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Lesson 5. Wildlife Under Threat

Читайте также:
  1. A Piezoelectric Crystal Resonator under an Alternating Voltage
  3. A- Correct the underlined words
  4. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.
  5. A. The restriction on freedom of speech is permissible under Article 19(3), ICCPR
  6. And at this there came suddenly a lowering shadow over his face; and he tightened his grasp upon my hand, and raised a forefinger threateningly before my eyes.
  7. And he perfectly understood.

Ex.1. Is the meaning of the sentence the same or different? Write S or D.


1. The tiger population is in declinе There are fewer tigers than there were  
2. We are destroying their natural habitat We are destroying the natural reserves  
3. Polar bears are on the verge of extinction They are dying out  
4. They breed better in the wild They feed better in the wild  
5. This species is endangered This species is under threat  


Ex. 2. Rewrite the underlined expressions in these sentences using more technical terms:

1. These are dozens of different types of squirrels, mice and things like that living in the woods.

2. A whale isn’t a fish, it doesn’t lay eggs. It’s actually an animal that gives birth directly.

3. There are some interesting turtles and crocodiles and that sort of thing near the river.

4. Everyone thinks these animals eat meat, but in fact they feed on certain kinds of leaves.

5. The mother bird protects her legs from animals that attack them.


Ex. 3. Fill the gaps in these sentences using adjectives to describe gentle or aggressive behaviour, or the relationship between animals and humans.

1. Sheep are generally rather ___________ animals, but the other day one attacked our dog.

2. The lion look very _____________ with their huge teeth and large heads.

3. Elephants are ______________ in several countries in Asia, and they work hard carrying heavy weights.

4. The dolphins are very ___________ and will swim along with human beings.

5. I don’t think _____________ birds should ever be hunted. They should be left in peace in their natural surrounding


Ex. 4. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

a) Kapo the gorilla was born and bred in ___________ CAPTIVE

b) In the wild Kapo's chances of ___________________would be slim. SURVIVE

c) The river cleaning project is run by conservation _____________. VOLUNTARY

d) The white rhino is now an __________________species. DANGER

e) She may look fierce but the lioness has __________ instincts like any other female animal. MOTHER

f) The fish in the river provide an ________ supply of fish for the young bears. ABOUND

g) The whale shark reaches __________at the age of 30. MATURE

h) Nowadays only a ___________ of wild crocodiles remain there. HAND

i) Nowhere epitomises the wonderful ________of nature better than the jungle. DIVERSE


Ex. 5. Translate into English:

1)Більшість ссавців м’ясоїдні тварини, а рептилії – травоїдні. 2) Сьогодні на Україні є безліч вимираючих видів тварин, які знаходяться у заповідниках. Люди руйнують природнє середовище проживання тварин і тому їм доводиться жити в неволі. 3) Активісти за права тварин нещодавно висловили своє незадоволення з приводу браконьєрства на берегах Криму. Браконьєри руйнують морську фауну, і багато тварин знаходиться під загрозою. 4) У деяких країнах Азії слони є домашніми тваринами. 5) Такі види пташок, як колібрі вимирають. Сьогодні їх можна побачити тільки у зоопарку. 6) Німецька вівчарка – дуже популярна порода собак, але мені більше подобаються лабрадори. Вони не таки люті і дуже люблять дітей. 7) – Ви хочете купити традиційну домашню тваринку? – Ні, я б краще купила удава або пітона. 8) У нас дуже багато свійських тварин. Корови знаходяться у хліві, свині у свинарнику та коні у стайні. Ягнята, поросята, телята живуть окремо. 9) У парку завжди є багато птахів: горобці, голуби, солов’ї. А у ставку навіть плавають лебеді. 10) – На моїй фермі живе багато тварин: корови, бики, гуси, качки, коні, кролики, кози. – А у мене немає ферми, але є багато домашніх тваринок: морська свинка, хом’як, папуга. 11) Дикобрази та їжаки дуже колючі. 12) Мій син дуже хоче домашню тваринку: хвилястого папужку, морську свинку, хом’ячка або золоту рибку. 13) Слон має 4 ноги, 2 бивні, довгий хобот, 2 вуха та хвіст. 14) Якщо ластівки літають низько, буде дощ. 15) Стоноги, павуки, черв’яки та гусениці – огидні.


Lesson 6. No Need to Beat a dead Horse

Ex. 1. Match the following idiomatic expressions with their meaning.

1. as the crow flies

2. beat a dead horse

3. big fish in a small pond

4. bird's-eye view

5. black sheep

6. to bug

7. bull in a china shop

8. cast pearls before swine

9. cock-and-bull story

10. cold turkey

11. to cook someone's goose

12. crocodile tears

13. to cry wolf easily

14. dark horse

15. dog days

16. dog eat dog

17. dog-eared

18. fat cat

19. fine kettle of fish

20. fish out of water

21. fishy

22. for the birds

23. to get off one's high horse

1.a broad view or an overview of something or some place;

2. to argue or pursue a point or topic without the possibility of success;

3.to offer something to someone who cannot appreciate it;

4. to bother, annoy or irritate mildly;

5.directly or in a straight line;

6. an outcast or someone who is expelled from a group;

7.to be clumsy or awkward that one runs into things and beaks them to be insensitive to delicate situations;

8. a person who is considered important primarily because the place or setting is small;



11. false, exaggerated tears;

12. a competitor who is little known by the majority of people but who is expected to win by someone knowledgeable;

13. a story that cannot be believed because it is too unlikely;

14. abruptly, not gradually;

15. very hot days;

16. to raise a false alarm or exaggerate so often that one is no longer believed;

17. a terrible mess;

18. to ruin someone's plans;

19. a person who is uncomfortable in a situation or doesn't belong in a particular environment;

20. ruthless, competitive and fast-paced;

21. pointless, futile, a waste of time, crazy, mixed up or confused;

22. to stop acting superior;

23. well word;

24. a rich but usually lazy person;

23. suspicious.


Ex. 2. Complete each sentence with one of the idiomatic expressions from the previous exercise.

1. __________________, the airport isn't very far, but you can't get there on foot. You'd better take a lift.

2. It is rather difficult to have a big pet at home. Mine, for example, broke a vase while playing yestrday. It’s unbearable, he is like _____________________________.

3. The trouble-makers of our class usually play tricks on our teachers, saying there is a bomb hidden in the building of the school. This usually happens on testpaper days. They did it so frequently that all stopped trusting them, but made them be sorry for _________________________________so often.

4. When you feel like __________________________in the company of complete strangers, relax, smile, have fun and try be OK.

5. Who do you think you are coming in here and ordering me around like this?


6. The boss wants us to work every Saturday for the next three months without pay. He's _________________________________.

7. When the security guard saw a light in the store after closing hours, it seemed to him that there was something _________________________ going on.

8. The puppies went on ____________________ me, I couldn't help giving them something to eat to stop that.

9. My naughty child likes to cry just to get attention and to make me buy him something sweet. He's crying _____________________________.

10. Keep everything in order! Getting yourself into _______________________________

will do you a lot of harm.

11. The class knew very little about the new teacher. He was _______________________

and then turned out to be the best of all.

12. Don't try to persuade your boss to follow this plan. It'll take him pains to understand it. Save your time and don't _________________________________.

13. Never deal with a ___________________ businessman! You'll go into bankruptcy.

14. I haven't seen my uncle since I was a child. My relatives speak of him as though he were dead. He must have done something awful. He's ____________________ of the family.

15. Inhabitants of Arabian countries suffer through ______________________________ in the mid summer.

16. It is very difficult to be honest in __________________________ world.

17. The driver tried to explain his way out of getting a speeding ticket by inventing __________________________________.

18. He should have given up courting her long ago. All his pleasant speeches were __________________________________________.

19. Once our father was a ________________________________ in our home town, but when we moved to Los Angeles no one at the beginning knew who he was.

20. Some boys believe they can't split up with their girl-friends gradually. They prefer to stop ___________________________________.

21. Brenda knew that she was going to be in trouble for coming home late. This time she wouldn't be able to persuade her parents to believe her. Her ______________________.

22. When the book is pretty ________________________ borrow it, this is a sign of its popularity.



Ex. 3. Translate the following into English:

1. Пекінеси – такі вперті собаки. Навчити їх різним трюкам – марна справа. 2. Сором’язлива людина почуває себе не в своїй тарілці у незнайомій компанії. 3. Цей чоловік дивний. Він завжди потрапляє у халепу і його плани завжди руйнуються. 4. Цей бізнесмен – дуже велика шишка у нашому місті, але насправді він багатий, але ледачий. 5. Якщо Вам потрібно пройти до заповідника, йдіть навпростець. 6. Чому ти плачеш так сильно? Що сталось? 7. Ці хлопці завжди зчиняли марно галас і зараз їм ніхто не вірить. 8. Ця книжка дуже пошарпана, напевно її багато читали. 9. Перестань бути таким зарозумілим! Ти гордий, як павич. 10. Чому тут такий безлад? - Марно вмовляти його зробити порядок.


Speaking! Discuss the following issues:

1) Blood sports. (Answer: What blood sports do you know? How do you feel about blood sports? Should blood sports be a part of culture?).

2) Exploitation of Animals (Answer: How animals are exploited? Do you consider horse-racing, performing animals in circuses, dog shows to be the exploitation of animals?).

3) My favourite pet. (Answer: Do you have a pet? What kind? How much freedom does it have? Which animals make the best pets? Would it be happier in a different environment?).

4) Animal rights. (Answer: What humans can do with animals? Say a few examples of animals mistreatment? Do you eat meat? Do you think it’s OK to have pets. Do you wear leathers shoes? Do you own anything made from animal fur? Is it an ethical problem?).

5) Animals for medical sake. (Answer: How do you feel about the use of animals for medical research? Can we make experiments on animals? Do you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on animals?).

6) Animal Hunting. (Answer: Are there laws about hunting in your country? What do you think of hunting? Would you eat an animal that you killed yourself?).

7) Animal Therapy (Answer: Can animals be helpful to people? How can we use them in treatment? Are there any health benefits of having a pet? Have you ever seen a dog that helps people, such as one to assist a blind person or policeman? If so, what did you notice about the dog?).




1) http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=5591

2) http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=1131

3) McCarthy M. O’Dell F. English Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate and advanced) / Michael McCathy, Felicity O’Dell. – [9th printing]. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. – 296 p.

4) Vince M., Sunderland P. Advanced Language Practice / Michael Vince, Peter Sunderland. – Oxford: Macmillan, 2003. – 326 p.

5) Wellman G. The Heinemann English Worldbuilder / Guy Wellman. – Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann, 1998. – 170 p.



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