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Denial of Survival Beyond Death.

Читайте также:
  1. An saol atб le teachtthe world to come, an saol eile/ an saol thall the next world/ the world beyond,aoibhneasbliss, neamhf(neimhe)heaven, niarbheбnam(~; ~н) nirvana, muin
  3. Beyond Physics
  4. Beyond Self/Big Awareness
  5. Beyond the Box: Television and the Internet
  6. Beyond the Diploma Mills
  7. Beyond the Wall








© 1996 Sunkara. All Rights Reserved.













© 1996 Sunkara. All Rights Reserved.



“Mars & Beyond”

By Sunkara

Published by Higher Spiritualism Incorporated.

Higher Spiritualism Incorporated.

St Helens, Tasmania 7216


Manufactured in Tasmania, Australia

First Published August 1996

Printed by Higher Spiritualism

Reprinted 2004

First Printed August 1996

Artwork by Mark.

Jacket Cover – “Mars”

Photography by Matthew.

1st Edition

International Standard Book Number # 0 646 2934 2 7

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number # 00 00000

All Rights Reserved


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, nor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher.

© 1996 Sunkara. All Rights Reserved.



The author, Sunkara, manages to offend everyone with a closed mind.

Spiritual Philosophy, especially if its not yours can be very upsetting when the flaws within Belief Systems are revealed. Sunkara did not create your Belief System; he means no disrespect to anybody. Sunkara is a Spiritual Revolutionary, a threat to the Institution, to the Establishment, to the Status Quo. The Reader is warned to proceed at his/her own risk.

The controversial author of AIDS, "Agency Induced Death Sentence," holds nothing back, in this in depth analysis of the root problems in the human condition.

The author is not one who holds any specific group in awe. The author is not affiliated with anyone and speaks directly to the issues that affect us all, the issues which no one is prepared to write about, let alone publish. Sunkara speaks out candidly where none have dared to tread.

One’s family, one’s friends, associates, be they social, church or business in their networking interaction, prohibit the freedom for unfettered pursuit of Truth. People become caught up in the pursuit of money, and the physical and emotional support demands, in order to survive. Civilization deserves an honest Religious Philosopher.

The author encourages the reader to maintain an open mind. The subject is meant to stimulate, agitate, irritate, shock, startle and stir the brain waves' patterns, unscramble old thoughts based on illogical rationale.

The reader is asked to consider new ideas, ideas that will lead to change and eventually, a New Social Order.

The proposed New Social Order is based on Divine Principle, Universal Law and Truth, with physical evidence available to all humankind to support the validity of the claims, the Authority of the source.

The Divine Principles in action which dictate the Rules of behaviour in this New Social Order are rooted in Universal Law.

It is timely to unburden the human race from the shackles of Dogmatic Religious State - Government instilled laws of man, of hurt, of harm and of horror.

© 1996 Sunkara. Higher Spiritualism Inc. All Rights Reserved.























Plate 4 XXII


Plate 11 XXIII


Plate 14 XXIV


Plate 22 XXV


Plate 24 XXVI












“LIFE” 40




© 1996 Sunkara. All Rights Reserved.





Before we go to Mars on the fantastic journey, we really would be well advised to prepare for the adventure on levels other than the physical.


To begin with, we need to step past the chains of orthodox thinking, past the shields of the power brokers of earthly religions and their limitations, which have shackled man to the yoke of slavery for so long.


“The time has come the walrus said to speak of many things.”


To step into the future of the world that Nostradamus could not see, requires a new view-point beyond that of the programmed thoughts from your youth.


We will achieve this by facing honestly the delusions of our tribal culture and by reviewing our pre-conceived ideas of what is fact and what is fiction.


Be prepared now to alter your belief system in the light of new evidence. At the same time, realize the bastions of power and privilege do not want the balance of their earthly controls to shift. Who is there with power in the tribe of earthly man who would willingly hand that power to a new, superior authority?


In August of 1996, as previously prophesied the scientific community of planet earth acknowledged that life on Mars was fact.

On August 14th water was discovered on Jupiter, life, life, life.

Life is everywhere. Where is it not?

On Friday August 9th 1996, the Telegraph in Sydney, Australia, a local newspaper, ran a story under a photograph released by N.A.S.A., which announced life on Mars. The same day another newspaper used the identical photograph and also reported the news release by Reuters.

The difference between the articles was in the way the news was coloured and slanted by the editorial policy, which is directly controlled by the personal agenda of the publisher.


In the democratic western culture it is accepted that the controlling party has the right to impose that individual’s belief system and monetary, political agenda upon society.


In this case via the media.


This is not news to the Packers, Fairfaxes and the Murdochs of the world, but may be to some gullible readers who feel the press accurately reports all have relied upon the world's journalistic fraternity to do. They have failed miserably, are morally bankrupt and will all inherit their own misdeeds.


We have been lied to and hoodwinked by the establishment long enough.

The author’s objection is, among other things, to the manner in which the news establishment, by the clever insertion of a “maybe,” or a “possibly,” or a “claims” before the subject, immediately introduces doubt in the reader’s mind, and deliberately removes credibility. The excuse that the advertisers’ Christian or Judaic selfsense of neatly organized delusions may be at risk, carries no weight.


Sunkara is a Philosophical writer of Spiritual Laws and Truths beyond the limitations of earthly religious precepts, dogmas and superstitions. We have observed how the universities of the system world wide deny the Spiritual realms or at best do what the newspapers do and discredit such realities as a Spiritual world. Accordingly, university education is limited by degrees. The graduates continue the taught delusions.


Of course there is life on Mars. We came from beyond Mars in the long ago.

Surely we have grown past the nonsense of the Roman Catholic Church and its stranglehold upon man’s soul. Be gone with the Dark Ages and Christian denials.




The starting point is to unload the burdens of the past, release the lies we were told and with brave, new spirit step into the great beyond, armed now with the truths we were denied for so long.


The seven greatest lies enforced upon man by the agents of ignorance and superstition, begin with the denial to us of our true origin as a species.


In a moment we will enter the realm of the supernatural, the supernormal, the unknown.


Basic Truth has been denied man for thousands of years.


You will read the Truth in the following pages, or at least glimpse a facet of its sparkling surface.


We are told the biblical Jesus said to seek the truth to gain freedom. We were not told what that truth was, nor what it would set us free from. Whatever this truth was, it did not survive to lead the world today.


Ghandi was electronically recorded and said “Hold onto truth.” Again we were not told what the truth is, that we are supposed to hold on to. The Truth is in the seven revelations now revealed to you in the pages which follow.


Once we have survived the holocaust in our own consciousness, exploding to the depths of our very soul, the fears of the past and the present, then and only then will the



survivors of the human race travel beyond the stars again and return as I have, to tell the tale.


Now go beyond the edge, into inner space, the untapped regions of immortal psyche, come with me now brave spirits.


Beyond the limitations of human self, beyond the limitations of Mars, deep, deep into the forgotten realms of the soul, and its adventure in the ongoing experience of life.


There is greater news for you in the pages ahead than the reality of life on Mars and its numerous implications for the race of man.


The thought is the thing. The thought becomes the thing, instantly, immediately. Then there is time!


Humanity is slowly remembering all that has been hidden.


After all the Inquisitions and the burning of books, the floods of time and shifting sands, what remains is the blood of the race. In that blood is a memory of all that was forgotten. Now, through Revelation, the consciousness of man takes a shift in gear as a broader, ever expanding horizon is presented.


A great Elder to the race from long ago once said:


“Upon the cosmic scene of your awakening

Bursts a deathless flame of joy

Thou shall Immortal be”


Enter with me now into the deepest, forgotten regions of the human mind as we examine who we are, from whence we came, and what lies ahead. Perhaps we shall all find out at the PLANNED “Spiritual Psychic Olympics 2010” to be held in Canberra, Australia’s capital city, when, under scientifically controlled circumstances before world wide television, the mediums will attempt to raise the Sirits of the dead, as did the Prophets of old.


Will survival beyond Death be proven?


Is there life beyond the Grave, beyond Mars?


Is there life teeming under the surface of the moon? Can we travel to the Far Reaches of the Galaxies by Astral Projection and return?


Until then, explore the possibility of Mars and beyond as we turn to what proves to be Revelation, 1996. The expose has never before been presented. The great hoax on man by our leaders is now revealed in “The Seven Denials,” - THE SEVEN DENIALS OF STATE AND RELIGION.





A great Soul once said: "Seek you the Truth and the Truth will set you free."

Freedom from what? Religion and State?

The truth is you have been denied Truth by all your Earthly Authority. The Religious State of man's affairs has created Nuclear mutants, whose unheard screams cry out in the ethers that surround you.


The river of DENIAL in man's consciousness flows into many tributaries. Each tributary bursting its banks with confused emotion and mental processes, flows over into the flood planes of humanity's delusions.


The Seven Greatest Truths withheld from mankind by Religion and enforced by the State are also the Seven Greatest Denials. Denial of the Human condition is the State of Religion.


There is an alternative to the status quo; it is timely for a fresh approach to the true State of affairs in the life of man.


In order to understand better the meaningfulness of Institutional Religions' influence in the State of man's affairs and why they are in the state they are in, we shall examine the glaring facts, withheld from the consciousness of man by Religion and State. The lies told to humanity are many. They may be categorized in Seven Great Denials of Truth. Basic, observable facts about mankind reveal we are much more than previously believed, facts we were never taught, confirmation of what we knew in our Heart and Soul, but had no way of expression.


What are The Seven Denials?


The deceptions of mankind stem from Seven Roots. The knowledge denied mankind can be found in the Seven Pillars of Truth in God's living temple on Earth, known as Humanity. Now view your self from a fresh perspective and adjust your concept of what Reality is.


The Seven Denials by Religion and State are the Seven Truths denied Mankind:


Denial of the absolute authoritive, imperial Truth concerning each of the Seven,


God Origin

Spiritual Nature Sexual Nature

Survival Beyond Death Return from Death and Destiny

Mankind is unaware of the Truth concerning the basic Principles, which affect all.


If you were Denied Knowledge of where you came from, who you really were, why you were here, where you were going and given a graven image to worship, you'd be confused too! Now we shall examine the main effects of each of the Seven Denials, which lead to many other denials of self-evident truth, in order to have a common ground, an even surface from which intelligently to investigate the subject. Firstly, the Author denies Orthodox Religion.


Denial of Man's God


The IMPERSONAL Nature of God Itself has been denied man, as the Religious anthropomorphisms of Graven Images are set before us to worship, be it a man, or a cross, or a three breasted deity, or some other symbol of Idolatry. We have been so blind.


God is perhaps the most misunderstood word in the English vocabulary. God, SIMPLY said, is defined in brief as a Non-Personal, Infinite, Creative Divine Force. It is Natural Law. The Law is, whether we like it or not. Once we become in harmony with the Laws, which govern our state of being, then we transcend those Laws and invoke a higher set of Laws, much like the idea of a Supreme Court over a lower State Court. Universal Law, or God ‘s Consciousness, expands eternally and infinitely.

A small example of a simple Law, which governs us would be the case of a man who places his hand into a flame.


That hand will burn, no matter how much the man is determined it will not. An Immortal, or Master being, could place his hand in that same flame and it would not burn, simply because that Being were in harmony with God, or Divine Principle and lived under a higher set of Laws.


For simplicity purposes, Spirit and the Soul is defined as the one, as the Personality, the individual ego of self-awareness above the mind, beyond the intellect, outside the mental body.


The Immortal aspect of Human Nature or vehicle or Spiritual You, that which survives the body’s death. The aspect which is an individualized expression of God's multi faceted Nature. Buried within the Soul is the awareness of all the collective life experiences, both in and out of the physical, this life and all that has gone before.


The true Nature of God has been denied man since the Priesthoods of antiquity. Time to stop blaming God for man's greed and each and every negative experience in the life of man. There is no evidence whatsoever for the superstitious teaching of a Personal God with a long grey beard, leaning upon a staff in the skies, represented by some Earthly Priesthood.


Denial of Man's Origin


From beyond the stars came the early Colonists in their ships, across the oceans of Space and time. Arriving from distant planets, they established outposts of the human race. Currently ignored, remnants of past great civilizations, dating back over hundreds of thousands of years remain on Earth, Mars, Venus, the Moon and in the skies.


The implications are heavy. The existence of higher civilizations than our own 20th century are a threat to Religion and State, that is intolerable. These beings would show our Earthly gods and images in a new light. Through their more universal eye, isolated man's concepts would be revealed in cosmic perspective - a great threat to the survival of the mean spirited elders, who control the Religion/State combine.


In a flash, you now see through that story you were raised on, the tale about the god with three breasts, who gave virgin birth to a three legged Earth woman. The woman desired a companion and so for the sin of Earthly Desire, the three breasted female god cut off the Earth woman's third leg. The third leg was removed by the god and she created man, man being but the third leg of womankind. That story has more validity than the Christian Adam and Eve, where the god created a woman from man's rib. Which story did you accept? Based on what research? What evidence do you have for your belief? Which of the Priesthoods' 50 invented Virgin Womb Births recorded in History have you accepted?


The fact that there are 1,000,000's of Planets out across the oceans of time, inhabited by intelligent life, manifesting with both human and non humanoid appearance and all their civilizations, should excite you. The cover up by the U.S. Government of the contact and agreements made with U.F.O. visitors, is generally accepted as fact in the U.S.


Denial of Man's Spiritual Nature


Man is first and foremost a Spiritual being, dwelling in a physical body.


We are firstly from Spirit, of Spirit and will return to Spirit. The individualized expression of our Soul is represented as our Spiritual Nature. Consciousness flows through these Spiritual arteries into the Physical body, the human brain a sense organ of the Soul. We are not physical bodies created by our parents, which become extinct at the time of physical death. Some unrealistic, non-personal, wafty soul image does not go to a heaven, or a hell, or Nirvana, or Samadhi for Eternity.


We are Spiritual Beings, who step into various forms of physical existence over time, in order to learn the lessons of the universe, as destined within our Spiritual-Soul nature.


The Universities and educational schools controlled by the State, program the children and later young adults, with skepticism about the Spiritual and incite ridicule, or doubt at best. These individuals become the professionals and the leaders, who only regurgitate the conditioned blobs of dogma, fed by some rabbi or priest.


Man's strong psychic nature is also denied. The common link of the whole of humanity in Spiritual, psychic attunement is ignored. For example, in time of war, the male to female birth ratio alters. As males are killed in battle, suddenly the number of male babies born dramatically increases. It is the Law, a tiny aspect of the Magnificence of God in action.


Consider for a moment that we truly are Spiritual beings dwelling in a physical body. Man is scientifically proven to be more than matter, more than flesh and blood. Consider you will survive the death of the body as you are now, unchanged except for the outer garment of the body. Consider that the Spiritual Nature of man dwells in the physical. When were you educated as to the human condition, based on scientific rationale? What is your evidence?


All Religions resulted from Spiritual experience. Observable common denominators in all major religions are Belief in Life after death, a Medium or sensitive who communicated with non physical entities, physical phenomena, evidence of the supernormal and Spiritual Teachings applicable to the day.


From a point of Spiritual awareness and understanding, you may gain additional insight into the human condition, that will clarify simply the issues of Race and Sexuality, which are causing such confusion in modern day society. We never hear of the White Men and Women who have given of their life's energies for their Black Brothers. What if the militant black man of today who, under the guise of Racism, attacks all whites, were actually a White slave trader from before, attempting now to work out the Karma, through a veil of ignorance?


What if the born again Christians truly were? What if the Feminnatzi liberated female, so anti male, who blames all the problems in the world upon a sexist, male dominated society, were in fact a male in her last life? No wonder she has such trouble balancing her female nature. For Spirit is. Spirit knows not colour, race, or sexual preference, as the personality diminishes in preparation for re-entry into the physical. Subject to the Law of Karma, the soul will express itself in infinite forms over eons of time. As the man said, "What goes round comes round."


"You only live once" - another lie, another erroneous cliché to confound and confuse. When mankind finally matures Spiritually and accepts the truths of Principle governing the subject of Reincarnation, he will learn to prepare for the future he himself will inherit. At last the relativity of today's passing distractions can be more clearly seen.


When did you ever read of the root cause behind Spousal Abuse? Where is the fact based discussion that reveals what it is the Women do to their men, so that they cannot keep them and which drives the males to physical abuse or retaliation in their hurt, as they lash out against the pain?


When will the women see through the nonsense and terrible pain to them in the Church of Rome's false teaching of Virgin Birth and Anti-Contraception? When will the women reach a point of Spiritual Maturity, that they will universally march in protest against this Evil in their world? The women have been denied. The women are forced into unwanted and unneeded pregnancy. They are dying from false doctrines as we read, their children confused and confounded by dogma. Strike out!


The armies of advancing Religion demanded that all indigenous peoples put aside their belief in Spirit and Spiritual matters and instead accept at the point of a spear, a faith based on dogma and superstition. The carrier of the race, the woman, the mother, has not fed her child with the milk of Truth. She has supported the Evil in NOT teaching observable Truth.


The protector of the race, the man, has buried his Spiritual self beneath a graveyard of Earthly powers and possessions, lusts and lies. Of course insanity is everywhere. Why would you expect sanity?


Denial of Man's Sexual Nature


Sex! Where would you be without it? Propagation of the species is but one function of the sexual nature. As there are an average of over 16,000 orgasms per adult life, we can be thankful that another life is not created every time heterosexuals copulate.


The human soul is not created in the sex act. The soul does not enter the human form until the time frame twixt Quickening and physical Birth. The biological form through which your Soul functions, has an inbuilt need for sexual expression, release, comfort and satisfaction. Sexual activity is essential to the health of the human psyche in the case of most people. Spiritual maturity demands sexual maturity.


The Spiritual Nature expresses its need to reunite with God through the sex act. Sexual expression is within the nature of the universe itself. The biological organism demands sexual activity of various expressions, subject to individual taste, genes, chemistry and karma. The perverse attitude of the Religion/State combine toward human sexuality has insidiously tortured, murdered and castrated us all, one way or another.


Admire Universal Law, wonder at the infinite varieties of sexual expression in nature. Look now deeply into human nature. Usually whatever it is, whatever form of sexual expression is demonstrated, it is normal, natural before the impersonal Law of Nature, regardless of your personal intolerance.


Examine the Institutional controls over women and the denial of their right to choose, as the carriers of the race, what, when and how they do it, with whom and why. The authoritarian limitations, controls and penalties enforced against the natural sexual diversity of mankind, the insistence of narrow, institutional, sexual role enforcement upon the population, is a control so deeply rooted in the system, that humanity is ignorant of it.


The logic is based merely upon the shallow concept that the physical appendage of penis or vagina, is the be all and end all of sexuality. This one factor alone confuses all, as it denies the very intrinsic nature of humanity itself.


The scriptural teachings of the world's religions spit out hate, persecution, intolerance and separatism, all opposite to the real God's Law, Universal Law, the Golden Rule, whilst they in great humility, in mock celibacy, would claim God as their own.


The Institutionalized dogmas, the power structures, the narrow training, the focus on financial gain and the system, limit our Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Rabbis, Priests, Doctors and Lawyer Judges from Universal reality. They are not trained to think beyond their dogmatic programming, are not qualified to guide humanity and have no more knowledge of God than you do. As a result, we see mayhem everywhere.


In once beautiful Oahu of the Hawaiian chain, the State is restricting gay relationships. In Virginia, Lesbian monogamous love relationships are ill-eagle. In Arkansas, Cunnilingus is a Felony. In Nevada everything that Moses and the biblical Jesus did is ill-eagle. If the Nevada Board of Commissioners investigates and approves your application to the Sheriff for a license and if you obtain a business license and operate only in a restricted area, you may give Spiritual Healings, as long as there is no physical touching.

In Wyoming it's a Felony to Masturbate. In California 1,000s rot in jail for inhaling what their bodies need to reduce the pain, whilst the State poisons the air with Petroleum and other Toxins that kill.


How did such perverse consciousness achieve such control over us? What negative religious force influenced the legislation? The same principle of tolerant "live and let live," is applicable to all. The hypocritical nature of extremist, religious bigotry reaches out to imprison and hurt, in a rash of illogical justification, through the bullyboys and girls, who Enforce the law of Religious Addiction. Such individuals are addicted to the dogmas of their particular brand name network club, their church, which in turn self servingly preys upon the Religious Nature of man.


The ties of social, business and family intercourse, are apparently insurmountable, as the grey haired elders in the tribe are unwilling to release their power outlets. Accordingly they propagate the myths of the past, despite the evident failure of the Grandparents to overcome the death cycle, or solve the collective pains of the tribe.


The Elders of our race, the Immortals, suggest that all human war has its origin in not understanding the Spiritual Truth, ignorance of which leads to the false teachings to do with human Sexuality. There are at least seven, distinct, natural forms of sexual expression within human nature.


What evidence is there for the Christian Bible based nonsense that a Personal God entity wrote in a book that a particular expression of sexuality was an abomination? No Pope was ever infallible, rarely a priest a celibate. Celibacy, apparently like perfection, is not achievable.


During recorded history, Earth's priesthoods have invented no less than 50 Virgin Womb Born Births of a human god figure, similar to the Catholic Dogma of a "Virgin Mary," god's mum. Religions deny mankind access to Truth and the Christ Principles. Why don't the Feminists and the emergent, dominant women boycott the Church of Rome for its heinous, cruel killing of innocent women, now and in the past. Christ was not a penis. Christ is a Consciousness, an evolved Spiritual Level of Awareness and Godliness.


Of all now discussed, this particular Denial is your greatest personal Revelation, were you to have the knowledge to think it through.


In the United States, sexual Role Confusion is evident everywhere. There is the woman, (wo unto man), the man, the ladies who like men, the girls who prefer women, the boys and girls of diversity, those who don't, can't or won't. What type of weirdo consciousness is expressed sexually, by enrolling in a same sex fraternity, where celibacy is claimed, though not practiced. The wo-men have attempted to castrate the heterosexual men, who in turn are confused as to their identity and by the treatment of their dominant wo-men. The ladies appear less frequently. Perhaps the wo-men have decided to retrieve the third leg, lost when the Christian, or whatever god it was, removed it.


Denial of Survival Beyond Death.


All Religions have that common element, a belief or faith, based on Survival beyond death. Spiritualism makes it a Reality. Spiritualism proves, through mediums, the reality of our personal, individual, Religious conviction or hope that we truly will survive the death of the physical body. If nearly all religions teach survival beyond death by faith alone, then what is wrong with mediums and Spiritual, psychic investigators proving such survival and discovering for all, the terms and conditions of the personal, individual survival beyond the loss of the physical body?


We are denied the opportunity, outside of Religious Dogmas, to prepare on an equal footing for our personal, individual survival in the afterlife. It comes as a great shock for most to discover they are not dead, following departure from the physical body.


Fear eats away at man, kills us all. When we defeat the Servants of Fear, Religion and State in their present form, we will destroy fear. In this Denial, lies another Denial - the Denial of personal, individual existence and awareness PRIOR TO BIRTH. Obviously we were not all Born Equal. Some are born blind are they not?


Denial of Man's Return from Death.


The Great Teachers and Spiritual mediums have all taught insight into Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, Action and Reaction, Universal Law, the Law of Karma, often referred to euphemistically in Western culture as "Poetic Justice." Not all the evidence was removed from the so-called Holy Bible. To deny Karma is to deny the process of life and death. If ignored, there is no sense to man's existence. To live in ignorance of the Law is to live in a State of delusion.


Man does not return as a lesser creature; to teach such is dogma and error. The Law of Karma, correctly understood in its Impartial Nature, interplays with all the Denials. This single Greatest Denial gives priests and Religions and States their power, as they create new Dogmas and gods to confuse and confound us.


The Law of Karma is. The Law of Karma is the governing Principle, action and reaction, the residual consequence, accumulated result, sum total of the interplay twixt cause and effect, within the human life stream. It is the education of the Soul, the facetting, cutting, polishing of the gemstone of Truth, imbedded within the heart of man.


The Soul, upon its path of growth, manifests in many forms. Firstly it manifests in a group soul vibration, like a plant or an ant. It reabsorbs into the whole. Eventually, the individualized soul cycles through into the human vibration, in which there are Seven Spiritual Root Races of mankind, each Root Race with Seven Sub Races of Spiritual human evolution. The Soul, evolving over eons of time, cycles in a Planetary Round of Races, Sub Races and Sub, Sub Races, progressing, not retrogressing. That is the Law.


Involution, Evolution, Devolution are all separate trajectories. Darwin lost it in the microbes. He had periphery vision. Now you can see the whole picture; it is sense. Man, like a raindrop, returns to the ocean of human expression again and again, until the cycle is changed. What is this Change? What lies behind the temporary hells and heavens of individual, mortal consciousness, this Buddhic wheel of life and death, the journey of the human soul? Buddha's observation was that all life ends in suffering. Is this so? Can we step off this spinning wheel of the Birth/Death cycle? Is the knowledge available?


Denial of Man's Destiny.


What is there beyond the Heaven, Nirvana, Samadhi concept? Is that it, an eternal bliss, a cosmic sponge? No, it is possible to step off the wheel of Birth and Death. Beyond the Heavens is "Personal, Individual, Conscious Immortality." Mortal man's destiny is, of course, Immortality. Perfection is the Law. Perfection for the Soul is the path of Truth, Beauty, Justice, Goodness, Knowledge, Wisdom and Love in Action.


The Elders of our race are Immortal. Under Natural Law, they can't remove our free wills and appear in the clouds for all to believe instantly. However, they have appeared to some of us, with Extraordinary Revelations and Extraordinary Evidence. Again, this Angel, or Master, or Elder of the race, or Space Beings realm of existence is denied us. Imagine such an Authority. Understand what a threat these realities are to Religion and State's control of our poor, ignorant lives!




For those readers still with us, a Heartfelt Congratulations to you. The search for Truth, whatever Truth may be, is an adventure of elimination and illumination. You have access to the same Cosmic Switch that I do. Turn it on. Tune in. Stay on line with the greatest adventure the Soul can embark upon, Personal, Individual, Conscious Immortality - the Holy Grail!


The Seven Denials of Truth to mankind by the Religious State, now will become the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, by which man will rebuild God's Living Temple of Truth within the consciousness of all. That is your challenge.


The Seven Pillars of Truth support the Foundation of a New Religious Philosophy that now begins to illuminate the darkest regions of the human psyche. That New Religious Philosophy is "Higher Spiritualism."


The Seven Seeds of Spiritual Revelation, now planted, bring forth the hidden manna, leading to Social Change and a kindlier, more enlightened civilization, as the Phoenix of illumination rises from the ashes of Dogma, Superstition, Inquisition, Oppression and Error.


Social change comes not from the Bastions of Privilege. Social change is born in the groundswell of human suffering and oppression, from the grass roots of the common people, on whose behalf I write.


Social change, originating in the South Pacific, will grow into a mighty edifice of Universal Truth, which will sweep clean the plate of Religious Tyranny.


Release at last. The Truth will set you free, free from the mind numbing controls of the Religious State, which has chained mankind to the Dogmas of Death.


The clarification of these issues and consequences to the human family, may be found in the Teachings of Higher Spiritualism, as given to mankind direct from the Elders of the race, in this closing chapter of the 20th Century.


The above now concludes the extract of the Seven Denials from the Work “Religion and State.” Naturally I would encourage the reader to obtain “Religion and State.”


The Martian photographs are compelling. They are indicative of the mass of Evidence that the U.S. and Russian Agencies have hidden from the world. The comforts of the Status Quo are always Delusionary.


Examine the Pictorial evidence from the Viking Space Probe of Mars, 1976, and the frames from the Mars Orbitor, as released finally by N.A.S.A. in 1987.




Consider the compelling story told by the following extracts from some of the four photographs reproduced with permission out of the 66,000 some photographs held by N.A.S.A., that were taken by the Viking Orbitor. The descriptions are of identifiable remains of what was a mighty Civilization. Again confirmed in 1993.


Plate 4


Blow up of the Face on Mars illustrates possible “teeth” in the “mouth.” Frame 35A72.


The original Viking Frames 35A72 and 70A13 clearly illustrate the existence of a Face on the surface of Mars in the Cydonia region. The Face is over one mile long and 2,000 feet high of stone construction. The monument has been a mystery and a Secret ever since the Viking probes sent back the first fuzzy photographs in the 1970s. The photograph of the Face in this publication was taken in 1976. The classified N.A.S.A. official report stated that “in all likelihood, the stone face was built by our own human ancestors – people who evolved and created a civilization on Mars before something happened to their environment, forcing colonists to migrate to Earth. Needless to say, this information is not for public consumption. Society is not equipped to handle the notion of our extraterrestrial ancestry at this time.”


The earlier photos were confirmed in the series of images sent back by the N. A. S.A., Mars Observer on August 20th 1993.


Plate 11


The “Mound” is characteristic of similar prehistoric structures on Earth.

Plate 14


The geometry is underscored by the alignment of other structures at Cydonia, all reinforce the conclusion that intelligent design was the most probable mode of origin. The unique, five-sided Pyramid shape, each side over one mile long is marked by a peculiar “buttress” at each corner.


Plate 22


Frame 86A08, close up of the “Runway” complex, three miles in Elevation on the slopes of a massive volcano consists of a ruler straight line of evenly spaced “cones” or “pyramids.”


Plate 24


A Digital reconstruction of the 1976 face plate recreates original Viking data, confirming the basic 3-D mathematical techniques.


The underlying error at the base of all Earthly civilization is the erroneous concept that Church and State have the right to impose their “Belief Systems” upon us. A classic example is the decision of the U.S. agencies that “Society is not ready for the notion of an extraterrestrial ancestry.”


The World has changed. The power brokers of today will fade away. Earthly religions and their superstitions are exposed in the light of a kindly knowledge from beyond. The Church of Rome and its evil is now relegated to the Museums of antiquity.


Humanity will never be the same again. Spiritual maturity is upon the race of man. Welcome to the most exciting four year period in modern history as 20001 closes upon us.


For your edification we have included the Spiritual Revelation # 49, titled “Mars & Beyond” which follows the Five Photographic Plates.


The section you have just read of this publication, “Mars & Beyond” was written and printed and published in 1996. The following Spiritual Lesson written in February 2004, for the Internet Public, is a sequel to the original 1996 Book, and details what has transpired over the last eight years.


Enjoy the Spiritual Revelations of Truth and Prophecy which now follow.


Thank You



Higher Spiritualism



© 1996 Sunkara. Higher Spiritualism All Rights Reserved.








Thank You to “The Analytical Sciences Corporation” and the “National Space Science Data Center”, the Source of the Plates, with permission now presented.



Plate 4


Blow up of the Face on Mars illustrates “teeth” in the “mouth.” Frame 35A72.



Plate 11


The “Mound” is characteristic of similar prehistoric structures on Earth.



Plate 14


The geometry is underscored by the alignment of other structures at Cydonia reinforce intelligent design as the most probable mode of origin. The unique, five sided Pyramid shape, each side over one mile long is marked by a peculiar “butress” at each corner.



Plate 22


Frame 86A08, close up of the “Runway” complex, three miles in Elevation on the slopes of a massive volcano consists of a ruler straight line of evenly spaced “cones” or “pyramids.”


© 1996 Sunkara.

Higher Spiritualism Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

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