no chord.
adult – взрослый

12) During the first stages of mastitis the changes are so slight that they are not noticed.
slight – легкий, незаметный

13) Sight of food causes the involuntary excretion of saliva.
involuntary – непроизвольный

14) The horses are tired because they have done a heavy work.
heavy – тяжелый

Упр. 9. Прочтите текст «The Heart» Part I.


The Heart

Part I

The entire circulatory system in any vertebrate is known to comprise the heart, the blood system of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins and the lymphatic system. The heart is ventral and comprises walls with slight or heavy muscular walls to receive blood from the veins and to pump it through the arteries. Inbirds and mammals the four-chambered heart has been found to consist of two parts; the right side is to pump blood only from the body to the lungs and the left side from the lungs to the body. The action of the heart appears to be under involuntary nervous control. Blood pours from the veins into the auricles. When the auricles are full they contract and force the blood into orificies which allow the blood to pass into the ventricles.

Vocabulary List


to comprise

to relax

to expose














Упр. 10. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1) Из каких частей состоит сердце птиц и млекопитающих и каковы их функции?

2) Каким образом кровь попадает из предсердий в желудочки?

Упр. 11. Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What are the main parts of the circulatory system?

2) What side of the heart pumps blood from the body to the lungs?

3) How does blood get into the ventricles?

Упр. 12. Найдите в тексте и прочитайте предложения, содержащие:

1) оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом»;

2) оборот «объектный падеж с инфинитивом».

Упр. 13. Дополните предложения.

1)...system is known to comprise...

2)...heart has been found to consist...

3) Heart appears to be ventral...

Упр. 14. Прочтите и переведите текст «The Heart» Part I.

Home task.

1) Выучите теорию «Именительный падеж с инфинитивом», «Объектный падеж с инфинитивом» на стр. 130-136.

2) Выучите Vocabulary List.

3) Выполните письменн Упр. 15, 16 на стр. 12.

4) Прочитайте и переведите текст «The Heart» part II.


Упр. 15. Translate the sentences using a dictionary.

1) There are certain species which can be said to obtain all of their food from their host.

2) Anthrax was described in ancient literature and is thought to have been the fifth plague of Egypt, believed to have occurred about 1451 B.C.

3) The disease is considered to be spread by biting insects.

4) The intensive study of the nucleus and of its role in heredity can be said to characterize the work of our modern period.

5) The results showed this enzyme to be characterized by irregular distribution of the various types of aminoacids.

6) We assume the healthy protoplasm to be able to form a surface membrane after its injury.

7) There seems to be a close relationship between chlorophyll and haemoglobin of animal blood.

8) One aspect that appears to have been neglected is the effect of these algae on the physical properties of the soil.

Упр. 16. Translate into English.

1) Система циркуляции состоит из сердца, кровеносных сосудов и лимфатической системыю

2) Частота биения сердца увеличивается при физической или эмциональной нагрузке.

3) Известно, что сердце состоит из четырех камер.

4) Когда предсердия сокращаются, кровь переходит в желудочки.

The Heart

Part II

When the ventricles are full they contract while the auricles relaè and rest. This closes the mitral and tricuspid valves with audible thump and the blood is fored into the arteries. The ventricles relax and rest and the semilunar valves close. After a pause during which the heart muscle rests the whole operation is to be repeated. The short intervals while the chambers are filling are the only chance for the heart muscle to have rest throughout life.

We know the human heart in a quiet normal adult to contract or beat about 72 times per minute, the rate is increased by exercise, emotional excitement and some diseases. In some small birds and mammals the heart has been found to beat 200 to 400 times per minute. Blood is known to move from the heart in a series of spurts which in some exposed arteries such as in the wrist or temple may be felt as the «pulse».


Формы причастия

  Active Passive
Present writing asking being written being asked
Past   written asked
Perfect having written having asked having been written having been asked


Упр. 1. Образуйте Present Participle Active от гдаголов to examine, to go, to infect.

Упр. 2. Прочтите и переведите.

1) Any infectious disease affecting farm animals is a disaster.

2) The vessels carrying blood to the heart are called veins.

3) The nicroorganisms invading the human body are able to develop infection.

4) The man examining the cow is our veterinarian.

5) The process of growth is due to the increasing number of cells.

6) When we came to the clinic the surgeon was examining the wound.

7) The temperature of the sick animal is increasing.

Упр. 3. Укажите номера предложений из упр. 2, содержащие Participle I

в функции определения.

Упр. 4. Прочтите и переведите.

1) Examining the cell under microscope we could watch its division.

2) You must be careful (осторожный) when using this drug.

3) Watch the patient’s reaction while administering the drug.

Упр. 5. Прочтите и переведите. Обратите внимание на то, что причастие с союзом являются сокращенной формой придаточного обстоятельственного предложения времени.

1) You must be careful when you are examining a rabid animal.

2) You must be careful when examining a rabid animal.

3) While eating the animal showed signs of pain.

4) Vaccinating the animals the veterinarian protects them from the disease.

5) The assistant is vaccinating the herd.

6) Be attentive while watching the operation.

Упр. 6. Образуйте Participle II от следующих правильных глаголов (правила образования см. на стр. 14657-147)58):

to treat, to drop, to carry, to examine.

Упр. 7. Назовите инфинитивы, от которых образованы следующие Participles II.

1) been; 2) had; 3) done; 4) seen; 5) grown; 6) made.

Упр. 8. Прочтите и переведите. Данные предложения содержат Past Participle в функции определения.

1) The affected animals died.

2) The vaccinated animals became immune to the disease.

Упр. 9. Прочтите и переведите.

1) He has operated on this cow.

2) The soil is infected with germs.

3) The infected instruments must be disinfected.

4) The operated animals are sleeping.

Упр. 10. Прочтите и укажите соответствующий перевод.

1) The animals operated were in the clinic.

2) The animals were operated in the clinic.

1) Оперированные животные были в клинике.

2) Животные были оперированы в клинике.

Обратите внимание на то, что Participle II в функции определения может стоять за определяемым словом (№1).

Упр. 11. Данные предложения содержат Participle II в функции обстоятельства времени и условия.

1) The antitoxins are effective when given in large doses.

2) Unless treated the animal dies.

3) The drug has good effect if properly administered.

Обратите внимание на то, что Participle II, как и Participle I, в функции обстоятельства может употребляться с союзами when, while, if, unless.

Упр. 12. Прочтите и обратите внимание на сходство выделенных конструкций.

1) The cows give more milk when properly fed.
Коровы дают больше молока при правильном кормлении.

2) The cows give more milk when they are properly fed.
Коровы дают больше молока, когда их правильно кормят.

Упр. 13. Прочтите и переведите. Укажите номер предложения, содержащего причастный союзный оборот.

1) When examined under the microscope the division of the cell could be clearly seen.

2) The professor has delivered the lecture on the exchange of gases in the lungs.

3) When affected with infectious disease an animal must be isolated immediately.


Упр. 14. Переведите, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1) The nervous cells convey impulses.
to convey – передавать

2) The amount of blood regulates the body temperature.
to regulate – регулировать

3) All organs of the body are called in Latin.
to call – называть

4) The larynx is joined to the pharynx.
to join – объединять, присоединять

5) The infectious diseases pass from one animal to another. The nerve cells pass the impulses.
to pass – переходить

6) Liver is the largest gland.
gland – железа

7) The nervous cell is called a neuron.
neuron – нейрон

8) The nervous system regulates the rate of blood movement.
rate – степень, норма

9) What kind of nerves pass the impulses to the central nervous system? – The sensory nerves.
sensory – чувствительный, сенсорный

10) What kind of nerves pass the impulses to the organs? – The motor nerves.
motor – двигательный

11) The worms (черви) have the primary cavity of the body.
primary – главный, первичный

12) The veterinarian is responsible for the health of the animals.
responsible – ответственный

13) When the heart is stopped the animal dies immediately.
immediately – немедленно, сразу же

14) What is the ganglion? – It is a small mass consisting of nerve cells.
ganglion – нервный узел, ганглий

15) The kidneys of dog similar in appearance to those of swine.
appearance – внешний вид

16) The ribs arise from the vertebrae.
to arise from – происходить, возникать

17) The ventricles contract whereas the atriums relax.
whereas – в то время как

Упр. 15. Прочтите и определите значение английских слов по сходству с русскими эквивалентами.

Centre, reflex, vegetative, metabolism.

Упр. 16. Прочтите и переведите.

Sacrum, medulla, vagus, cerebrum.

Упр. 17. Прочтите текст «The Nervous System».

The Nervous System

Part I

The nervous system consists of 1) the central nervous system comprising the brain and the spinal cord; 2) the peripheral nervous system of 10 or 12 pairs of cranial nerves from the brain and a pair of spinal nerves.

The primary unit of the nervous system is a nerve cell or a neuron. The contact between neurons is called a synapse which passes nerve impulses from the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of the other. The neurons are of several kinds: the sensory neurons conducting impulses from receptors to the central nervous system; motor neurons conducting impulses from the central nervous system to various effecters; adjuster neurons join variously between sensory and motor neurons.

The spinal cord is starting in the fourth cervical vertebrae immediately after the medulla. It has the same appearance as the medulla. It stretches as far as the centre of the sacrum. The nerves arise from the cord between two vertebrae, the two above are sensory nerves and the two below are motor ones. The sensory and the motor nerves join in a small mass of nervous matter called ganglion. The cells in the spinal cord are responsible for the numerous reflex actions.


Vocabulary List


to convey

to regulate

to arise

to call

to join

to pass










Упр. 18. Найдите в тексте и прочитайте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1) Что является основной клеточной единицей нервной системы?

2) В чем заключается функция сенсорных нервных клеток?

3) В чем заключается функция двигательных нервных клеток?

Упр. 19. Прочтите и переведите.

Peripheral nervous system, nerve cell, sensory neurons, motor neuron, spinal cord; nervous matter; reflex action.

Упр. 20. Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What does the nervous system consist of?

2) What is a ganglion?

3) What is a synapse?

4) What does the central nervous system consist of?

Упр. 21. Найдите в тексте и прочитайте вслух Participle I и Participle II.

Упр. 22. Дополните предложения.

...system comprising the brain and the spinal cord...

...neurons conducting impulses...

The spinal cord is starting from...

...contact... is called a synapse...

...nervous matter called ganglion.

Упр. 23. Прочтите и переведите текст «The Nervous System».

Home task.

1) Выучите теорию «Participle I и Participle II в функции определения и обстоятельства», стр. 147-156.

2) Выучите Vocabulary List.

3) Выполните письменно упр. 24, 25, 26 на стр. 17-18.

4) Прочитайте и переведите текст «The Nervous System» Part II.


Упр. 24. Fill in the necessary words.

To comprise, to conduct, to start, to arise from, primary, sensory, motor.

1) The nerve cell is the... unit of the nervous system.

2) The central nervous system... the brain and the spinal cord.

3) The... neurons... impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system.

4) The spinal cord... in the fourth cervical vertebrae.

5) The nerves... the cord.

6) The... neurons pass impulses from the central nervous system to the effectors.

Упр. 25. Translate the sentences using a dictionary.

1) Chickens suffering from vitamin D deficiency develop rickets.

2) Viruses may be determined to be living organisms consisting mainly of protein molecules.

3) When cultivated in vitro these cells develop gradually.

4) These drugs have a good effect if properly administered during the early stages of the disease.

5) The species collected varied in character.

6) Each virus has to grow and reproduce when surrounded by the necessary environment.

7) While engaged in the eradication of pleuropneumonia the inspectors discovered an unexpected amount of glanders among horses.

Упр. 26. Translate into English.

1) Вегетативная нервная система управляет деятельностью сердечной мышцы.

2) Клетки спинного мозга регулируют рефлекторные действия.

3) Холоднокровные животные не имеют симпатической нервной системы.


The Nervous System

Part II

The vegetative nervous system regulates the rate of metabolism, muscular action and the body temperature. It consists of two parts: the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system. The sympathetic system is formed by the nerves regulating the activity of the heart muscle and the glands and conveying sensations from the internal organs to the cerebrum.

Cold stimulates the sympathetic nerves and they cause white muscle to contract. Heart has the opposite effect. Mammals and birds have the system highly developed whereas the cold-blooded animals, fish, frogs, etc. have no sympathetic system.

In many organs the activity of the sympathetic system is regulated by the parasympathetic nerves. For example, the sympathetic nerve increases the rate of the heart beat and the Vagus1 (parasympathetic nerve) reduces it thus keeping the rate correct for the needs of the animal.

1 Vagus – вагус, блуждающий нерв (парасимпатический нерв)




Упр. 1. Укажите форму причастий.

1) being examined

2) having examined

3) having been examined

a) Present Participle Passive

b) Perfect Participle Passive

c) Perfect Participle Active

Упр. 2. Образуйте причастия по модели.

Model: Present PP Perfect PP Perfect PA
to do being done having been done having done
to treat ? ? ?
to inject ? ? ?

Упр. 3. Прочтите и переведите. Данные предложения (не все) содержат сложные формы причастия в функции определения (правила перевода сложных форм причастия см. стр. 147-151).

1) The virus being investigated is the virus of Rabies.

2) The increase in poliomyelitis infections is caused by the damaged tissues being examined now.

3) The assistant told us about the health of the animals having been treated.

4) A new house is being built in our street.

5) The disease being spread is very dangerous.

6) The patient being examined is very emaciated (истощен).

Упр. 4. Укажите номера предложений из упр. 3, содержащих Complex Participle в функции определения.

Упр. 5. Прочтите и переведите. Данные предложения (не все) содержат Complex Participles в функции обстоятельства времени или причины.

1) Having entered the Academy of Veterinary Medicine he decided to become a microbiologist.

2) Being affected with pneumonia he had a high temperature.

3) Having being invited to the conference he prepared his report.

4) Having finished my work I went home.

5) Having destroyed the breeding places of mosquitoes, the sanitary inspectors limited the spread of malaria.

6) He has been performing different experiments till now.

7) Being suspected of an infectious disease the animal was quarantined.

Итак, Complex Participles в предложении могут выполнять функцию определения или обстоятельства и переводятся сказуемым в составе соответствующего придаточного предложения.

Упр. 6. Прочтите и переведите, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1) In man the disease is not severe, mild fever and vomiting being the principal symptoms.

2) The virus having entered the blood stream, the disease was very acute.

3) The temperature being high, the patient had to be taken to hospital.

Выделенные словосочетания называются независимым причастным оборотом – Absolute Participial Construction. Как вы помните, этот оборот может выполнять функцию обстоятельства времени, причины или сопутствующих обстоятельств. Переводится соответствующим придаточным предложением. Обратите внимание на то, что Absolute Participial Construction всегда отделяется запятой.

Упр. 7. Прочтите и переведите.

1) The epidemic occuring in the herd, measures were taken for isolation of the animals.

2) The lecture having been finished, we left the instisute.

3) The epidemic occurring in the herd spreads rapidly.

4) The diagnosis of tuberculosis having been made, the affected animals were slaughtered.


Упр. 8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1) Rare types of animals are listed in the Red Book.
rare – редкий

2) The symptoms of the mustard poisoning (отравление горчицей) and those of rabies are identical.
identical – идентичный, сходный

3) The rigidity of udder is a pathology. It indicates the possibility of mastitis.
rigidity – твердость, жесткость

4) Skull encloses the brain.
The omentum encloses the stomach.
to enclose – окружать

5) During respiration first the air moves into the nasal cavity.
The intestine is in the abdominal cavity.
cavity – полость

6) The walls of aorta can hold high blood pressure.
pressure – давление

7) The visual observation is one of the diagnostic methods.
observation – наблюдение

8) Tumours are classified as malignant and nonmalignant.
tumour – опухоль

9) The child has a high temperature. Probably he has caught influenza.
probably – возможно, вероятно

10) The direct injection of the air into a vein causes death.
direct – прямой, непосредственный

11) The external organs of the body are accessibile for surgical treatment. The internal organs are inaccessible and the surgeon must dissect skin or bone to get access to these organs.
accessible – доступный, inaccessible – недоступный, to access – проникать

12) Loss of blood leads to anemia.
to lead – вести, приводить

13) If the resistance of an organism is weakened the germs may invade it.
to invade – внедряться

14) If the injury of a leg is serious it is accompanied with lameness (хромота).
to accompany – сопровождать

15) The lesions are so small that they cannot be detected without microscope. They are not detectable.
to detect – обнаруживать, detectable – очевидный

Упр. 9. Прочтите, обратите внимание на словообразовательные суффиксы.


-tion: examination, consideration, interpretation, observation, degeneration

-ture: fracture, musculature

-ty: rigidity, cavity, difficulty


-al: physical, vertebral, cranial, spinal, central


-ly: probably, nearly, frequently, primarily, especially, commonly

Упр. 10. Прочтите и определите значение английских слов по сходству их с русскими эквивалентами.

Degeneration, progressive, atrophy, protein, abscess, parasite, canal, tendency.

Упр. 11. Прочтите текст «Diseases of the Central Nervous System», Part I.


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