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Tim Cook’s first year as the technology giant’s boss has been a success. But the toughest test lies ahead

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Элеонора Витальевна Брусиловская

Телефон: 8-916-69-22-081

Почта: elmsu3@mail.ru

Наша почта: e309eng@gmail.com (пароль: EnglishOne)

Регистрация на сайтах и черпание информации:

1) http://www.linkedin.com (alina grebenkina)

2) http://www.wordnik.com (alinagrebenkina)

3) http://www.economist.com (alinagrebenkina)

4) http://www.forbes.com (alinagrebenkina)

5) http://www.imf.org (International monetary fund)

6) http://www.youtube.com

7) http://www.emeraldinsight.com (alinagrebenkina)

8) http://englishpage.com/index.html (verb tenses)

Scoring: 150 points a month (maximum). The final score (at the end of the term) is the arithmetic mean.

1) Vocabulary – w

2) Vocabulary – or

3) Summary –The headline of the articles, source, date + Penal discussion

4) Comments and debate – a number

5) Grammar tests

6) Audioreports (The Economist, the IMF, Youtube)– a number, source, date (1 minute)

7) Films

8) Presentations and reports, cases – enumerate

9) Translation (textbook, Internet resources (Expert.ru), MSU resources, abstracts)

10) Written assignments (letters, CV, abstracts, etc.)

11) Academic research (University, current job tasks, publications)

Правила написания Summary:

1) Main idea

The article concerns the problem of

The article deals with

The article concerns smth.

The article touches upon the problem of

The article focuses on the problem of

2) Не делать пересказ, не приводить цифры


Записка: неисчисляемые существительные употребляются без артикля (growth). Исчисляемые существительные употребляются с артиклем (an apple).

Записка: переходный глагол - это глагол, который нуждается в дополнении (to foster growth). Непереходный глагол - это глагол, который может обходиться без дополнения (to rise).

Summary "A good Cook":

0) the main idea

1) the information about Apple in breath

2) Apple's problems

3) Mr. Cook as a leader

4) Predictions

5) Conclusion

Homework: Grammar tests 1,2 (делать, пока не прекратятся ошибки, записать вопросы). Вести словарь, учить слова. Подготовить устное Summary, можно иметь план. Short order review (выбрать тему, сделать устный обзор). Unit 7, Business Behavior, #4.1, #4.2. Помнить про comments по умолчанию.


1) надо ли артикль перед information

2) как переводится to be bound to be late

3) как произносится younger



September 17. Unit 7, Business Behaviour

An open list of 46 words by alinagrebenkina

· to consider = to think carefully about smth. - обдумывать

· a motive - a thing which motivates - мотив

· a subhead = a subheading - заголовок некоторого раздела текста

· a margin - край, поле тетради

· an account - счет, отчетность (фирмы)

· to correspond (information) - переписываться, передавать (информацию)

· a basin = a round container - миска, чаша

· an instant = a moment

· a time dimension - измерение времени

· an excess = a surplus - излишек

· an excess of smth. over smth. - превышение чего-то над чем-то

· tricky = requiring skill - мудреный

· otherwise = differently - иначе

· accountant = One that keeps, audits, and inspects the financial records of business

· temporary = not constant - временный

· to charge = to set as a price - заплатить, понести расходы

· business expense - стоимость, значимость бизнеса

· complication - сложность, трудность

· outstanding = prominent = wildly known - выдающийся

· a receipts = an entire (whole) amount of income - доход, выручка, иногда то же самое, что и revenue

· to be bound to be (late, slow) - намереваться (опоздать, медлить)

· to prosper = to be successful - преуспевать

· eventually = in the end - в конечном счете

· a depreciation = a decrease in value - обесценивание

· to denote = to mark off from others - особенно выделить

· entirely = fully, completely

· a purchase - покупка

· durable = stable - долговечный

· within the year - в рамках года, в течение года

· merely = only, just, simple

· an obsolescence - устаревание

· to obsolete = gone into disuse - устаревание

· subsequent years - последующие года (following in time)

· to outlay = to spend - тратить, расходовать

· thus = therefore, consequently

· initial - начальный

· to restrict = to limit - ограничить

· hence = therefore - отсюда, следовательно

· inventory = stock = the quantity of goods and materials on hand - запасы

· instantaneous = done in an instant - мгновенный

· to arise = to rise

· to accrue = to come as an addition - добавляться

· expansion costs - возросшие издержки

· a solicitor = a barrister = a lawyer

· outstanding bills = outstanding debt = still in existence, not solved - неоплаченные счета

· to treat = to discuss, to consider - трактовать, рассуждать


Apple. A good Cook

Tim Cook’s first year as the technology giant’s boss has been a success. But the toughest test lies ahead

Aug 25th 2012 | SAN FRANCISCO | from the print edition

TALK about a hard act to follow. When Tim Cook replaced an ailing Steve Jobs as Apple’s chief executive on August 24th last year, he took over from the nearest thing the tech world had to a rock star. Some people wondered out loud how Jobs’s more humble second-in-command would fare in the absence of the firm’s brash and brilliant co-founder, who died in October. They need not have worried. As Mr Cook celebrates his first anniversary at Apple’s helm, the company continues to smash records.

On August 20th Apple’s market capitalisation reached over $623 billion, making it the most valuable listed company (if you ignore inflation) of all time. That title was previously held by Microsoft, another tech titan, whose market worth hit $615 billion in December 1999. Much of the credit for Apple’s phenomenal success goes to Jobs, the father of the iPhone and the iPad tablet computer. But Mr Cook also deserves praise for the way he has handled a tricky transition.

The process has not been without hiccups. In July Apple’s share price fell sharply after the company’s quarterly earnings disappointed investors, even though its net profit rose by 21%, to $8.8 billion. And earlier in the year Apple was lambasted for its use of Foxconn, a supplier under fire from labour activists for failings such as excessive working hours at its Chinese facilities. Mr Cook promptly went on a highly publicised tour of a Foxconn factory in China. Apple and Foxconn subsequently pledged to improve workers’ conditions there. This week the Fair Labour Association, a non-profit group that audits workplaces, said progress had been made, but more still needed to be done to cut overtime hours without unduly harming workers’ incomes.

Veteran Apple-watchers say this and other episodes are a sign that Mr Cook is more likely to pay attention to opinions outside Apple than his pr e decessor. “I think he’s a little bit more sensitive to criticism than Steve Jobs was,” says Tim Bajarin of Creative Strategies, a consultancy. Apple’s boss has certainly listened to calls from Wall Street for the company to hand back some of its cash hoard (запасы наличности), something Jobs was notoriously reluctant to do (делать с неохотой). Earlier this month, Apple paid its first dividend since 1995.

In addition to disarming critics and delighting investors, Apple has been dishing out lawsuits (подавать иски слишком часто). As The Economist went to press, a testy court battle in America between the firm and Samsung over various patents connected with smartphones and tablet computers was drawing to a close (подойти к концу). Like his mentor, Mr Cook is clearly not afraid of a fight. He also seems to be developing other Jobs-like traits, including a penchant for pithy put-downs. Asked on an analysts’ call whether personal computers and tablets could one day merge into a single device, Mr Cook shot back: “You can converge a toaster and a refrigerator, but those things are probably not going to be pleasing to the user.”

The big question is whether Apple’s boss has also learnt enough from his predecessor to keep the creative juices at the company flowing freely. In a blog post earlier this year George Colony, the boss of Forrester, a research firm, noted that the fortunes of companies such as Sony and Disney faded after their charismatic founders departed. He predicted that Apple would suffer a similar fate after coasting for a while on the back of existing products. But if Mr Cook can keep the firm’s talented senior executives on board and inspire them to conquer new markets like digital TV, where Apple has yet to make much of an impact, the firm could buck this trend(to appose a trend) – противостоять тенденции. His big screen test awaits.



September 17. A good Cook (about Apple)

An open list of 47 words by alinagrebenkina

· the toughest test (tough) = aggressive, difficult - самый сложный тес

· an ailing person = sick, not well - больной человек

· humble = low in rank - скромный, незаметный

· to fare = to behave, to result - вести себя некоторым образом

· absence = a state of being absent - отсутствие

· a brush person - дерзкий человек

· a co-founder = someone who helps in the creation of a business

· a helm = a position of leadership or control - глава, штурвал

· to smash - to strike - разбить (to smash a record - побить рекорд)

· listed company - официальная компания, фирма

· market worth = material value - рыночная ценность, значимость

· to deserve = to earn, win, to benefit - заслужить

· praise = approval, admiration - похвала. To deserve praise - заслужить похвалу

· transition = a passage from one form to another - переход от одной формы к другой

· a hiccup - икота

· to lambast for = to beat, to punish - наказывать

· to be under fire - быть подверженным критике (an enemy attack)

· promptly = quickly, readily - быстро

· subsequently = at a later time - позже

· to pledge = to promise to do - давать обещание

· to audit = to examine (financial accounts) - контролировать, проверять

· unduly - чрезмерно

· to harm = to injure, to damage - навредить

· a predecessor = someone who goes before (who predess) - предшественник

· a hoard = a hidden fund stored for future use - запас. Cash hoard - запас наличности

· notoriously = openly, recognizably - открыто, очевидно

· to be reluctant to do - делать с неохотой

· to disarm critics - усмирять критику

· a delight = a great pleasure, joy - радость

· a lawsuit - судебный процесс, иск

· tasty = irritated, impatient - вспыльчивый

· a court = a regular session of a judicial assembly - суд

· to draw to a close - подойти к концу, завершиться

· a mentor = a counselor, a teacher - наставник, преподаватель

· a trait = a feature of a person's character - черта характера

· a penchant = a strong liking, decided taste - предпочтение, любовь, склонность

· a pithy comment = a forceful and brief comment - краткий и энергичный комментарий

· to shoot - to shot - to shot - стрелять

· to converge = to come together from different directions - конвергировать

· to flow freely - свободно струиться (e.g., about ideas)

· a founder - основатель

· to depart = to leave, to die

· a senior executive - старший управленец

· to inspire = to stimulate to action - побуждать, воздействовать

· an impact - влияние

· to buck a trend = to oppose a trend - противостоять тенденции

· to await = to be in store, to expect - ожидать


Grammar tests:



Don't forget to take an umbrella. It is raining. Дождь идет именно сейчас (It always rains - другое)

Justin is currently writing a book. Слова именно в таком порядке

This summer I am studying French. Написание слова



I am trying to adapt a new life

My feet are really killing me. Это множественное число

I believe that I am gradually improving. Порядок слов, продолженное время



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