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In accordance with the Ukrainian legislation, the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, the Ministry of the Interior, Tax Police and the Security Service of Ukraine have their own investigation departments, which perform a pretrial investigation. A pretrial investigation is carried out in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine. It is conducted after certain criminal proceedings have been instituted and should be closed within 2 months.

An official who is responsible for a crime investigation is called an investigator. A citizen of Ukraine who has higher legal education and has corresponding qualification to carry out pretrial investigation may become an investigator. Besides this person should possess certain analytical mentality enabling him/her to foresee plans and actions of criminals. The main task of an investigator is to prepare the materials of cases for court hearing.

Investigators from the Prosecutor’s Office deal with the crimes against electoral, labour and other individual rights and freedoms of individuals, crimes against the environment, such crime as malfeasance and crimes, committed by officers of law-enforcement bodies.

Investigators from the Ministry of Interior have the right to investigate more serious crimes such as murder, embezzlement on a large scale, rape, banditry, drug and people trafficking, burglary and less serious crimes such as theft, swindling, disorderly conduct, economic crimes, juvenile delinquency and others.

Investigators from the Security Service of Ukraine investigate cases of treason, espionage, smuggling, organized crime, acts of terrorism and crimes against peace, security of mankind and international law and order.

Investigators from the Tax Police investigate cases of evasion of taxes, illegal use of foreign currency accounts abroad, money laundering, etc.

Before a case is submitted to court a pretrial investigation has to:

1) establish whether or not an offence has actually been committed, under what circumstances it occurred and the identity of the parties concerned; 2) provide a comprehensive research of all circumstances of a criminal case; 3) discover proofs for the judicial proceedings; 4) establish the extent of the injury or damage caused by the offence, the gain effected by the offender and the demands of the injured party 5) prevent new offences.

In fact investigators are entrusted to disclose crimes and expose people who are guilty of them. In the course of investigation they study the materials of cases, look for suspects, question witnesses, carry out inspection of the scene of a crime etc.



pretrial investigation - досудове розслідування

the Ministry of the Interior – міністерство внутрішніх справ

malfeasance – посадовий злочин

law-enforcement bodies – правоохоронні органи

murder – вбивство

embezzlement on a large scale –розкрадання в особливо великому розмірі

rape – зґвалтування

banditry – бандитизм

drug and people trafficking – торгівля наркотиками і людьми

smuggling – контрабандізм

burglary – крадіжка зі взломом

theft – крадіжка

swindling – шахрайство

disorderly conduct – хуліганство

juvenile delinquency - злочинність неповнолітніх

treason – зрада

espionage – шпигунство

organized crime – організована злочинність

acts of terrorism - терористичні акти

international law and order – міжнародний правопорядок

evasion of taxes - ухилення від сплати податків

illegal use of foreign currency accounts abroad - незаконне використання валютних рахунків за кордоном

money laundering - відмивання грошей

analytical mentality – аналітичний склад розуму

to disclose crimes – розкривати злочини

research of all circumstances - дослідження всіх обставин

to discover proofs - виявляти докази

to prevent – запобігати




2. Find answers to the following questions in the text above:

1. When does a pretrial investigation start and how long does it last?

2. What state bodies have their own investigation departments?

3. What regulates the pretrial investigation?

4. Who can become an investigator in Ukraine?

5. What crimes are investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office investigation department?

6. What crimes do investigators from the Ministry of the Interior deal with?

7. What are the crimes against the national security of the state?

8. What body investigates the crimes against the security of the state?

9. What are the main tasks of a pretrial investigation?

10. Would you like to work as an investigator? What professional qualities are necessary for an investigator?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 132 | Нарушение авторских прав

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