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Prescription for danger?

Читайте также:
  1. Prescription and method of use.
  2. Without prescription.

Drugs as medicines

Over-the-counter drugs (OTC)

Exercise 1. Memorize the following words.

  interfere [,ıntэ’fıэ] v.   ~ with one’s health (in) – вмешиваться; (with) – служить препятствием, мешать; – вредить чьему-либо здоровью.
  impair [ım’pεэ]   ~ one’s health – ослаблять, уменьшать; ухудшать(ся), портить(ся); – портить свое здоровье.
  avoid [э’vэıd] v. – 1) избегать, сторониться, уклоняться; – 2) юр.отменять, аннулировать, делать недействительным.
  trigger [trıgэ] v. n. – 1) вызывать, быть причиной; – 2) начальный центр цепной реакции; – 3) тормоз.
  spinal cord [’spanl ’kэ:d] – спинной мозг.
  joint [dзэınt] n. – сустав, сочленение.
  fever [’fı:vэ] n. – 1) жар, лихорадочное состояние, лихорадка; – 2) нервное возбуждение.
  itching [’ıt∫ıŋ] n. – зуд.
  fatigue [fэ’tı:g] n. – утомление, усталость.
  sneezing [snı:zıŋ] n. – чихание.
  swelling [’swelıŋ] n.   swell v. – набухание, опухание, разбухание; вздутие, припухлость, опухоль; – набухать, опухать, вздуваться, вспучи-ваться.
  antitusive [æntı’tлsıv] a. – успокаивающий кашель.
  lozenge [’lэzındз] – лепешка, таблетка.
  syringe [’sırındз] n. v. – шприц; – спринцевать, вводить посредством шприца.
  rash [ræ∫] n. – высыпание, сыпь.
  moisten [mэısn] v. – увлажнять(ся), смачивать.
  upset [лp’set] v. – расстраивать здоровье (особ. желудок).
  stomach [’stлmэk] – желудок.
  confusion [kэn’fju:з(э)n] – 1) смущение, замешательство; – 2) путаница, смешение.
  agitation [,ædзı’teı∫(э)n] – волнение, возбуждение; смятение, беспокойство.
  beverage [’bevэrıdз] n. – питье, напиток.
  seizure [’sı:зэ] n. – припадок, приступ, апоплексический удар.
  fake [’feık] n. – 1) подделка, подлог, фальшивка; – 2) плутовство, мошенничество.

Exercise 2. Practice pronouncing the following words:

stomach [’stлmэk], kidney [’stлmэk], bleeding [’stлmэk], blood [’stлmэk], caffeine [’stлmэk], codeine [’stлmэk], nephropathy [’stлmэk], sedation [’stлmэk], sedative [’stлmэk], pseudoephedrine [’stлmэ k], nervousness [’stлmэ k], urine [’stлmэk], antihistamine [’stлmэ k], acetaminophen [’stлmэ k], antidepressant [’stлmэ k], insulin [’stлmэk], disorder [’stлmэk], breast [’stлmэk], ache [’stлmэk], diabetes [’stлmэk], asthma [’stлmэk], throat [’stлmэk], analgesic [’stлmэk], anemia [’stлmэk], thyroid [’stлmэk], anticoagulants [’stлmэk], colitis [’stлmэk], epilepsy [’stлmэk], lethargy [’stлmэk], antihypertensive [’stлmэk], glaucoma [’stлmэk], nausea [’stлmэk], expectorant [’stлmэk], rheumatic [’stлmэk], constipation [’stлmэk], lining [’stлmэk], palpitation [’stлmэk], tourniquet [’stлmэk], bandage [’stлmэk], digest [’stлmэk], confusion [’stлmэk], agitation [’stлmэk], decongestant [’stлmэk], drowsiness [’stлmэk].



Exercise 3. Read and translate the following pairs of words.


a muscle muscular a lung pulmonary
a skin cutaneous a bone bony (osseous)
a chest (thorax) thoracic a mouth oral
a kidney renal a nose nasal
a vessel vascular a tooth dental
a liver hepatic a stomach gastric
an abdomen abdominal a face facial
a heart cardiac a neck cervical
a spine spinal a cell cellular
a skull cranial an eye visual



Exercise 4. Form the cognate words instead of blanks where possible.

  Verb Noun Adj./Adv.
1. irritate   irritability
2.   sedation sedative, sedating
3. suppress    
4.   constipation  
5. expectorate expectoration  
6.   pregnancy pregnant
7. blood   bloody
8.   reverse reversion reversibility reversible
9. interfere interference  
10. impair impairment  
11. suppress suppression suppressor  
12. relieve    
13. loosen loosener looseness  
14. moisten   moist
15. excrete   excretive excretory
16. fatigue    
17.   inflammation  
18. confuse    


Exercise 5. Translate word combinations from English into Russian.

to pose (little, much) risk, to use occasionally, reversible information, to increase the risk of falling, to cause temporary dry mouth and eyes, to lose one’s appetite, to retain urine, alcoholic beverage, impaired motor skills, swollen tissue, to make one’s symptoms less bothersome, to gargle the throat, to relieve a sore throat, a toll-free telephone number, to treat a symptom, a caregiver, to keep the track of smb, to make the existing blockages worse, nursing (breast-fed) infant, seizure disorder, secondhand smoke, blood clotting disorder.

Exercise 6. Translate word combinations from Russian into English.

принимать лекарство, употреблять алкогольные напитки, вызывать тошноту, управлять транспортными средствами и механизмами, купировать боль, снижать жар (лихорадку), противовоспалительный препарат, блокировать болевые ощущения в головном и спинном мозге, противокашлевое средство, отхаркивающее средство, краткосрочный, долгосрочный, грудное молоко, комбинированные препараты, снотворное.

Read the texts and do the tasks which follow them.



OTC is short for over-the-counter. These are medicines you can buy without a prescription from your doctor. Chances are, you’ve used OTC medicines many times to relieve pain and treat symptoms of the common cold, the flu, and allergies. You can now buy some 450 over-the-counter drugs that would have required a prescription just 15 years ago. That trend increases your ability to manage your own health – but it also increases the potential for overuse and misuse. Indeed, nonprescription drugs can cause serious harm if you don’t know – or don’t follow – the appropriate precautions, not all of which are listed on the label. Taking these medications too often or in high doses can produce severe side effects, worsen the very symptoms you’re trying to treat, or delay diagnosis of major diseases. Taking them with the wrong foods, drinks, or medications can spark dangerous reactions.



oothing. Strong. Trustworthy.” According to the maker of the new over-the-counter pain reliever Aleve, that’s the message conveyed by

the product’s white and blue colors. But anti-inflammatory pain relievers like Aleve and aspirin are not so soothing to the stomach: Prolonged use of such drugs is one of the main causes of ulcers.

Naproxen (Aleve) is the latest to make the switch. Moreover, it means that people will now be getting much of their information about drugs from advertisements, such as an ad for the yeast-fighting drug Monistat 7, which printed a crucial warning in such tiny type that you could easily mistake it for a smudge at the bottom of the page. (That warning cautioned women not to treat an apparent yeast infection on their own unless their doctor had diagnosed the same kind of infection in the past.)

This report describes the kinds of trouble that nonprescription drugs can cause, lists the specific risks of the most common drugs (see table), and tells you how to get the information you need to use over-the-counter drugs safely.



OTC drugs


OTC is short for over-the-counter. These are medicines you can buy without a prescription from your doctor. Chances are, you’ve used OTC medicines many times to relieve pain and treat symptoms of the common cold, the flu, and allergies. In this section, you’ll learn about four of the most common types of OTC products and how each works.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 72 | Нарушение авторских прав

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