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October, 2015, Azerbaijan

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  1. But still, by the end of October, Richard had not asked her to meet his mother.
  3. сентября 2015, Одесса- Третий тур ГРАН-ПРИ WorldUCA

International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students (ICYSS), organized by Institute of Geology and Geophysics (GGI) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) is an important scientific event covering fundamental and applied aspects of modern geology. The First Conference (held in 2005) was dedicated to the 60thanniversary of ANAS. Since 2005, this scientific event has become a tradition and held in Baku once in two years. Young scientists and students from different countries, such as Germany, USA, India, Chile, Turkey, Georgia, Russian Federation, Poland etc. participated in previous conferences.

Now, after 10 years the VI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students, which will be held in October of 2015 in Baku, is dedicated to the 70thanniversary of ANAS.

ANAS was founded in 1945 and based on the Azerbaijan branch of USSR Academy of Sciences. During this period, the Academy of Sciences has become a large organization, a major center of fundamental research. The Academy creation was a natural result of the scientific consciousness formation in Azerbaijan for centuries. Artifacts and a number of academic sources indicate that in ancient Azerbaijan mathematics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy and other sciences got powerful development.

Papers presented at the Conference will be published in a special book after peer reviewing and will be available during the Conference and online after it.


Conference is organizationally supported by the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (GGI) and The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of GGI of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Topics of the Conference:

Ø Earth physics & Applied geophysics;

Ø Geodynamics and tectonics;

Ø Integrated stratigraphy; lithogenesis and hydrocarbon formation;

Ø Petrology, metallogeny and ore genesis;

Ø Ore, petroleum geology and geochemistry;

Ø Fluid dynamics & fluid-rock interaction;

Ø Hydrogeology and civil engineering;

Ø Advanced geotechnology and petroleum engineering;

The Baku ICYSS - 2015 is financially supported by:

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic  

British Petroleum, Azerbaijan  



Monday, October 12, 2015
10 00 11 00 Registration
11 00 13 00 Opening Ceremony
  · Akif Alizadeh President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, academician · Elchin Babayev Executive director at Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan · Famin Salmanov Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of ANAS, PhD oh Physics · Orkhan Abbasov Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of GGI, PhD on Earth Sciences · Akper Feyzullayev Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee
13 00 14 00 Lunch
14 00 18 00 Plenary Session
  Moderator: Akper Feyzullayev
14 00 14 20 Sabina Kazimova “Seismotomography of Azerbaijan” Azerbaijan
14 20 14 40 Malgorzata Wendorff “Variation in maturity of the early Oligocene source rocks from selected realms of the Paratethys” Poland
14 40 15 00 Svetlana Kokh “The numerical model of the Shikhzarli mud volcano flame eruption (13.03.2011), Azerbaijan”, Russian Federation
15 00 15 20 Iqor Yashin “Potential of oil and gas content of domanic type rocks of Prypiat downfold” Republic of Belarus
15 20 15 40 Israfil Quliyev “Application of fuzzy cluster analysis in the problems of drilling” Azerbaijan
15 40 16 00 Sepahvand Mohaned Reza “Mono depth and crustal Vp/Vs variation in the Zagros zone (Iran) from teleseismic receiver functions” Islamic Republic of Iran
Coffee Break
16 40 17 00 Sevinj Botfirib “Features of underground water recources in the area of paleo carryover of the Aras river” Azerbaijan
17 00 17 20 Keti Benashvili “Geological position and genesis of gold occurrences related to Alibegi fault (Georgia, Upper Svaneti, Nenkskra Gorge)” Georgia
17 20 17 40 Farid Rahimov “Geological risks and uncertainty analyses under estimation of oil reserves” Azerbaijan
17 40 18 00 Dorottya Polgar “Environmental diagenetic based on non-invasive geophysical measurements in a contaminated test site” Hungary




Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Venue: GGI – Great hall (3rd floor)
Section: Earth Physics & Applied geophysics
Moderator: Qadirov Fakhraddin (correspondent member of ANAS) Co-moderator: Mammadov Samir(PhD in Earth Science)
10 00 10 15 Csenge Czanik, “Signal and noise on buried and surfce geophones for microseismic monitoring” Hungary
10 15 10 30 Hilmi Dindar, “Estimation of the site-bedrock model by using microtremor method: a case study in Lefkosha-t.r.n.c.” Turkey
10 30 10 45 ­­­Alaa N. Hamdon “Seismo-tectonic analysis to localize the structural control source of a local earthquake at northern (Iraq)” Iraq
10 45 11 00 Timur Ezirbaev “Some existential features of earthquakes distribution in the territory of Chechen Republic (Russia)”, Russian Federation
11 00 11 15 Ilyas Kazimov “GPS study the southeastern part of the Greater Caucasus for the 2013-2015 yy.”   Azerbaijan
Coffee Break
11 45 12 00 Khayrulla Khamidov “Crack formation in geological and engineering structures during earthquakes” Uzbekistan
12 00 12 15 Sergey Kushney “Seismogeological model and petroleum potential of the Krapivinsko-Moiseevskaya oil and gas accumulation zone” Russian Federation
12 15 12 30 Milenkovich Bogdana. “Geophysical surveys on railroad section lajkovac-valjevo in order to determine the anomalous zones within the traffic structures” Serbia
12 30 12 45 Togrul Rzayev “Correlation between earthquakes and mud volcano eruption in Azerbaijan” Azerbaijan
12 45 13 00 Nisar Ahmed “Pore fluids discrimination by inverting seismic velocities into acoustic and elastic impedances in cretaceous sands of lower Indus basin, Pakistan” Pakistan
13 00 14 00 Lunch
14 00 14 15 Sergey Manakov, “Application experience of different geophysical methods in archaeology” Russian Federation
14 30 14 45 Afsaneh Nasrabadi “Crustal thickness variations in central and eastern Iran from joint Inversion of Receiver functions and Rayleigh waves dispersion” Islamic Republic of Iran
14 45 15 00 Gunel Sadigova, “The density model of the earth crust along the Samur - Baku geodynamic profile” Azerbaijan
15 00 15 15 Roya Ostoori “Gpr noise removal using bpd in time and emd domains” Islamic Republic of Iran
15 15 15 30 Hashimov Samir “Radial bond tool in oil wells” Azerbaijan
15 30 15 45 Perviez Khalid “Petrophysics and rock physics modeling to improve seismic characterization of Jurassic reservoirs, Pakistan“ Pakistan
15 45 16 00 Basharir Nilay “Reassesment of the seismic parameters by analyzing the historical seismograms of 1912 – Murefte-Sarkoy, 935 –Erdek –Marmara Island and 1963 – Chinarjik earthquakes” Turkey
Coffee Break
Session: Geodynamics and Tectonics
Moderator: Ismailzadeh Arif(academician, Azerbaijan) Korbutyak Anna(PhD candidate, Russian Federation)
16 30 16 45 Savelev Alexander “Geochronological and palemagnetic study of igneous complexes in the middle part of mountain Crimea” Russian Federation
17 00 17 15 Dehdari Iman “Structural analysis of the southern Deh-Sheikh ophiolitic complex: Ophiolitic belt of Zagros orogenic belt, Iran” Islamic Republic of Iran
17 15 17 30 Tseplyaeva Anna “Some manifestation of active geodynamics the oil and gas fields of West Siberia” Russian Federation


Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Venue: GGI – Small Hall (2nd floor)
Session: Integrated stratigraphy; Lithogenesis and Hydrocarbon formation
Moderator: Feyzullayev Akper(corresponding member of ANAS, Azerbaijan) Khusanov Azizjon(Uzbekistan)
10 00 10 15 Hedayati Aliakbar “Deep coral reef: geology, structure, biogeography, sensitively and potential to petroleum in the Persian Gulf” Islamic Republic of Iran
10 15 10 30 Lapoukhov Alexander “The new type regional-gas-bearing horizon Modeling in the north of the West Siberian oil and gas province” Russian Federation
10 30 10 45 Vishnevskaya Irina “The use of isotope techniques in the study of ancient sedimentary rocks: North Muya block (Buryatia, Russia)” Russian Federation
10 45 11 00 Agasheva Maria “Modeling oil generation processes in the northeastern part of the Greenland Shelf” Russian Federation
11 00 11 15 Hajinia Hamid “Diagenetic processes affecting of carbonate oil fields of Asmari Formation, southwest Iran” Islamic Republic of Iran
Coffee Break
Session: Petrology, Metallogeny and Ore Genesis
Moderator: Kashkay Chingiz(corresponding member of ANAS, Azerbaijan) -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-(-//-//-//-//-//-//- 0
11 45 12 00 Aitakhmetova Kuralay “The pertspective estimate prospective resources petroleum based 3D seismic data and GIS an the example of deposits north Karamandybas” Kazakhstan
12 00 12 15 Pavlov Nicolay “Formation conditions and petroleum Botuoba horizon (Mirniy protrusion)” Russian Federation
12 15 12 30 Tamassoki Hasan “Special analysis and identification of lineaments by processing of ASTER and ETM+ data fro Iron exploration, Sangan Khaf, Iran” Islamic Republic of Iran
12 30 12 45 Kharitonov Andrey “Petroleum potential of the Northen-west slope of the Nepa-Botuoba anticlise” Russian Federation
12 45 13 00 Kalikova Shinar “Classification of stratiform deposits in the World” Kazakhstan
13 00 14 00 Lunch
Session: Ore, Petroleum geology and Geochemistry
Moderator: Abbasov Orkhan (Azerbaijan) Kokh Svetlana (Russian Federation)
14 00 14 15 Akhmedov Elvin ”Appraisal of oil reserves by using geological-mathematical models” Azerbaijan
14 15 14 30 Matinovska Eva “Tidal depositional system and their importance for hydrocarbon exploration in NW Bulgaria” Bulgaria
14 30 14 45 Huseynova Afshan “Correlation of reservoir properties of Productive Series and the red series within the Absheron-Pribalkhan threshold” Azerbaijan
14 45 15 00 Tagiyev Emin “Geological structure and petroleum potential of the Riphean northern slope of the Baikit anteclise” Russian Federation
15 00 15 15 Abbasov Orkhan   Azerbaijan
Session: Hydrogeology & civil engineering & fluid dynamics, fluid-rock interaction
Moderator: Ismail-Zadeh Arif (Azerbaijan) Wroblewski Wojcieech (Poland)
15 15 15 30 Chikhradze Shorena “Humidity as an indicating factor of reliability of foundation soil” Georgia
15 30 15 45 Hedayati Aliakbar “Geology, petrology and mineral potential of marine hydrothermal vents” Islamic Republic of Iran
15 45 16 00 Stadnichenko Svetlana “Halocatagenesis: fluid (brine)-rock interaction processes within Lower Permian sediments of the Pnipro-Donets depression” Ukraine
Coffee Break
16 30 16 45 Poporadze Niko “Underground mineral waretsof Georgiaand prospectsof their use” Georgia
17 00 17 15 Farkas Robert “Groundwater flow and heat transport in Buda Thermal Karst, Hungary” Hungary
17 15 17 30 Wroblewski Wojcieech “Characteristics of travertines from Biadarka river canyon in Greater Caucasus Range (Khevi, Georgia)” Poland
17 30 17 45 Hasanova Laman “Hydrogical cycle and human impact on it” Azernaijan
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Venue: GGI – Room #
Session: Geoecology
Moderator: Aliyev Chingiz(Azerbaijan) Co-modetaror:
10 00 10 15 Akhmedshina Madina “Change detection in the territory of exogenous processes on the example orb view images” Uzbekistan
10 15 10 30 Guruli Tamar “Geo-ecological efficiency for utilization of organic-mineral and bioorganic mineral fertilizations” Georgia
10 30 10 45 Panchenko Evgeny “Application of fuzzy multicriteria assessment for sustainable planning of linear infrastructure corridor” Russian Federation
10 45 11 00 Safarova Safura “The management of the Ecological Risk in the Gas Storage” Azerbaijan
11 00 11 15      
Coffee Break
Session: Advanced geotechnology and petroleum engineering
Moderator: Effendiyev Galib (Azerbaijan) Co-modetaror: Danko Dmitry (Russian Federation)
11 45 12 00 Ahmadova Ulviya “Studing of interpersonal relations of petrophysical properties of rocks with cluster analysis” Azerbaijan
12 00 12 15 Suvorov Aleksey “Directional reservoir unloading” Russian Federation
12 15 12 30 Yakovleva Irina “The use of electrochemical activated water to increase of oil recovery” Azerbaijan
12 30 12 45 Telkov Victor “Modern technologies to extract heavy oil and bitumen” Russian Federation
12 45 13 00 Danko Dmitry “A methodology of “Sweet Spots” identification in unconventional reservoirs” Russian Federation
13 00 14 00 Lunch
14 00 14 20 Zakirova Nailya “The effectiveness of well logging methods with different drilling mud” Kazakhstan
14 20 14 40      
14 40 15 00      
15 00 15 20      
15 20 15 40      
15 40 16 00      
Coffee Break
16 40 17 00      
17 00 17 20      
17 20 17 40      
17 40 18 00      


Wednesday, October 14, 2015
9 00 11 00 Poster session
Coffee Break
11 40 12 20 Discussion of the Conference results
12 20 13 00 A certificate giving ceremony (Conference Photo)
13 00 14 00 Lunch
14 00 18 00 Baku City Tour (The Museum of Azerbaijan History; Shirvanshakh’s Palace, Old City)
19 00 - Gala Night



Thursday, October 15, 2015
10 00 18 00

· Mud volcano “Bandovan”

· Shirvan National Park


(Baku-Salyan-103 km; Location area: Kur-Araz plain; Area: 54 374 hectars; Fauna: gazelle, flamingo, mute swan, scaup and etc.; Landscape: wetland areas, semi-desert; Historical monument: Archeological remnants of an ancient Bandovan city)






Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 100 | Нарушение авторских прав

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