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Transfers from investment property to property plant, and equipment are appropriate

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  6. Change the Conditional I into Conditionals II and III using the appropriate phrases.
  7. Choose the appropriate adverbial of time.


1. What is implied under the term residual value?

a) the amount at which an asset is recognised after deducting any accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.

B) the estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

c) the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted for cost.

d) the higher amount of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use.


2. Under the double declining-balance method, an accelerated depreciation is:

a) computed as a specified percentage of the straight line depreciation rate

b) shall not exceed 150%a specified percentage of the straight line depreciation rate

c) shall not exceed 100%a specified percentage of the straight line depreciation rate

d) all answers are wrong

3. In which of the following cases the expenditure should not be capitalised:

a) A new engine is fitted to a machine which will increase its production capacity

B) Replacement of rotting windows in the head office.

c) Replacement of an aircraft engine every five years

d) the cost of an extension to a building

Which of the following costs cannot be included in the cost of PPE

a) Stamp duty

b) Legal fees

c) Architect’s fees

d) Maintenance

5. Examples of directly attributable costs of PPE are:

a) costs of site preparation;

b) initial delivery and handling costs;

c) professional fees

D) all answers are correct


6. Subsequent expenditure on property, plant and equipment should only be capitalised if:

a) it results in the total economic benefits expected from the asset to increase above those expected on original recognition

b) it merely maintains the economic benefits originally expected

c) it is the cost of general repairs

d) the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable

7. Depreciation on PPE must be charged from the date:

a) the asset is available for use

b) the date it is actually brought into use

c) the asset was purchased

d) the asset was delivered


  1. The criteria for recognition of an item of PPE are:

a) identifiability, control, probable future economic benefits and reliable cost measurement

b) probable future economic benefits and reliable cost measurement

c) identifiability, control, probable future economic benefits

d) control, probable future economic benefits and reliable cost measurement

  1. Which of the following items are not the elements of cost of PPE?

a) purchase price

b) discounts and rebates

c) any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management

d) non-refundable purchase taxes


  1. Revaluation of PPE shall be made:

a) annually

B) sufficiently regularly to ensure no material difference between carrying amount and fair value at the end of the reporting period

c) Quarterly

d) Monthly


  1. At the date of the revaluation accumulated depreciation is:

a) restated proportionately with the change in gross carrying amount so that the carrying amount after revaluation equals its revalued amount or eliminated against gross carrying amount and the net amount restated to the revalued amount;

b) Deducted from carrying amount

c) Added to carrying amount

d) Reconsidered by experts


  1. The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be derecognised

a) When it is acquired from other party;

b) when it is revaluated;

C) when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal;

d) Both answers A and B are correct.

  1. Intangible assetsare:

A) identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance

b) unidentifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance

c) identifiable monetary assets with physical substance

d) Internally generated goodwill

  1. Which of the following assets could not be classified as an intangible asset?

a) a "firewall" controlling access to restricted sections of an Internet website

B) the operating system of a personal computer;

c) Patent granted by the government

d) Intellectual property


  1. An intangible asset may be acquired:

A) as part of a business combination;

b) by way of a government grant;

c) by an exchange of assets

d) all answers are correct

  1. "Cost" of an intangible asset:

A) is determined according to the same principles applied in accounting for other assets

b) Could not be determined

c) Shall be determined only for internally generated intangible assets

d) Shall include costs related to introduction of a new product or service


  1. Internally generated goodwill:

a) shall not be recognised as an asset

b) shall be recognized as an intangible asset if it is generated internally

c) shall be recognized as an intangible asset

d) shall be classified as deferred income

  1. Internally generated brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer lists and items similar in substance are

a) recognized as assets

b) not recognized as intangible assets

c) identifiable

d) classified as tangible assets


  1. Costs that are not components of the cost of an internally generated intangible asset include:

a) identified inefficiencies and initial operating losses incurred before the asset achieves planned performance;

b) costs that have previously been expensed (e.g. during a research phase) must not be reinstated;

c) training expenditure

d) all answers correct


  1. Amortisation of intangible ceases at the earlier of the date that the asset is:

A) classified as held for sale

b) revaluated

c) classified as long-term

d) classified as short-term



  1. The residual value of an intangible asset is:

A) assumed to be zero unless there is a commitment to purchase by a third party and there is an active market for that particular asset;

b) shall be calculated by using a particular formula;

c) equal to the carrying amount of an intangible asset

d) revaluated very often


  1. An intangible asset with an indefinite useful life is


a) not amortised, but tested for impairment

b) Amortised and tested for impairment

C) not amortised and tested for impairment

d) Amortised

Events after the reporting period

  1. Events after the reporting period are

A) those events, both favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the end of the reporting period and the date on which the financial statements are authorised for issue

b) only the events that have impact on the financial statements

c) only the events that do not have the impact on the financial statements

d) The events that occur after the official publication of financial statements

  1. What can be an example of non-adjusting events?

a) The settlement after the end of the reporting period of a court case that confirms that an entity had a present obligation at the end of the reporting period

b) Bankruptcy of a customer which occurs after the end of the reporting period and confirms that a loss already existed at the end of the reporting period on a trade receivable account

C) decline in market value of investments after the end of the reporting period and before the date on which the financial statements are authorised for issue

d) Discovery of a fraud


  1. Dividends to owners declared after the reporting period

a) shall not be recognised

B) Shall not be considered as adjusting events;

c) Shall be considered as adjusting events if the entity complies with the principle of going concern;

d) Shall affect the items of income statement.


  1. Which of the following events after the reporting period provide evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period?

a) Closure of one of fifteen retail outlets;

b) Exchange rate fluctuations

c) Nationalisation or privatisation by government

d) Out of court settlement of a legal claim

Investment property

27. Investment property does not include:

a) land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short- term sale in the ordinary course of business;

b) land held for a currently undetermined use;

C) a building that is occupied by the personnel of the company

d) all answers are correct


  1. Transfers to and from investment property should be made:

a) at the end of useful life of investment property;

b) when there is a change in use evidenced by commencement of owner occupation;

c) when the entity changes its accounting policy;

d) when an entity changes its type operational activity.


  1. A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of investment property shall be:

a) capitalized;

b) included in profit or loss;

c) included in profit or loss and reflected in the statement of financial position;

d) included in profit or loss.


  1. Any revaluation surplus up to the date of transfer of investment property

a) will be recognised in other comprehensive income and presented in equity;

b) will be recognised in other comprehensive income and statement of financial position;

c) will be recognised in cash flow and presented in equity

D) will be recognized only in other comprehensive income


  1. An investment property should be derecognized:

A) on disposal;

b) future economic benefits are expected from its disposal;

c) when it’s fair value decreases substantially;

d) its cost cannot be determined reliably


  1. The following meet the definition of investment property except:

a) property intended for sale in the ordinary course of business;

B) land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short- term sale in the ordinary course of business;

c) land held for a currently undetermined use;

d) a building that is occupied by the personnel of the company



  1. An investment property should be measured initially

A) at its cost

b) at its cost including any general and administrative expenses

c) at its cost by adding any discounts and rebates

d) all answers are correct

Construction contract

  1. A fixed price contract:

a) is a construction contract in which the contractor is reimbursed for allowable or otherwise defined costs, plus a percentage of these costs or a fixed fee

b) is a construction contract in which the contractor agrees to a fixed contract price, or a fixed rate per unit of output, which in some cases is subject to cost escalation clauses

c)is a construction contract in which the contractor agrees to a fixed contract price, or a fixed rate per unit of output, which in some cases is NOT subject to cost escalation clauses

d) is a construction contract in which the contractor is reimbursed for allowable or otherwise defined costs, minus a percentage of these costs or a fixed fee


  1. Costs that relate directly to a specific contract include:

a) Site labour costs, including site supervision;

b) Costs of materials used in construction;

c) Depreciation of plant and equipment used on the contract;

d) all answers are correct;


  1. When the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably:

a) Revenue shell be recognised only to the extent of contract costs incurred that it is probable will be recoverable; and contract costs should be recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred;

b) It shall be recognized as loss;

c) It shall be recognizes according to the price of the contract;

d) Both answers A and B are correct.


  1. What methods are used to calculate the stage of completion of the construction contract?

a) cost basis

b) sale basis

C) Both answers A and B are correct

d) Weighted average method

  1. A cost plus contract is:

a) a construction contract in which the contractor is reimbursed for allowable or otherwise defined costs, including a percentage of these costs or a fixed fee;

B) a construction contract in which the contractor is reimbursed for allowable or otherwise defined costs, multiplied a percentage of these costs or a fixed fee;

c) a construction contract which includes all deviations that occurred during the construction period;

d) is a construction contract in which the contractor agrees to a fixed contract price, or a fixed rate per unit of output, which in some cases is subject to cost escalation clauses


  1. What is the difference between income and revenue?

a) Revenue includes both income and other income

b) There is no difference between these terms

C) Income includes both revenue and other income

d) Revenue is not reflected in the income statement


  1. What is implied under the term revenue?

a) the gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising in thecourse of the ordinary activities of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity, other than increases relating to contributions from equity participants;

b) increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants;

c) the gross inflow of economic benefits during the period arising in other activities of an entity when those inflows result in increases in equity, other than increases relating to contributions from equity participants;

d) increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows or enhancements of assets;


  1. What is implied under the term royalties?

a) charges for use of long-term assets (patents, trademarks, copyrights and computer

b) only the rights for the use of mineral resources;

c) Government assistance and grants;

d) Interests received.


  1. Revenue should be measured at:

A) the fair value of the consideration received or receivable (taking into account trade discounts and volume rebates allowed);

b) the fair value of the consideration received or receivable (adding account trade discounts and volume rebates allowed);

c) the fair value of the consideration received or receivable (adding interest)

d) Answers A and B are correct

  1. When goods or services are swapped revenue is only generated if:

A) the exchange is for dissimilar goods or services

b) the exchange is for similar goods

c) the exchange is for similar goods and dissimilar goods

d) all answers are correct


  1. Which of the following is not a recognition criterion of revenue?

(a) the entity has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods;

B) the entity retains continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;

c) the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably;

d) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably.


  1. If legal title passes but risk and rewards are retained:

a) sale shall be recognized

B) no sale shall be recognized

c) the recognition of revenue shall be deferred

d) the revenue shall be recognized at the same period


  1. If the receipt of revenue is contingent on the buyer selling the goods on:

a) sale shall be recognized

B) no sale shall be recognized

c) the recognition of revenue shall be deferred

d) the revenue shall be recognized at the same period


  1. If the entity retains obligation for unsatisfactory performance not covered by normal warranty provisions:

a) sale shall be recognized

b) no sale shall be recognized

C) the recognition of revenue shall be deferred

d) the revenue shall be recognized at the same period

  1. If legal title does not pass but the risks and rewards do then:

A) sale shall be recognized

b) no sale shall be recognized

c) the recognition of revenue shall be deferred

d) the revenue shall be recognized at the same period


  1. If revenue cannot be recognised when the related cost cannot be measured reliably:

A) proceeds should be recognised as a liability not a sale

b) sale shall be recognized

c) the recognition of revenue shall be deferred

d) the revenue shall be recognized at the same period


  1. When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably:

A) revenue related to the transaction shall be recognized based on the stage of completion of the transaction at the end of the reporting period;

b) immediately, without reference to the stage of completion;

c) the revenue shall be recognized at the same period

d) the recognition of revenue shall be deferred


  1. Stage of completion should be estimated using:

a) surveys of work completed (known as work certified);

b) services performed as a percentage of total services;

c) proportion of costs to date to total estimated costs

D) all answers are correct

  1. When the outcome of the transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably:

a) revenue shall be recognised only to the extent of the expenses recognised that are recoverable;

b) revenue shall be recognised only to the extent of the expenses recognised that are not recoverable;

c) revenue shall be recognized based on cost basis;

d) revenue shall be recognized on cost basis.


  1. Under sale and repurchase agreements:

a) the two parties enter into an agreement where the seller may repurchase the goods at some later date;

b) the two parties enter into an agreement where the buyer may repurchase the goods at some later date;

c) the two parties enter into an agreement where the buyer may pay for the goods at some later date and repurchase the goods;

d) the two parties enter into an agreement where the seller may repurchase the goods without any interest.


  1. Revenue from royalties shall be recognized:

a) on accrual basis in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreement

b) On cash basis in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreement

c) On cost basis

d) Sale basis

According to IAS 16, for accounting of PPE items an entity may choose between

A) the cost model and the revaluation model.

b) Value in use and net realizable value

c) the cost model net realizable value;

d) Value in use and the cost model

57. The following entries shall be made when depreciation is charged on PPE items:

a) Dr Accumulated depreciation Cr Depreciation expenses b) Dr Depreciation expenses Cr Accumulated depreciation
c) Dr Depreciation expenses Cr PPE c) Dr PPE Cr Depreciation expenses

58. When assets are revaluated the following entries are made:

a) a) Dr PPE Dr Accumulated depreciation Cr Revaluation reserve b) c) Dr Revaluation reserve Cr PPE
c) b) Dr Revaluation reserve Cr Accumulated depreciation Cr PPE d) Cr Accumulated depreciation Dr Depreciation expenses  

59. What is the objective of financial statements according to the Framework?

A) To provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions;

b) To prepare and present a balance sheet, an income statement, a cash flow statement, and a statement of changes in equity;

c) To prepare and present comparable, relevant, reliable and understandable information to investors and creditors;

d) To prepare financial statements in accordance with all applicable standards and interpretations;


60. Which of the following is not qualitative characteristic of financial statements according to the Framework?

a) Materiality;

b) Understandability;

c) Comparability;

d) Relevance.


61. When should an item that meets definition of an element be recognized, according to the Framework?

a) When it is probable that any future economic benefit associate with the item will flow to or from the entity;

b) When the element has a cost or value that can be measured with reliability;

c) When the entity obtains control of the rights or obligations associated with the item;

D) When it is probable that any future economic benefit associate with the item will flow to or from the entity and the item has a cost or value that can be measured with reliability;

62. Inventory shall be stated at:

a) Lower of cost and fair value;

B) Lower of cost and net realizable value;

c) Lower of cost and nominal value;

d) Lower of cost and net selling price;

e) Choices b and d;

f) Choices a and c;

g) Choices a, b, and d.


63. Day to day costs of running the PPE are:

A) recognised as an expense as incurred;

b) capitalized

c) reflected as liabilities

d) Reflected in deferred expenses


64. Subsequent expenditure on property, plant and equipment should only be capitalised if:

A) it results in the total economic benefits expected from the asset to increase above those expected on original recognition;

b) it results in the total economic benefits expected from the asset to decrease above those expected on original recognition;

c) it is related to this particular asset

d) the entity repairs assets


Depreciation must be charged from the date

a) An asset is purchased

B) An asset is available for use

c) An asset is repaired

d) An asset is delivered


66. Which of the following is the best evidence of an asset's fair value less costs to sell?

(a) An asset that is trading in an active market.

(b) The price in a binding sale agreement.

(c) Information available that determines the disposal value of the asset in an arm's-length transaction.

(d) The carrying value of the asset.


67. An impairment loss that relates to an asset that
has been revalued should be recognized in

(a) Profit or loss.

(b) Revaluation reserve that relates to the reval­ued asset.

(c) Opening retained profits.

(d) Any reserve in equity.


A cash-generating unit is

(a) The smallest business segment.

(b) Any grouping of assets that generates cash flows.

(c) Any group of assets that is reported sepa­rately to management.

(d) The smallest group of assets that generates independent cash flows from continuing use.


Goodwill should be tested for impairment

(a) If there is an indication of impairment.

(b) Annually.

(c) Every five years.

(d) On the acquisition of a subsidiary.

XYZ Inc. changes its methods of valuation of inventories from weighted average method to first-in first-out (FIFO) method. XYZ Inc. should account for this change as

a) a change in estimate and account for it prospectively;

b) a change in accounting policy and account for it perceptively;

C) a change in accounting policy and account for it retrospectively;

d) account for it as a correction of an error and account for it retrospectively.


Change in accounting policy does not include

A) changes in useful life from 10 years to 7 years

b) changes of method of valuation of inventory from FIFO to weighted- average

c) changes of method of valuation of inventory from weighted- average to FIFO

d) Change from historical cost model to fair value model

When it is difficult to distinguish between a change of estimate and a change in accounting policy, than an entity should

A) Treat the entire change as a change in estimate with appropriate disclosure;

b) Apportion, on a reasonable basis, the relative amounts of change in estimates and the changes in accounting policy and treat each one accordingly;

c) Treat the entire change as a change in accounting policy;

d) Since this change is a mixture of two types of changes, it is best if it is ignored in the year of change; the entity should wait for the following year to see how the change develops and then treat it accordingly.

When an independent valuation expert advises an entity that the salvage value of its plant and machinery had drastically changed and thus the change is material, the entity should

a) Retrospectively change the depreciation charge based on the revised salvage value.

b) Change the depreciation charge and treat it as a correction of an error.

c) Change the annual depreciation for the cur­rent year and future years.

d) Ignore the effect of the change on annual de­preciation, because changes in salvage values would normally affect the future only since these are expected to be recovered in future.


74. The classification of a lease as either an operat­ing or finance lease is based on

(a) The length of the lease.

(b) The transfer of the risks and rewards of ownership.

(c) The minimum lease payments being at least 50% of the fair value.

(d) The economic life of the asset.



75. Which is the correct accounting for a finance lease in the accounts of the lessee (assuming fair value is used)?


Dr Asset account With fair value
Cr Liability account
Dr Income statement With depreciation of asset
Cr Asset account
Dr Income statement Finance charge for the period
Cr Liability account
Dr Liability account Cash paid in period
Cr Cash


Dr Liability account With fair value
Cr Asset account
Dr Income statement With depreciation of asset
Cr Asset account
Dr Liability account Finance charge for the period
Cr Income statement
Dr Liability account Cash paid in period
Cr Cash


Dr Asset account With fair value
Cr Liability account
Dr Asset account With depreciation of asset
Cr Income statement
Dr Liability account Finance charge for the period
Cr Income statement
Dr Liability account Cash paid in period
Cr Cash


Dr Asset account With fair value
Cr Liability account
Dr Income statement With depreciation of asset
Cr Asset account
Dr Liability account Finance charge for the period
Cr Income statement
Dr Liability account Cash paid in period
Cr Cash


76. What is implied under the accrual basis assumption?

a) An entity will continue in operation for the foreseeable future

B) the effects of transactions and other events are recognized when they occur (and not as cash or its equivalent is received or paid) and they are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate;

c) An entity will discontinue in operation for the foreseeable future

d) the effects of transactions and other events are recognized when cash inflow or outflow occurs

77. What are the five main elements of financial statement?

a) Statement of financial position, liabilities, income, expenses, equity

B) Assets, liabilities, income, expenses, equity

c) Income statement, income, expenses, equity, assets

d) Cash flow, income statement, assets, liabilities, expenses

78. When an entity might offset assets and liabilities, income or expenses?

a) An entity shall always offset assets and liabilities, income or expenses

b) An entity shall offset only assets and liabilities

C) An entity shall not offset assets and liabilities, income or expenses unless it is permitted by IFRSs

d) An entity shall offset only income and expenses.

79. What is implied under the concept fair value?

a) the amount for which commodities could be exchanged between related parties

b) the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction;

c) the amount for which commodities could be exchanged between third parties

d) Historical cost

80. In what circumstances an entity can depart from IFRSs?

a) Never

b) Frequently

c) In the extremely rare circumstances in which management concludes that compliance with a requirement in an IFRS would be so misleading that it would conflict with the objective of financial statements set out in the Framework

d) When national laws contradict with the IFRSs

81. What is the net realizable value?

A) Estimated selling price less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale;

b) Estimated selling price plus the estimated costs of completion;

c) Only the estimated costs of completion

d) Only the estimated selling price

82. How shall inventories be measured?

a) Only at cost

b) Only at net realizable value

C) The lower of cost and net realizable value

d) At fair value

83. Which of the following methods is not permitted to be used in accordance with IFRSs?

a) FIFO,


c) Weighted average,

d) method of specific identification

84. What is implied under the term “cash equivalents”?

a) Cash on hand;

b) short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash;

c) Short- term borrowings

d) The amount of cash received from short-term investment

85. What is implied under the term financing activities?

a) production activity

b) the principal revenue-producing activities of the entity and other activities

C) activities related the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents

d) The activities that influence on the size and compositionof the contributed equity and borrowings of the entity

What could be an example of cash flow from investing activities

a) cash payments to owners to acquire or redeem the entity’s shares;

b) cash proceeds from issuing debentures, loans, notes, bonds, mortgages and other short or long-term borrowings;

c) cash repayments of amounts borrowed;

d) cash receipts from sales of property, plant and equipment, intangibles and other long-term assets

87. According to IAS 7 unrealized gains and losses arising from changes in foreign currency exchange rates are:
a) cash flows from operating activities

b) сash flows from investing activities

c) сash flows from financing activities

D) not cash flows

88. In which of the following cases an entity might change its accounting policy?

a) Local legislation was amended

b) New IFRS requirements were adopted

c) The management of the entity changed its long-term strategy

d) the useful lives of, or expected pattern of consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in, depreciable assets were changed

89. What is implied under the term historical cost?

A) A method of evaluating unites of stock or other asset based on original cost incurred by the organization

b) Current market price

c) Revaluated value

d) Fair value less cost to sell

A gain arising from a change in the fair value of an investment property for which an entity has opted to use the fair value model is recognized in

(a) Net profit or loss for the year.

(b) General reserve in the shareholders' equity.

(c) Valuation reserve in the shareholders' eq­uity. n

(d) None of the above.


91. An investment property should be measured ini­tially at

(a) Cost.

(b) Cost less accumulated impairment losses.

(c) Depreciable cost less accumulated impair­ment losses.

(d) Fair value less accumulated impairment losses.

The applicable IFRSflAS for a property being constructed or developed for future use as investment property is

(a) IAS 2, Inventories, until construction is complete and then it is accounted for under IAS 40, Investment Property.

(b) IAS 40, Investment Property.

(c) IAS 11, Construction Contracts, until con­struction is complete and then it is ac­counted for under IAS 40, Investment Prop­erty.

(d) IAS 16, Property, Plant, and Equipment, un­til construction is complete and then it is ac­counted for under IAS 40, Investment Prop­erty.

In case of property held under an operating lease and classified as investment property

(a) The entity has to account for the investment property under the cost model only.

(b) The entity has to use the fair value model only.

(c) The entity has the choice between the cost model and the fair value model.

(d) The entity needs only to disclose the fan-value and can use the cost model under IAS 38.


Transfers from investment property to property plant, and equipment are appropriate

(a) When there is change of use.

(b) Based on the entity's discretion.

(c) Only when the entity adopts the fair value model under IAS 38.

d) The entity can never transfer property into another classification on the balance sheet once it is classified as investment property.

95. An investment property is derecognized (elimi­nated from the balance sheet) when

a) It is disposed to a third party.

b) It is permanently withdrawn from use.

c) No future economic benefits are expected from its disposal.

d) In all of the above cases.


96. An entity has a factory that has been shut down tor a year due to various reasons, including worker unrest and strike. The entity plans to sell this factory It should '

(a) Classify the factory as investment property.

(b) Classify the factory as property held for sale in the ordinary course of business under IAS 2

c) Classify the factory as property, plant, and equipment under IAS 16.

d) Write off the net book value and disclose that fact in the footnotes to the financial statements.


97. A newly set up dot-com entity has engaged you as its financial advisor. The entity has recently com­pleted one of its highly publicized research and de­velopment projects and seeks your advice on the accuracy of the following statements made by one of its stakeholders. Which one is it?

(a) Costs incurred during the "research phase" can be capitalized.

(b) Costs incurred during the "development phase" can be capitalized if criteria such as technical feasibility of the project being es­tablished are met.

(c) Training costs of technicians used in re­search can be capitalized.

(d) Designing of jigs and tools qualify as re­search activities.


98. Which of the following items qualify as an intangible asset under IAS 38?

(a) Advertising and promotion on the launch of a huge product.

(b) College tuition fees paid to employees who decide to enroll in an executive M.B.A. pro­gram at Harvard University while working with the company.

(c) Operating losses during the initial stages of the project.

(d) Legal costs paid to intellectual property law­yers to register a patent.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 270 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Student’s name_______________________| D. both factors should bring the firm the same marginal product per dollar spent on them

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